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Please re-login." } }, "actions": { "apply": "Apply", "confirm": "Are you sure you want to proceed with the action.", "delete_confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete ${object}", "disable_confirm": "Are you sure you want to disable ${object}", "enable_confirm": "Are you sure you want to enable ${object}", "title": "Actions" }, "association": { "add": { "ipasudorunas": "Add RunAs ${other_entity} into ${entity} ${primary_key}", "ipasudorunasgroup": "Add RunAs Groups into ${entity} ${primary_key}", "managedby": "Add ${other_entity} Managing ${entity} ${primary_key}", "member": "Add ${other_entity} into ${entity} ${primary_key}", "memberallowcmd": "Add Allow ${other_entity} into ${entity} ${primary_key}", "memberdenycmd": "Add Deny ${other_entity} into ${entity} ${primary_key}", "memberof": "Add ${entity} ${primary_key} into ${other_entity}", "sourcehost": "Add Source ${other_entity} into ${entity} ${primary_key}" }, "direct_membership": "Direct Membership", "indirect_membership": "Indirect Membership", "no_entries": "No entries.", "paging": "Showing ${start} to ${end} of ${total} entries.", "remove": { "ipasudorunas": "Remove RunAs ${other_entity} from ${entity} ${primary_key}", "ipasudorunasgroup": "Remove RunAs Groups from ${entity} ${primary_key}", "managedby": "Remove ${other_entity} Managing ${entity} ${primary_key}", "member": "Remove ${other_entity} from ${entity} ${primary_key}", "memberallowcmd": "Remove Allow ${other_entity} from ${entity} ${primary_key}", "memberdenycmd": "Remove Deny ${other_entity} from ${entity} ${primary_key}", "memberof": "Remove ${entity} ${primary_key} from ${other_entity}", "sourcehost": "Remove Source ${other_entity} from ${entity} ${primary_key}" }, "show_results": "Show Results" }, "buttons": { "add": "Add", "add_and_add_another": "Add and Add Another", "add_and_close": "Add and Close", "add_and_edit": "Add and Edit", "add_many": "Add Many", "back": "Back", "cancel": "Cancel", "close": "Close", "disable": "Disable", "edit": "Edit", "enable": "Enable", "find": "Find", "get": "Get", "issue": "Issue", "ok": "OK", "refresh": "Refresh", "remove": "Delete", "reset": "Reset", "reset_password_and_login": "Reset Password and Login", "restore": "Restore", "retry": "Retry", "revoke": "Revoke", "set": "Set", "update": "Update", "view": "View" }, "details": { "collapse_all": "Collapse All", "expand_all": "Expand All", "general": "General", "identity": "Identity Settings", "settings": "${entity} ${primary_key} Settings", "to_top": "Back to Top" }, "dialogs": { "add_confirmation": "${entity} successfully added", "add_title": "Add ${entity}", "available": "Available", "batch_error_message": "Some operations failed.", "batch_error_title": "Operations Error", "confirmation": "Confirmation", "dirty_message": "This page has unsaved changes. Please save or revert.", "dirty_title": "Unsaved Changes", "edit_title": "Edit ${entity}", "hide_details": "Hide details", "prospective": "Prospective", "redirection": "Redirection", "remove_empty": "Select entries to be removed.", "remove_title": "Remove ${entity}", "show_details": "Show details", "validation_message": "Input form contains invalid or missing values.", "validation_title": "Validation error" }, "error_report": { "options": "Please try the following options:", "problem_persists": "If the problem persists please contact the system administrator.", "refresh": "Refresh the page.", "reload": "Reload the browser.", "main_page": "Return to the main page and retry the operation", "title": "An error has occured (${error})" }, "errors": { "error": "Error", "http_error": "HTTP Error", "internal_error": "Internal Error", "ipa_error": "IPA Error", "no_response": "No response", "unknown_error": "Unknown Error", "url": "URL" }, "facet_groups": { "managedby": "${primary_key} is managed by:", "member": "${primary_key} members:", "memberof": "${primary_key} is a member of:" }, "facets": { "details": "Settings", "search": "Search" }, "false": "False", "login": { "form_auth": "To login with username and password, enter them in the fields below then click Login.", "header": "Logged In As", "krb_auth_msg": "To login with Kerberos, please make sure you have valid tickets (obtainable via kinit) and configured the browser correctly, then click Login.", "login": "Login", "logout": "Logout", "logout_error": "Logout error", "password": "Password", "username": "Username" }, "measurement_units": { "number_of_passwords": "number of passwords", "seconds": "seconds" }, "objects": { "aci": { "attribute": "Attribute" }, "automember": { "add_condition": "Add Condition into ${pkey}", "add_rule": "Add Rule", "attribute": "Attribute", "default_host_group": "Default host group", "default_user_group": "Default user group", "exclusive": "Exclusive", "expression": "Expression", "hostgrouprule": "Host group rule", "hostgrouprules": "Host group rules", "inclusive": "Inclusive", "usergrouprule": "User group rule", "usergrouprules": "User group rules" }, "automountkey": {}, "automountlocation": { "identity": "Automount Location Settings" }, "automountmap": { "direct": "Direct", "indirect": "Indirect", "map_type": "Map Type" }, "cert": { "aa_compromise": "AA Compromise", "affiliation_changed": "Affiliation Changed", "ca_compromise": "CA Compromise", "certificate_hold": "Certificate Hold", "cessation_of_operation": "Cessation of Operation", "common_name": "Common Name", "expires_on": "Expires On", "fingerprints": "Fingerprints", "issue_certificate": "Issue New Certificate for ${entity} ${primary_key}", "issued_by": "Issued By", "issued_on": "Issued On", "issued_to": "Issued To", "key_compromise": "Key Compromise", "md5_fingerprint": "MD5 Fingerprint", "missing": "No Valid Certificate", "new_certificate": "New Certificate", "note": "Note", "organization": "Organization", "organizational_unit": "Organizational Unit", "privilege_withdrawn": "Privilege Withdrawn", "reason": "Reason for Revocation", "remove_from_crl": "Remove from CRL", "request_message": "