/* Authors: * Endi Sukma Dewata * * Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat * see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* REQUIRES: ipa.js, details.js, search.js, add.js, entity.js */ function ipa_sudorule() { var that = ipa_entity({ 'name': 'sudorule' }); that.init = function() { var dialog = ipa_sudorule_add_dialog({ 'name': 'add', 'title': 'Add New Rule' }); that.add_dialog(dialog); dialog.init(); var facet = ipa_sudorule_search_facet({ 'name': 'search', 'label': 'Search' }); that.add_facet(facet); facet = ipa_sudorule_details_facet({ 'name': 'details', 'label': 'Details' }); that.add_facet(facet); that.entity_init(); }; return that; } IPA.add_entity(ipa_sudorule()); function ipa_sudorule_add_dialog(spec) { spec = spec || {}; var that = ipa_add_dialog(spec); that.init = function() { that.add_field(ipa_text_widget({name: 'cn', undo: false})); that.add_dialog_init(); }; return that; } function ipa_sudorule_search_facet(spec) { spec = spec || {}; var that = ipa_search_facet(spec); that.init = function() { that.create_column({name:'cn'}); that.create_column({name:'description'}); that.create_column({name:'cmdcategory'}); that.search_facet_init(); }; return that; } function ipa_sudorule_details_facet(spec) { spec = spec || {}; var that = ipa_details_facet(spec); that.init = function() { var section; if (IPA.layout) { section = that.create_section({ 'name': 'general', 'label': 'General', 'template': 'sudorule-details-general.html #contents' }); } else { section = ipa_sudorule_details_general_section({ 'name': 'general', 'label': 'General' }); that.add_section(section); } section.create_text({ 'name': 'cn', 'read_only': true }); section.create_textarea({ 'name': 'description' }); section.create_radio({ 'name': 'ipaenabledflag' }); section = ipa_rule_details_section({ 'name': 'user', 'label': 'Who', 'field_name': 'usercategory', 'options': [ { 'value': 'all', 'label': 'Anyone' }, { 'value': '', 'label': 'Specified Users and Groups' } ], 'tables': [ { 'field_name': 'memberuser_user' }, { 'field_name': 'memberuser_group' } ] }); that.add_section(section); var category = section.create_radio({ name: 'usercategory', label: 'User category' }); section.add_field(ipa_sudorule_association_table_widget({ 'id': that.entity_name+'-memberuser_user', 'name': 'memberuser_user', 'label': 'Users', 'category': category, 'other_entity': 'user', 'add_method': 'add_user', 'remove_method': 'remove_user' })); section.add_field(ipa_sudorule_association_table_widget({ 'id': that.entity_name+'-memberuser_group', 'name': 'memberuser_group', 'label': 'Groups', 'category': category, 'other_entity': 'group', 'add_method': 'add_user', 'remove_method': 'remove_user' })); section = ipa_rule_details_section({ 'name': 'host', 'label': 'Access this host', 'field_name': 'hostcategory', 'options': [ { 'value': 'all', 'label': 'Any Host' }, { 'value': '', 'label': 'Specified Hosts and Groups' } ], 'tables': [ { 'field_name': 'memberhost_host' }, { 'field_name': 'memberhost_hostgroup' } ] }); that.add_section(section); category = section.create_radio({ 'name': 'hostcategory', 'label': 'Host category' }); section.add_field(ipa_sudorule_association_table_widget({ 'id': that.entity_name+'-memberhost_host', 'name': 'memberhost_host', 'label': 'Host', 'category': category, 'other_entity': 'host', 'add_method': 'add_host', 'remove_method': 'remove_host' })); section.add_field(ipa_sudorule_association_table_widget({ 'id': that.entity_name+'-memberhost_hostgroup', 'name': 'memberhost_hostgroup', 'label': 'Groups', 'category': category, 'other_entity': 'hostgroup', 'add_method': 'add_host', 'remove_method': 'remove_host' })); section = ipa_sudorule_details_command_section({ 'name': 'command', 'label': 'Run Commands' }); that.add_section(section); section = ipa_sudorule_details_runas_section({ 'name': 'runas', 'label': 'As Whom' }); that.add_section(section); that.details_facet_init(); }; that.load = function(record) { var category = record['cmdcategory']; if (category && category[0] == 'all') { record['cmdcategory'] = ['allow']; } else { var memberallowcmd_sudocmd = record['memberallowcmd_sudocmd']; var memberallowcmd_sudocmdgroup = record['memberallowcmd_sudocmdgroup']; var memberdenycmd_sudocmd = record['memberdenycmd_sudocmd']; var memberdenycmd_sudocmdgroup = record['memberdenycmd_sudocmdgroup']; if (!memberallowcmd_sudocmd && !memberallowcmd_sudocmdgroup && !memberdenycmd_sudocmd && !memberdenycmd_sudocmdgroup) { record['cmdcategory'] = ['deny']; } else { record['cmdcategory'] = ['']; } } that.details_facet_load(record); }; that.update = function() { var pkey = $.bbq.getState(that.entity_name + '-pkey', true) || ''; var modify_operation = { 'execute': false, 'command': ipa_command({ 'method': that.entity_name+'_mod', 'args': [pkey], 'options': {'all': true, 'rights': true} }) }; var categories = { 'usercategory': { 'remove_values': false }, 'hostcategory': { 'remove_values': false }, 'cmdcategory': { 'remove_values': false }, 'runasusercategory': { 'remove_values': false }, 'runasgroupcategory': { 'remove_values': false } }; var member_operations = { 'memberuser': { 'category': 'usercategory', 'has_values': false, 'command': ipa_command({ 'method': that.entity_name+'_remove_user', 'args': [pkey], 'options': {'all': true, 'rights': true} }) }, 'memberhost': { 'category': 'hostcategory', 'has_values': false, 'command': ipa_command({ 'method': that.entity_name+'_remove_host', 'args': [pkey], 'options': {'all': true, 'rights': true} }) }, 'memberallowcmd': { 'category': 'cmdcategory', 'has_values': false, 'command': ipa_command({ 'method': that.entity_name+'_remove_allow_command', 'args': [pkey], 'options': {'all': true, 'rights': true} }) }, 'memberdenycmd': { 'category': 'cmdcategory', 'has_values': false, 'command': ipa_command({ 'method': that.entity_name+'_remove_deny_command', 'args': [pkey], 'options': {'all': true, 'rights': true} }) }, 'runasuser': { 'category': 'runasusercategory', 'has_values': false, 'command': ipa_command({ 'method': that.entity_name+'_remove_runas_user', 'args': [pkey], 'options': {'all': true, 'rights': true} }) }, 'runasgroup': { 'category': 'runasgroupcategory', 'has_values': false, 'command': ipa_command({ 'method': that.entity_name+'_remove_runas_group', 'args': [pkey], 'options': {'all': true, 'rights': true} }) } }; var enable_operation = { 'execute': false, 'command': ipa_command({ 'method': that.entity_name+'_enable', 'args': [pkey], 'options': {'all': true, 'rights': true} }) }; for (var i=0; i= 0) { // prepare command to remove members if needed var attribute = field.name.substring(0, p); var other_entity = field.name.substring(p+1); if (values.length) { member_operations[attribute].command.set_option(other_entity, values.join(',')); member_operations[attribute].has_values = true; } continue; } // skip unchanged field if (!field.is_dirty(span)) continue; // check enable/disable if (field.name == 'ipaenabledflag') { if (values[0] == 'FALSE') enable_operation.command.method = that.entity_name+'_disable'; enable_operation.execute = true; continue; } if (field.name == 'cmdcategory') { var value = values[0]; if (value == 'allow') { values = ['all']; categories[field.name].remove_values = true; } else if (value == 'deny') { values = []; categories[field.name].remove_values = true; } else { values = []; } } else if (categories[field.name]) { if (values[0] == 'all') { categories[field.name].remove_values = true; } } // use setattr/addattr if param_info not available if (!param_info) { for (var k=0; k', { 'style': 'width: 100%;' }).appendTo(container); var tr = $('').appendTo(table); var td = $('', { 'style': 'width: 100px; text-align: right;', 'html': 'Name:' }).appendTo(tr); td = $('').appendTo(tr); var span = $('', { 'name': 'cn' }).appendTo(td); $('', { 'type': 'text', 'name': 'cn', 'size': 30 }).appendTo(span); span.append(' '); $('', { 'name': 'undo', 'class': 'ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all', 'style': 'display: none;', 'html': 'undo' }).appendTo(span); tr = $('').appendTo(table); td = $('', { 'style': 'text-align: right; vertical-align: top;', 'html': 'Description:' }).appendTo(tr); td = $('').appendTo(tr); span = $('', { 'name': 'description' }).appendTo(td); $('