# # Copyright (C) 2015 FreeIPA Contributors see COPYING for license # """ Module provides tests which testing ability of various subsystems to be installed. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import os import re import textwrap import time from datetime import datetime, timedelta import pytest from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes from cryptography import x509 as crypto_x509 from ipalib import x509 from ipalib.constants import DOMAIN_LEVEL_0, KRA_TRACKING_REQS from ipalib.constants import IPA_CA_RECORD from ipalib.constants import ALLOWED_NETBIOS_CHARS from ipalib.sysrestore import SYSRESTORE_STATEFILE, SYSRESTORE_INDEXFILE from ipapython.dn import DN from ipaplatform.constants import constants from ipaplatform.osinfo import osinfo from ipaplatform.paths import paths from ipaplatform.tasks import tasks as platformtasks from ipapython import ipautil from ipatests.pytest_ipa.integration import tasks from ipatests.pytest_ipa.integration.env_config import get_global_config from ipatests.test_integration.base import IntegrationTest from ipatests.test_integration.test_caless import CALessBase, ipa_certs_cleanup from ipatests.test_integration.test_cert import get_certmonger_fs_id from ipaplatform import services config = get_global_config() def create_broken_resolv_conf(master): # Force a broken resolv.conf to simulate a bad response to # reverse zone lookups master.resolver.backup() master.resolver.setup_resolver('') def server_install_setup(func): def wrapped(*args): master = args[0].master create_broken_resolv_conf(master) try: func(*args) finally: tasks.uninstall_master(master, clean=False) ipa_certs_cleanup(master) return wrapped @pytest.fixture def server_cleanup(request): """ Fixture to uninstall ipa server before and after the test """ host = request.cls.master tasks.uninstall_master(host) yield tasks.uninstall_master(host) def create_netbios_name(host): """ Create a NetBIOS name based on the provided host """ netbios = ''.join( c for c in host.domain.name.split('.')[0].upper() \ if c in ALLOWED_NETBIOS_CHARS )[:15] return netbios class InstallTestBase1(IntegrationTest): num_replicas = 3 topology = 'star' master_with_dns = False @classmethod def install(cls, mh): tasks.install_master(cls.master, setup_dns=cls.master_with_dns) def test_replica0_ca_less_install(self): tasks.install_replica( self.master, self.replicas[0], setup_ca=False, nameservers='master' if self.master_with_dns else None) def test_replica0_ipa_ca_install(self): tasks.install_ca(self.replicas[0]) def test_replica0_ipa_kra_install(self): tasks.install_kra(self.replicas[0], first_instance=True) def test_replica0_ipa_dns_install(self): tasks.install_dns(self.replicas[0]) def test_replica1_with_ca_install(self): tasks.install_replica( self.master, self.replicas[1], setup_ca=True, nameservers='master' if self.master_with_dns else None) def test_replica1_ipa_kra_install(self): tasks.install_kra(self.replicas[1]) def test_replica1_ipa_dns_install(self): tasks.install_dns(self.replicas[1]) def test_replica2_with_ca_kra_install(self): tasks.install_replica( self.master, self.replicas[2], setup_ca=True, setup_kra=True, nameservers='master' if self.master_with_dns else None) def test_replica2_ipa_dns_install(self): tasks.install_dns(self.replicas[2]) class InstallTestBase2(IntegrationTest): num_replicas = 3 topology = 'star' master_with_dns = False @classmethod def install(cls, mh): tasks.install_master(cls.master, setup_dns=cls.master_with_dns) def test_replica1_with_ca_dns_install(self): tasks.install_replica( self.master, self.replicas[1], setup_ca=True, setup_dns=True, nameservers='master' if self.master_with_dns else None) def test_replica1_ipa_kra_install(self): tasks.install_kra(self.replicas[1]) def test_replica2_with_dns_install(self): tasks.install_replica( self.master, self.replicas[2], setup_ca=False, setup_dns=True, nameservers='master' if self.master_with_dns else None) def test_replica2_ipa_ca_install(self): tasks.install_ca(self.replicas[2]) def test_replica2_ipa_kra_install(self): tasks.install_kra(self.replicas[2]) class ADTrustInstallTestBase(IntegrationTest): """ Base test for builtin AD trust installation im combination with other components """ num_replicas = 2 topology = 'star' master_with_dns = False @classmethod def install(cls, mh): tasks.install_master(cls.master, setup_dns=cls.master_with_dns) def install_replica(self, replica, **kwargs): tasks.install_replica(self.master, replica, setup_adtrust=True, **kwargs) def test_replica0_only_adtrust(self): self.install_replica( self.replicas[0], setup_ca=False, nameservers='master' if self.master_with_dns else None) def test_replica1_all_components_adtrust(self): self.install_replica( self.replicas[1], setup_ca=True, nameservers='master' if self.master_with_dns else None) ## # Master X Replicas installation tests ## class TestInstallWithCA1(InstallTestBase1): master_with_dns = False @classmethod def install(cls, mh): tasks.install_master(cls.master, setup_dns=cls.master_with_dns) @pytest.mark.skipif(config.domain_level == DOMAIN_LEVEL_0, reason='does not work on DOMAIN_LEVEL_0 by design') def test_replica1_ipa_kra_install(self): super(TestInstallWithCA1, self).test_replica1_ipa_kra_install() @pytest.mark.skipif(config.domain_level == DOMAIN_LEVEL_0, reason='does not work on DOMAIN_LEVEL_0 by design') def test_replica2_with_ca_kra_install(self): super(TestInstallWithCA1, self).test_replica2_with_ca_kra_install() @pytest.mark.skipif(config.domain_level == DOMAIN_LEVEL_0, reason='does not work on DOMAIN_LEVEL_0 by design') def test_replica2_ipa_dns_install(self): super(TestInstallWithCA1, self).test_replica2_ipa_dns_install() def test_install_with_bad_ldap_conf(self): """ Test a client install with a non standard ldap.config https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/7418 """ ldap_conf = paths.OPENLDAP_LDAP_CONF base_dn = self.master.domain.basedn client = self.replicas[0] tasks.uninstall_replica(self.master, client) expected_msg1 = "contains deprecated and unsupported " \ "entries: HOST, PORT" file_backup = client.get_file_contents(ldap_conf, encoding='utf-8') constants = "URI ldaps://{}\nBASE {}\nHOST {}\nPORT 636".format( self.master.hostname, base_dn, self.master.hostname) modifications = "{}\n{}".format(file_backup, constants) client.put_file_contents(paths.OPENLDAP_LDAP_CONF, modifications) result = client.run_command(['ipa-client-install', '-U', '--domain', client.domain.name, '--realm', client.domain.realm, '-p', client.config.admin_name, '-w', client.config.admin_password, '--server', self.master.hostname], raiseonerr=False) assert expected_msg1 in result.stderr_text client.put_file_contents(ldap_conf, file_backup) class TestInstallWithCA2(InstallTestBase2): master_with_dns = False @classmethod def install(cls, mh): tasks.install_master(cls.master, setup_dns=cls.master_with_dns) @pytest.mark.skipif(config.domain_level == DOMAIN_LEVEL_0, reason='does not work on DOMAIN_LEVEL_0 by design') def test_replica1_ipa_kra_install(self): super(TestInstallWithCA2, self).test_replica1_ipa_kra_install() @pytest.mark.skipif(config.domain_level == DOMAIN_LEVEL_0, reason='does not work on DOMAIN_LEVEL_0 by design') def test_replica2_ipa_kra_install(self): super(TestInstallWithCA2, self).test_replica2_ipa_kra_install() class TestInstallCA(IntegrationTest): """ Tests for CA installation on a replica """ num_replicas = 2 @classmethod def install(cls, mh): cls.master.put_file_contents( os.path.join(paths.IPA_CCACHES, 'foo'), 'somerandomstring' ) cls.master.run_command( ['mkdir', os.path.join(paths.IPA_CCACHES, 'bar')] ) tasks.install_master(cls.master, setup_dns=False) def test_ccaches_cleanup(self): """ The IPA ccaches directory is cleaned up on install. Verify that the file we created is now gone. """ assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(paths.IPA_CCACHES, 'foo')) is False assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(paths.IPA_CCACHES, 'bar')) is False def test_replica_ca_install_with_no_host_dns(self): """ Test for ipa-ca-install --no-host-dns on a replica """ tasks.install_replica(self.master, self.replicas[0], setup_ca=False) tasks.install_ca(self.replicas[0], extra_args=["--no-host-dns"]) def test_replica_ca_install_with_skip_schema_check(self): """ Test for ipa-ca-install --skip-schema-check on a replica """ tasks.install_replica(self.master, self.replicas[1], setup_ca=False) tasks.install_ca(self.replicas[1], extra_args=["--skip-schema-check"]) def test_certmonger_reads_token_HSM(self): """Test if certmonger reads the token in HSM This is to ensure added HSM support for FreeIPA. This test adds certificate with sofhsm token and checks if certmonger is tracking it. related : https://pagure.io/certmonger/issue/125 """ test_service = 'test/%s' % self.master.hostname pkcs_passwd = 'Secret123' pin = '123456' noisefile = '/tmp/noisefile' self.master.put_file_contents(noisefile, os.urandom(64)) tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) tasks.install_dns(self.master) self.master.run_command(['ipa', 'service-add', test_service]) # create a csr cmd_args = ['certutil', '-d', paths.NSS_DB_DIR, '-R', '-a', '-o', '/root/ipa.csr', '-s', "CN=%s" % self.master.hostname, '-z', noisefile] self.master.run_command(cmd_args) # request certificate cmd_args = ['ipa', 'cert-request', '--principal', test_service, '--certificate-out', '/root/test.pem', '/root/ipa.csr'] self.master.run_command(cmd_args) # adding trust flag cmd_args = ['certutil', '-A', '-d', paths.NSS_DB_DIR, '-n', 'test', '-a', '-i', '/root/test.pem', '-t', 'u,u,u'] self.master.run_command(cmd_args) # export pkcs12 file cmd_args = ['pk12util', '-o', '/root/test.p12', '-d', paths.NSS_DB_DIR, '-n', 'test', '-W', pkcs_passwd] self.master.run_command(cmd_args) # add softhsm lib cmd_args = ['modutil', '-dbdir', paths.NSS_DB_DIR, '-add', 'softhsm', '-libfile', '/usr/lib64/softhsm/libsofthsm.so'] self.master.run_command(cmd_args, stdin_text="\n\n") # create a token cmd_args = ['softhsm2-util', '--init-token', '--label', 'test', '--pin', pin, '--so-pin', pin, '--free'] self.master.run_command(cmd_args) self.master.run_command(['softhsm2-util', '--show-slots']) cmd_args = ['certutil', '-F', '-d', paths.NSS_DB_DIR, '-n', 'test'] self.master.run_command(cmd_args) cmd_args = ['pk12util', '-i', '/root/test.p12', '-d', paths.NSS_DB_DIR, '-h', 'test', '-W', pkcs_passwd, '-K', pin] self.master.run_command(cmd_args) cmd_args = ['certutil', '-A', '-d', paths.NSS_DB_DIR, '-n', 'IPA CA', '-t', 'CT,,', '-a', '-i', paths.IPA_CA_CRT] self.master.run_command(cmd_args) # validate the certificate self.master.put_file_contents('/root/pinfile', pin) cmd_args = ['certutil', '-V', '-u', 'V', '-e', '-d', paths.NSS_DB_DIR, '-h', 'test', '-n', 'test:test', '-f', '/root/pinfile'] result = self.master.run_command(cmd_args) assert 'certificate is valid' in result.stdout_text # add certificate tracking to certmonger cmd_args = ['ipa-getcert', 'start-tracking', '-d', paths.NSS_DB_DIR, '-n', 'test', '-t', 'test', '-P', pin, '-K', test_service] result = self.master.run_command(cmd_args) request_id = re.findall(r'\d+', result.stdout_text) # check if certificate is tracked by certmonger status = tasks.wait_for_request(self.master, request_id[0], 300) assert status == "MONITORING" # ensure if key and token are re-usable cmd_args = ['getcert', 'resubmit', '-i', request_id[0]] self.master.run_command(cmd_args) status = tasks.wait_for_request(self.master, request_id[0], 300) assert status == "MONITORING" def test_ipa_ca_crt_permissions(self): """Verify that /etc/ipa/ca.cert is mode 0644 root:root""" result = self.master.run_command( ["/usr/bin/stat", "-c", "%U:%G:%a", paths.IPA_CA_CRT] ) out = str(result.stdout_text.strip()) (owner, group, mode) = out.split(':') assert mode == "644" assert owner == "root" assert group == "root" def test_cert_install_with_IPA_issued_cert(self): """ Test replacing an IPA-issued server cert ipa-server-certinstall can replace the web and LDAP certs. A slightly different code path is taken when the replacement certs are issued by IPA. Exercise that path by replacing the web cert with itself. """ self.master.run_command(['cp', '-p', paths.HTTPD_CERT_FILE, '/tmp']) self.master.run_command(['cp', '-p', paths.HTTPD_KEY_FILE, '/tmp']) passwd = self.master.get_file_contents( paths.HTTPD_PASSWD_FILE_FMT.format(host=self.master.hostname) ) self.master.run_command([ 'ipa-server-certinstall', '-p', self.master.config.dirman_password, '-w', '--pin', passwd, '/tmp/httpd.crt', '/tmp/httpd.key', ]) def test_is_ipa_configured(self): """Verify that the old and new methods of is_ipa_installed works If there is an installation section then it is the status. If not then it will fall back to looking for configured services and files and use that for determination. """ def set_installation_state(host, state): """ Update the complete value in the installation section """ host.run_command( ['python3', '-c', 'from ipalib.install import sysrestore; ' 'from ipaplatform.paths import paths;' 'sstore = sysrestore.StateFile(paths.SYSRESTORE); ' 'sstore.backup_state("installation", "complete", ' '{state})'.format(state=state)]) def get_installation_state(host): """ Retrieve the installation state from new install method """ result = host.run_command( ['python3', '-c', 'from ipalib.install import sysrestore; ' 'from ipaplatform.paths import paths;' 'sstore = sysrestore.StateFile(paths.SYSRESTORE); ' 'print(sstore.get_state("installation", "complete"))']) return result.stdout_text.strip() # a string # This comes from freeipa.spec and is used to determine whether # an upgrade is required. cmd = ['python3', '-c', 'import sys; from ipalib import facts; sys.exit(0 ' 'if facts.is_ipa_configured() else 1);'] # This will use the new method since this is a fresh install, # verify that it is true. self.master.run_command(cmd) assert get_installation_state(self.master) == 'True' # Set complete to False which should cause the command to fail # This tests the state of a failed or in-process installation. set_installation_state(self.master, False) result = self.master.run_command(cmd, raiseonerr=False) assert result.returncode == 1 set_installation_state(self.master, True) # Tweak sysrestore.state to drop installation section self.master.run_command( ['sed', '-i', r's/\[installation\]/\[badinstallation\]/', os.path.join(paths.SYSRESTORE, SYSRESTORE_STATEFILE)]) # Re-run installation check and it should fall back to old method # and be successful. self.master.run_command(cmd) assert get_installation_state(self.master) == 'None' # Restore installation section. self.master.run_command( ['sed', '-i', r's/\[badinstallation\]/\[installation\]/', os.path.join(paths.SYSRESTORE, SYSRESTORE_STATEFILE)]) # Uninstall and confirm that the old method reports correctly # on uninstalled servers. It will exercise the old method since # there is no state. tasks.uninstall_master(self.master) # ensure there is no stale state result = self.master.run_command(r'test -f {}'.format( os.path.join(paths.SYSRESTORE, SYSRESTORE_STATEFILE)), raiseonerr=False ) assert result.returncode == 1 result = self.master.run_command(r'test -f {}'.format( os.path.join(paths.SYSRESTORE, SYSRESTORE_INDEXFILE)), raiseonerr=False ) assert result.returncode == 1 # Now run is_ipa_configured() and it should be False result = self.master.run_command(cmd, raiseonerr=False) assert result.returncode == 1 class TestInstallWithCA_KRA1(InstallTestBase1): master_with_dns = False @classmethod def install(cls, mh): tasks.install_master(cls.master, setup_dns=cls.master_with_dns, setup_kra=True, random_serial=cls.random_serial) def test_replica0_ipa_kra_install(self): tasks.install_kra(self.replicas[0], first_instance=False) class TestInstallWithCA_KRA2(InstallTestBase2): master_with_dns = False @classmethod def install(cls, mh): tasks.install_master(cls.master, setup_dns=cls.master_with_dns, setup_kra=True) class TestInstallWithCA_DNS1(InstallTestBase1): master_with_dns = True @classmethod def install(cls, mh): tasks.install_master(cls.master, setup_dns=cls.master_with_dns, random_serial=cls.random_serial) @pytest.mark.skipif(config.domain_level == DOMAIN_LEVEL_0, reason='does not work on DOMAIN_LEVEL_0 by design') def test_replica1_ipa_kra_install(self): super(TestInstallWithCA_DNS1, self).test_replica1_ipa_kra_install() @pytest.mark.skipif(config.domain_level == DOMAIN_LEVEL_0, reason='does not work on DOMAIN_LEVEL_0 by design') def test_replica2_with_ca_kra_install(self): super(TestInstallWithCA_DNS1, self).test_replica2_with_ca_kra_install() @pytest.mark.skipif(config.domain_level == DOMAIN_LEVEL_0, reason='does not work on DOMAIN_LEVEL_0 by design') def test_replica2_ipa_dns_install(self): super(TestInstallWithCA_DNS1, self).test_replica2_ipa_dns_install() class TestInstallWithCA_DNS2(InstallTestBase2): master_with_dns = True @classmethod def install(cls, mh): tasks.install_master(cls.master, setup_dns=cls.master_with_dns) @pytest.mark.skipif(config.domain_level == DOMAIN_LEVEL_0, reason='does not work on DOMAIN_LEVEL_0 by design') def test_replica1_ipa_kra_install(self): super(TestInstallWithCA_DNS2, self).test_replica1_ipa_kra_install() @pytest.mark.skipif(config.domain_level == DOMAIN_LEVEL_0, reason='does not work on DOMAIN_LEVEL_0 by design') def test_replica2_ipa_kra_install(self): super(TestInstallWithCA_DNS2, self).test_replica2_ipa_kra_install() class TestInstallWithCA_DNS3(CALessBase): """ Test an install with a bad DNS resolver configured to force a timeout trying to verify the existing zones. In the case of a reverse zone it is skipped unless --allow-zone-overlap is set regardless of the value of --auto-reverse. Confirm that --allow-zone-overlap lets the reverse zone be created. ticket 7239 """ @pytest.mark.xfail( osinfo.id == 'fedora' and osinfo.version_number >= (33,) and osinfo.version_number < (35,), reason='freeipa ticket 8700', strict=True) @server_install_setup def test_number_of_zones(self): """There should be two zones: one forward, one reverse""" self.create_pkcs12('ca1/server') self.prepare_cacert('ca1') self.install_server(extra_args=['--allow-zone-overlap']) result = self.master.run_command([ 'ipa', 'dnszone-find']) assert "in-addr.arpa." in result.stdout_text assert "returned 2" in result.stdout_text class TestInstallWithCA_DNS4(CALessBase): """ Test an install with a bad DNS resolver configured to force a timeout trying to verify the existing zones. In the case of a reverse zone it is skipped unless --allow-zone-overlap is set regardless of the value of --auto-reverse. Confirm that without --allow-reverse-zone only the forward zone is created. ticket 7239 """ @server_install_setup def test_number_of_zones(self): """There should be one zone, a forward because rev timed-out""" self.create_pkcs12('ca1/server') self.prepare_cacert('ca1') # no zone overlap by default self.install_server() result = self.master.run_command([ 'ipa', 'dnszone-find']) assert "in-addr.arpa." not in result.stdout_text assert "returned 1" in result.stdout_text @pytest.mark.cs_acceptance class TestInstallWithCA_KRA_DNS1(InstallTestBase1): master_with_dns = True @classmethod def install(cls, mh): tasks.install_master(cls.master, setup_dns=cls.master_with_dns, setup_kra=True) def test_replica0_ipa_kra_install(self): tasks.install_kra(self.replicas[0], first_instance=False) class TestInstallWithCA_KRA_DNS2(InstallTestBase2): master_with_dns = True @classmethod def install(cls, mh): tasks.install_master(cls.master, setup_dns=cls.master_with_dns, setup_kra=True) class TestADTrustInstall(ADTrustInstallTestBase): """ Tests built-in AD trust installation in various combinations (see the base class for more details) against plain IPA master (no DNS, no KRA, no AD trust) """ class TestADTrustInstallWithDNS_KRA_ADTrust(ADTrustInstallTestBase): """ Tests built-in AD trust installation in various combinations (see the base class for more details) against fully equipped (DNS, CA, KRA, ADtrust) master. Additional two test cases were added to test interplay including KRA installer """ master_with_dns = True @classmethod def install(cls, mh): tasks.install_master(cls.master, setup_dns=cls.master_with_dns, setup_kra=True, setup_adtrust=True) def test_replica1_all_components_adtrust(self): self.install_replica(self.replicas[1], setup_ca=True, setup_kra=True) def get_pki_tomcatd_pid(host): pid = '' cmd = host.run_command(['systemctl', 'status', 'pki-tomcatd@pki-tomcat']) for line in cmd.stdout_text.split('\n'): if "Main PID" in line: pid = line.split()[2] break return(pid) def get_ipa_services_pids(host): ipa_services_name = [ "krb5kdc", "kadmin", "named", "httpd", "ipa-custodia", "pki_tomcatd", "ipa-dnskeysyncd" ] pids_of_ipa_services = {} for name in ipa_services_name: service_name = services.knownservices[name].systemd_name result = host.run_command( ["systemctl", "-p", "MainPID", "--value", "show", service_name] ) pids_of_ipa_services[service_name] = int(result.stdout_text.strip()) return pids_of_ipa_services ## # Rest of master installation tests ## class TestInstallMaster(IntegrationTest): num_replicas = 0 @classmethod def install(cls, mh): pass def test_install_master(self): tasks.install_master(self.master, setup_dns=False) @pytest.mark.skip_if_platform( "debian", reason="This test hardcodes the httpd service name" ) def test_smoke_test_for_debug_mode(self): """Test if an IPA server works in debug mode. Related: https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/8891 Note: this test hardcodes the "httpd" service name. """ target_fname = paths.IPA_SERVER_CONF assert not self.master.transport.file_exists(target_fname) # set the IPA server in debug mode server_conf = "[global]\ndebug=True" self.master.put_file_contents(target_fname, server_conf) self.master.run_command(["systemctl", "restart", "httpd"]) # smoke test in debug mode tasks.kdestroy_all(self.master) tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) self.master.run_command(["ipa", "user-show", "admin"]) # rollback self.master.run_command(["rm", target_fname]) self.master.run_command(["systemctl", "restart", "httpd"]) def test_schema_compat_attribute_and_tree_disable(self): """Test if schema-compat-entry-attribute is set This is to ensure if said entry is set after installation. It also checks if compat tree is disable. related: https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/8193 """ conn = self.master.ldap_connect() entry = conn.get_entry(DN( "cn=groups,cn=Schema Compatibility,cn=plugins,cn=config")) entry_list = list(entry['schema-compat-entry-attribute']) value = (r'ipaexternalmember=%deref_r(' '"member","ipaexternalmember")') assert value in entry_list assert 'schema-compat-lookup-nsswitch' not in entry_list def test_install_kra(self): tasks.install_kra(self.master, first_instance=True) def test_install_dns(self): tasks.install_dns( self.master, extra_args=['--dnssec-master', '--no-dnssec-validation'] ) def test_ipactl_restart_pki_tomcat(self): """ Test if ipactl restart restarts the pki-tomcatd Wrong logic was triggering the start instead of restart for pki-tomcatd. This test validates that restart called on pki-tomcat properly. related ticket : https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/7927 """ # get process id of pki-tomcatd pki_pid = get_pki_tomcatd_pid(self.master) # check if pki-tomcad restarted cmd = self.master.run_command(['ipactl', 'restart']) assert "Restarting pki-tomcatd Service" in cmd.stdout_text # check if pid for pki-tomcad changed pki_pid_after_restart = get_pki_tomcatd_pid(self.master) assert pki_pid != pki_pid_after_restart # check if pki-tomcad restarted cmd = self.master.run_command(['ipactl', 'restart']) assert "Restarting pki-tomcatd Service" in cmd.stdout_text # check if pid for pki-tomcad changed pki_pid_after_restart_2 = get_pki_tomcatd_pid(self.master) assert pki_pid_after_restart != pki_pid_after_restart_2 def test_ipactl_scenario_check(self): """ Test if ipactl starts services stopped by systemctl This will first check if all services are running then it will stop few service. After that it will restart all services and then check the status and pid of services.It will also compare pid after ipactl start and restart in case of start it will remain unchanged on the other hand in case of restart it will change. """ # listing all services ipa_services_name = [ "Directory", "krb5kdc", "kadmin", "named", "httpd", "ipa-custodia", "pki-tomcatd", "ipa-otpd", "ipa-dnskeysyncd" ] # checking the service status cmd = self.master.run_command(['ipactl', 'status']) for service in ipa_services_name: assert f"{service} Service: RUNNING" in cmd.stdout_text # stopping few services service_stop = ["krb5kdc", "kadmin", "httpd"] for service in service_stop: service_name = services.knownservices[service].systemd_name self.master.run_command(['systemctl', 'stop', service_name]) # checking service status service_start = [ svcs for svcs in ipa_services_name if svcs not in service_stop ] cmd = self.master.run_command(['ipactl', 'status'], raiseonerr=False) assert cmd.returncode == 3 for service in service_start: assert f"{service} Service: RUNNING" in cmd.stdout_text for service in service_stop: assert f'{service} Service: STOPPED' in cmd.stdout_text # starting all services again self.master.run_command(['ipactl', 'start']) # checking service status cmd = self.master.run_command(['ipactl', 'status']) for service in ipa_services_name: assert f"{service} Service: RUNNING" in cmd.stdout_text # get process id of services ipa_services_pids = get_ipa_services_pids(self.master) # restarting all services again self.master.run_command(['ipactl', 'restart']) # checking service status cmd = self.master.run_command(['ipactl', 'status']) for service in ipa_services_name: assert f"{service} Service: RUNNING" in cmd.stdout_text # check if pid for services are different svcs_pids_after_restart = get_ipa_services_pids(self.master) assert ipa_services_pids != svcs_pids_after_restart # starting all services again self.master.run_command(['ipactl', 'start']) # checking service status cmd = self.master.run_command(['ipactl', 'status']) for service in ipa_services_name: assert f"{service} Service: RUNNING" in cmd.stdout_text # check if pid for services are same svcs_pids_after_start = get_ipa_services_pids(self.master) assert svcs_pids_after_restart == svcs_pids_after_start def test_WSGI_worker_process(self): """ Test if WSGI worker process count is set to 4 related ticket : https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/7587 """ # check process count in httpd conf file i.e expected string exp = b'WSGIDaemonProcess ipa processes=%d' % constants.WSGI_PROCESSES httpd_conf = self.master.get_file_contents(paths.HTTPD_IPA_CONF) assert exp in httpd_conf # check the process count cmd = self.master.run_command('ps -eF') wsgi_count = cmd.stdout_text.count('wsgi:ipa') assert constants.WSGI_PROCESSES == wsgi_count def test_error_for_yubikey(self): """ Test error when yubikey hardware not present In order to work with IPA and Yubikey, libyubikey is required. Before the fix, if yubikey added without having packages, it used to result in traceback. Now it the exception is handeled properly. It needs Yubikey hardware to make command successfull. This test just check of proper error thrown when hardware is not attached. related ticket : https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/6979 """ # try to add yubikey to the user args = ['ipa', 'otptoken-add-yubikey', '--owner=admin'] cmd = self.master.run_command(args, raiseonerr=False) assert cmd.returncode != 0 exp_str = ("ipa: ERROR: No YubiKey found") assert exp_str in cmd.stderr_text def test_pki_certs(self): certs, keys = tasks.certutil_certs_keys( self.master, paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_DIR, paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_PWDFILE_TXT ) expected_certs = { # CA 'caSigningCert cert-pki-ca': 'CTu,Cu,Cu', 'ocspSigningCert cert-pki-ca': 'u,u,u', 'subsystemCert cert-pki-ca': 'u,u,u', 'auditSigningCert cert-pki-ca': 'u,u,Pu', # why P? # KRA 'transportCert cert-pki-kra': 'u,u,u', 'storageCert cert-pki-kra': 'u,u,u', 'auditSigningCert cert-pki-kra': 'u,u,Pu', # server 'Server-Cert cert-pki-ca': 'u,u,u', } assert certs == expected_certs assert len(certs) == len(keys) for nickname in sorted(certs): cert = tasks.certutil_fetch_cert( self.master, paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_DIR, paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_PWDFILE_TXT, nickname ) key_size = cert.public_key().key_size if nickname == 'caSigningCert cert-pki-ca': assert key_size == 3072 else: assert key_size == 2048 assert cert.signature_hash_algorithm.name == hashes.SHA256.name def test_http_cert(self): """ Test that HTTP certificate contains ipa-ca.$DOMAIN DNS name. """ data = self.master.get_file_contents(paths.HTTPD_CERT_FILE) cert = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(data) name = f'ipa-ca.{self.master.domain.name}' assert crypto_x509.DNSName(name) in cert.san_general_names def test_ipa_cert_in_store(self): """ Test that IPA cert has been added to trust store. """ assert "IPA CA" in self.master.run_command( ['trust', 'list'], raiseonerr=False).stdout_text def test_p11_kit_softhsm2(self): # check that p11-kit-proxy does not inject SoftHSM2 result = self.master.run_command([ "modutil", "-dbdir", paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_DIR, "-list" ]) assert "softhsm" not in result.stdout_text.lower() assert "opendnssec" not in result.stdout_text.lower() @pytest.mark.skipif( not platformtasks.is_selinux_enabled(), reason="Test needs SELinux enabled") def test_selinux_avcs(self): # Use journalctl instead of ausearch. The ausearch command is not # installed by default and journalctl gives us all AVCs. result = self.master.run_command([ "journalctl", "--full", "--grep=AVC", "--since=yesterday" ], raiseonerr=False) avcs = list( line.strip() for line in result.stdout_text.split('\n') if "AVC avc:" in line ) if avcs: print('\n'.join(avcs)) # Use expected failure until all SELinux violations are fixed pytest.xfail("{} AVCs found".format(len(avcs))) def test_file_permissions(self): args = [ "rpm", "-V", "python3-ipaclient", "python3-ipalib", "python3-ipaserver" ] if osinfo.id == 'fedora': args.extend([ "freeipa-client", "freeipa-client-common", "freeipa-common", "freeipa-server", "freeipa-server-common", "freeipa-server-dns", "freeipa-server-trust-ad" ]) else: args.extend([ "ipa-client", "ipa-client-common", "ipa-common", "ipa-server", "ipa-server-common", "ipa-server-dns" ]) result = self.master.run_command(args, raiseonerr=False) if result.returncode != 0: # Check the mode errors mode_warnings = re.findall( r"^.M....... [cdglr ]+ (?P.*)$", result.stdout_text, re.MULTILINE) msg = "rpm -V found mode issues for the following files: {}" assert mode_warnings == [], msg.format(mode_warnings) # Check the owner errors user_warnings = re.findall( r"^.....U... [cdglr ]+ (?P.*)$", result.stdout_text, re.MULTILINE) msg = "rpm -V found ownership issues for the following files: {}" assert user_warnings == [], msg.format(user_warnings) # Check the group errors group_warnings = re.findall( r"^......G.. [cdglr ]+ (?P.*)$", result.stdout_text, re.MULTILINE) msg = "rpm -V found group issues for the following files: {}" assert group_warnings == [], msg.format(group_warnings) def test_ds_disable_upgrade_hash(self): # Test case for https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/8315 # Disable password schema migration on LDAP bind result = tasks.ldapsearch_dm( self.master, "cn=config", ldap_args=["nsslapd-enable-upgrade-hash"], scope="base" ) assert "nsslapd-enable-upgrade-hash: off" in result.stdout_text def test_ldbm_tuning(self): # check db-locks in new cn=bdb subentry (1.4.3+) result = tasks.ldapsearch_dm( self.master, "cn=bdb,cn=config,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config", ["nsslapd-db-locks"], scope="base" ) assert "nsslapd-db-locks: 50000" in result.stdout_text # no db-locks configuration in old global entry result = tasks.ldapsearch_dm( self.master, "cn=config,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config", ["nsslapd-db-locks"], scope="base" ) assert "nsslapd-db-locks" not in result.stdout_text def test_nsslapd_sizelimit(self): """ Test for default value of nsslapd-sizelimit. Related : https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/8962 """ result = tasks.ldapsearch_dm( self.master, "cn=config", ["nsslapd-sizelimit"], scope="base" ) assert "nsslapd-sizelimit: 100000" in result.stdout_text def test_admin_root_alias_CVE_2020_10747(self): # Test for CVE-2020-10747 fix # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1810160 rootprinc = "root@{}".format(self.master.domain.realm) result = self.master.run_command(["ipa", "user-show", "admin"]) assert rootprinc in result.stdout_text result = self.master.run_command( ["ipa", "user-add", "root", "--first", "root", "--last", "root"], raiseonerr=False ) assert result.returncode != 0 assert 'user with name "root" already exists' in result.stderr_text def test_dirsrv_no_ssca(self): # verify that lib389 installer no longer creates self-signed CA result = self.master.run_command( ["stat", "/etc/dirsrv/ssca"], raiseonerr=False ) assert result.returncode != 0 def test_ipa_custodia_check(self): # check local key retrieval self.master.run_command( [paths.IPA_CUSTODIA_CHECK, self.master.hostname] ) @pytest.mark.skipif( paths.SEMODULE is None, reason="test requires semodule command" ) def test_ipa_selinux_policy(self): # check that freeipa-selinux's policy module is loaded and # not disabled result = self.master.run_command( [paths.SEMODULE, "-lfull"] ) # prio module pp [disabled] # 100: default priority # 200: decentralized SELinux policy priority entries = { tuple(line.split()) for line in result.stdout_text.split('\n') if line.strip() } assert ('200', 'ipa', 'pp') in entries def test_ipaca_no_redirect(self): """Test that ipa-ca.$DOMAIN does not redirect ipa-ca is a valid name for an IPA server. It should not require a redirect. CRL generation does not need to be enabled for this test. We aren't exactly testing that a CRL can be retrieved, just that the redirect doesn't happen. """ def run_request(url, expected_stdout=None, expected_stderr=None): result = self.master.run_command(['curl', '-s', '-v', url]) if expected_stdout: assert expected_stdout in result.stdout_text if expected_stderr: assert expected_stderr in result.stderr_text # CRL publishing on start-up is disabled so drop a file there crlfile = os.path.join(paths.PKI_CA_PUBLISH_DIR, 'MasterCRL.bin') self.master.put_file_contents(crlfile, 'secret') hosts = ( f'{IPA_CA_RECORD}.{self.master.domain.name}', self.master.hostname, ) # Positive tests. Both hosts can serve these. urls = ( 'http://{host}/ipa/crl/MasterCRL.bin', 'http://{host}/ca/ocsp', 'https://{host}/ca/admin/ca/getCertChain', 'https://{host}/acme/', ) for url in urls: for host in hosts: run_request( url.format(host=host), expected_stderr='HTTP/1.1 200' ) # Negative tests. ipa-ca cannot serve these and will redirect and # test that existing redirect for unencrypted still works urls = ( 'http://{host}/', 'http://{host}/ipa/json', 'http://{carecord}.{domain}/ipa/json', 'https://{carecord}.{domain}/ipa/json', 'http://{carecord}.{domain}/ipa/config/ca.crt', ) for url in urls: run_request( url.format(host=self.master.hostname, domain=self.master.domain.name, carecord=IPA_CA_RECORD), expected_stdout=f'href="https://{self.master.hostname}/' ) def test_hostname_parameter(self, server_cleanup): """ Test that --hostname parameter is respected in interactive mode. https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/2692 """ original_hostname = self.master.hostname new_hostname = 'new.' + original_hostname # New hostname is added into /etc/hosts as the installer # is looking for it for resolution. Without it, an installation # fails with `Unable to resolve host name, check /etc/hosts or DNS # name resolution`. hosts = self.master.get_file_contents(paths.HOSTS, encoding='utf-8') new_hosts = hosts.replace(original_hostname, new_hostname) self.master.put_file_contents(paths.HOSTS, new_hosts) netbios = create_netbios_name(self.master) try: cmd = ['ipa-server-install', '--hostname', new_hostname] with self.master.spawn_expect(cmd, default_timeout=100) as e: e.expect_exact('Do you want to configure integrated ' 'DNS (BIND)? [no]: ') e.sendline('no') e.expect_exact('Please confirm the domain name [{}]: '.format( original_hostname # DN is computed from new hostname )) e.sendline(self.master.domain.name) e.expect_exact('Please provide a realm name [{}]: '.format( self.master.domain.realm )) e.sendline(self.master.domain.realm) e.expect_exact('Directory Manager password: ') e.sendline(self.master.config.dirman_password) e.expect_exact('Password (confirm): ') e.sendline(self.master.config.dirman_password) e.expect_exact('IPA admin password: ') e.sendline(self.master.config.admin_password) e.expect_exact('Password (confirm): ') e.sendline(self.master.config.admin_password) e.expect_exact('NetBIOS domain name [{}]: '.format(netbios)) e.sendline(netbios) e.expect_exact('Do you want to configure chrony with ' 'NTP server or pool address? [no]: ') e.sendline('no') e.expect_exact('Continue to configure the system ' 'with these values? [no]: ') e.sendline('yes') e.expect_exit(ignore_remaining_output=True, timeout=720) hostname = self.master.run_command([ 'hostname', '-f']).stdout_text.strip() assert hostname == new_hostname finally: # no need to restore the hostname as the installer # does it during uninstallation self.master.put_file_contents(paths.HOSTS, hosts) def test_ad_subpackage_dependency(self, server_cleanup): """ Test if the installer is not dependant on trust-ad package and succeeds even when AD subpackage is not installed https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/4011 """ if osinfo.id == 'fedora': package_name = 'freeipa-server-trust-ad' else: package_name = 'ipa-server-trust-ad' reinstall = False if tasks.is_package_installed(self.master, package_name): tasks.uninstall_packages(self.master, [package_name]) reinstall = True try: tasks.install_master(self.master) finally: if reinstall: tasks.install_packages(self.master, [package_name]) def test_backup_of_cs_cfg_is_created(self, server_cleanup): """ Test that the installer backs up CS.cfg configuration before it's being modified. https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/4166 """ bcp_location = paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH + '.ipabkp' original_cfg_content = None if self.master.transport.file_exists(paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH): original_cfg_content = self.master.get_file_contents( paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH, encoding='utf-8') time_before_install = int(self.master.run_command( ['date', '+%s']).stdout_text.strip()) tasks.install_master(self.master) ipaserver_install_log = self.master.get_file_contents( paths.IPASERVER_INSTALL_LOG, encoding='utf-8') assert 'backing up CS.cfg' in ipaserver_install_log assert self.master.transport.file_exists(bcp_location) cfg_mod_time = int(self.master.run_command( ['stat', '-c', '%Y', paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH]).stdout_text.strip()) bcp_mod_time = int(self.master.run_command( ['stat', '-c', '%Y', bcp_location]).stdout_text.strip()) # check if the backup file was modified/created during the installation # and before the original file was modified assert time_before_install <= bcp_mod_time <= cfg_mod_time bcp_cfg_content = self.master.get_file_contents( paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH + '.ipabkp', encoding='utf-8') if original_cfg_content is not None: assert original_cfg_content == bcp_cfg_content class TestInstallMasterKRA(IntegrationTest): num_replicas = 0 @classmethod def install(cls, mh): pass def test_install_master(self): tasks.install_master(self.master, setup_dns=False, setup_kra=True) def test_ipa_ccache_sweep_timer_enabled(self): """Test ipa-ccache-sweep.timer enabled by default during installation This test checks that ipa-ccache-sweep.timer is enabled by default during the ipa installation. related: https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/9107 """ result = self.master.run_command( ['systemctl', 'is-enabled', 'ipa-ccache-sweep.timer'], raiseonerr=False ) assert 'enabled' in result.stdout_text def test_install_dns(self): tasks.install_dns(self.master) def test_kra_certs_renewal(self): """ Test that the KRA subsystem certificates renew properly """ for nickname in KRA_TRACKING_REQS: cert = tasks.certutil_fetch_cert( self.master, paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_DIR, paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_PWDFILE_TXT, nickname ) starting_serial = int(cert.serial_number) cmd_arg = [ 'ipa-getcert', 'resubmit', '-v', '-w', '-d', paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_DIR, '-n', nickname, ] result = self.master.run_command(cmd_arg) request_id = re.findall(r'\d+', result.stdout_text) status = tasks.wait_for_request(self.master, request_id[0], 120) assert status == "MONITORING" cert = tasks.certutil_fetch_cert( self.master, paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_DIR, paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_PWDFILE_TXT, nickname ) assert starting_serial != int(cert.serial_number) class TestInstallMasterDNS(IntegrationTest): num_replicas = 0 @classmethod def install(cls, mh): pass def test_install_master(self): tasks.install_master( self.master, setup_dns=True, extra_args=['--zonemgr', 'me@example.org'], ) tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) result = self.master.run_command( ['ipa', 'dnszone-show', self.master.domain.name] ).stdout_text assert "Administrator e-mail address: me.example.org" in result def test_server_install_lock_bind_recursion(self): """Test if server installer lock Bind9 recursion This test is to check if recursion can be configured. It checks if newly added file /etc/named/ipa-ext.conf exists and /etc/named.conf should not have 'allow-recursion { any; };'. It also checks if ipa-backup command backup the /etc/named/ipa-ext.conf file as well related : https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/8079 """ # check of /etc/named/ipa-ext.conf exist assert self.master.transport.file_exists(paths.NAMED_CUSTOM_CONF) # check if /etc/named.conf does not contain 'allow-recursion { any; };' string_to_check = 'allow-recursion { any; };' named_contents = self.master.get_file_contents(paths.NAMED_CONF, encoding='utf-8') assert string_to_check not in named_contents # check if ipa-backup command backups the /etc/named/ipa-ext.conf result = self.master.run_command(['ipa-backup', '-v']) assert paths.NAMED_CUSTOM_CONF in result.stderr_text def test_install_kra(self): tasks.install_kra(self.master, first_instance=True) def test_installer_wizard_prompts_for_DNS(self, server_cleanup): """ Installer wizard should prompt for DNS even if --setup-dns is not provided as an argument. https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/2575 """ cmd = ['ipa-server-install'] netbios = create_netbios_name(self.master) with self.master.spawn_expect(cmd, default_timeout=100) as e: e.expect_exact('Do you want to configure integrated ' 'DNS (BIND)? [no]: ') e.sendline('yes') e.expect_exact('Server host name [{}]: '.format( self.master.hostname)) e.sendline(self.master.hostname) e.expect_exact('Please confirm the domain name [{}]: '.format( self.master.domain.name)) e.sendline(self.master.domain.name) e.expect_exact('Please provide a realm name [{}]: '.format( self.master.domain.realm )) e.sendline(self.master.domain.realm) e.expect_exact('Directory Manager password: ') e.sendline(self.master.config.dirman_password) e.expect_exact('Password (confirm): ') e.sendline(self.master.config.dirman_password) e.expect_exact('IPA admin password: ') e.sendline(self.master.config.admin_password) e.expect_exact('Password (confirm): ') e.sendline(self.master.config.admin_password) e.expect_exact( 'Do you want to configure DNS forwarders? [yes]: ') e.sendline('no') # irrelevant for this test e.expect_exact('Do you want to search for missing reverse ' 'zones? [yes]: ') e.sendline('no') # irrelevant for this test e.expect_exact('NetBIOS domain name [{}]: '.format(netbios)) e.sendline(netbios) e.expect_exact('Do you want to configure chrony with NTP ' 'server or pool address? [no]: ') e.sendline('no') # irrelevant for this test e.expect_exact('Continue to configure the system with these ' 'values? [no]: ') e.sendline('yes') e.expect_exit(ignore_remaining_output=True, timeout=720) tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) result = self.master.run_command( ['ipa', 'dnszone-show', self.master.domain.name] ).stdout_text assert 'Active zone: True' in result class TestInstallMasterDNSRepeatedly(IntegrationTest): """ Test that a repeated installation of the primary with DNS enabled will lead to a already installed message and not in "DNS zone X already exists in DNS" in check_zone_overlap. The error is only occuring if domain is set explicitly in the command line installer as check_zone_overlap is used in the domain_name validator. """ num_replicas = 0 @classmethod def install(cls, mh): tasks.install_master(cls.master, setup_dns=True) def test_install_master_releatedly(self): cmd = tasks.install_master(self.master, setup_dns=True, raiseonerr=False) exp_str = ("already exists in DNS") assert (exp_str not in cmd.stderr_text and cmd.returncode != 2) class TestInstallMasterReservedIPasForwarder(IntegrationTest): """Test to check if IANA reserved IP doesn't accepted as DNS forwarder IANA reserved IP address can not be used as a forwarder. This test checks if ipa server installation throws an error when is specified as forwarder IP address. related ticket: https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/6894 """ def test_reserved_ip_as_forwarder(self): args = [ 'ipa-server-install', '-n', self.master.domain.name, '-r', self.master.domain.realm, '-p', self.master.config.dirman_password, '-a', self.master.config.admin_password, '--setup-dns', '--forwarder', '', '--auto-reverse'] cmd = self.master.run_command(args, raiseonerr=False) assert cmd.returncode == 2 exp_str = ("error: option --forwarder: invalid IP address " "cannot use IANA reserved IP address") assert exp_str in cmd.stderr_text server_install_options = ( "yes\n" "{hostname}\n" "{dmname}\n\n" "{dm_pass}\n{dm_pass}" "\n{admin_pass}\n{admin_pass}\n" "yes\nyes\n0.0.0.0\n".format( dm_pass=self.master.config.dirman_password, admin_pass=self.master.config.admin_password, dmname=self.master.domain.name, hostname=self.master.hostname)) cmd = self.master.run_command(['ipa-server-install'], stdin_text=server_install_options, raiseonerr=False) exp_str = ("Invalid IP Address cannot use IANA reserved " "IP address") assert exp_str in cmd.stdout_text class TestKRAinstallAfterCertRenew(IntegrationTest): """ Test KRA installtion after ca agent cert renewal KRA installation was failing after ca-agent cert gets renewed. This test checks if the symptoms no longer exist. related ticket: https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/7288 """ def test_KRA_install_after_cert_renew(self): tasks.install_master(self.master) # get ca-agent cert and load as pem dm_pass = self.master.config.dirman_password admin_pass = self.master.config.admin_password args = [paths.OPENSSL, "pkcs12", "-in", paths.DOGTAG_ADMIN_P12, "-nodes", "-passin", "pass:{}".format(dm_pass)] cmd = self.master.run_command(args) certs = x509.load_certificate_list(cmd.stdout_text.encode('utf-8')) # get expiry date of agent cert cert_expiry = certs[0].not_valid_after # move date to grace period so that certs get renewed self.master.run_command(['systemctl', 'stop', 'chronyd']) grace_date = cert_expiry - timedelta(days=10) grace_date = datetime.strftime(grace_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") self.master.run_command(['date', '-s', grace_date]) # get the count of certs track by certmonger cmd = self.master.run_command(['getcert', 'list']) cert_count = cmd.stdout_text.count('Request ID') timeout = 600 count = 0 start = time.time() # wait sometime for cert renewal while time.time() - start < timeout: cmd = self.master.run_command(['getcert', 'list']) count = cmd.stdout_text.count('status: MONITORING') if count == cert_count: break time.sleep(100) else: # timeout raise AssertionError('TimeOut: Failed to renew all the certs') # move date after 3 days of actual expiry cert_expiry = cert_expiry + timedelta(days=3) cert_expiry = datetime.strftime(cert_expiry, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") self.master.run_command(['date', '-s', cert_expiry]) passwd = "{passwd}\n{passwd}\n{passwd}".format(passwd=admin_pass) self.master.run_command(['kinit', 'admin'], stdin_text=passwd) cmd = self.master.run_command(['ipa-kra-install', '-p', dm_pass, '-U']) self.master.run_command(['systemctl', 'start', 'chronyd']) class TestKRAinstallOnReplicaWithCAHost(IntegrationTest): """ Test that KRA install on replica with ca_host overriden fails KRA install on a replica should fail if the ca_host line in /etc/ipa/default.conf is present Related: https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/8245 """ num_replicas = 1 def test_kra_install_on_replica_with_ca_host_overriden(self): tasks.install_master(self.master) tasks.install_replica(self.master, self.replicas[0]) content = self.replicas[0].get_file_contents(paths.IPA_DEFAULT_CONF, encoding='utf-8') ca_host_line = "ca_host = %s" % self.master.hostname new_content = content + '\n' + ca_host_line self.replicas[0].put_file_contents(paths.IPA_DEFAULT_CONF, new_content) self.master.run_command(['firewall-cmd', '--add-port=8443/tcp']) result = tasks.install_kra(self.replicas[0], raiseonerr=False) err_str = "KRA can not be installed when 'ca_host' is overriden in IPA" "configuration file." assert result.returncode == 1 assert err_str in result.stderr_text class TestMaskInstall(IntegrationTest): """ Test master and replica installation with wrong mask This test checks that master/replica installation fails (expectedly) if mask > 022. related ticket: https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/7193 """ topology = 'star' @classmethod def install(cls, mh): super(TestMaskInstall, cls).install(mh) cls.bashrc_file = cls.master.get_file_contents('/root/.bashrc') def test_install_master(self): self.master.run_command('echo "umask 0027" >> /root/.bashrc') result = self.master.run_command(['umask']) assert '0027' in result.stdout_text cmd = tasks.install_master( self.master, setup_dns=False, raiseonerr=False ) exp_str = ("Unexpected system mask") assert (exp_str in cmd.stderr_text and cmd.returncode != 0) def test_install_replica(self): result = self.master.run_command(['umask']) assert '0027' in result.stdout_text cmd = self.master.run_command([ 'ipa-replica-install', '-w', self.master.config.admin_password, '-n', self.master.domain.name, '-r', self.master.domain.realm, '--server', 'dummy_master.%s' % self.master.domain.name, '-U'], raiseonerr=False ) exp_str = ("Unexpected system mask") assert (exp_str in cmd.stderr_text and cmd.returncode != 0) def test_files_ownership_and_permission_teardown(self): """ Method to restore the default bashrc contents""" if self.bashrc_file is not None: self.master.put_file_contents('/root/.bashrc', self.bashrc_file) class TestInstallMasterReplica(IntegrationTest): """https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/7929 Problem: If a replica installation fails before all the services have been enabled then it could leave things in a bad state. ipa-replica-manage del --cleanup --force invalid 'PKINIT enabled server': all masters must have IPA master role enabled Root cause was that configuredServices were being considered when determining what masters provide what services, so a partially installed master could cause operations to fail on other masters, to the point where a broken master couldn't be removed. """ num_replicas = 1 topology = 'star' @classmethod def install(cls, mh): tasks.install_master(cls.master, setup_kra=True) # do not install KRA on replica, it is part of test tasks.install_replica(cls.master, cls.replicas[0], setup_kra=False) def test_replicamanage_del(self): """Test Steps: 1. Setup server 2. Setup replica 3. modify the replica entry on Master: ldapmodify -D cn="Directory Manager"-w dn: cn=KDC,cn=,cn=masters,cn=ipa,cn=etc, changetype: modify delete: ipaconfigstring ipaconfigstring: enabledService dn: cn=KDC,cn=,cn=masters,cn=ipa,cn=etc, add: ipaconfigstring ipaconfigstring: configuredService 4. On master, run ipa-replica-manage del --cleanup --force """ # https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/7929 # modify the replica entry on Master cmd_output = None dn_entry = 'dn: cn=KDC,cn=%s,cn=masters,cn=ipa,' \ 'cn=etc,%s' % \ (self.replicas[0].hostname, ipautil.realm_to_suffix( self.replicas[0].domain.realm).ldap_text()) entry_ldif = textwrap.dedent(""" {dn} changetype: modify delete: ipaconfigstring ipaconfigstring: enabledService {dn} add: ipaconfigstring ipaconfigstring: configuredService """).format(dn=dn_entry) cmd_output = tasks.ldapmodify_dm(self.master, entry_ldif) assert 'modifying entry' in cmd_output.stdout_text cmd_output = self.master.run_command([ 'ipa-replica-manage', 'del', self.replicas[0].hostname, '--cleanup', '--force' ]) assert_text = 'Deleted IPA server "%s"' % self.replicas[0].hostname assert assert_text in cmd_output.stdout_text class TestInstallReplicaAgainstSpecificServer(IntegrationTest): """Installation of replica against a specific server Test to check replica install against specific server. It uses master and replica1 without CA and having custodia service stopped. Then try to install replica2 from replica1 and expect it to get fail as specified server is not providing all the services. related ticket: https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/7566 """ num_replicas = 2 @classmethod def install(cls, mh): tasks.install_master(cls.master, setup_kra=True) # install replica1 without CA cmd = tasks.install_replica(cls.master, cls.replicas[0], setup_ca=False, setup_dns=True, promote=False) # check for warning that CA is not installed on server warn = 'WARNING: The CA service is only installed on one server' assert warn in cmd.stderr_text def test_replica_install_against_server_without_ca(self): """Replica install will fail complaining about CA role and exit code 4""" # stop custodia service on replica1 self.replicas[0].run_command('systemctl stop ipa-custodia.service') # check if custodia service is stopped cmd = self.replicas[0].run_command('ipactl status', raiseonerr=False) assert 'ipa-custodia Service: STOPPED' in cmd.stdout_text try: # install replica2 against replica1, as CA is not installed on # replica1, installation on replica2 should fail cmd = tasks.install_replica(self.replicas[0], self.replicas[1], promote=False, raiseonerr=False) assert cmd.returncode == 4 error = "please provide a server with the CA role" assert error in cmd.stderr_text finally: tasks.uninstall_master(self.replicas[1], ignore_topology_disconnect=True, ignore_last_of_role=True) def test_replica_install_against_server_without_kra(self): """Replica install will fail complaining about KRA role and exit code 4""" # install ca on replica1 tasks.install_ca(self.replicas[0]) try: # install replica2 against replica1, as KRA is not installed on # replica1(CA installed), installation should fail on replica2 cmd = tasks.install_replica(self.replicas[0], self.replicas[1], promote=False, setup_kra=True, raiseonerr=False) assert cmd.returncode == 4 error = "please provide a server with the KRA role" assert error in cmd.stderr_text finally: tasks.uninstall_master(self.replicas[1], ignore_topology_disconnect=True, ignore_last_of_role=True) def test_replica_install_against_server(self): """Replica install should succeed if specified server provide all the services""" tasks.install_replica(self.master, self.replicas[1], setup_dns=True, promote=False) # check if replication agreement stablished between master # and replica2 only. cmd = self.replicas[1].run_command(['ipa-replica-manage', 'list', self.replicas[0].hostname]) assert self.replicas[0].hostname not in cmd.stdout_text dirman_password = self.master.config.dirman_password cmd = self.replicas[1].run_command(['ipa-csreplica-manage', 'list', self.replicas[0].hostname], stdin_text=dirman_password) assert self.replicas[0].hostname not in cmd.stdout_text def test_replica_install_existing_agreement(self): """When the replication agreement already exists, the installer should print an error message with the information on where and how to remove it""" # master and replica_1 already installed by class' install() method # stop the main server in order to preserve the replication agreement # when removing the replica tasks.stop_ipa_server(self.master) # intentionally using ipa-server-install --uninstall # instead of replica-manage self.replicas[0].run_command(['ipa-server-install', '--uninstall', '--force', '-U']) tasks.start_ipa_server(self.master) result = tasks.install_replica(self.master, self.replicas[0], setup_ca=False, setup_dns=True, promote=False, raiseonerr=False, extra_args=('--force-join',)) assert result.returncode != 0 assert self.replicas[0].hostname in result.stderr_text assert "server-del" in result.stderr_text # delete the agreement based on the error message # and retry the installation self.master.run_command(['ipa', 'server-del', self.replicas[0].hostname, '--force']) result = tasks.install_replica(self.master, self.replicas[0], setup_ca=False, setup_dns=True, promote=False) assert result.returncode == 0 class TestInstallWithoutSudo(IntegrationTest): num_clients = 1 num_replicas = 1 no_sudo_str = "The sudo binary does not seem to be present on this" sudo_version_str = "Sudo version" @classmethod def install(cls, mh): pass def test_sudo_removal(self): # ipa-client makes sudo depend on libsss_sudo. # --nodeps is mandatory because dogtag uses sudo at install # time until commit 49585867207922479644a03078c29548de02cd03 # which is scheduled to land in 10.10. # This also means sudo+libsss_sudo cannot be uninstalled on # IPA servers with a CA. assert tasks.is_package_installed(self.clients[0], 'sudo') assert tasks.is_package_installed(self.clients[0], 'libsss_sudo') tasks.uninstall_packages( self.clients[0], ['sudo', 'libsss_sudo'], nodeps=True ) def test_ipa_installation_without_sudo(self): # FixMe: When Dogtag 10.10 is out, test installation without sudo tasks.install_master(self.master, setup_dns=True) def test_replica_installation_without_sudo(self): # FixMe: When Dogtag 10.10 is out, test replica installation # without sudo and with CA tasks.uninstall_packages( self.replicas[0], ['sudo', 'libsss_sudo'], nodeps=True ) # One-step install is needed. # With promote=True, two-step install is done and that only captures # the ipa-replica-install stdout/stderr, not ipa-client-install's. result = tasks.install_replica( self.master, self.replicas[0], promote=False, setup_dns=True, setup_ca=False ) assert self.no_sudo_str in result.stderr_text def test_client_installation_without_sudo(self): result = tasks.install_client(self.master, self.clients[0]) assert self.no_sudo_str in result.stderr_text def test_remove_sudo_on_ipa(self): tasks.uninstall_packages( self.master, ['sudo', 'libsss_sudo'], nodeps=True ) self.master.run_command( ['ipactl', 'restart'] ) def test_install_sudo_on_client(self): """ Check that installing sudo pulls libsss_sudo in""" for pkg in ('sudo', 'libsss_sudo'): assert tasks.is_package_installed(self.clients[0], pkg) is False tasks.uninstall_client(self.clients[0]) tasks.install_packages(self.clients[0], ['sudo']) for pkg in ('sudo', 'libsss_sudo'): assert tasks.is_package_installed(self.clients[0], pkg) result = tasks.install_client(self.master, self.clients[0]) assert self.no_sudo_str not in result.stderr_text assert self.sudo_version_str not in result.stdout_text class TestInstallWithoutNamed(IntegrationTest): num_replicas = 1 @classmethod def remove_named(cls, host): # remove the bind package and make sure the named user does not exist. # https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/8936 result = host.run_command(['id', 'named'], raiseonerr=False) if result.returncode == 0: tasks.uninstall_packages(host, ['bind']) host.run_command(['userdel', constants.NAMED_USER]) assert host.run_command( ['id', 'named'], raiseonerr=False ).returncode == 1 @classmethod def install(cls, mh): for tgt in (cls.master, cls.replicas[0]): cls.remove_named(tgt) tasks.install_master(cls.master, setup_dns=False) def test_replica0_install(self): tasks.install_replica( self.master, self.replicas[0], setup_ca=False, setup_dns=False ) class TestInstallwithSHA384withRSA(IntegrationTest): num_replicas = 0 def test_install_master_withalgo_sha384withrsa(self, server_cleanup): tasks.install_master( self.master, extra_args=['--ca-signing-algorithm=SHA384withRSA'], ) # check Signing Algorithm post installation dashed_domain = self.master.domain.realm.replace(".", '-') cmd_args = ['certutil', '-L', '-d', '/etc/dirsrv/slapd-{}/'.format(dashed_domain), '-n', 'Server-Cert'] result = self.master.run_command(cmd_args) assert 'SHA-384 With RSA Encryption' in result.stdout_text def test_install_master_modify_existing(self, server_cleanup): """ Setup a master Stop services Modify default.params.signingAlg in CS.cfg Restart services Resubmit cert (Resubmitted cert should have new Algorithm) """ tasks.install_master(self.master) self.master.run_command(['ipactl', 'stop']) cs_cfg_content = self.master.get_file_contents(paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH, encoding='utf-8') new_lines = [] replace_str = "ca.signing.defaultSigningAlgorithm=SHA384withRSA" ocsp_rep_str = "ca.ocsp_signing.defaultSigningAlgorithm=SHA384withRSA" for line in cs_cfg_content.split('\n'): if line.startswith('ca.signing.defaultSigningAlgorithm'): new_lines.append(replace_str) elif line.startswith('ca.ocsp_signing.defaultSigningAlgorithm'): new_lines.append(ocsp_rep_str) else: new_lines.append(line) self.master.put_file_contents(paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH, '\n'.join(new_lines)) self.master.run_command(['ipactl', 'start']) cmd = ['getcert', 'list', '-f', paths.RA_AGENT_PEM] result = self.master.run_command(cmd) request_id = get_certmonger_fs_id(result.stdout_text) # resubmit RA Agent cert cmd = ['getcert', 'resubmit', '-f', paths.RA_AGENT_PEM] self.master.run_command(cmd) tasks.wait_for_certmonger_status(self.master, ('CA_WORKING', 'MONITORING'), request_id) cmd_args = ['openssl', 'x509', '-in', paths.RA_AGENT_PEM, '-noout', '-text'] result = self.master.run_command(cmd_args) assert_str = 'Signature Algorithm: sha384WithRSAEncryption' assert assert_str in result.stdout_text class TestHostnameValidator(IntegrationTest): """Test installer hostname validator.""" num_replicas = 0 def get_args(self, host): return [ 'ipa-server-install', '-n', host.domain.name, '-r', host.domain.realm, '-p', host.config.dirman_password, '-a', host.config.admin_password, '--setup-dns', '--forwarder', host.config.dns_forwarder, '--auto-reverse', '--netbios-name', 'EXAMPLE', ] def test_user_input_hostname(self): # https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/9111 # Validate the user-provided hostname self.master.run_command(['hostname', 'fedora']) result = self.master.run_command( self.get_args(self.master), raiseonerr=False, stdin_text=self.master.hostname + '\nn\nn\nn\n', ) # Scrape the output for the summary which is only displayed # if the hostname is validated. hostname = None for line in result.stdout_text.split('\n'): print(line) m = re.match( r"Hostname:\s+({})".format(self.master.hostname), line ) if m: hostname = m.group(1) break assert hostname == self.master.hostname def test_hostname_with_dot(self): # https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/9111 # Validate the user-provided hostname self.master.run_command(['hostname', 'fedora']) result = self.master.run_command( self.get_args(self.master), raiseonerr=False, stdin_text=self.master.hostname + '.\nn\nn\nn\n', ) # Scrape the output for the summary which is only displayed # if the hostname is validated. hostname = None for line in result.stdout_text.split('\n'): print(line) m = re.match( r"Hostname:\s+({})".format(self.master.hostname), line ) if m: hostname = m.group(1) break assert hostname == self.master.hostname