Server framework calls acutil.res_send() to send DNS queries used
for various DNS tests. However, once acutil is imported it does
not change its list of configured resolvers even when
/etc/resolv.conf is changed. This may lead to unexpected
resolution issues.
We should at least reload httpd when we change /etc/resolv.conf to
point to FreeIPA nameserver to force a new import of acutil and
thus workaround this bug until it is resolved in authconfig.
Update ipaSudoRule objectClass on upgrades to add new attributes.
Ensure uniqueness of sudoOrder in rules.
The attributes sudoNotBefore and sudoNotAfter are being added to
schema but not as Params.
Creating CSV values in UI is unnecessary and error-prone because server converts them back to list. Possible problems with values containing commas may occur. All occurrences of CSV joining were therefore removed.
Usability was imporved in Unauthorized/Login dialog.
When the dialog is opened a link which switches to login form is focus so user can do following:
1) press enter (login form is displayed and username field is focused )
2) type username
3) press tab
4) type password
5) press enter
this sequence will execute login request.
When filling form user can also press 'escape' to go back to previous form state. It's the same as if he would click on the 'back' button.
Support for forms based authentication was added to UI.
It consist of:
1) new login page
Page url is [ipa server]/ipa/ui/login.html
Page contains a login form. For authentication it sends ajax request at [ipa server]/session/json/login_password. If authentication is successfull page is redirected to [ipa server]/ipa/ui if it fails from whatever reason a message is shown.
2) new enhanced error dialog - authorization_dialog.
This dialog is displayed when user is not authorized to perform action - usually when ticket and session expires.
It is a standard error dialog which shows kerberos ticket related error message and newly offers (as a link) to use form based authentication. If user click on the link, the dialog content and buttons switch to login dialog which has same functionality as 'new login page'. User is able to return back to the error message by clicking on a back button.
login.html uses same css styles as migration page -> ipa-migration.css was merged into ipa.css.
Logout button was added to Web UI.
Click on logout button executes session_logout command. If command succeeds or xhr stutus is 401 (unauthorized - already logged out) page is redirected to logout.html.
logout.html is a simple page with "You have been logged out" text and a link to return back to main page.
We don't want to run the risk of adding a user, uninstalling it,
the system adding a new user (for another package install for example)
and then re-installing IPA. This wreaks havoc with file and directory
Using ipa-replica-manage del <replica> is irreversible. You can't
turn around and do a connect to it, all heck will break loose. This is
because we clean up all references to the replica when we delete so if
we connect to it again we'll end up deleting all of its principals.
When a connection is deleted then the agreement is removed on both sides.
What isn't removed is the nsDS5ReplicaBindDN so we can use that to
determine if we previously had a connection.
We originally designed netgroups to use a special membership attribute,
memberNisNetgroup. We changed it at implementation time but never updated
the mapping.
There are two sides to this, the server and client side.
On the server side we attempt to add a defaultNamingContext on already
installed servers. This will fail on older 389-ds instances but the
failure is not fatal. New installations on versions of 389-ds that
support this attribute will have it already defined.
On the client side we need to look for both defaultNamingContext and
namingContexts. We still need to check that the defaultNamingContext
is an IPA server (info=IPAV2).
The migration change also takes advantage of this and adds a new
option which allows one to provide a basedn to use instead of trying
to detect it.
Option to set attributes in permission was missing for target 'group' and 'filter'.
Attribute_table_widget with type=group is shown for target=group.
For target=filter a multivalued textbox is shown. This is because UI can't predict what type will the result of the filter be. In future it can be extended by interactive attribute selector to help user find what he wants to enter.
Mutlivalued widget was modified to show undo button for new entries even if show_undo is false. It is useful in adder dialog to indicate that user added something and to enable it reversal.
Current implementation has a limitation to have one field per one attribute. This is fine for most cases. For cases where an attribute can have two editor widgets which can be swapped a need for two different types of field may occur.
This patch introduces 'param' option which supposes to contain attribute name. If 'param' is not specified it will contain field's name therefore backward compatibility is maintained. This extension allows to have two fields with different name and same param -> two fields get/supply value from/to the same attribute.
Needed for:
When editable combobox had only one option and input field was cleared, the option couldn't be selected if it was selected before.
This patch adds click handler to option elements. The handler calls select_on_change.
When different option is selected select_on_change is executed twice. To avoid duplicate call of value_changed an open state of option area is checked. In first pass the area will be closed so it won't be executed in second. When selected option is clicked, only onclick handler is processed.
This patch assumes that select event will be processed before click event.
dnszone attributes idnsallowquery and idnsallowtransfer have valid but currently unsupported values: 'localhost' and 'localnets'.
New validator was introduced for unsuported values. By using this validator user can see that the value is currently unsupported instead of showing 'invalid value' or passing the value to server and creating error there.
Fixed hanling of 4304 error in DNS record add.
Code which handled this error in host-add was generalized and moved to IPA. DNS record add both in adder dialog and dns record table are using this generalized version.
All custom validators were changed to return true result if value is empty. Raising error if value is empty is resposibility of check_required call.
This fixes immediate displaying of error message in multivalued fields containing custom validators.
is_empty method represents IPA UI standard of evaluating whether value is empty. Therefore is should be placed in IPA object instead of IPA.field to allow reuse in different locations.
UI was modified to reflect changes in #2309.
Now it uses a6_part_data attribute instead of a6record. This fixes displaying of values in a table and modification of existing A6 record.
New attributes were added to DNS zone details facet.
New network address validator created for idnsallowquery and idnsallowtransfer attributes.
Network address validator also added to dnszone adder dialog - from_ip field.
UI doesn't have a control for selecting one or none value from given set of values.
Attribute mutex was added to checkboxes_widget. When it is set, checking some value causes that all other values are unchecked.
memberof is not in the EXCLUDE list of nsDS5ReplicatedAttributeListTotal
so we have no need of running the task, memberof will come with the
If that attribute doesn't exist then this agreement was created with
an older version of 389-ds, we DO need to initialize memberOf.
* Adjust URL's
- rename /ipa/login -> /ipa/session/login_kerberos
- add /ipa/session/login_password
* Adjust Kerberos protection on URL's in ipa.conf
* Bump VERSION in httpd ipa.conf to pick up session changes.
* Adjust login URL in ipa.js
* Add InvalidSessionPassword to
* Rename krblogin class to login_kerberos for consistency with
new login_password class
* Implement login_password.kinit() method which invokes
/usr/bin/kinit as a subprocess
* Add login_password class for WSGI dispatch, accepts POST
application/x-www-form-urlencoded user & password
parameters. We form the Kerberos principal from the server's
* Add function krb5_unparse_ccache()
* Refactor code to share common code
* Clean up use of ccache names, be consistent
* Replace read_krbccache_file(), store_krbccache_file(), delete_krbccache_file()
with load_ccache_data(), bind_ipa_ccache(), release_ipa_ccache().
bind_ipa_ccache() now sets environment KRB5CCNAME variable.
release_ipa_ccache() now clears environment KRB5CCNAME variable.
* ccache names should now support any ccache storage scheme,
not just FILE based ccaches
* Add utilies to return HTTP status from wsgi handlers,
use constants for HTTP status code for consistency.
Use utilies for returning from wsgi handlers rather than
duplicated code.
* Add KerberosSession.finalize_kerberos_acquisition() method
so different login handlers can share common code.
* add Requires: krb5-workstation to server (server now calls kinit)
* Fix to use new dispatch inside route() method
* Increase the session ID from 48 random bits to 128.
* Implement the sesison_logout RPC command. It permits the UI to send
a command that destroys the users credentials in the current
* Restores the original web URL's and their authentication
protections. Adds a new URL for sessions /ipa/session/json. Restores
the original Kerberos auth which was for /ipa and everything
below. New /ipa/session/json URL is treated as an exception and
turns all authenticaion off. Similar to how /ipa/ui is handled.
* Refactor the RPC handlers in such that there is one
handler per URL, specifically one handler per RPC and AuthMechanism
* Reworked how the URL names are used to map a URL to a
handler. Previously it only permitted one level in the URL path
hierarchy. We now dispatch on more that one URL path component.
* Renames the api.Backend.session object to wsgi_dispatch. The use of
the name session was historical and is now confusing since we've
implemented sessions in a different location than the
api.Backend.session object, which is really a WSGI dispatcher, hence
the new name wsgi_dispatch.
* Bullet-proof the setting of the KRB5CCNAME environment
variable. ldap2.connect already sets it via the create_context()
call but just in case that's not called or not called early enough
(we now have other things besides ldap which need the ccache) we
explicitly set it early as soon as we know it.
* Rework how we test for credential validity and expiration. The
previous code did not work with s4u2proxy because it assumed the
existance of a TGT. Now we first try ldap credentials and if we
can't find those fallback to the TGT. This logic was moved to the
KRB5_CCache object, it's an imperfect location for it but it's the
only location that makes sense at the moment given some of the
current code limitations. The new methods are KRB5_CCache.valid()
and KRB5_CCache.endtime().
* Add two new classes to AuthManager and
SessionAuthManager. Their purpose is to emit authication events to
interested listeners. At the moment the logout event is the only
event, but the framework should support other events as they arise.
* Add BuildRequires python-memcached to
* Removed the marshaled_dispatch method, it was cruft, no longer
UDP port checks in ipa-replica-conncheck always returns OK even
if they are closed by a firewall. They cannot be reliably checked
in the same way as TCP ports as there is no session management as
in TCP protocol. We cannot guarantee a response on the checked
side without our own echo server bound to checked port.
This patch removes UDP port checks in replica->master direction
as we would have to implement (kerberos) protocol-wise check
to make the other side actually respond. A list of skipped
ports is printed for user.
Direction master->replica was fixed and now it is able to report
error when the port is blocked.
We currently only support a single winsync agreement so all we need
to do is check to see if we have one with the remote host.
This also adds some minor exception handling cleanup.
force-sync, re-initialize and del were not working because they
all attempted to contact the AD server. winsync agreements are
managed on the local 389-ds instance.
This also:
- requires root to create winsync agreement (for updating NSS db)
- fixes filter in get_replication_agreement() to work with winsync
Implement API for DNS global options supported in bind-dyndb-ldap.
Currently, global DNS option overrides any relevant option in
named.conf. Thus they are not filled by default they are left as
a possibility for a user.
Bool encoding had to be fixed so that Bool LDAP attribute can also
be deleted and not just set to True or False.
The permission "Modify Group membership" is used to delegate group
management responsibilities. We don't want that to include managing
the admins group.
It doesn't make a lot of sense for ipausers to be a posix group and
we will save a few cycles in compat and sssd by making it non-posix.
This is for new installs only.
Admin e-mail validator currently requires an email to be in
a second-level domain ( This is too
restrictive. Top level domain e-mails (hostmaster@testrelm)
should also be allowed.
This patch also fixes default zonemgr value in help texts and man
For some reason lost to history the sub_dict in dsinstance and
cainstance used FQHN instead of FQDN. This made upgrade scripts not
work reliably as the variable might be different depending on context.
Use FQDN universally instead.
Add support for autobind to services. This is a bit of a special case
so I currently require the caller to specify ldapi separately. It only
makes sense to do this only in upgrade cases.
Also uninstall ipa_memcached when uninstalling the server.