It is illegal to have more than one CN attribute in a certificate
subject. The subject command line arg is actually inserting a dn
between a leading RDN with a CN attribute and a suffix. The final
subject must have only CN attribute therefore the subject command line
arg must not contain CN. The patch modifies the subject validation to
prohibit CN. It also improves the error messages to clearly indicate
which command line parameter caused the failure and why.
While fixing the above it discovered the logic used for subject
validation with an external CA was flawed. DN objects were not being
used when they should be (certificate subject and issuer fields are dn
syntax). That code was also fixed so that the comparisions between
subjects and issuers were performed with DN objects. While fixing this
it was noted the object type relationship between IPA DN objects and
x509 DN objects was awkward, ticket 3003 was opened to address this.
A backtrace is no longer displayed when trying to prepare a replica
file with the local LDAP server down. Also adds --debug option and
no longer displays info messages without it.
In ipa-client-install, failure of restart of sssd service no longer
causes the crash of the install process. Adds a warning message to
the root logger instead.
When an object in search facet was deleted, other facets were not notified that they need to refresh. If one crated object with same pkey as deleted object and then navigated to it's details he could see old object's data.
This notification was added.
WebUI catches the fact that the user can't access LDAP server with a current ticket. It shows form-based auth login dialog. Previoustly an ugly error was returned on an almost empty page, and user had no recourse.
Added evaluators to decide if attribute facet should be read-only based on attribute level rights.
Default values serves well for group's external member.
Created new type of facet: attribute facet. This facet is similar to association facet but it serves for displaying object's multivalued attributes which behaves like association attributes. It will serve as a basis for displaying group's externalmember attribute.
Created new value_map_widget which serves for displaying values based on a map.
It is added to group for displaying its type. The decision is based on group's objectclass.
Group can be normal, posix and external. Posix checkbox was removed and was replaced by radio for selecting group type. This adds possibility of adding of external group.
Due to recent addition of ID range support to DsInstance, the class
could no longer be instantiated when realm_name was passed but
ID range parameters were not. This condition broke winsync agreements
creation in ipa-replica-manage.
Make sure that ID range computation in DsInstance does not crash in
this cases so that winsync replica can be created. Also convert --binddn
option of ipa-replica-manage script to IPA native DN type so that
setup_agreement does not crash.
* Convert every string specifying a DN into a DN object
* Every place a dn was manipulated in some fashion it was replaced by
the use of DN operators
* Add new DNParam parameter type for parameters which are DN's
* DN objects are used 100% of the time throughout the entire data
pipeline whenever something is logically a dn.
* Many classes now enforce DN usage for their attributes which are
dn's. This is implmented via ipautil.dn_attribute_property(). The
only permitted types for a class attribute specified to be a DN are
either None or a DN object.
* Require that every place a dn is used it must be a DN object.
This translates into lot of::
assert isinstance(dn, DN)
sprinkled through out the code. Maintaining these asserts is
valuable to preserve DN type enforcement. The asserts can be
disabled in production.
The goal of 100% DN usage 100% of the time has been realized, these
asserts are meant to preserve that.
The asserts also proved valuable in detecting functions which did
not obey their function signatures, such as the baseldap pre and
post callbacks.
* Moved ipalib.dn to ipapython.dn because DN class is shared with all
components, not just the server which uses ipalib.
* All API's now accept DN's natively, no need to convert to str (or
* Removed ipalib.encoder and encode/decode decorators. Type conversion
is now explicitly performed in each IPASimpleLDAPObject method which
emulates a ldap.SimpleLDAPObject method.
* Entity & Entry classes now utilize DN's
* Removed __getattr__ in Entity & Entity clases. There were two
problems with it. It presented synthetic Python object attributes
based on the current LDAP data it contained. There is no way to
validate synthetic attributes using code checkers, you can't search
the code to find LDAP attribute accesses (because synthetic
attriutes look like Python attributes instead of LDAP data) and
error handling is circumscribed. Secondly __getattr__ was hiding
Python internal methods which broke class semantics.
* Replace use of methods inherited from ldap.SimpleLDAPObject via
IPAdmin class with IPAdmin methods. Directly using inherited methods
was causing us to bypass IPA logic. Mostly this meant replacing the
use of search_s() with getEntry() or getList(). Similarly direct
access of the LDAP data in classes using IPAdmin were replaced with
calls to getValue() or getValues().
* Objects returned by ldap2.find_entries() are now compatible with
either the python-ldap access methodology or the Entity/Entry access
* All ldap operations now funnel through the common
IPASimpleLDAPObject giving us a single location where we interface
to python-ldap and perform conversions.
* The above 4 modifications means we've greatly reduced the
proliferation of multiple inconsistent ways to perform LDAP
operations. We are well on the way to having a single API in IPA for
doing LDAP (a long range goal).
* All certificate subject bases are now DN's
* DN objects were enhanced thusly:
- find, rfind, index, rindex, replace and insert methods were added
- AVA, RDN and DN classes were refactored in immutable and mutable
variants, the mutable variants are EditableAVA, EditableRDN and
EditableDN. By default we use the immutable variants preserving
important semantics. To edit a DN cast it to an EditableDN and
cast it back to DN when done editing. These issues are fully
described in other documentation.
- first_key_match was removed
- DN equalty comparison permits comparison to a basestring
* Fixed ldapupdate to work with DN's. This work included:
- Enhance to do more checking after applying
update. Add test for update_from_dict(). Convert code to use
unittest classes.
- Consolidated duplicate code.
- Moved code which should have been in the class into the class.
- Fix the handling of the 'deleteentry' update action. It's no longer
necessary to supply fake attributes to make it work. Detect case
where subsequent update applies a change to entry previously marked
for deletetion. General clean-up and simplification of the
'deleteentry' logic.
- Rewrote a couple of functions to be clearer and more Pythonic.
- Added documentation on the data structure being used.
- Simplfy the use of update_from_dict()
* Removed all usage of get_schema() which was being called prior to
accessing the .schema attribute of an object. If a class is using
internal lazy loading as an optimization it's not right to require
users of the interface to be aware of internal
optimization's. schema is now a property and when the schema
property is accessed it calls a private internal method to perform
the lazy loading.
* Added SchemaCache class to cache the schema's from individual
servers. This was done because of the observation we talk to
different LDAP servers, each of which may have it's own
schema. Previously we globally cached the schema from the first
server we connected to and returned that schema in all contexts. The
cache includes controls to invalidate it thus forcing a schema
* Schema caching is now senstive to the run time context. During
install and upgrade the schema can change leading to errors due to
out-of-date cached schema. The schema cache is refreshed in these
* We are aware of the LDAP syntax of all LDAP attributes. Every
attribute returned from an LDAP operation is passed through a
central table look-up based on it's LDAP syntax. The table key is
the LDAP syntax it's value is a Python callable that returns a
Python object matching the LDAP syntax. There are a handful of LDAP
attributes whose syntax is historically incorrect
(e.g. DistguishedNames that are defined as DirectoryStrings). The
table driven conversion mechanism is augmented with a table of
hard coded exceptions.
Currently only the following conversions occur via the table:
- dn's are converted to DN objects
- binary objects are converted to Python str objects (IPA
- everything else is converted to unicode using UTF-8 decoding (IPA
However, now that the table driven conversion mechanism is in place
it would be trivial to do things such as converting attributes
which have LDAP integer syntax into a Python integer, etc.
* Expected values in the unit tests which are a DN no longer need to
use lambda expressions to promote the returned value to a DN for
equality comparison. The return value is automatically promoted to
a DN. The lambda expressions have been removed making the code much
simpler and easier to read.
* Add class level logging to a number of classes which did not support
logging, less need for use of root_logger.
* Remove ipaserver/, it was unused.
* Consolidated duplicate code wherever it was found.
* Fixed many places that used string concatenation to form a new
string rather than string formatting operators. This is necessary
because string formatting converts it's arguments to a string prior
to building the result string. You can't concatenate a string and a
* Simplify logic in rename_managed plugin. Use DN operators to edit
* The live version of ipa-ldap-updater did not generate a log file.
The offline version did, now both do.
If the executable ipa-client/ipa-join is not found, the relevant
tests are skipped. Implemented in setUpClass() method, also moved
the mkstemp() call there.
When the --hostname option is given to ipa-client-install, we
write HOSTNAME to /etc/sysconfig/network. When that file didn't exist,
the installer crashed.
Create the file if it doesn't exist and we need to write to it.
Translate exceptions produced by DCERPC bindings when establishing trusts.
There are two types of errors that may be produced by DCERPC bindings:
- RuntimeError with a text (RuntimeError('NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND')
- RuntimeError with a numeric code and 'friendly' message
Error codes could have two prefixes:
- NT error codes, start with NT_STATUS_ prefix
- Windows error codes, start with WERR_ prefix
Full list of errors is available in Samba source code:
libcli/util/ntstatus.h: NT_STATUS error codes
libcli/util/werror.h: Windows error codes
Majority of errors returned when dealing with trusts are of NT_STATUS type,
these also include all typical POSIX errors mapped to corresponding NT errors.
Unfortunately, in the textual RuntimeError case very little can be done to
get better clarification of the error. More error paths will need to be added
as they will be discovered -- DCERPC error messaging is complex.
This check the PAC we receive is consistent.
realm, flat name and domain sid must much our understanding or the trustd
realm and no additional sids beyond the own realm ones must be present.
Ticket #2849
The function filter_pac was not filtering the pac at all, it was merely
augmenting it with additional data relevant to the IPA server.
Change the name of the function to avoid confusion.
While there I also simplified and cleaed up the code a bit with regard to
variable names and usage.
bind-dyndb-ldap with SOA serial autoincrement was released. Bump
the package version in the spec file. The version is bumped for
F18 only as it was released only to rawhide and we don't want to
break development on F17.
A change to ipa-ldap-updater (and thus an RPM update %post scriptlet)
avoiding redundat "IPA is not configured" message in stderr introdocued
in c20d4c71b8 was reverted in another
patch (b5c1ce88a4).
Return the change back to avoid this message during every RPM update
when IPA is not configured. admintool framework was also fixed to
avoid print an empty line when an exception without an error message
is raised.
Recommened way of setting boolean HTML attributes is by $.prop(boolean) method not $.attr(boolean) because it sets DOM object property not an attribute. Latter works because of jquery's backward compatibility. This patch makes things clearer.
Some info about prop and attr:
Buttons in association dialog and action list have different style and behavior than buttons in dialogs. This patch unifies it by using jquery.button widget.
ipa.css had to be updated to work with updated jquery-ui. This patch removes several duplicate styles.
Following issues were fixed:
* dialogs titles in IE and Opera were black instead of green
* no black line in first navigation level in IE and Opera
* all browsers (FF, IE, Chrome, Opera) have the same style for buttons and headers
* dialogs has borders again (should we remove its shadow?)
Known issues:
* selected tab-1 in Chrome and Opera doesn't overlaps background line as in IE and FF. Not sure how to fix without breaking (there are border overlaps) the latter ones. I think it looks good enough.
* some buttons are missing padding. Will be fixed in next patch.
Clicks events should be better defined by jquery calls (usually addEventListener) not as elements attributes. Definition as element attribute causes problems after upgrade to jquery 1.7.2. Two occurances were removed.
jquery-ui was regenerated to up to date version.
Border radius and IPA custom colors were added to theme so we don't have to override them in ipa.css.
Following options were added to Web UI
* PAC Type in service
* PAC Type in configuration
Testing metadata for objects and commands were regenerated.
There's probably a bug regarding z-index stacking in Chrome and IE. It appears when combobox is used in dialog. Combobox's select area had z-index=1010. When first jquery dialogs is open it has z-index=1000. Further dialogs have higher z-index. When dialog's z-index exceeds 1010 option in select control can't be selected. IMO it is a browser bug because select control lies in dialog content's stacking context so it should be functional even with z-index=1.
This patch raises select area's z-index to 9000000 which should prevent the issue for some time. Also it make's combobox's z-index configurable so we can solve combobox stacking (ie in service-add dialog).
Second part of: