New option --pkey-only is available for all LDAPSearch based classes
with primary key visible in the output. This option makes LDAPSearch
commands search for primary attribute only.
This may be useful when manipulating large data sets. User can at
first retrieve all primary keys in a relatively small data package
and then run further commands with retrieved primary keys.
Do at least a basic validation of DNS zone manager mail address.
Do not require '@' to be in the mail address as the SOA record
stores this value without it and people may be used to configure
it that way. '@' is always removed by the installer/dns plugin before
the DNS zone is created.
Since IPA v2 server already contain predefined groups that may collide
with groups in migrated (IPA v1) server (for example admins, ipausers),
users having colliding group as their primary group may happen to belong
to an unknown group on new IPA v2 server.
Implement --group-overwrite-gid option to overwrite GID of already
existing groups to prevent this issue.
Add a new required parameter, current_password. In order to ask this
first I added a new parameter option, sortorder. The lower the value the
earlier it will be prompted for.
I also changed the way autofill works. It will attempt to get the default
and if it doesn't get anything will continue prompting interactively.
Since current_password is required I'm passing a magic value that
means changing someone else's password. We need to pass something
since current_password is required.
The python-ldap passwd command doesn't seem to use the old password at
all so I do a simple bind to validate it.
The validator will still fire, just after the load_files() call. Basically
it will hit the validator twice. The first time it will exit because the
value of csr is a filename. The second time it will run the validator against
the contents of the file.
Added new container in etc to hold the automembership configs.
Modified constants to point to the new container
Modified dsinstance to create the container
Created to add the new commands
Added xmlrpc test to verify functionality
Added minor fix to for constant behavior between memberof
and automember
A Password param always prompted to confirm the entered password.
This doesn't make sense if you want to prompt for a password to another
system like we do with entitlements. This adds a new boolean option to
control the Password prompt parameter.
Fix automountkey-mod so that automountkey attribute is correctly
updated. Add this test case to the unit tests.
Make automountkey required for automountkey-mod, otherwise it would
cause internal server error.
Make --newinfo optional so that automountkey may be just renamed
without changing its info attribute.
HBAC rules control who can access what services on what hosts and from where.
You can use HBAC to control which users or groups on a source host can
access a service, or group of services, on a target host.
Since applying HBAC rules implies use of a production environment,
this plugin aims to provide simulation of HBAC rules evaluation without
having access to the production environment.
Test user coming from source host to a service on a named host against
existing enabled rules.
ipa hbactest --user= --srchost= --host= --service=
[--rules=rules-list] [--nodetail] [--enabled] [--disabled]
--user, --srchost, --host, and --service are mandatory, others are optional.
If --rules is specified simulate enabling of the specified rules and test
the login of the user using only these rules.
If --enabled is specified, all enabled HBAC rules will be added to simulation
If --disabled is specified, all disabled HBAC rules will be added to simulation
If --nodetail is specified, do not return information about rules matched/not matched.
If both --rules and --enabled are specified, apply simulation to --rules _and_
all IPA enabled rules.
If no --rules specified, simulation is run against all IPA enabled rules.
1. Use all enabled HBAC rules in IPA database to simulate:
$ ipa hbactest --user=a1a --srchost=foo --host=bar --service=ssh
Access granted: True
notmatched: my-second-rule
notmatched: my-third-rule
notmatched: myrule
matched: allow_all
2. Disable detailed summary of how rules were applied:
$ ipa hbactest --user=a1a --srchost=foo --host=bar --service=ssh --nodetail
Access granted: True
3. Test explicitly specified HBAC rules:
$ ipa hbactest --user=a1a --srchost=foo --host=bar --service=ssh --rules=my-second-rule,myrule
Access granted: False
notmatched: my-second-rule
notmatched: myrule
4. Use all enabled HBAC rules in IPA database + explicitly specified rules:
$ ipa hbactest --user=a1a --srchost=foo --host=bar --service=ssh --rules=my-second-rule,myrule --enabled
Access granted: True
notmatched: my-second-rule
notmatched: my-third-rule
notmatched: myrule
matched: allow_all
5. Test all disabled HBAC rules in IPA database:
$ ipa hbactest --user=a1a --srchost=foo --host=bar --service=ssh --disabled
Access granted: False
notmatched: new-rule
6. Test all disabled HBAC rules in IPA database + explicitly specified rules:
$ ipa hbactest --user=a1a --srchost=foo --host=bar --service=ssh --rules=my-second-rule,myrule --disabled
Access granted: False
notmatched: my-second-rule
notmatched: my-third-rule
notmatched: myrule
7. Test all (enabled and disabled) HBAC rules in IPA database:
$ ipa hbactest --user=a1a --srchost=foo --host=bar --service=ssh --enabled --disabled
Access granted: True
notmatched: my-second-rule
notmatched: my-third-rule
notmatched: myrule
notmatched: new-rule
matched: allow_all
Only rules existing in IPA database are tested. They may be in enabled or
disabled disabled state.
Specifying them through --rules option explicitly enables them only in
simulation run.
Specifying non-existing rules will not grant access and report non-existing
rules in output.
New rules will all be allow type. Existing rules cannot be changed to
The type attribute now defaults to allow with autofill so it won't be
prompted in interactive mode in the cli.
Implements a new option to filter out reverse zones.
This patch also do some clean up in dns plugin - debug prints were
accidentally left here in the last dns patch.
The object_name, object_name_plural and messages that use these
attributes have been converted to support translation. The label
attribute in the Param class has been modified to accept unicode
Ticket #1435
The DNS record plugin does not support modification of a record. One
can only add A type addresses to a DNS record or remove the current
ones. To actually change a DNS record value it has to be removed and
then added with a desired value.
This patch adds a new DNS plugin command "dnsrecord-mod" which enables
user to:
- modify a DNS record value (note than DNS record can hold multiple values
and those will be overwritten)
- remove a DNS record when an empty value is passed
New tests for this new command have been added to the CLI test suite.
This started as a problem in allowing leading/trailing whitespaces
on primary keys. In nearly every command other than add query is True
so all rules were ignored on the primary key. This meant that to
enforce whitespace we would need to define a validator for each one.
I decided instead to set self.all_rules to just the class rules if
query == True. So the minimum set of validators will be executed
against each type but param-specific validators will only run on add.
The object_name attribute was used as both an identifier and a
label which sometimes require different values (e.g. hbacrule
vs. HBAC rule). The code that uses object_name as an identifier
has been changed to use the 'name' attribute instead. The values
of the object_name attribute have been fixed to become proper
Ticket #1217
When user migrates users/groups from an old DS instance, the
migration may fail on unsupported object classes and/or
relevant LDAP object attributes.
This patch implements a support for object class and attribute
ignore lists that can be used to suppress these migration issues.
Additionally, a redundant "dev/null" file is removed from git repo
(originally added in 26b0e8fc98).
To support multiple direct maps we added description to the DN of
automount key entries. The downside of this is that to display a key
you had to know the information as well, which was rather pointless if
that is what you were trying to get.
So now both modes are supported. It will first look for just a key
in the description and fall back to including automountinformation
if it needs to.
Multiple direct maps are still supported and for those the info is
always required.
ticket 1229
Automatic creation may of User Private Groups (UPG) may not be
wanted at all times. This patch adds a new flag --noprivate to
ipa user-add command to disable it.
Doc parts are not removed from the API completely. This leads to
unnecessary updates to API.txt when the option/argument documentation
is changed.
This patch replaces unreliable doc stripping function with a regular
expression. It works for all current doc strings (simple string or
GetText). The only limitation is that the RE supports only up to
2 levels of nested parentheses in doc string.
When adding a new DNS zone in the WebUI, IPA server will verify
whether the nameserver is in DNS. Sometimes it is necessary to
skip the verification.
This patch adds a --force option already available in CLI which
can skip this the verification.
Doc parts are not removed from the API completely. This leads to
unnecessary updates to API.txt when the option/argument documentation
is changed.
This patch replaces unreliable doc stripping function with a regular
expression. It works for all current doc strings (simple string or
GetText). The only limitation is that the RE supports only up to
2 levels of nested parentheses in doc string.
postalCode is defined as an Int. This means you can't define one that has
a leading zero nor can you have dashes, letters, etc.
This changes the data type on the server. It will still accept an int
value if provided and convert it into a string.
Bump the API version to 2.1.
ticket 1150
The json_metadata() has been updated to return ipa.Objects and
ipa.Methods. The i18n_messages() has been updated to include other
messages that are not available from the metadata.
Previously the user's city parameter is defined to use the 'locality'
attribute. This was a problem because the attribute would be returned
as 'l' by the directory server causing a mismatch. Now the parameter
has been changed to use the 'l' attribute.