# Authors: # Petr Vobornik # # Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ Cert tests """ from ipatests.test_webui.crypto_utils import generate_csr from ipatests.test_webui.ui_driver import UI_driver from ipatests.test_webui.ui_driver import screenshot from datetime import date, timedelta import pytest ENTITY = 'cert' ERR_SPACE = "invalid '{}': Leading and trailing spaces are not allowed" ERR_MUST_INTEGER = "invalid '{}': must be an integer" LEAST_SERIAL = "invalid '{}': must be at least 0" INV_DATE = ("invalid '{}': does not match any of accepted formats: " "%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ, %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ, %Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ, " "%Y-%m-%dZ, %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%SZ, %Y-%m-%d %H:%MZ") def search_pkey(self, pkey): search_field_s = '.search-filter input[name=filter]' self.fill_text(search_field_s, pkey) self.action_button_click('find', parent=None) self.wait_for_request(n=2) def check_option_negative(self, date, option): self.navigate_to_entity(ENTITY) self.select('select[name=search_option]', option) search_pkey(self, date) self.assert_last_error_dialog(INV_DATE.format(option)) self.close_all_dialogs() def check_space_error(self, string, option): self.navigate_to_entity(ENTITY) self.select('select[name=search_option]', option) search_pkey(self, string) self.assert_last_error_dialog(ERR_SPACE.format(option)) self.close_all_dialogs() def check_integer(self, string, option): """ Method to check if provided value is integer. If not check for error dialog """ self.navigate_to_entity(ENTITY) self.select('select[name=search_option]', option) search_pkey(self, string) self.assert_last_error_dialog(ERR_MUST_INTEGER.format(option)) self.close_all_dialogs() def check_minimum_serial(self, serial, option): self.navigate_to_entity(ENTITY) self.select('select[name=search_option]', option) search_pkey(self, serial) self.assert_last_error_dialog(LEAST_SERIAL.format(option)) self.close_all_dialogs() @pytest.mark.tier1 class test_cert(UI_driver): def setup(self, *args, **kwargs): super(test_cert, self).setup(*args, **kwargs) if not self.has_ca(): self.skip('CA not configured') def _add_and_revoke_cert(self, reason='1'): hostname = self.config.get('ipa_server') csr = generate_csr(hostname) self.navigate_to_entity(ENTITY) self.facet_button_click('request_cert') self.fill_textbox('principal', 'HTTP/{}'.format(hostname)) self.check_option('add', 'checked') self.fill_textarea('csr', csr) self.dialog_button_click('issue') self.assert_notification(assert_text='Certificate requested') self.navigate_to_entity(ENTITY) rows = self.get_rows() cert = rows[-1] self.navigate_to_row_record(cert) self.action_list_action('revoke_cert', False) self.select('select[name=revocation_reason]', reason) self.dialog_button_click('ok') self.navigate_to_entity(ENTITY) return cert @screenshot def test_read(self): """ Basic read: cert Certs don't have standard mod, add and delete methods. """ self.init_app() self.navigate_to_entity(ENTITY) rows = self.get_rows() self.navigate_to_row_record(rows[0]) self.navigate_by_breadcrumb("Certificates") @screenshot def test_search_subject(self): """ Try to search certificate by subject """ self.init_app() self.navigate_to_entity(ENTITY) self.select('select[name=search_option]', 'subject') search_pkey(self, 'Certificate Authority') rows = self.get_rows() assert len(rows) != 0 # try to search non-existent subject self.navigate_to_entity(ENTITY) self.select('select[name=search_option]', 'subject') search_pkey(self, 'nonexistent') rows = self.get_rows() assert len(rows) == 0 # try to search subject with speacial char self.navigate_to_entity(ENTITY) self.select('select[name=search_option]', 'subject') search_pkey(self, '<,>.?/') rows = self.get_rows() assert len(rows) == 0 # try to search subject with leading space check_space_error(self, ' Certificate Authority', 'subject') # try to search subject with trailing space check_space_error(self, 'Certificate Authority ', 'subject') @screenshot def test_search_revocation_reason(self): """ Try to search certificates by revocation reason """ self.init_app() # revoke new certificate self._add_and_revoke_cert() # search cert by revocation reason self.select('select[name=search_option]', 'revocation_reason') search_pkey(self, '1') rows = self.get_rows() assert len(rows) != 0 # search cert by string. check_integer(self, 'nonexistent', 'revocation_reason') # search cert by special char check_integer(self, '<,>.?/', 'revocation_reason') # search revocation reason negative Number. self.navigate_to_entity(ENTITY) self.select('select[name=search_option]', 'revocation_reason') search_pkey(self, '-1') rows = self.get_rows() assert len(rows) == 0 # valid revocation reason can be value from 0 to 10 # try revocation reason as other than valid value self.navigate_to_entity(ENTITY) self.select('select[name=search_option]', 'revocation_reason') search_pkey(self, '11') rows = self.get_rows() assert len(rows) == 0 @screenshot def test_search_minimum_serial(self): """ Try to search cert using minimum serial number option """ self.init_app() self.navigate_to_entity(ENTITY) self.select('select[name=search_option]', 'min_serial_number') search_pkey(self, '1') rows = self.get_rows() assert len(rows) != 0 # try search using string check_integer(self, 'nonexistent', 'min_serial_number') # try searching using -1 check_minimum_serial(self, '-1', 'min_serial_number') # try using higher value than no. of certs present self.navigate_to_entity(ENTITY) self.select('select[name=search_option]', 'min_serial_number') search_pkey(self, '99') rows = self.get_rows() assert len(rows) == 0 @screenshot def test_search_maximum_serial(self): """ Try to search cert using maximum serial number option """ self.init_app() self.navigate_to_entity(ENTITY) self.select('select[name=search_option]', 'max_serial_number') search_pkey(self, '2') rows = self.get_rows() assert len(rows) == 2 # try to search using string check_integer(self, 'nonexisting', 'max_serial_number') # try to search using -1 check_minimum_serial(self, '-1', 'max_serial_number') @screenshot def test_search_valid_not_after_from(self): """ Try to search cert using valid not after from option """ today = date.today() self.init_app() # revoke new certificate self._add_and_revoke_cert() self.select('select[name=search_option]', 'validnotafter_from') search_pkey(self, str(today)) rows = self.get_rows() assert len(rows) != 0 # try to search with string check_option_negative(self, 'nonexistent', 'validnotafter_from') # try to search using invalid date check_option_negative(self, '2018-02-30', 'validnotafter_from') # try to search using date beyond self.navigate_to_entity(ENTITY) self.select('select[name=search_option]', 'validnotafter_from') search_pkey(self, str(today + timedelta(weeks=52 * 30))) rows = self.get_rows() assert len(rows) == 0 # try to search using leading space check_option_negative(self, ' {}'.format(str(today)), 'validnotafter_from') # try to search trailing space check_option_negative(self, '{} '.format(str(today)), 'validnotafter_from') @screenshot def test_search_valid_not_after_to(self): """ Try to search cert using valid not after to option """ today = date.today() self.init_app() # revoke new certificate self._add_and_revoke_cert() self.select('select[name=search_option]', 'validnotafter_to') search_pkey(self, str(today + timedelta(weeks=52 * 30))) rows = self.get_rows() assert len(rows) != 0 # try to search with string check_option_negative(self, 'nonexistent', 'validnotafter_to') # try to search using invalid date check_option_negative(self, '2018-02-30', 'validnotafter_to') # try to search using date ago self.navigate_to_entity(ENTITY) self.select('select[name=search_option]', 'validnotafter_to') search_pkey(self, str(today - timedelta(weeks=52 * 10))) rows = self.get_rows() assert len(rows) == 0 # try to search with leading space check_option_negative(self, ' {}'.format(str(today)), 'validnotafter_to') # try to search with trailing space check_option_negative(self, '{} '.format(str(today)), 'validnotafter_to') @screenshot def test_search_valid_not_before_from(self): """ Try to search cert using valid not before from option """ today = date.today() self.init_app() # revoke new certificate self._add_and_revoke_cert() self.select('select[name=search_option]', 'validnotbefore_from') search_pkey(self, str(today)) rows = self.get_rows() assert len(rows) != 0 # try to search with string check_option_negative(self, 'nonexistent', 'validnotafter_from') # try to search using invalid date check_option_negative(self, '2018-02-30', 'validnotafter_from') # try to search using current beyond self.navigate_to_entity(ENTITY) self.select('select[name=search_option]', 'validnotbefore_from') search_pkey(self, str(today + timedelta(weeks=52 * 30))) rows = self.get_rows() assert len(rows) == 0 # try to search with leading space check_option_negative(self, ' {}'.format(str(today)), 'validnotafter_from') # try to search with trailing space check_option_negative(self, '{} '.format(str(today)), 'validnotafter_from') @screenshot def test_search_valid_not_before_to(self): """ Try to search cert using valid not before to option """ today = date.today() self.init_app() # revoke new certificate self._add_and_revoke_cert() self.select('select[name=search_option]', 'validnotbefore_to') search_pkey(self, str(today + timedelta(weeks=52 * 30))) rows = self.get_rows() assert len(rows) != 0 # try to search with string check_option_negative(self, 'nonexistent', 'validnotafter_from') # try to search using invalid date check_option_negative(self, '2018-02-30', 'validnotafter_from') # try to search using date ago self.navigate_to_entity(ENTITY) self.select('select[name=search_option]', 'validnotbefore_to') search_pkey(self, str(today - timedelta(weeks=52 * 10))) rows = self.get_rows() assert len(rows) == 0 # try to search with leading space check_option_negative(self, ' {}'.format(str(today)), 'validnotafter_from') # try to search with trailing space check_option_negative(self, '{} '.format(str(today)), 'validnotafter_from') @screenshot def test_search_issued_on_from(self): """ Try to search cert using issued on from option """ today = date.today() self.init_app() # revoke new certificate self._add_and_revoke_cert() self.select('select[name=search_option]', 'issuedon_from') search_pkey(self, str(today)) rows = self.get_rows() assert len(rows) != 0 # try to search with string check_option_negative(self, 'nonexistent', 'issuedon_from') # try to search using invalid date check_option_negative(self, '2018-02-30', 'issuedon_from') # try to search using date beyond self.navigate_to_entity(ENTITY) self.select('select[name=search_option]', 'issuedon_from') search_pkey(self, str(today + timedelta(weeks=52 * 30))) rows = self.get_rows() assert len(rows) == 0 # try to search with leading space check_option_negative(self, ' {}'.format(str(today)), 'issuedon_from') # try to search with trailing space check_option_negative(self, '{} '.format(str(today)), 'issuedon_from') @screenshot def test_search_issued_on_to(self): """ Try to search cert using issued on to option """ today = date.today() self.init_app() # revoke new certificate self._add_and_revoke_cert() self.select('select[name=search_option]', 'issuedon_to') search_pkey(self, str(today)) rows = self.get_rows() assert len(rows) != 0 # try to search with string check_option_negative(self, 'nonexistent', 'issuedon_to') # try to search using invalid date check_option_negative(self, '2018-02-30', 'issuedon_to') # try to search using date ago self.navigate_to_entity(ENTITY) self.select('select[name=search_option]', 'issuedon_to') search_pkey(self, str(today - timedelta(weeks=52 * 10))) rows = self.get_rows() assert len(rows) == 0 # try to search with leading space check_option_negative(self, ' {}'.format(str(today)), 'issuedon_to') # try to search with trailing space check_option_negative(self, '{} '.format(str(today)), 'issuedon_to') @screenshot def test_search_revoked_on_from(self): """ Try to search cert using revoked on from option """ today = date.today() self.init_app() # revoke new certificate self._add_and_revoke_cert() self.select('select[name=search_option]', 'revokedon_from') search_pkey(self, str(today)) rows = self.get_rows() assert len(rows) != 0 # try to search with string check_option_negative(self, 'nonexistent', 'revokedon_from') # try to search using invalid date check_option_negative(self, '2018-02-30', 'revokedon_from') # try to search using date beyond self.navigate_to_entity(ENTITY) self.select('select[name=search_option]', 'revokedon_from') search_pkey(self, str(today + timedelta(weeks=52 * 30))) rows = self.get_rows() assert len(rows) == 0 # try to search with leading space check_option_negative(self, ' {}'.format(str(today)), 'revokedon_from') # try to search with trailing space check_option_negative(self, '{} '.format(str(today)), 'revokedon_from') @screenshot def test_search_revoked_on_to(self): """ Try to search cert using revoked on to option """ today = date.today() self.init_app() # revoke new certificate self._add_and_revoke_cert() self.select('select[name=search_option]', 'revokedon_to') search_pkey(self, str(today)) rows = self.get_rows() assert len(rows) != 0 # try to search with string check_option_negative(self, 'nonexistent', 'revokedon_to') # try to search using invalid date check_option_negative(self, '2018-02-30', 'revokedon_to') # try to search using date ago self.navigate_to_entity(ENTITY) self.select('select[name=search_option]', 'revokedon_to') search_pkey(self, str(today - timedelta(weeks=52 * 10))) rows = self.get_rows() assert len(rows) == 0 # try to search with leading space check_option_negative(self, ' {}'.format(str(today)), 'revokedon_to') # try to search with trailing space check_option_negative(self, '{} '.format(str(today)), 'revokedon_to')