# Authors: # Jason Gerard DeRose # # Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty inmsgion # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA """ All custom errors raised by `ipalib` package. Also includes a few utility functions for raising exceptions. """ IPA_ERROR_BASE = 1000 TYPE_FORMAT = '%s: need a %r; got %r' def raise_TypeError(value, type_, name): """ Raises a TypeError with a nicely formatted message and helpful attributes. The TypeError raised will have three custom attributes: ``value`` - The value (of incorrect type) passed as argument. ``type`` - The type expected for the argument. ``name`` - The name (identifier) of the argument in question. There is no edict that all TypeError should be raised with raise_TypeError, but when it fits, use it... it makes the unit tests faster to write and the debugging easier to read. Here is an example: >>> raise_TypeError(u'Hello, world!', str, 'message') Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "ipalib/errors.py", line 65, in raise_TypeError raise e TypeError: message: need a ; got u'Hello, world!' :param value: The value (of incorrect type) passed as argument. :param type_: The type expected for the argument. :param name: The name (identifier) of the argument in question. """ assert type(type_) is type, TYPE_FORMAT % ('type_', type, type_) assert type(value) is not type_, 'value: %r is a %r' % (value, type_) assert type(name) is str, TYPE_FORMAT % ('name', str, name) e = TypeError(TYPE_FORMAT % (name, type_, value)) setattr(e, 'value', value) setattr(e, 'type', type_) setattr(e, 'name', name) raise e def check_type(value, type_, name, allow_none=False): assert type(name) is str, TYPE_FORMAT % ('name', str, name) assert type(type_) is type, TYPE_FORMAT % ('type_', type, type_) assert type(allow_none) is bool, TYPE_FORMAT % ('allow_none', bool, allow_none) if value is None and allow_none: return if type(value) is not type_: raise_TypeError(value, type_, name) return value def check_isinstance(value, type_, name, allow_none=False): assert type(type_) is type, TYPE_FORMAT % ('type_', type, type_) assert type(name) is str, TYPE_FORMAT % ('name', str, name) assert type(allow_none) is bool, TYPE_FORMAT % ('allow_none', bool, allow_none) if value is None and allow_none: return if not isinstance(value, type_): raise_TypeError(value, type_, name) return value class IPAError(StandardError): """ Base class for all custom IPA errors. Use this base class for your custom IPA errors unless there is a specific reason to subclass from AttributeError, KeyError, etc. """ format = None faultCode = 1 def __init__(self, *args): self.args = args def __str__(self): """ Returns the string representation of this exception. """ return self.format % self.args class InvocationError(IPAError): pass class UnknownCommandError(InvocationError): format = 'unknown command "%s"' def _(text): return text class HandledError(StandardError): """ Base class for errors that can be raised across a remote procedure call. """ code = 1 def __init__(self, message=None, **kw): self.kw = kw if message is None: message = self.format % kw StandardError.__init__(self, message) class UnknownError(HandledError): """ Raised when the true error is not a handled error. """ format = _('An unknown internal error has occurred') class CommandError(HandledError): """ Raised when an unknown command is called client-side. """ format = _('Unknown command %(name)r') class RemoteCommandError(HandledError): format = 'Server at %(uri)r has no command %(name)r' class UnknownHelpError(InvocationError): format = 'no command nor topic "%s"' class ArgumentError(IPAError): """ Raised when a command is called with wrong number of arguments. """ format = '%s %s' def __init__(self, command, error): self.command = command self.error = error IPAError.__init__(self, command.name, error) class ValidationError(IPAError): """ Base class for all types of validation errors. """ format = 'invalid %r value %r: %s' def __init__(self, name, value, error, index=None): """ :param name: The name of the value that failed validation. :param value: The value that failed validation. :param error: The error message describing the failure. :param index: If multivalue, index of value in multivalue tuple """ assert type(name) is str assert index is None or (type(index) is int and index >= 0) self.name = name self.value = value self.error = error self.index = index IPAError.__init__(self, name, value, error) class ConversionError(ValidationError): """ Raised when a value cannot be converted to the correct type. """ def __init__(self, name, value, type_, index=None): self.type = type_ ValidationError.__init__(self, name, value, type_.conversion_error, index=index, ) class RuleError(ValidationError): """ Raised when a value fails a validation rule. """ def __init__(self, name, value, error, rule, index=None): assert callable(rule) self.rule = rule ValidationError.__init__(self, name, value, error, index=index) class RequirementError(ValidationError): """ Raised when a required option was not provided. """ def __init__(self, name): ValidationError.__init__(self, name, None, 'Required') class RegistrationError(IPAError): """ Base class for errors that occur during plugin registration. """ class NameSpaceError(RegistrationError): msg = 'name %r does not re.match %r' class SubclassError(RegistrationError): """ Raised when registering a plugin that is not a subclass of one of the allowed bases. """ msg = 'plugin %r not subclass of any base in %r' def __init__(self, cls, allowed): self.cls = cls self.allowed = allowed def __str__(self): return self.msg % (self.cls, self.allowed) class DuplicateError(RegistrationError): """ Raised when registering a plugin whose exact class has already been registered. """ msg = '%r at %d was already registered' def __init__(self, cls): self.cls = cls def __str__(self): return self.msg % (self.cls, id(self.cls)) class OverrideError(RegistrationError): """ Raised when override=False yet registering a plugin that overrides an existing plugin in the same namespace. """ msg = 'unexpected override of %s.%s with %r (use override=True if intended)' def __init__(self, base, cls): self.base = base self.cls = cls def __str__(self): return self.msg % (self.base.__name__, self.cls.__name__, self.cls) class MissingOverrideError(RegistrationError): """ Raised when override=True yet no preexisting plugin with the same name and base has been registered. """ msg = '%s.%s has not been registered, cannot override with %r' def __init__(self, base, cls): self.base = base self.cls = cls def __str__(self): return self.msg % (self.base.__name__, self.cls.__name__, self.cls) class GenericError(IPAError): """Base class for our custom exceptions""" faultCode = 1000 fromFault = False def __str__(self): try: return str(self.args[0]['args'][0]) except: try: return str(self.args[0]) except: return str(self.__dict__) class DatabaseError(GenericError): """A database error has occurred""" faultCode = 1001 class MidairCollision(GenericError): """Change collided with another change""" faultCode = 1002 class NotFound(GenericError): """Entry not found""" faultCode = 1003 class DuplicateEntry(GenericError): """This entry already exists""" faultCode = 1004 class MissingDN(GenericError): """The distinguished name (DN) is missing""" faultCode = 1005 class EmptyModlist(GenericError): """No modifications to be performed""" faultCode = 1006 class InputError(GenericError): """Error on input""" faultCode = 1007 class SameGroupError(InputError): """You can't add a group to itself""" faultCode = 1008 class NotGroupMember(InputError): """This entry is not a member of the group""" faultCode = 1009 class AdminsImmutable(InputError): """The admins group cannot be renamed""" faultCode = 1010 class UsernameTooLong(InputError): """The requested username is too long""" faultCode = 1011 class PrincipalError(GenericError): """There is a problem with the kerberos principal""" faultCode = 1012 class MalformedServicePrincipal(PrincipalError): """The requested service principal is not of the form: service/fully-qualified host name""" faultCode = 1013 class RealmMismatch(PrincipalError): """The realm for the principal does not match the realm for this IPA server""" faultCode = 1014 class PrincipalRequired(PrincipalError): """You cannot remove IPA server service principals""" faultCode = 1015 class InactivationError(GenericError): """This entry cannot be inactivated""" faultCode = 1016 class AlreadyActiveError(InactivationError): """This entry is already locked""" faultCode = 1017 class AlreadyInactiveError(InactivationError): """This entry is already unlocked""" faultCode = 1018 class HasNSAccountLock(InactivationError): """This entry appears to have the nsAccountLock attribute in it so the Class of Service activation/inactivation will not work. You will need to remove the attribute nsAccountLock for this to work.""" faultCode = 1019 class ConnectionError(GenericError): """Connection to database failed""" faultCode = 1020 class NoCCacheError(GenericError): """No Kerberos credentials cache is available. Connection cannot be made""" faultCode = 1021 class GSSAPIError(GenericError): """GSSAPI Authorization error""" faultCode = 1022 class ServerUnwilling(GenericError): """Account inactivated. Server is unwilling to perform""" faultCode = 1023 class ConfigurationError(GenericError): """A configuration error occurred""" faultCode = 1024 class DefaultGroup(ConfigurationError): """You cannot remove the default users group""" faultCode = 1025 class HostService(ConfigurationError): """You must enroll a host in order to create a host service""" faultCode = 1026 class FunctionDeprecated(GenericError): """Raised by a deprecated function""" faultCode = 2000 def convertFault(fault): """Convert a fault to the corresponding Exception type, if possible""" code = getattr(fault,'faultCode',None) if code is None: return fault for v in globals().values(): if type(v) == type(Exception) and issubclass(v,GenericError) and \ code == getattr(v,'faultCode',None): ret = v(fault.faultString) ret.fromFault = True return ret #otherwise... return fault def listFaults(): """Return a list of faults Returns a list of dictionaries whose keys are: faultCode: the numeric code used in fault conversion name: the name of the exception desc: the description of the exception (docstring) """ ret = [] for n,v in globals().items(): if type(v) == type(Exception) and issubclass(v,GenericError): code = getattr(v,'faultCode',None) if code is None: continue info = {} info['faultCode'] = code info['name'] = n info['desc'] = getattr(v,'__doc__',None) ret.append(info) ret.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a['faultCode'],b['faultCode'])) return ret