# # Copyright (C) 2015 FreeIPA Contributors see COPYING for license # """ Command line support. """ import collections import optparse import signal import six from ipapython import admintool, ipa_log_manager from ipapython.ipautil import CheckedIPAddress, private_ccache from . import core, common __all__ = ['install_tool', 'uninstall_tool'] if six.PY3: long = int def install_tool(configurable_class, command_name, log_file_name, positional_arguments=None, usage=None, debug_option=False, use_private_ccache=True, uninstall_log_file_name=None, uninstall_positional_arguments=None, uninstall_usage=None): if (uninstall_log_file_name is not None or uninstall_positional_arguments is not None or uninstall_usage is not None): uninstall_kwargs = dict( configurable_class=configurable_class, command_name=command_name, log_file_name=uninstall_log_file_name, positional_arguments=uninstall_positional_arguments, usage=uninstall_usage, debug_option=debug_option, ) else: uninstall_kwargs = None return type( 'install_tool({0})'.format(configurable_class.__name__), (InstallTool,), dict( configurable_class=configurable_class, command_name=command_name, log_file_name=log_file_name, positional_arguments=positional_arguments, usage=usage, debug_option=debug_option, uninstall_kwargs=uninstall_kwargs, use_private_ccache=use_private_ccache, ) ) def uninstall_tool(configurable_class, command_name, log_file_name, positional_arguments=None, usage=None, debug_option=False): return type( 'uninstall_tool({0})'.format(configurable_class.__name__), (UninstallTool,), dict( configurable_class=configurable_class, command_name=command_name, log_file_name=log_file_name, positional_arguments=positional_arguments, usage=usage, debug_option=debug_option, ) ) class ConfigureTool(admintool.AdminTool): configurable_class = None debug_option = False positional_arguments = None use_private_ccache = True @staticmethod def _transform(configurable_class): raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def add_options(cls, parser): transformed_cls = cls._transform(cls.configurable_class) if issubclass(transformed_cls, common.Interactive): parser.add_option( '-U', '--unattended', dest='unattended', default=False, action='store_true', help="unattended (un)installation never prompts the user", ) basic_group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "basic options") groups = collections.OrderedDict() groups[None] = basic_group for owner_cls, name in transformed_cls.knobs(): knob_cls = getattr(owner_cls, name) if cls.positional_arguments and name in cls.positional_arguments: continue group_cls = owner_cls.group() try: opt_group = groups[group_cls] except KeyError: opt_group = groups[group_cls] = optparse.OptionGroup( parser, "{0} options".format(group_cls.description)) kwargs = dict() if knob_cls.type is bool: kwargs['type'] = None else: kwargs['type'] = 'string' kwargs['dest'] = name kwargs['action'] = 'callback' kwargs['callback'] = cls._option_callback kwargs['callback_args'] = (knob_cls,) if knob_cls.sensitive: kwargs['sensitive'] = True if knob_cls.cli_metavar: kwargs['metavar'] = knob_cls.cli_metavar if knob_cls.cli_short_name: short_opt_str = '-{0}'.format(knob_cls.cli_short_name) else: short_opt_str = '' cli_name = knob_cls.cli_name or name.replace('_', '-') opt_str = '--{0}'.format(cli_name) if not knob_cls.deprecated: help = knob_cls.description else: help = optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP opt_group.add_option( short_opt_str, opt_str, help=help, **kwargs ) if knob_cls.cli_aliases: opt_strs = ['--{0}'.format(a) for a in knob_cls.cli_aliases] opt_group.add_option( *opt_strs, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP, **kwargs ) for opt_group in groups.values(): parser.add_option_group(opt_group) super(ConfigureTool, cls).add_options(parser, debug_option=cls.debug_option) @classmethod def _option_callback(cls, option, opt_str, value, parser, knob_cls): old_value = getattr(parser.values, option.dest, None) try: value = cls._parse_knob(knob_cls, old_value, value) except ValueError as e: raise optparse.OptionValueError( "option {0}: {1}".format(opt_str, e)) setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value) @classmethod def _parse_knob(cls, knob_cls, old_value, value): if knob_cls.type is bool: parse = bool is_list = False value = True else: if isinstance(knob_cls.type, tuple): assert knob_cls.type[0] is list value_type = knob_cls.type[1] is_list = True else: value_type = knob_cls.type is_list = False if value_type is int: def parse(value): try: return int(value, 0) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "invalid integer value: {0}".format(repr(value))) elif value_type is long: def parse(value): try: return long(value, 0) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "invalid long integer value: {0}".format( repr(value))) elif value_type == 'ip': def parse(value): try: return CheckedIPAddress(value) except Exception as e: raise ValueError("invalid IP address {0}: {1}".format( value, e)) elif value_type == 'ip-local': def parse(value): try: return CheckedIPAddress(value, match_local=True) except Exception as e: raise ValueError("invalid IP address {0}: {1}".format( value, e)) elif isinstance(value_type, set): def parse(value): if value not in value_type: raise ValueError( "invalid choice {0} (choose from {1})".format( repr(value), ', '.join( sorted(repr(v) for v in value_type)))) return value else: parse = value_type value = parse(value) if is_list: old_value = old_value or [] old_value.append(value) value = old_value return value def validate_options(self, needs_root=True): super(ConfigureTool, self).validate_options(needs_root=needs_root) if self.positional_arguments: if len(self.args) > len(self.positional_arguments): self.option_parser.error("Too many arguments provided") index = 0 transformed_cls = self._transform(self.configurable_class) for owner_cls, name in transformed_cls.knobs(): knob_cls = getattr(owner_cls, name) if name not in self.positional_arguments: continue try: value = self.args[index] except IndexError: break old_value = getattr(self.options, name, None) try: value = self._parse_knob(knob_cls, old_value, value) except ValueError as e: self.option_parser.error( "argument {0}: {1}".format(index + 1, e)) setattr(self.options, name, value) index += 1 def _setup_logging(self, log_file_mode='w', no_file=False): if no_file: log_file_name = None elif self.options.log_file: log_file_name = self.options.log_file else: log_file_name = self.log_file_name ipa_log_manager.standard_logging_setup(log_file_name, debug=self.options.verbose) self.log = ipa_log_manager.log_mgr.get_logger(self) if log_file_name: self.log.debug('Logging to %s' % log_file_name) elif not no_file: self.log.debug('Not logging to a file') def run(self): kwargs = {} transformed_cls = self._transform(self.configurable_class) knob_classes = {n: getattr(c, n) for c, n in transformed_cls.knobs()} for name in knob_classes: value = getattr(self.options, name, None) if value is not None: kwargs[name] = value if (issubclass(self.configurable_class, common.Interactive) and not self.options.unattended): kwargs['interactive'] = True try: cfgr = transformed_cls(**kwargs) except core.KnobValueError as e: knob_cls = knob_classes[e.name] try: if self.positional_arguments is None: raise ValueError index = self.positional_arguments.index(e.name) except ValueError: cli_name = knob_cls.cli_name or e.name.replace('_', '-') desc = "option --{0}".format(cli_name) else: desc = "argument {0}".format(index + 1) self.option_parser.error("{0}: {1}".format(desc, e)) except RuntimeError as e: self.option_parser.error(str(e)) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.__signal_handler) if self.use_private_ccache: with private_ccache(): super(ConfigureTool, self).run() cfgr.run() else: super(ConfigureTool, self).run() cfgr.run() @staticmethod def __signal_handler(signum, frame): raise KeyboardInterrupt class InstallTool(ConfigureTool): uninstall_kwargs = None _transform = staticmethod(common.installer) @classmethod def add_options(cls, parser): super(InstallTool, cls).add_options(parser) if cls.uninstall_kwargs is not None: uninstall_group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "uninstall options") uninstall_group.add_option( '--uninstall', dest='uninstall', default=False, action='store_true', help=("uninstall an existing installation. The uninstall can " "be run with --unattended option"), ) parser.add_option_group(uninstall_group) @classmethod def get_command_class(cls, options, args): if cls.uninstall_kwargs is not None and options.uninstall: uninstall_cls = uninstall_tool(**cls.uninstall_kwargs) uninstall_cls.option_parser = cls.option_parser return uninstall_cls else: return super(InstallTool, cls).get_command_class(options, args) class UninstallTool(ConfigureTool): _transform = staticmethod(common.uninstaller)