# Authors: # Thierry Bordaz # # Copyright (C) 2014 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import string import six from ipalib import api, errors from ipalib import Flag, Int, Password, Str, Bool, StrEnum, DateTime, Bytes from ipalib.plugable import Registry from .baseldap import ( DN, LDAPObject, LDAPCreate, LDAPUpdate, LDAPSearch, LDAPDelete, LDAPRetrieve, LDAPAddMember, LDAPRemoveMember) from .service import validate_certificate from ipalib.request import context from ipalib import _ from ipapython.ipautil import ipa_generate_password from ipapython.ipavalidate import Email from ipalib.util import ( normalize_sshpubkey, validate_sshpubkey, convert_sshpubkey_post, remove_sshpubkey_from_output_post, remove_sshpubkey_from_output_list_post, add_sshpubkey_to_attrs_pre, ) if six.PY3: unicode = str __doc__ = _(""" Baseuser This contains common definitions for user/stageuser """) register = Registry() NO_UPG_MAGIC = '__no_upg__' baseuser_output_params = ( Flag('has_keytab', label=_('Kerberos keys available'), ), Str('sshpubkeyfp*', label=_('SSH public key fingerprint'), ), ) status_baseuser_output_params = ( Str('server', label=_('Server'), ), Str('krbloginfailedcount', label=_('Failed logins'), ), Str('krblastsuccessfulauth', label=_('Last successful authentication'), ), Str('krblastfailedauth', label=_('Last failed authentication'), ), Str('now', label=_('Time now'), ), ) UPG_DEFINITION_DN = DN(('cn', 'UPG Definition'), ('cn', 'Definitions'), ('cn', 'Managed Entries'), ('cn', 'etc'), api.env.basedn) # characters to be used for generating random user passwords baseuser_pwdchars = string.digits + string.ascii_letters + '_,.@+-=' def validate_nsaccountlock(entry_attrs): if 'nsaccountlock' in entry_attrs: nsaccountlock = entry_attrs['nsaccountlock'] if not isinstance(nsaccountlock, (bool, Bool)): if not isinstance(nsaccountlock, six.string_types): raise errors.OnlyOneValueAllowed(attr='nsaccountlock') if nsaccountlock.lower() not in ('true', 'false'): raise errors.ValidationError(name='nsaccountlock', error=_('must be TRUE or FALSE')) def radius_dn2pk(api, entry_attrs): cl = entry_attrs.get('ipatokenradiusconfiglink', None) if cl: pk = api.Object['radiusproxy'].get_primary_key_from_dn(cl[0]) entry_attrs['ipatokenradiusconfiglink'] = [pk] def convert_nsaccountlock(entry_attrs): if not 'nsaccountlock' in entry_attrs: entry_attrs['nsaccountlock'] = False else: nsaccountlock = Bool('temp') entry_attrs['nsaccountlock'] = nsaccountlock.convert(entry_attrs['nsaccountlock'][0]) def split_principal(principal): """ Split the principal into its components and do some basic validation. Automatically append our realm if it wasn't provided. """ realm = None parts = principal.split('@') user = parts[0].lower() if len(parts) > 2: raise errors.MalformedUserPrincipal(principal=principal) if len(parts) == 2: realm = parts[1].upper() # At some point we'll support multiple realms if realm != api.env.realm: raise errors.RealmMismatch() else: realm = api.env.realm return (user, realm) def validate_principal(ugettext, principal): """ All the real work is done in split_principal. """ (user, realm) = split_principal(principal) return None def normalize_principal(principal): """ Ensure that the name in the principal is lower-case. The realm is upper-case by convention but it isn't required. The principal is validated at this point. """ (user, realm) = split_principal(principal) return unicode('%s@%s' % (user, realm)) def fix_addressbook_permission_bindrule(name, template, is_new, anonymous_read_aci, **other_options): """Fix bind rule type for Read User Addressbook/IPA Attributes permission When upgrading from an old IPA that had the global read ACI, or when installing the first replica with granular read permissions, we need to keep allowing anonymous access to many user attributes. This fixup_function changes the bind rule type accordingly. """ if is_new and anonymous_read_aci: template['ipapermbindruletype'] = 'anonymous' class baseuser(LDAPObject): """ baseuser object. """ stage_container_dn = api.env.container_stageuser active_container_dn = api.env.container_user delete_container_dn = api.env.container_deleteuser object_class = ['posixaccount'] object_class_config = 'ipauserobjectclasses' possible_objectclasses = [ 'meporiginentry', 'ipauserauthtypeclass', 'ipauser', 'ipatokenradiusproxyuser' ] disallow_object_classes = ['krbticketpolicyaux'] permission_filter_objectclasses = ['posixaccount'] search_attributes_config = 'ipausersearchfields' default_attributes = [ 'uid', 'givenname', 'sn', 'homedirectory', 'loginshell', 'uidnumber', 'gidnumber', 'mail', 'ou', 'telephonenumber', 'title', 'memberof', 'nsaccountlock', 'memberofindirect', 'ipauserauthtype', 'userclass', 'ipatokenradiusconfiglink', 'ipatokenradiususername', 'krbprincipalexpiration', 'usercertificate;binary', ] search_display_attributes = [ 'uid', 'givenname', 'sn', 'homedirectory', 'loginshell', 'mail', 'telephonenumber', 'title', 'nsaccountlock', 'uidnumber', 'gidnumber', 'sshpubkeyfp', ] uuid_attribute = 'ipauniqueid' attribute_members = { 'manager': ['user'], 'memberof': ['group', 'netgroup', 'role', 'hbacrule', 'sudorule'], 'memberofindirect': ['group', 'netgroup', 'role', 'hbacrule', 'sudorule'], } rdn_is_primary_key = True bindable = True password_attributes = [('userpassword', 'has_password'), ('krbprincipalkey', 'has_keytab')] label = _('Users') label_singular = _('User') takes_params = ( Str('uid', pattern='^[a-zA-Z0-9_.][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]{0,252}[a-zA-Z0-9_.$-]?$', pattern_errmsg='may only include letters, numbers, _, -, . and $', maxlength=255, cli_name='login', label=_('User login'), primary_key=True, default_from=lambda givenname, sn: givenname[0] + sn, normalizer=lambda value: value.lower(), ), Str('givenname', cli_name='first', label=_('First name'), ), Str('sn', cli_name='last', label=_('Last name'), ), Str('cn', label=_('Full name'), default_from=lambda givenname, sn: '%s %s' % (givenname, sn), autofill=True, ), Str('displayname?', label=_('Display name'), default_from=lambda givenname, sn: '%s %s' % (givenname, sn), autofill=True, ), Str('initials?', label=_('Initials'), default_from=lambda givenname, sn: '%c%c' % (givenname[0], sn[0]), autofill=True, ), Str('homedirectory?', cli_name='homedir', label=_('Home directory'), ), Str('gecos?', label=_('GECOS'), default_from=lambda givenname, sn: '%s %s' % (givenname, sn), autofill=True, ), Str('loginshell?', cli_name='shell', label=_('Login shell'), ), Str('krbprincipalname?', validate_principal, cli_name='principal', label=_('Kerberos principal'), default_from=lambda uid: '%s@%s' % (uid.lower(), api.env.realm), autofill=True, flags=['no_update'], normalizer=lambda value: normalize_principal(value), ), DateTime('krbprincipalexpiration?', cli_name='principal_expiration', label=_('Kerberos principal expiration'), ), Str('mail*', cli_name='email', label=_('Email address'), ), Password('userpassword?', cli_name='password', label=_('Password'), doc=_('Prompt to set the user password'), # FIXME: This is temporary till bug is fixed causing updates to # bomb out via the webUI. exclude='webui', ), Flag('random?', doc=_('Generate a random user password'), flags=('no_search', 'virtual_attribute'), default=False, ), Str('randompassword?', label=_('Random password'), flags=('no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search', 'virtual_attribute'), ), Int('uidnumber?', cli_name='uid', label=_('UID'), doc=_('User ID Number (system will assign one if not provided)'), minvalue=1, ), Int('gidnumber?', label=_('GID'), doc=_('Group ID Number'), minvalue=1, ), Str('street?', cli_name='street', label=_('Street address'), ), Str('l?', cli_name='city', label=_('City'), ), Str('st?', cli_name='state', label=_('State/Province'), ), Str('postalcode?', label=_('ZIP'), ), Str('telephonenumber*', cli_name='phone', label=_('Telephone Number') ), Str('mobile*', label=_('Mobile Telephone Number') ), Str('pager*', label=_('Pager Number') ), Str('facsimiletelephonenumber*', cli_name='fax', label=_('Fax Number'), ), Str('ou?', cli_name='orgunit', label=_('Org. Unit'), ), Str('title?', label=_('Job Title'), ), # keep backward compatibility using single value manager option Str('manager?', label=_('Manager'), ), Str('carlicense*', label=_('Car License'), ), Str('ipasshpubkey*', validate_sshpubkey, cli_name='sshpubkey', label=_('SSH public key'), normalizer=normalize_sshpubkey, flags=['no_search'], ), StrEnum('ipauserauthtype*', cli_name='user_auth_type', label=_('User authentication types'), doc=_('Types of supported user authentication'), values=(u'password', u'radius', u'otp'), ), Str('userclass*', cli_name='class', label=_('Class'), doc=_('User category (semantics placed on this attribute are for ' 'local interpretation)'), ), Str('ipatokenradiusconfiglink?', cli_name='radius', label=_('RADIUS proxy configuration'), ), Str('ipatokenradiususername?', cli_name='radius_username', label=_('RADIUS proxy username'), ), Str('departmentnumber*', label=_('Department Number'), ), Str('employeenumber?', label=_('Employee Number'), ), Str('employeetype?', label=_('Employee Type'), ), Str('preferredlanguage?', label=_('Preferred Language'), pattern='^(([a-zA-Z]{1,8}(-[a-zA-Z]{1,8})?(;q\=((0(\.[0-9]{0,3})?)|(1(\.0{0,3})?)))?' \ + '(\s*,\s*[a-zA-Z]{1,8}(-[a-zA-Z]{1,8})?(;q\=((0(\.[0-9]{0,3})?)|(1(\.0{0,3})?)))?)*)|(\*))$', pattern_errmsg='must match RFC 2068 - 14.4, e.g., "da, en-gb;q=0.8, en;q=0.7"', ), Bytes('usercertificate*', validate_certificate, cli_name='certificate', label=_('Certificate'), doc=_('Base-64 encoded user certificate'), ), ) def normalize_and_validate_email(self, email, config=None): if not config: config = self.backend.get_ipa_config() # check if default email domain should be added defaultdomain = config.get('ipadefaultemaildomain', [None])[0] if email: norm_email = [] if not isinstance(email, (list, tuple)): email = [email] for m in email: if isinstance(m, six.string_types): if '@' not in m and defaultdomain: m = m + u'@' + defaultdomain if not Email(m): raise errors.ValidationError(name='email', error=_('invalid e-mail format: %(email)s') % dict(email=m)) norm_email.append(m) else: if not Email(m): raise errors.ValidationError(name='email', error=_('invalid e-mail format: %(email)s') % dict(email=m)) norm_email.append(m) return norm_email return email def normalize_manager(self, manager, container): """ Given a userid verify the user's existence (in the appropriate containter) and return the dn. """ if not manager: return None if not isinstance(manager, list): manager = [manager] try: container_dn = DN(container, api.env.basedn) for i, mgr in enumerate(manager): if isinstance(mgr, DN) and mgr.endswith(container_dn): continue entry_attrs = self.backend.find_entry_by_attr( self.primary_key.name, mgr, self.object_class, [''], container_dn ) manager[i] = entry_attrs.dn except errors.NotFound: raise errors.NotFound(reason=_('manager %(manager)s not found') % dict(manager=mgr)) return manager def _user_status(self, user, container): assert isinstance(user, DN) return user.endswith(container) def active_user(self, user): assert isinstance(user, DN) return self._user_status(user, DN(self.active_container_dn, api.env.basedn)) def stage_user(self, user): assert isinstance(user, DN) return self._user_status(user, DN(self.stage_container_dn, api.env.basedn)) def delete_user(self, user): assert isinstance(user, DN) return self._user_status(user, DN(self.delete_container_dn, api.env.basedn)) def convert_usercertificate_pre(self, entry_attrs): if 'usercertificate' in entry_attrs: entry_attrs['usercertificate;binary'] = entry_attrs.pop( 'usercertificate') def convert_usercertificate_post(self, entry_attrs, **options): if 'usercertificate;binary' in entry_attrs: entry_attrs['usercertificate'] = entry_attrs.pop( 'usercertificate;binary') def convert_attribute_members(self, entry_attrs, *keys, **options): super(baseuser, self).convert_attribute_members( entry_attrs, *keys, **options) if options.get("raw", False): return # due the backward compatibility, managers have to be returned in # 'manager' attribute instead of 'manager_user' try: entry_attrs['failed_manager'] = entry_attrs.pop('manager') except KeyError: pass try: entry_attrs['manager'] = entry_attrs.pop('manager_user') except KeyError: pass class baseuser_add(LDAPCreate): """ Prototype command plugin to be implemented by real plugin """ def pre_common_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, attrs_list, *keys, **options): assert isinstance(dn, DN) self.obj.convert_usercertificate_pre(entry_attrs) def post_common_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options): assert isinstance(dn, DN) self.obj.convert_usercertificate_post(entry_attrs, **options) self.obj.get_password_attributes(ldap, dn, entry_attrs) convert_sshpubkey_post(entry_attrs) radius_dn2pk(self.api, entry_attrs) class baseuser_del(LDAPDelete): """ Prototype command plugin to be implemented by real plugin """ class baseuser_mod(LDAPUpdate): """ Prototype command plugin to be implemented by real plugin """ def check_namelength(self, ldap, **options): if options.get('rename') is not None: config = ldap.get_ipa_config() if 'ipamaxusernamelength' in config: if len(options['rename']) > int(config.get('ipamaxusernamelength')[0]): raise errors.ValidationError( name=self.obj.primary_key.cli_name, error=_('can be at most %(len)d characters') % dict( len = int(config.get('ipamaxusernamelength')[0]) ) ) def check_mail(self, entry_attrs): if 'mail' in entry_attrs: entry_attrs['mail'] = self.obj.normalize_and_validate_email(entry_attrs['mail']) def check_manager(self, entry_attrs, container): if 'manager' in entry_attrs: entry_attrs['manager'] = self.obj.normalize_manager(entry_attrs['manager'], container) def check_userpassword(self, entry_attrs, **options): if 'userpassword' not in entry_attrs and options.get('random'): entry_attrs['userpassword'] = ipa_generate_password(baseuser_pwdchars) # save the password so it can be displayed in post_callback setattr(context, 'randompassword', entry_attrs['userpassword']) def check_objectclass(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs): if ('ipasshpubkey' in entry_attrs or 'ipauserauthtype' in entry_attrs or 'userclass' in entry_attrs or 'ipatokenradiusconfiglink' in entry_attrs): if 'objectclass' in entry_attrs: obj_classes = entry_attrs['objectclass'] else: _entry_attrs = ldap.get_entry(dn, ['objectclass']) obj_classes = entry_attrs['objectclass'] = _entry_attrs['objectclass'] # IMPORTANT: compare objectclasses as case insensitive obj_classes = [o.lower() for o in obj_classes] if 'ipasshpubkey' in entry_attrs and 'ipasshuser' not in obj_classes: entry_attrs['objectclass'].append('ipasshuser') if 'ipauserauthtype' in entry_attrs and 'ipauserauthtypeclass' not in obj_classes: entry_attrs['objectclass'].append('ipauserauthtypeclass') if 'userclass' in entry_attrs and 'ipauser' not in obj_classes: entry_attrs['objectclass'].append('ipauser') if 'ipatokenradiusconfiglink' in entry_attrs: cl = entry_attrs['ipatokenradiusconfiglink'] if cl: if 'ipatokenradiusproxyuser' not in obj_classes: entry_attrs['objectclass'].append('ipatokenradiusproxyuser') answer = self.api.Object['radiusproxy'].get_dn_if_exists(cl) entry_attrs['ipatokenradiusconfiglink'] = answer def pre_common_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, attrs_list, *keys, **options): assert isinstance(dn, DN) add_sshpubkey_to_attrs_pre(self.context, attrs_list) self.check_namelength(ldap, **options) self.check_mail(entry_attrs) self.check_manager(entry_attrs, self.obj.active_container_dn) self.check_userpassword(entry_attrs, **options) self.check_objectclass(ldap, dn, entry_attrs) self.obj.convert_usercertificate_pre(entry_attrs) def post_common_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options): assert isinstance(dn, DN) if options.get('random', False): try: entry_attrs['randompassword'] = unicode(getattr(context, 'randompassword')) except AttributeError: # if both randompassword and userpassword options were used pass convert_nsaccountlock(entry_attrs) self.obj.get_password_attributes(ldap, dn, entry_attrs) self.obj.convert_usercertificate_post(entry_attrs, **options) convert_sshpubkey_post(entry_attrs) remove_sshpubkey_from_output_post(self.context, entry_attrs) radius_dn2pk(self.api, entry_attrs) class baseuser_find(LDAPSearch): """ Prototype command plugin to be implemented by real plugin """ def args_options_2_entry(self, *args, **options): newoptions = {} self.common_enhance_options(newoptions, **options) options.update(newoptions) return super(baseuser_find, self).args_options_2_entry( *args, **options) def common_enhance_options(self, newoptions, **options): # assure the manager attr is a dn, not just a bare uid manager = options.get('manager') if manager is not None: newoptions['manager'] = self.obj.normalize_manager(manager, self.obj.active_container_dn) # Ensure that the RADIUS config link is a dn, not just the name cl = 'ipatokenradiusconfiglink' if cl in options: newoptions[cl] = self.api.Object['radiusproxy'].get_dn(options[cl]) def pre_common_callback(self, ldap, filters, attrs_list, base_dn, scope, *args, **options): add_sshpubkey_to_attrs_pre(self.context, attrs_list) def post_common_callback(self, ldap, entries, lockout=False, **options): for attrs in entries: self.obj.convert_usercertificate_post(attrs, **options) if (lockout): attrs['nsaccountlock'] = True else: convert_nsaccountlock(attrs) convert_sshpubkey_post(attrs) remove_sshpubkey_from_output_list_post(self.context, entries) class baseuser_show(LDAPRetrieve): """ Prototype command plugin to be implemented by real plugin """ def pre_common_callback(self, ldap, dn, attrs_list, *keys, **options): assert isinstance(dn, DN) add_sshpubkey_to_attrs_pre(self.context, attrs_list) def post_common_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options): assert isinstance(dn, DN) self.obj.get_password_attributes(ldap, dn, entry_attrs) self.obj.convert_usercertificate_post(entry_attrs, **options) convert_sshpubkey_post(entry_attrs) remove_sshpubkey_from_output_post(self.context, entry_attrs) radius_dn2pk(self.api, entry_attrs) class baseuser_add_manager(LDAPAddMember): member_attributes = ['manager'] class baseuser_remove_manager(LDAPRemoveMember): member_attributes = ['manager']