# Authors: # Jan Cholasta # # Copyright (C) 2011 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ Test the `ipapython/ipautil.py` module. """ import sys import nose import pytest import six from ipapython import ipautil import pytest pytestmark = pytest.mark.tier0 def make_ipaddress_checker(addr, words=None, prefixlen=None): def check_ipaddress(): try: ip = ipautil.CheckedIPAddress(addr, match_local=False) assert ip.words == words and ip.prefixlen == prefixlen except: assert words is None and prefixlen is None check_ipaddress.description = "Test IP address parsing and verification (%s)" % addr return check_ipaddress def test_ip_address(): addrs = [ ('', (10, 11, 12, 13), 8), ('', (10, 11, 12, 13), 14), ('',), ('',), ('',), ('',), ('',), ('',), ('',), ('',), ('',), ('',), ('2001::1', (0x2001, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), 64), ('2001::1/72', (0x2001, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), 72), ('2001::1%zoneid', (0x2001, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), 64), ('2001::1%zoneid/72',), ('2001::1beef',), ('2001::1/129',), ('::1',), ('6789::1',), ('fe89::1',), ('2001::/64',), ('ff01::1',), ('junk',) ] for addr in addrs: yield make_ipaddress_checker(*addr) class TestCIDict(object): def setup(self): self.cidict = ipautil.CIDict() self.cidict["Key1"] = "val1" self.cidict["key2"] = "val2" self.cidict["KEY3"] = "VAL3" def test_init(self): cidict = ipautil.CIDict() assert dict(cidict.items()) == {} cidict = ipautil.CIDict([('a', 2), ('b', 3), ('C', 4)]) assert dict(cidict.items()) == {'a': 2, 'b': 3, 'C': 4} cidict = ipautil.CIDict([('a', 2), ('b', None)], b=3, C=4) assert dict(cidict.items()) == {'a': 2, 'b': 3, 'C': 4} cidict = ipautil.CIDict({'a': 2, 'b': None}, b=3, C=4) assert dict(cidict.items()) == {'a': 2, 'b': 3, 'C': 4} cidict = ipautil.CIDict(a=2, b=3, C=4) assert dict(cidict.items()) == {'a': 2, 'b': 3, 'C': 4} def test_len(self): nose.tools.assert_equal(3, len(self.cidict)) def test_getitem(self): nose.tools.assert_equal("val1", self.cidict["Key1"]) nose.tools.assert_equal("val1", self.cidict["key1"]) nose.tools.assert_equal("val2", self.cidict["KEY2"]) nose.tools.assert_equal("VAL3", self.cidict["key3"]) nose.tools.assert_equal("VAL3", self.cidict["KEY3"]) with nose.tools.assert_raises(KeyError): self.cidict["key4"] def test_get(self): nose.tools.assert_equal("val1", self.cidict.get("Key1")) nose.tools.assert_equal("val1", self.cidict.get("key1")) nose.tools.assert_equal("val2", self.cidict.get("KEY2")) nose.tools.assert_equal("VAL3", self.cidict.get("key3")) nose.tools.assert_equal("VAL3", self.cidict.get("KEY3")) nose.tools.assert_equal("default", self.cidict.get("key4", "default")) def test_setitem(self): self.cidict["key4"] = "val4" nose.tools.assert_equal("val4", self.cidict["key4"]) self.cidict["KEY4"] = "newval4" nose.tools.assert_equal("newval4", self.cidict["key4"]) def test_del(self): assert "Key1" in self.cidict del(self.cidict["Key1"]) assert "Key1" not in self.cidict assert "key2" in self.cidict del(self.cidict["KEY2"]) assert "key2" not in self.cidict def test_clear(self): nose.tools.assert_equal(3, len(self.cidict)) self.cidict.clear() nose.tools.assert_equal(0, len(self.cidict)) assert self.cidict == {} assert list(self.cidict) == [] assert list(self.cidict.values()) == [] assert list(self.cidict.items()) == [] if six.PY2: assert self.cidict.keys() == [] assert self.cidict.values() == [] assert self.cidict.items() == [] assert self.cidict._keys == {} def test_copy(self): copy = self.cidict.copy() assert copy == self.cidict nose.tools.assert_equal(3, len(copy)) assert "Key1" in copy assert "key1" in copy nose.tools.assert_equal("val1", copy["Key1"]) @pytest.mark.skipif(not six.PY2, reason="Python 2 only") def test_haskey(self): assert self.cidict.has_key("KEY1") assert self.cidict.has_key("key2") assert self.cidict.has_key("key3") assert not self.cidict.has_key("Key4") def test_contains(self): assert "KEY1" in self.cidict assert "key2" in self.cidict assert "key3" in self.cidict assert "Key4" not in self.cidict def test_items(self): items = list(self.cidict.items()) nose.tools.assert_equal(3, len(items)) items_set = set(items) assert ("Key1", "val1") in items_set assert ("key2", "val2") in items_set assert ("KEY3", "VAL3") in items_set assert list(self.cidict.items()) == list(self.cidict.iteritems()) == list(zip( self.cidict.keys(), self.cidict.values())) def test_iter(self): items = [] assert list(self.cidict) == list(self.cidict.keys()) assert sorted(self.cidict) == sorted(['Key1', 'key2', 'KEY3']) def test_iteritems(self): items = [] for (k,v) in self.cidict.iteritems(): items.append((k,v)) nose.tools.assert_equal(3, len(items)) items_set = set(items) assert ("Key1", "val1") in items_set assert ("key2", "val2") in items_set assert ("KEY3", "VAL3") in items_set def test_iterkeys(self): keys = [] for k in self.cidict.iterkeys(): keys.append(k) nose.tools.assert_equal(3, len(keys)) keys_set = set(keys) assert "Key1" in keys_set assert "key2" in keys_set assert "KEY3" in keys_set def test_itervalues(self): values = [] for k in self.cidict.itervalues(): values.append(k) nose.tools.assert_equal(3, len(values)) values_set = set(values) assert "val1" in values_set assert "val2" in values_set assert "VAL3" in values_set def test_keys(self): keys = list(self.cidict.keys()) nose.tools.assert_equal(3, len(keys)) keys_set = set(keys) assert "Key1" in keys_set assert "key2" in keys_set assert "KEY3" in keys_set assert list(self.cidict.keys()) == list(self.cidict.iterkeys()) def test_values(self): values = list(self.cidict.values()) nose.tools.assert_equal(3, len(values)) values_set = set(values) assert "val1" in values_set assert "val2" in values_set assert "VAL3" in values_set assert list(self.cidict.values()) == list(self.cidict.itervalues()) def test_update(self): newdict = { "KEY2": "newval2", "key4": "val4" } self.cidict.update(newdict) nose.tools.assert_equal(4, len(self.cidict)) items = list(self.cidict.items()) nose.tools.assert_equal(4, len(items)) items_set = set(items) assert ("Key1", "val1") in items_set # note the update "overwrites" the case of the key2 assert ("KEY2", "newval2") in items_set assert ("KEY3", "VAL3") in items_set assert ("key4", "val4") in items_set def test_update_dict_and_kwargs(self): self.cidict.update({'a': 'va', 'b': None}, b='vb', key2='v2') assert dict(self.cidict.items()) == { 'a': 'va', 'b': 'vb', 'Key1': 'val1', 'key2': 'v2', 'KEY3': 'VAL3'} def test_update_list_and_kwargs(self): self.cidict.update([('a', 'va'), ('b', None)], b='vb', key2='val2') assert dict(self.cidict.items()) == { 'a': 'va', 'b': 'vb', 'Key1': 'val1', 'key2': 'val2', 'KEY3': 'VAL3'} def test_update_duplicate_values_dict(self): with nose.tools.assert_raises(ValueError): self.cidict.update({'a': 'va', 'A': None, 'b': 3}) def test_update_duplicate_values_list(self): with nose.tools.assert_raises(ValueError): self.cidict.update([('a', 'va'), ('A', None), ('b', 3)]) def test_update_duplicate_values_kwargs(self): with nose.tools.assert_raises(ValueError): self.cidict.update(a='va', A=None, b=3) def test_update_kwargs(self): self.cidict.update(b='vb', key2='val2') assert dict(self.cidict.items()) == { 'b': 'vb', 'Key1': 'val1', 'key2': 'val2', 'KEY3': 'VAL3'} def test_setdefault(self): nose.tools.assert_equal("val1", self.cidict.setdefault("KEY1", "default")) assert "KEY4" not in self.cidict nose.tools.assert_equal("default", self.cidict.setdefault("KEY4", "default")) assert "KEY4" in self.cidict nose.tools.assert_equal("default", self.cidict["key4"]) assert "KEY5" not in self.cidict nose.tools.assert_equal(None, self.cidict.setdefault("KEY5")) assert "KEY5" in self.cidict nose.tools.assert_equal(None, self.cidict["key5"]) def test_pop(self): nose.tools.assert_equal("val1", self.cidict.pop("KEY1", "default")) assert "key1" not in self.cidict nose.tools.assert_equal("val2", self.cidict.pop("KEY2")) assert "key2" not in self.cidict nose.tools.assert_equal("default", self.cidict.pop("key4", "default")) with nose.tools.assert_raises(KeyError): self.cidict.pop("key4") def test_popitem(self): items = set(self.cidict.items()) nose.tools.assert_equal(3, len(self.cidict)) item = self.cidict.popitem() nose.tools.assert_equal(2, len(self.cidict)) assert item in items items.discard(item) item = self.cidict.popitem() nose.tools.assert_equal(1, len(self.cidict)) assert item in items items.discard(item) item = self.cidict.popitem() nose.tools.assert_equal(0, len(self.cidict)) assert item in items items.discard(item) def test_fromkeys(self): dct = ipautil.CIDict.fromkeys(('A', 'b', 'C')) assert sorted(dct.keys()) == sorted(['A', 'b', 'C']) assert list(dct.values()) == [None] * 3 class TestTimeParser(object): def test_simple(self): timestr = "20070803" time = ipautil.parse_generalized_time(timestr) nose.tools.assert_equal(2007, time.year) nose.tools.assert_equal(8, time.month) nose.tools.assert_equal(3, time.day) nose.tools.assert_equal(0, time.hour) nose.tools.assert_equal(0, time.minute) nose.tools.assert_equal(0, time.second) def test_hour_min_sec(self): timestr = "20051213141205" time = ipautil.parse_generalized_time(timestr) nose.tools.assert_equal(2005, time.year) nose.tools.assert_equal(12, time.month) nose.tools.assert_equal(13, time.day) nose.tools.assert_equal(14, time.hour) nose.tools.assert_equal(12, time.minute) nose.tools.assert_equal(5, time.second) def test_fractions(self): timestr = "2003092208.5" time = ipautil.parse_generalized_time(timestr) nose.tools.assert_equal(2003, time.year) nose.tools.assert_equal(9, time.month) nose.tools.assert_equal(22, time.day) nose.tools.assert_equal(8, time.hour) nose.tools.assert_equal(30, time.minute) nose.tools.assert_equal(0, time.second) timestr = "199203301544,25" time = ipautil.parse_generalized_time(timestr) nose.tools.assert_equal(1992, time.year) nose.tools.assert_equal(3, time.month) nose.tools.assert_equal(30, time.day) nose.tools.assert_equal(15, time.hour) nose.tools.assert_equal(44, time.minute) nose.tools.assert_equal(15, time.second) timestr = "20060401185912,8" time = ipautil.parse_generalized_time(timestr) nose.tools.assert_equal(2006, time.year) nose.tools.assert_equal(4, time.month) nose.tools.assert_equal(1, time.day) nose.tools.assert_equal(18, time.hour) nose.tools.assert_equal(59, time.minute) nose.tools.assert_equal(12, time.second) nose.tools.assert_equal(800000, time.microsecond) def test_time_zones(self): timestr = "20051213141205Z" time = ipautil.parse_generalized_time(timestr) nose.tools.assert_equal(0, time.tzinfo.houroffset) nose.tools.assert_equal(0, time.tzinfo.minoffset) offset = time.tzinfo.utcoffset(time.tzinfo.dst()) nose.tools.assert_equal(0, offset.seconds) timestr = "20051213141205+0500" time = ipautil.parse_generalized_time(timestr) nose.tools.assert_equal(5, time.tzinfo.houroffset) nose.tools.assert_equal(0, time.tzinfo.minoffset) offset = time.tzinfo.utcoffset(time.tzinfo.dst()) nose.tools.assert_equal(5 * 60 * 60, offset.seconds) timestr = "20051213141205-0500" time = ipautil.parse_generalized_time(timestr) nose.tools.assert_equal(-5, time.tzinfo.houroffset) nose.tools.assert_equal(0, time.tzinfo.minoffset) # NOTE - the offset is always positive - it's minutes # _east_ of UTC offset = time.tzinfo.utcoffset(time.tzinfo.dst()) nose.tools.assert_equal((24 - 5) * 60 * 60, offset.seconds) timestr = "20051213141205-0930" time = ipautil.parse_generalized_time(timestr) nose.tools.assert_equal(-9, time.tzinfo.houroffset) nose.tools.assert_equal(-30, time.tzinfo.minoffset) offset = time.tzinfo.utcoffset(time.tzinfo.dst()) nose.tools.assert_equal(((24 - 9) * 60 * 60) - (30 * 60), offset.seconds)