# # Copyright (C) 2019 FreeIPA Contributors see COPYING for license # """OTP token tests """ import base64 import logging import paramiko import pytest import re import time import textwrap from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.twofactor.hotp import HOTP from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.twofactor.totp import TOTP from ipatests.test_integration.base import IntegrationTest from ipaplatform.paths import paths from ipatests.pytest_ipa.integration import tasks from ipapython.dn import DN PASSWORD = "DummyPassword123" USER = "opttestuser" ARMOR = "/tmp/armor" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def add_otptoken(host, owner, *, otptype="hotp", digits=6, algo="sha1"): args = [ "ipa", "otptoken-add", "--owner", owner, "--type", otptype, "--digits", str(digits), "--algo", algo, "--no-qrcode", ] result = host.run_command(args) otpuid = re.search( r"Unique ID:\s*([a-z0-9-]*)\s+", result.stdout_text ).group(1) otpuristr = re.search(r"URI:\s*(.*)\s+", result.stdout_text).group(1) otpuri = urlparse(otpuristr) assert otpuri.netloc == otptype query = parse_qs(otpuri.query) assert query["algorithm"][0] == algo.upper() assert query["digits"][0] == str(digits) key = base64.b32decode(query["secret"][0]) assert len(key) == 35 hashcls = getattr(hashes, algo.upper()) if otptype == "hotp": return otpuid, HOTP(key, digits, hashcls(), default_backend()) else: period = int(query["period"][0]) return otpuid, TOTP(key, digits, hashcls(), period, default_backend()) def del_otptoken(host, otpuid): tasks.kinit_admin(host) host.run_command(["ipa", "otptoken-del", otpuid]) def kinit_otp(host, user, *, password, otp, success=True): tasks.kdestroy_all(host) # create armor for FAST host.run_command(["kinit", "-n", "-c", ARMOR]) host.run_command( ["kinit", "-T", ARMOR, user], stdin_text=f"{password}{otp}\n", ok_returncode=0 if success else 1, ) def ssh_2f(hostname, username, answers_dict, port=22): """ :param hostname: hostname :param username: username :param answers_dict: dictionary of options with prompt_message and value. :param port: port for ssh """ # Handler for server questions def answer_handler(title, instructions, prompt_list): resp = [] if title: print(title.strip()) if instructions: print(instructions.strip()) for prmpt in prompt_list: prmpt_str = prmpt[0].strip() resp.append(answers_dict[prmpt_str]) logger.info("Prompt is: '%s'", prmpt_str) logger.info( "Answer to ssh prompt is: '%s'", answers_dict[prmpt_str]) return resp trans = paramiko.Transport((hostname, port)) trans.connect() trans.auth_interactive(username, answer_handler) def set_sssd_conf(host, add_contents): contents = host.get_file_contents(paths.SSSD_CONF, encoding="utf-8") file_contents = contents + add_contents host.put_file_contents(paths.SSSD_CONF, file_contents) tasks.clear_sssd_cache(host) class TestOTPToken(IntegrationTest): """Tests for member manager feature for groups and hostgroups """ topology = "line" @classmethod def install(cls, mh): super(TestOTPToken, cls).install(mh) master = cls.master tasks.kinit_admin(master) # create service with OTP auth indicator cls.service_name = f"otponly/{master.hostname}" master.run_command( ["ipa", "service-add", cls.service_name, "--auth-ind=otp"] ) # service needs a keytab before user can acquire a ticket for it keytab = "/tmp/otponly.keytab" master.run_command( ["ipa-getkeytab", "-p", cls.service_name, "-k", keytab] ) master.run_command(["rm", "-f", keytab]) tasks.create_active_user(master, USER, PASSWORD) tasks.kinit_admin(master) master.run_command(["ipa", "user-mod", USER, "--user-auth-type=otp"]) @classmethod def uninstall(cls, mh): cls.master.run_command(["rm", "-f", ARMOR]) super(TestOTPToken, cls).uninstall(mh) def test_otp_auth_ind(self): tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) result = self.master.run_command( ["kvno", self.service_name], ok_returncode=1 ) assert "KDC policy rejects request" in result.stderr_text def test_hopt(self): master = self.master tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) otpuid, hotp = add_otptoken(master, USER, otptype="hotp") master.run_command(["ipa", "otptoken-show", otpuid]) # normal password login fails master.run_command( ["kinit", USER], stdin_text=f"{PASSWORD}\n", ok_returncode=1 ) # OTP login works otpvalue = hotp.generate(0).decode("ascii") kinit_otp(master, USER, password=PASSWORD, otp=otpvalue) # repeating OTP fails kinit_otp( master, USER, password=PASSWORD, otp=otpvalue, success=False ) # skipping an OTP is ok otpvalue = hotp.generate(2).decode("ascii") kinit_otp(master, USER, password=PASSWORD, otp=otpvalue) # TGT with OTP auth indicator can get a ticket for OTP-only service master.run_command(["kvno", self.service_name]) result = master.run_command(["klist"]) assert self.service_name in result.stdout_text del_otptoken(master, otpuid) def test_totp(self): master = self.master tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) otpuid, totp = add_otptoken(master, USER, otptype="totp") otpvalue = totp.generate(int(time.time())).decode("ascii") kinit_otp(master, USER, password=PASSWORD, otp=otpvalue) # TGT with OTP auth indicator can get a ticket for OTP-only service master.run_command(["kvno", self.service_name]) result = master.run_command(["klist"]) assert self.service_name in result.stdout_text del_otptoken(master, otpuid) def test_otptoken_sync(self): master = self.master tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) otpuid, hotp = add_otptoken(master, USER, otptype="hotp") otp1 = hotp.generate(10).decode("ascii") otp2 = hotp.generate(11).decode("ascii") master.run_command( ["ipa", "otptoken-sync", "--user", USER], stdin_text=f"{PASSWORD}\n{otp1}\n{otp2}\n", ) otpvalue = hotp.generate(12).decode("ascii") kinit_otp(master, USER, password=PASSWORD, otp=otpvalue) otp1 = hotp.generate(20).decode("ascii") otp2 = hotp.generate(21).decode("ascii") master.run_command( ["ipa", "otptoken-sync", otpuid, "--user", USER], stdin_text=f"{PASSWORD}\n{otp1}\n{otp2}\n", ) otpvalue = hotp.generate(22).decode("ascii") kinit_otp(master, USER, password=PASSWORD, otp=otpvalue) del_otptoken(master, otpuid) def test_2fa_enable_single_prompt(self): """Test ssh with 2FA when single prompt is enabled. Test for : https://pagure.io/SSSD/sssd/issue/3264 When [prompting/2fa/sshd] with single_prompt = True is set then during ssh it should be prompted with given message for first and second factor at once. """ master = self.master USER1 = 'sshuser1' sssd_conf_backup = tasks.FileBackup(master, paths.SSSD_CONF) first_prompt = 'Please enter password + OTP token value:' add_contents = textwrap.dedent(''' [prompting/2fa/sshd] single_prompt = True first_prompt = {0} ''').format(first_prompt) set_sssd_conf(master, add_contents) tasks.create_active_user(master, USER1, PASSWORD) tasks.kinit_admin(master) master.run_command(['ipa', 'user-mod', USER1, '--user-auth-type=otp']) try: otpuid, totp = add_otptoken(master, USER1, otptype='totp') master.run_command(['ipa', 'otptoken-show', otpuid]) otpvalue = totp.generate(int(time.time())).decode('ascii') password = '{0}{1}'.format(PASSWORD, otpvalue) tasks.run_ssh_cmd( to_host=self.master.external_hostname, username=USER1, auth_method="password", password=password ) # check if user listed in output cmd = self.master.run_command(['semanage', 'login', '-l']) assert USER1 in cmd.stdout_text finally: master.run_command(['ipa', 'user-del', USER1]) self.master.run_command(['semanage', 'login', '-D']) sssd_conf_backup.restore() def test_2fa_disable_single_prompt(self): """Test ssh with 2FA when single prompt is disabled. Test for : https://pagure.io/SSSD/sssd/issue/3264 When [prompting/2fa/sshd] with single_prompt = False is set then during ssh it should be prompted with given message for first factor and then for second factor. This requires paramiko until the 2-prompt sshpass RFE is fulfilled: https://sourceforge.net/p/sshpass/feature-requests/5/ """ if self.master.is_fips_mode: # pylint: disable=no-member pytest.skip("paramiko is not compatible with FIPS mode") master = self.master USER2 = 'sshuser2' sssd_conf_backup = tasks.FileBackup(master, paths.SSSD_CONF) first_prompt = 'Enter first factor:' second_prompt = 'Enter second factor:' add_contents = textwrap.dedent(''' [prompting/2fa/sshd] single_prompt = False first_prompt = {0} second_prompt = {1} ''').format(first_prompt, second_prompt) set_sssd_conf(master, add_contents) tasks.create_active_user(master, USER2, PASSWORD) tasks.kinit_admin(master) master.run_command(['ipa', 'user-mod', USER2, '--user-auth-type=otp']) try: otpuid, totp = add_otptoken(master, USER2, otptype='totp') master.run_command(['ipa', 'otptoken-show', otpuid]) otpvalue = totp.generate(int(time.time())).decode('ascii') answers = { first_prompt: PASSWORD, second_prompt: otpvalue } ssh_2f(master.hostname, USER2, answers) # check if user listed in output cmd = self.master.run_command(['semanage', 'login', '-l']) assert USER2 in cmd.stdout_text finally: master.run_command(['ipa', 'user-del', USER2]) self.master.run_command(['semanage', 'login', '-D']) sssd_conf_backup.restore() @pytest.fixture def setup_otp_nsslapd(self): check_services = self.master.run_command( ['systemctl', 'list-units', '--state=failed'] ) assert "0 loaded units listed" in check_services.stdout_text assert "ipa-otpd" not in check_services.stdout_text # Be sure no services are running and failed units self.master.run_command(['killall', 'ipa-otpd'], raiseonerr=False) # setting nsslapd-idletimeout new_limit = 30 conn = self.master.ldap_connect() dn = DN(('cn', 'config')) entry = conn.get_entry(dn) # pylint: disable=no-member orig_limit = entry.single_value.get('nsslapd-idletimeout') ldap_query = textwrap.dedent(""" dn: cn=config changetype: modify replace: nsslapd-idletimeout nsslapd-idletimeout: {limit} """) tasks.ldapmodify_dm(self.master, ldap_query.format(limit=new_limit)) yield # cleanup tasks.ldapmodify_dm(self.master, ldap_query.format(limit=orig_limit)) def test_check_otpd_after_idle_timeout(self, setup_otp_nsslapd): """Test for OTP when the LDAP connection timed out. Test for : https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/6587 ipa-otpd was exiting with failure when LDAP connection timed out. Test to verify that when the nsslapd-idletimeout is exceeded (30s idle, 60s sleep) then the ipa-otpd process should exit without error. """ since = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) otpuid, totp = add_otptoken(self.master, USER, otptype="totp") try: # kinit with OTP auth otpvalue = totp.generate(int(time.time())).decode("ascii") kinit_otp(self.master, USER, password=PASSWORD, otp=otpvalue) time.sleep(60) def test_cb(cmd_jornalctl): # check if LDAP connection is timed out expected_msg = "Can't contact LDAP server" return expected_msg in cmd_jornalctl # ipa-otpd don't flush its logs to syslog immediately cmd = ['journalctl', '--since={}'.format(since)] tasks.run_repeatedly( self.master, command=cmd, test=test_cb, timeout=90) failed_services = self.master.run_command( ['systemctl', 'list-units', '--state=failed'] ) assert "ipa-otpd" not in failed_services.stdout_text finally: del_otptoken(self.master, otpuid)