# # Copyright (C) 2015 FreeIPA Contributors see COPYING for license # from __future__ import print_function import copy import os.path import sys import textwrap from astroid import MANAGER, register_module_extender from astroid import scoped_nodes from pylint.checkers import BaseChecker from pylint.checkers.utils import check_messages from pylint.interfaces import IAstroidChecker from astroid.builder import AstroidBuilder def register(linter): linter.register_checker(IPAChecker(linter)) def _warning_already_exists(cls, member): print( "WARNING: member '{member}' in '{cls}' already exists".format( cls="{}.{}".format(cls.root().name, cls.name), member=member), file=sys.stderr ) def fake_class(name_or_class_obj, members=()): if isinstance(name_or_class_obj, scoped_nodes.Class): cl = name_or_class_obj else: cl = scoped_nodes.Class(name_or_class_obj, None) for m in members: if isinstance(m, str): if m in cl.locals: _warning_already_exists(cl, m) else: cl.locals[m] = [scoped_nodes.Class(m, None)] elif isinstance(m, dict): for key, val in m.items(): assert isinstance(key, str), "key must be string" if key in cl.locals: _warning_already_exists(cl, key) fake_class(cl.locals[key], val) else: cl.locals[key] = [fake_class(key, val)] else: # here can be used any astroid type if m.name in cl.locals: _warning_already_exists(cl, m.name) else: cl.locals[m.name] = [copy.copy(m)] return cl fake_backend = {'Backend': [ {'wsgi_dispatch': ['mount']}, ]} NAMESPACE_ATTRS = ['Command', 'Object', 'Method', fake_backend, 'Updater', 'Advice'] fake_api_env = {'env': [ 'host', 'realm', 'session_auth_duration', 'session_duration_type', ]} # this is due ipaserver.rpcserver.KerberosSession where api is undefined fake_api = {'api': [fake_api_env] + NAMESPACE_ATTRS} _LOGGING_ATTRS = ['debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'exception', 'critical'] LOGGING_ATTRS = [ {'log': _LOGGING_ATTRS}, ] + _LOGGING_ATTRS # 'class': ['generated', 'properties'] ipa_class_members = { # Python standard library & 3rd party classes 'socket._socketobject': ['sendall'], # IPA classes 'ipalib.base.NameSpace': [ 'add', 'mod', 'del', 'show', 'find' ], 'ipalib.cli.Collector': ['__options'], 'ipalib.config.Env': [ {'__d': ['get']}, {'__done': ['add']}, 'xmlrpc_uri', 'validate_api', 'startup_traceback', 'verbose' ] + LOGGING_ATTRS, 'ipalib.errors.ACIError': [ 'info', ], 'ipalib.errors.ConversionError': [ 'error', ], 'ipalib.errors.DatabaseError': [ 'desc', ], 'ipalib.errors.NetworkError': [ 'error', ], 'ipalib.errors.NotFound': [ 'reason', ], 'ipalib.errors.PublicError': [ 'msg', 'strerror', 'kw', ], 'ipalib.errors.SingleMatchExpected': [ 'found', ], 'ipalib.errors.SkipPluginModule': [ 'reason', ], 'ipalib.errors.ValidationError': [ 'error', ], 'ipalib.errors.SchemaUpToDate': [ 'fingerprint', 'ttl', ], 'ipalib.messages.PublicMessage': [ 'msg', 'strerror', 'type', 'kw', ], 'ipalib.parameters.Param': [ 'cli_name', 'cli_short_name', 'label', 'default', 'doc', 'required', 'multivalue', 'primary_key', 'normalizer', 'default_from', 'autofill', 'query', 'attribute', 'include', 'exclude', 'flags', 'hint', 'alwaysask', 'sortorder', 'option_group', 'no_convert', 'deprecated', ], 'ipalib.parameters.Bool': [ 'truths', 'falsehoods'], 'ipalib.parameters.Data': [ 'minlength', 'maxlength', 'length', 'pattern', 'pattern_errmsg', ], 'ipalib.parameters.Str': ['noextrawhitespace'], 'ipalib.parameters.Password': ['confirm'], 'ipalib.parameters.File': ['stdin_if_missing'], 'ipalib.parameters.Enum': ['values'], 'ipalib.parameters.Number': [ 'minvalue', 'maxvalue', ], 'ipalib.parameters.Decimal': [ 'precision', 'exponential', 'numberclass', ], 'ipalib.parameters.DNSNameParam': [ 'only_absolute', 'only_relative', ], 'ipalib.parameters.Principal': [ 'require_service', ], 'ipalib.plugable.API': [ fake_api_env, ] + NAMESPACE_ATTRS + LOGGING_ATTRS, 'ipalib.plugable.Plugin': [ 'Object', 'Method', 'Updater', 'Advice', ] + LOGGING_ATTRS, 'ipalib.util.ForwarderValidationError': [ 'msg', ], 'ipaserver.install.ldapupdate.LDAPUpdate': LOGGING_ATTRS, 'ipaserver.plugins.dns.DNSRecord': [ 'validatedns', 'normalizedns', ], 'ipaserver.rpcserver.KerberosSession': [ fake_api, ] + LOGGING_ATTRS, 'ipatests.test_integration.base.IntegrationTest': [ 'domain', {'master': [ {'config': [ {'dirman_password': dir(str)}, {'admin_password': dir(str)}, {'admin_name': dir(str)}, {'dns_forwarder': dir(str)}, {'test_dir': dir(str)}, {'ad_admin_name': dir(str)}, {'ad_admin_password': dir(str)}, {'domain_level': dir(str)}, ]}, {'domain': [ {'realm': dir(str)}, {'name': dir(str)}, ]}, 'hostname', 'ip', 'collect_log', {'run_command': [ {'stdout_text': dir(str)}, 'stderr_text', 'returncode', ]}, {'transport': ['put_file', 'file_exists']}, 'put_file_contents', 'get_file_contents', 'ldap_connect', ]}, 'replicas', 'clients', 'ad_domains', ] } def fix_ipa_classes(cls): class_name_with_module = "{}.{}".format(cls.root().name, cls.name) if class_name_with_module in ipa_class_members: fake_class(cls, ipa_class_members[class_name_with_module]) MANAGER.register_transform(scoped_nodes.Class, fix_ipa_classes) def pytest_config_transform(): """pylint.config attribute """ return AstroidBuilder(MANAGER).string_build(textwrap.dedent(''' from _pytest.config import get_config config = get_config() ''')) register_module_extender(MANAGER, 'pytest', pytest_config_transform) class IPAChecker(BaseChecker): __implements__ = IAstroidChecker name = 'ipa' msgs = { 'W9901': ( 'Forbidden import %s (can\'t import from %s in %s)', 'ipa-forbidden-import', 'Used when an forbidden import is detected.', ), } options = ( ( 'forbidden-imports', { 'default': '', 'type': 'csv', 'metavar': '[:[:...]][,...]', 'help': 'Modules which are forbidden to be imported in the ' 'given paths', }, ), ) priority = -1 def open(self): self._dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) self._forbidden_imports = {self._dir: []} for forbidden_import in self.config.forbidden_imports: forbidden_import = forbidden_import.split(':') path = os.path.join(self._dir, forbidden_import[0]) path = os.path.abspath(path) modules = forbidden_import[1:] self._forbidden_imports[path] = modules self._forbidden_imports_stack = [] def _get_forbidden_import_rule(self, node): path = node.path if path: path = os.path.abspath(path) while path.startswith(self._dir): if path in self._forbidden_imports: return path path = os.path.dirname(path) return self._dir def visit_module(self, node): self._forbidden_imports_stack.append( self._get_forbidden_import_rule(node)) def leave_module(self, node): self._forbidden_imports_stack.pop() def _check_forbidden_imports(self, node, names): path = self._forbidden_imports_stack[-1] relpath = os.path.relpath(path, self._dir) modules = self._forbidden_imports[path] for module in modules: module_prefix = module + '.' for name in names: if name == module or name.startswith(module_prefix): self.add_message('ipa-forbidden-import', args=(name, module, relpath), node=node) @check_messages('ipa-forbidden-import') def visit_import(self, node): names = [n[0] for n in node.names] self._check_forbidden_imports(node, names) @check_messages('ipa-forbidden-import') def visit_importfrom(self, node): names = ['{}.{}'.format(node.modname, n[0]) for n in node.names] self._check_forbidden_imports(node, names)