# Authors: # Jason Gerard DeRose # # Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA """ Base classes for the public plugable.API instance, which the XML-RPC, CLI, and UI all use. """ import re import plugable class generic_proxy(plugable.Proxy): __slots__ = ( 'get_doc', ) class cmd_proxy(plugable.Proxy): __slots__ = ( '__call__', 'get_doc', ) class cmd(plugable.Plugin): proxy = cmd_proxy __opt = None def get_doc(self, _): """ Returns the gettext translated doc-string for this command. For example: >>> def get_doc(self, _): >>> return _('add new user') """ raise NotImplementedError('%s.get_doc()' % self.name) def get_options(self): """ Returns iterable with opt_proxy objects used to create the opt NameSpace when __get_opt() is called. """ raise NotImplementedError('%s.get_options()' % self.name) def __get_opt(self): """ Returns the NameSpace containing opt_proxy objects. """ if self.__opt is None: self.__opt = plugable.NameSpace(self.get_options()) return self.__opt opt = property(__get_opt) def __call__(self, *args, **kw): print repr(self) class obj_proxy(plugable.Proxy): __slots__ = ( 'mthd', 'prop', ) class obj(plugable.Plugin): proxy = obj_proxy __mthd = None __prop = None def __get_mthd(self): return self.__mthd mthd = property(__get_mthd) def __get_prop(self): return self.__prop prop = property(__get_prop) def finalize(self, api): super(obj, self).finalize(api) self.__mthd = self.__create_ns('mthd') self.__prop = self.__create_ns('prop') def __create_ns(self, name): return plugable.NameSpace(self.__filter(name)) def __filter(self, name): for i in getattr(self.api, name): if i.obj_name == self.name: yield i._clone(i.attr_name) ATTR_SLOTS = ( 'obj_name', 'attr_name', ) class attr(plugable.Plugin): __obj = None proxy = generic_proxy def __init__(self): m = re.match('^([a-z]+)_([a-z]+)$', self.__class__.__name__) assert m self.__obj_name = m.group(1) self.__attr_name = m.group(2) def __get_obj_name(self): return self.__obj_name obj_name = property(__get_obj_name) def __get_attr_name(self): return self.__attr_name attr_name = property(__get_attr_name) def __get_obj(self): """ Returns the obj instance this attribute is associated with, or None if no association has been set. """ return self.__obj obj = property(__get_obj) def finalize(self, api): super(attr, self).finalize(api) self.__obj = api.obj[self.obj_name] class mthd_proxy(plugable.Proxy): __slots__ = ( '__call__', 'get_doc', ) + ATTR_SLOTS class mthd(attr, cmd): proxy = mthd_proxy class prop_proxy(plugable.Proxy): __slots__ = ( 'get_doc', ) + ATTR_SLOTS class prop(attr): proxy = prop_proxy def get_doc(self, _): return _('prop doc') class PublicAPI(plugable.API): __max_cmd_len = None def __init__(self): super(PublicAPI, self).__init__(cmd, obj, mthd, prop) def __get_max_cmd_len(self): if self.__max_cmd_len is None: if not hasattr(self, 'cmd'): return None max_cmd_len = max(len(str(cmd)) for cmd in self.cmd) object.__setattr__(self, '_PublicAPI__max_cmd_len', max_cmd_len) return self.__max_cmd_len max_cmd_len = property(__get_max_cmd_len)