# Author: Alexander Bokovoy # Tomas Babej # # Copyright (C) 2014 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ''' This base module contains default implementations of IPA interface for interacting with system services. ''' import os import json import time import collections import warnings import six from ipapython import ipautil from ipaplatform.paths import paths # Canonical names of services as IPA wants to see them. As we need to have # *some* naming, set them as in Red Hat distributions. Actual implementation # should make them available through knownservices. and take care of # re-mapping internally, if needed wellknownservices = ['certmonger', 'dirsrv', 'httpd', 'ipa', 'krb5kdc', 'messagebus', 'nslcd', 'nscd', 'ntpd', 'portmap', 'rpcbind', 'kadmin', 'sshd', 'autofs', 'rpcgssd', 'rpcidmapd', 'pki_tomcatd', 'chronyd', 'domainname', 'named', 'ods_enforcerd', 'ods_signerd'] # The common ports for these services. This is used to wait for the # service to become available. wellknownports = { 'dirsrv': [389], # only used if the incoming instance name is blank 'pki-tomcatd@pki-tomcat.service': [8080, 8443], 'pki-tomcat': [8080, 8443], 'pki-tomcatd': [8080, 8443], # used if the incoming instance name is blank } SERVICE_POLL_INTERVAL = 0.1 # seconds class KnownServices(collections.Mapping): """ KnownServices is an abstract class factory that should give out instances of well-known platform services. Actual implementation must create these instances as its own attributes on first access (or instance creation) and cache them. """ def __init__(self, d): self.__d = d def __getitem__(self, key): return self.__d[key] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.__d) def __len__(self): return len(self.__d) def __call__(self): return six.itervalues(self.__d) def __getattr__(self, name): try: return self.__d[name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(name) class PlatformService(object): """ PlatformService abstracts out external process running on the system which is possible to administer (start, stop, check status, etc). """ def __init__(self, service_name, api=None): self.service_name = service_name if api is not None: self.api = api else: import ipalib # FixMe: break import cycle self.api = ipalib.api warnings.warn( "{s.__class__.__name__}('{s.service_name}', api=None) " "is deprecated.".format(s=self), RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2) def start(self, instance_name="", capture_output=True, wait=True, update_service_list=True): """ When a service is started record the fact in a special file. This allows ipactl stop to always stop all services that have been started via ipa tools """ if not update_service_list: return svc_list = [] try: with open(paths.SVC_LIST_FILE, 'r') as f: svc_list = json.load(f) except Exception: # not fatal, may be the first service pass if self.service_name not in svc_list: svc_list.append(self.service_name) with open(paths.SVC_LIST_FILE, 'w') as f: json.dump(svc_list, f) return def stop(self, instance_name="", capture_output=True, update_service_list=True): """ When a service is stopped remove it from the service list file. """ if not update_service_list: return svc_list = [] try: with open(paths.SVC_LIST_FILE, 'r') as f: svc_list = json.load(f) except Exception: # not fatal, may be the first service pass while self.service_name in svc_list: svc_list.remove(self.service_name) with open(paths.SVC_LIST_FILE, 'w') as f: json.dump(svc_list, f) return def restart(self, instance_name="", capture_output=True, wait=True): return def is_running(self, instance_name="", wait=True): return False def is_installed(self): return False def is_enabled(self, instance_name=""): return False def is_masked(self, instance_name=""): return False def enable(self, instance_name=""): return def disable(self, instance_name=""): return def mask(self, instance_name=""): return def unmask(self, instance_name=""): return def install(self, instance_name=""): return def remove(self, instance_name=""): return class SystemdService(PlatformService): SYSTEMD_SRV_TARGET = "%s.target.wants" def __init__(self, service_name, systemd_name, api=None): super(SystemdService, self).__init__(service_name, api=api) self.systemd_name = systemd_name self.lib_path = os.path.join(paths.LIB_SYSTEMD_SYSTEMD_DIR, self.systemd_name) self.lib_path_exists = None def service_instance(self, instance_name, operation=None): if self.lib_path_exists is None: self.lib_path_exists = os.path.exists(self.lib_path) elements = self.systemd_name.split("@") # Make sure the correct DS instance is returned if elements[0] == 'dirsrv' and not instance_name: return ('dirsrv@%s.service' % str(self.api.env.realm.replace('.', '-'))) # Short-cut: if there is already exact service name, return it if self.lib_path_exists and instance_name: if len(elements) == 1: # service name is like pki-tomcatd.target or krb5kdc.service return self.systemd_name if len(elements) > 1 and elements[1][0] != '.': # Service name is like pki-tomcatd@pki-tomcat.service # and that file exists return self.systemd_name if len(elements) > 1: # We have dynamic service if instance_name: # Instanciate dynamic service return "%s@%s.service" % (elements[0], instance_name) else: # No instance name, try with target tgt_name = "%s.target" % (elements[0]) srv_lib = os.path.join(paths.LIB_SYSTEMD_SYSTEMD_DIR, tgt_name) if os.path.exists(srv_lib): return tgt_name return self.systemd_name def parse_variables(self, text, separator=None): """ Parses 'systemctl show' output and returns a dict[variable]=value Arguments: text -- 'systemctl show' output as string separator -- optional (defaults to None), what separates the key/value pairs in the text """ def splitter(x, separator=None): if len(x) > 1: y = x.split(separator) return (y[0], y[-1]) return (None, None) return dict(splitter(x, separator=separator) for x in text.split("\n")) def wait_for_open_ports(self, instance_name=""): """ If this is a service we need to wait for do so. """ ports = None if instance_name in wellknownports: ports = wellknownports[instance_name] else: elements = self.systemd_name.split("@") if elements[0] in wellknownports: ports = wellknownports[elements[0]] if ports: ipautil.wait_for_open_ports('localhost', ports, self.api.env.startup_timeout) def stop(self, instance_name="", capture_output=True): instance = self.service_instance(instance_name) args = [paths.SYSTEMCTL, "stop", instance] # The --ignore-dependencies switch is used to avoid possible # deadlock during the shutdown transaction. For more details, see # https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/3729#comment:1 and # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=973331#c11 if instance == "ipa-otpd.socket": args.append("--ignore-dependencies") ipautil.run(args, skip_output=not capture_output) update_service_list = getattr(self.api.env, 'context', None) in ['ipactl', 'installer'] super(SystemdService, self).stop( instance_name, update_service_list=update_service_list) def start(self, instance_name="", capture_output=True, wait=True): ipautil.run([paths.SYSTEMCTL, "start", self.service_instance(instance_name)], skip_output=not capture_output) update_service_list = getattr(self.api.env, 'context', None) in ['ipactl', 'installer'] if wait and self.is_running(instance_name): self.wait_for_open_ports(self.service_instance(instance_name)) super(SystemdService, self).start( instance_name, update_service_list=update_service_list) def restart(self, instance_name="", capture_output=True, wait=True): ipautil.run([paths.SYSTEMCTL, "restart", self.service_instance(instance_name)], skip_output=not capture_output) if wait and self.is_running(instance_name): self.wait_for_open_ports(self.service_instance(instance_name)) def is_running(self, instance_name="", wait=True): instance = self.service_instance(instance_name, 'is-active') while True: try: result = ipautil.run( [paths.SYSTEMCTL, "is-active", instance], capture_output=True ) except ipautil.CalledProcessError as e: if e.returncode == 3 and 'activating' in str(e.output): time.sleep(SERVICE_POLL_INTERVAL) continue return False else: # activating if result.returncode == 3 and 'activating' in result.output: time.sleep(SERVICE_POLL_INTERVAL) continue # active if result.returncode == 0: return True # not active return False def is_installed(self): try: result = ipautil.run( [paths.SYSTEMCTL, "list-unit-files", "--full"], capture_output=True) if result.returncode != 0: return False else: svar = self.parse_variables(result.output) if not self.service_instance("") in svar: # systemd doesn't show the service return False except ipautil.CalledProcessError: return False return True def is_enabled(self, instance_name=""): enabled = True try: result = ipautil.run( [paths.SYSTEMCTL, "is-enabled", self.service_instance(instance_name)]) if result.returncode != 0: enabled = False except ipautil.CalledProcessError: enabled = False return enabled def is_masked(self, instance_name=""): masked = False try: result = ipautil.run( [paths.SYSTEMCTL, "is-enabled", self.service_instance(instance_name)], capture_output=True) if result.returncode == 1 and result.output == 'masked': masked = True except ipautil.CalledProcessError: pass return masked def enable(self, instance_name=""): if self.lib_path_exists is None: self.lib_path_exists = os.path.exists(self.lib_path) elements = self.systemd_name.split("@") l = len(elements) if self.lib_path_exists and (l > 1 and elements[1][0] != '.'): # There is explicit service unit supporting this instance, # follow normal systemd enabler self.__enable(instance_name) return if self.lib_path_exists and (l == 1): # There is explicit service unit which does not support # the instances, ignore instance self.__enable() return if len(instance_name) > 0 and l > 1: # New instance, we need to do following: # 1. Make /etc/systemd/system/.target.wants/ # if it is not there # 2. Link /etc/systemd/system/.target.wants/ # @.service to # /lib/systemd/system/@.service srv_tgt = os.path.join(paths.ETC_SYSTEMD_SYSTEM_DIR, self.SYSTEMD_SRV_TARGET % (elements[0])) srv_lnk = os.path.join(srv_tgt, self.service_instance(instance_name)) try: if not ipautil.dir_exists(srv_tgt): os.mkdir(srv_tgt) os.chmod(srv_tgt, 0o755) if os.path.exists(srv_lnk): # Remove old link os.unlink(srv_lnk) if not os.path.exists(srv_lnk): # object does not exist _or_ is a broken link if not os.path.islink(srv_lnk): # if it truly does not exist, make a link os.symlink(self.lib_path, srv_lnk) else: # Link exists and it is broken, make new one os.unlink(srv_lnk) os.symlink(self.lib_path, srv_lnk) ipautil.run([paths.SYSTEMCTL, "--system", "daemon-reload"]) except Exception: pass else: self.__enable(instance_name) def disable(self, instance_name=""): elements = self.systemd_name.split("@") if instance_name != "" and len(elements) > 1: # Remove instance, we need to do following: # Remove link from /etc/systemd/system/.target.wants/ # @.service # to /lib/systemd/system/@.service srv_tgt = os.path.join(paths.ETC_SYSTEMD_SYSTEM_DIR, self.SYSTEMD_SRV_TARGET % (elements[0])) srv_lnk = os.path.join(srv_tgt, self.service_instance(instance_name)) try: if ipautil.dir_exists(srv_tgt): if os.path.islink(srv_lnk): os.unlink(srv_lnk) ipautil.run([paths.SYSTEMCTL, "--system", "daemon-reload"]) except Exception: pass else: try: ipautil.run([paths.SYSTEMCTL, "disable", self.service_instance(instance_name)]) except ipautil.CalledProcessError: pass def mask(self, instance_name=""): srv_tgt = os.path.join(paths.ETC_SYSTEMD_SYSTEM_DIR, self.service_instance(instance_name)) if os.path.exists(srv_tgt): os.unlink(srv_tgt) try: ipautil.run([paths.SYSTEMCTL, "mask", self.service_instance(instance_name)]) except ipautil.CalledProcessError: pass def unmask(self, instance_name=""): try: ipautil.run([paths.SYSTEMCTL, "unmask", self.service_instance(instance_name)]) except ipautil.CalledProcessError: pass def __enable(self, instance_name=""): try: ipautil.run([paths.SYSTEMCTL, "enable", self.service_instance(instance_name)]) except ipautil.CalledProcessError: pass def install(self): self.enable() def remove(self): self.disable() # Objects below are expected to be exported by platform module service = None knownservices = None # System may support more time&date services. FreeIPA supports ntpd only, other # services will be disabled during IPA installation timedate_services = ['ntpd', 'chronyd']