# Authors: # Petr Vobornik # # Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ Base class for UI integration tests. Contains browser driver and common tasks. """ from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import from datetime import datetime import time import re import os from functools import wraps import unittest from urllib.error import URLError import paramiko try: from selenium import webdriver from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException from selenium.common.exceptions import InvalidElementStateException from selenium.common.exceptions import StaleElementReferenceException from selenium.common.exceptions import WebDriverException from selenium.common.exceptions import ElementClickInterceptedException from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options as ChromeOptions from selenium.webdriver.support.wait import WebDriverWait from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import Select NO_SELENIUM = False except ImportError: NO_SELENIUM = True try: import yaml NO_YAML = False except ImportError: NO_YAML = True from ipaplatform.paths import paths ENV_MAP = { 'MASTER': 'ipa_server', 'ADMINID': 'ipa_admin', 'ADMINPW': 'ipa_password', 'DOMAIN': 'ipa_domain', 'IPA_REALM': 'ipa_realm', 'IPA_IP': 'ipa_ip', 'IPA_NO_CA': 'no_ca', 'IPA_NO_DNS': 'no_dns', 'IPA_HAS_TRUSTS': 'has_trusts', 'IPA_HAS_KRA': 'has_kra', 'IPA_HOST_CSR_PATH': 'host_csr_path', 'IPA_SERVICE_CSR_PATH': 'service_csr_path', 'AD_DOMAIN': 'ad_domain', 'AD_DC': 'ad_dc', 'AD_ADMIN': 'ad_admin', 'AD_PASSWORD': 'ad_password', 'AD_DC_IP': 'ad_dc_ip', 'TRUST_SECRET': 'trust_secret', 'SEL_TYPE': 'type', 'SEL_BROWSER': 'browser', 'SEL_HOST': 'host', 'FF_PROFILE': 'ff_profile', } DEFAULT_BROWSER = 'firefox' DEFAULT_PORT = 4444 DEFAULT_TYPE = 'local' def screenshot(fn): """ Decorator for saving screenshot on exception (test fail) Should be applied on methods of UI_driver subclasses """ @wraps(fn) def screenshot_wrapper(*args): try: return fn(*args) except unittest.SkipTest: raise except Exception: self = args[0] name = '%s_%s_%s' % ( datetime.now().isoformat(), self.__class__.__name__, fn.__name__) self.take_screenshot(name) raise return screenshot_wrapper class UI_driver: """ Base class for all UI integration tests """ request_timeout = 60 @classmethod def setup_class(cls): if NO_SELENIUM: raise unittest.SkipTest('Selenium not installed') cls.load_config() def setup(self): self.driver = self.get_driver() self.driver.maximize_window() def teardown(self): self.driver.delete_all_cookies() self.driver.quit() @classmethod def load_config(cls): """ Load configuration 1) From ~/.ipa/ui_test.conf 2) From environmental variables """ # load config file path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".ipa/ui_test.conf") if not NO_YAML and os.path.isfile(path): try: with open(path, 'r') as conf: cls.config = yaml.load(conf) except yaml.YAMLError as e: raise unittest.SkipTest("Invalid Web UI config.\n%s" % e) except IOError as e: raise unittest.SkipTest( "Can't load Web UI test config: %s" % e ) else: cls.config = {} c = cls.config # override with environmental variables for k, v in ENV_MAP.items(): val = os.environ.get(k) if val is not None: c[v] = val # apply defaults if 'port' not in c: c['port'] = DEFAULT_PORT if 'browser' not in c: c['browser'] = DEFAULT_BROWSER if 'type' not in c: c['type'] = DEFAULT_TYPE @classmethod def get_driver(cls): """ Get WebDriver according to configuration """ browser = cls.config["browser"] port = cls.config["port"] driver_type = cls.config["type"] options = None if browser == 'chromium': options = ChromeOptions() options.binary_location = paths.CHROMIUM_BROWSER if driver_type == 'remote': if 'host' not in cls.config: raise unittest.SkipTest('Selenium server host not configured') host = cls.config["host"] if browser == 'chrome': capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.CHROME elif browser == 'chromium': capabilities = options.to_capabilities() elif browser == 'ie': capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.INTERNETEXPLORER else: capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX try: driver = webdriver.Remote( command_executor='http://%s:%d/wd/hub' % (host, port), desired_capabilities=capabilities) except URLError as e: raise unittest.SkipTest( 'Error connecting to selenium server: %s' % e ) except RuntimeError as e: raise unittest.SkipTest( 'Error while establishing webdriver: %s' % e ) else: try: if browser == 'chrome' or browser == 'chromium': driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=options) elif browser == 'ie': driver = webdriver.Ie() else: fp = None if "ff_profile" in cls.config: fp = webdriver.FirefoxProfile(cls.config["ff_profile"]) ff_log_path = cls.config.get("geckodriver_log_path") driver = webdriver.Firefox(fp, log_path=ff_log_path) except URLError as e: raise unittest.SkipTest( 'Error connecting to selenium server: %s' % e ) except RuntimeError as e: raise unittest.SkipTest( 'Error while establishing webdriver: %s' % e ) return driver def find(self, expression, by='id', context=None, many=False, strict=False): """ Helper which calls selenium find_element_by_xxx methods. expression: search expression by: selenium.webdriver.common.by context: element to search on. Default: driver many: all matching elements strict: error out when element is not found Returns None instead of raising exception when element is not found. """ assert expression, 'expression is missing' if context is None: context = self.driver if not many: method_name = 'find_element' else: method_name = 'find_elements' try: func = getattr(context, method_name) result = func(by, expression) except NoSuchElementException: if strict: raise else: result = None return result def files_loaded(self): """ Test if dependencies were loaded. (Checks if UI has been rendered) """ indicator = self.find(".global-activity-indicator", By.CSS_SELECTOR) return indicator is not None def has_ca(self): """ FreeIPA server was installed with CA. """ return not self.config.get('no_ca') def has_dns(self): """ FreeIPA server was installed with DNS. """ return not self.config.get('no_dns') def has_trusts(self): """ FreeIPA server was installed with Trusts. """ return self.config.get('has_trusts') def has_kra(self): """ FreeIPA server was installed with Kra. """ return self.config.get('has_kra') def has_active_request(self): """ Check if there is running AJAX request """ global_indicators = self.find(".global-activity-indicator", By.CSS_SELECTOR, many=True) for el in global_indicators: try: if not self.has_class(el, 'closed'): return True except StaleElementReferenceException: # we don't care. Happens when indicator is part of removed dialog. continue return False def wait(self, seconds=0.2): """ Wait specific amount of seconds """ time.sleep(seconds) def wait_for_request(self, implicit=0.2, n=1, d=0): """ Wait for AJAX request to finish """ runner = self for _i in range(n): self.wait(implicit) WebDriverWait(self.driver, self.request_timeout).until_not(lambda d: runner.has_active_request()) self.wait() self.wait(d) def xpath_has_val(self, attr, val): """ Create xpath expression for matching a presence of item in attribute value where value is a list of items separated by space. """ return "contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(@%s), ' '),' %s ')" % (attr, val) def init_app(self, login=None, password=None): """ Load and login """ self.load() self.wait(0.5) self.login(login, password) # metadata + default page self.wait_for_request(n=5) def load(self): """ Navigate to Web UI first page and wait for loading of all dependencies. """ # if is not any of above cases, we need to load the application for # its first time entering the URL in the address bar self.driver.get(self.get_base_url()) runner = self WebDriverWait(self.driver, 10).until(lambda d: runner.files_loaded()) self.wait_for_request() def login(self, login=None, password=None, new_password=None): """ Log in if user is not logged in. """ if self.logged_in(): return if login is None: login = self.config['ipa_admin'] if password is None: password = self.config['ipa_password'] if not new_password: new_password = password auth = self.get_login_screen() login_tb = self.find("//input[@type='text'][@name='username']", 'xpath', auth, strict=True) psw_tb = self.find("//input[@type='password'][@name='password']", 'xpath', auth, strict=True) login_tb.send_keys(login) psw_tb.send_keys(password) psw_tb.send_keys(Keys.RETURN) self.wait(0.5) self.wait_for_request(n=2) # reset password if needed if self.login_screen_visible(): newpw_tb = self.find("//input[@type='password'][@name='new_password']", 'xpath', auth) verify_tb = self.find("//input[@type='password'][@name='verify_password']", 'xpath', auth) if newpw_tb and newpw_tb.is_displayed(): newpw_tb.send_keys(new_password) verify_tb.send_keys(new_password) verify_tb.send_keys(Keys.RETURN) self.wait(0.5) self.wait_for_request(n=2) def logged_in(self): """ Check if user is logged in """ login_as = self.find('loggedinas', 'class name') visible_name = len(login_as.text) > 0 logged_in = not self.login_screen_visible() and visible_name return logged_in def logout(self): runner = self self.profile_menu_action('logout') # it may take some time to get login screen visible WebDriverWait(self.driver, self.request_timeout).until( lambda d: runner.login_screen_visible()) assert self.login_screen_visible() def get_login_screen(self): """ Get reference of login screen """ return self.find('.login-pf', By.CSS_SELECTOR) def login_screen_visible(self): """ Check if login screen is visible """ screen = self.get_login_screen() return screen and screen.is_displayed() def take_screenshot(self, name): if self.config.get('save_screenshots'): scr_dir = self.config.get('screenshot_dir') path = name + '.png' if scr_dir: path = os.path.join(scr_dir, path) self.driver.get_screenshot_as_file(path) def navigate_to_entity(self, entity, facet=None): self.driver.get(self.get_url(entity, facet)) self.wait_for_request(n=3, d=0.4) def navigate_by_menu(self, item, complete=True): """ Navigate by using menu """ if complete: parts = item.split('/') if len(parts) > 1: parent = parts[0:-1] self.navigate_by_menu('/'.join(parent), complete) s = ".navbar a[href='#%s']" % item link = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, strict=True) assert link.is_displayed(), 'Navigation link is not displayed: %s' % item link.click() self.wait_for_request() self.wait_for_request(0.4) def navigate_by_breadcrumb(self, item): """ Navigate by breadcrumb navigation """ facet = self.get_facet() nav = self.find('.breadcrumb', By.CSS_SELECTOR, facet, strict=True) a = self.find(item, By.LINK_TEXT, nav, strict=True) a.click() self.wait_for_request() self.wait_for_request(0.4) def switch_to_facet(self, name): """ Click on tab with given name """ facet = self.get_facet() tabs = "div.facet-tabs" sidebar = "div.sidebar-pf" facets_container = self.find(tabs, By.CSS_SELECTOR, facet) # handle sidebar instead of facet-tabs # the webui facet can have only the facet-tabs OR sidebar, not both if not facets_container: facets_container = self.find(sidebar, By.CSS_SELECTOR, facet) s = "li[name='%s'] a" % name link = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, facets_container, strict=True) link.click() # double wait because of facet's paging self.wait_for_request(0.5) self.wait_for_request() def get_url(self, entity, facet=None): """ Create entity url """ url = [self.get_base_url(), '#', 'e', entity] if facet: url.append(facet) return '/'.join(url) def get_base_url(self): """ Get FreeIPA Web UI url """ host = self.config.get('ipa_server') if not host: self.skip('FreeIPA server hostname not configured') return 'https://%s/ipa/ui' % host def get_facet(self): """ Get currently displayed facet """ facet = self.find('.active-facet', By.CSS_SELECTOR) assert facet is not None, "Current facet not found" return facet def get_facet_info(self, facet=None): """ Get information of currently displayed facet """ info = {} # get facet if facet is None: facet = self.get_facet() info["element"] = facet #get facet name and entity info["name"] = facet.get_attribute('data-name') info["entity"] = facet.get_attribute('data-entity') # get facet title el = self.find(".facet-header h3 *:first-child", By.CSS_SELECTOR, facet) if el: info["title"] = el.text # get facet pkey el = self.find(".facet-header h3 span.facet-pkey", By.CSS_SELECTOR, facet) if el: info["pkey"] = el.text return info def get_dialogs(self, strict=False, name=None): """ Get all dialogs in DOM """ s = '.modal-dialog' if name: s += "[data-name='%s']" % name dialogs = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, many=True) if strict: assert dialogs, "No dialogs found" return dialogs def get_dialog(self, strict=False, name=None): """ Get last opened dialog """ dialogs = self.get_dialogs(strict, name) dialog = None if len(dialogs): dialog = dialogs[-1] return dialog def get_last_error_dialog(self, dialog_name='error_dialog'): """ Get last opened error dialog or None. """ s = ".modal-dialog[data-name='%s']" % dialog_name dialogs = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, many=True) dialog = None if dialogs: dialog = dialogs[-1] return dialog def get_dialog_info(self): """ Get last open dialog info: name, text if any. Returns None if no dialog is open. """ dialog = self.get_dialog() info = None if dialog: body = self.find('.modal-body', By.CSS_SELECTOR, dialog, strict=True) info = { 'name': dialog.get_attribute('data-name'), 'text': body.text, } return info def execute_api_from_ui(self, method, args, options, timeout=30): """ Executes FreeIPA API command/method from Web UI """ script = """ var method = arguments[0]; var args = arguments[1]; var options = arguments[2]; var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; var rpc = require('freeipa/rpc'); var cmd = rpc.command({ method: method, args: args, options: options, on_success: callback, on_error: callback }); cmd.execute(); """ self.driver.set_script_timeout(timeout) result = self.driver.execute_async_script(script, *[method, args, options]) return result def click_on_link(self, text, parent=None): """ Click on link with given text and parent. """ if not parent: parent = self.get_form() link = self.find(text, By.LINK_TEXT, parent, strict=True) link.click() def click_undo_button(self, field, parent=None): """ Click undo button/s of particular field """ self.assert_undo_button(field) undo_btns = self.get_undo_buttons(field, parent) for btn in undo_btns: btn.click() self.assert_undo_button(field, visible=False) def facet_button_click(self, name): """ Click on facet button with given name """ facet = self.get_facet() s = ".facet-controls button[name=%s]" % name self._button_click(s, facet, name) def dialog_button_click(self, name, dialog=None): """ Click on dialog button with given name Chooses last dialog if none is supplied """ if not dialog: dialog = self.get_dialog(strict=True) s = ".rcue-dialog-buttons button[name='%s']" % name self._button_click(s, dialog, name) def action_button_click(self, name, parent): """ Click on .action-button """ if not parent: parent = self.get_form() s = "a[name='%s'].action-button" % name self._button_click(s, parent, name) def button_click(self, name, parent=None, parents_css_sel=None): """ Click on .ui-button """ if not parent: if parents_css_sel: parent = self.find(parents_css_sel, By.CSS_SELECTOR, strict=True) else: parent = self.get_form() s = "[name='%s'].btn" % name self._button_click(s, parent, name) def _button_click(self, selector, parent, name=''): btn = self.find(selector, By.CSS_SELECTOR, parent, strict=True) self.move_to_element_in_page(btn) disabled = btn.get_attribute("disabled") assert btn.is_displayed(), 'Button is not displayed: %s' % name assert not disabled, 'Invalid button state: disabled. Button: %s' % name btn.click() self.wait_for_request() def move_to_element_in_page(self, element): # workaround to move the page until the element is visible # more in https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/issues/776 self.driver.execute_script('arguments[0].scrollIntoView(true);', element) def profile_menu_action(self, name): """ Execute action from profile menu """ menu_toggle = self.find('[name=profile-menu] > a', By.CSS_SELECTOR) menu_toggle.click() s = "[name=profile-menu] a[href='#%s']" % name btn = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, strict=True) btn.click() # action is usually followed by opening a dialog, add wait to compensate # possible dialog transition effect self.wait(0.5) def close_notifications(self): """ Close all notifications like success messages, warnings, infos """ self.wait() while True: # get close button of notification s = ".notification-area .alert button" button = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, strict=False) if button: button.click() self.wait() else: break def close_all_dialogs(self): """ Close all currently opened dialogs """ self.wait() while True: s = ".modal.fade.in .modal-header button.close" btn = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR) if btn: btn.click() self.wait(0.5) else: break def get_form(self): """ Get last dialog or visible facet """ form = self.get_dialog() if not form: form = self.get_facet() return form def select(self, selector, value, parent=None): """ Select option with given value in select element """ if not parent: parent = self.get_form() el = self.find(selector, By.CSS_SELECTOR, parent, strict=True) Select(el).select_by_value(value) def fill_text(self, selector, value, parent=None): """ Clear and enter text into input defined by selector. Use for non-standard fields. """ if not parent: parent = self.get_form() tb = self.find(selector, By.CSS_SELECTOR, parent, strict=True) try: tb.send_keys(Keys.CONTROL + 'a') tb.send_keys(Keys.DELETE) tb.send_keys(value) except InvalidElementStateException as e: msg = "Invalid Element State, el: %s, value: %s, error: %s" % (selector, value, e) assert False, msg def fill_input(self, name, value, input_type="text", parent=None): """ Type into input element specified by name and type. """ s = "div[name='%s'] input[type='%s'][name='%s']" % (name, input_type, name) self.fill_text(s, value, parent) def fill_textarea(self, name, value, parent=None): """ Clear and fill textarea. """ s = "textarea[name='%s']" % (name) self.fill_text(s, value, parent) def fill_textbox(self, name, value, parent=None): """ Clear and fill textbox. """ self.fill_input(name, value, "text", parent) def fill_password(self, name, value, parent=None): """ Clear and fill input[type=password] """ self.fill_input(name, value, "password", parent) def fill_search_filter(self, value, parent=None): search_field_s = '.search-filter input[name=filter]' if not parent: parent = self.get_form() self.fill_text(search_field_s, value, parent) def add_multivalued(self, name, value, parent=None): """ Add new value to multivalued textbox """ if not parent: parent = self.get_form() s = "div[name='%s'].multivalued-widget" % name w = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, parent, strict=True) add_btn = self.find("button[name=add]", By.CSS_SELECTOR, w, strict=True) add_btn.click() s = "div[name=value] input" inputs = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, w, many=True) last = inputs[-1] last.send_keys(value) def edit_multivalued(self, name, value, new_value, parent=None): """ Edit multivalued textbox """ if not parent: parent = self.get_form() s = "div[name='%s'].multivalued-widget" % name w = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, parent, strict=True) s = "div[name=value] input" inputs = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, w, many=True) for i in inputs: val = i.get_attribute('value') if val == value: i.clear() i.send_keys(new_value) def undo_multivalued(self, name, value, parent=None): """ Undo multivalued change """ if not parent: parent = self.get_form() s = "div[name='%s'].multivalued-widget" % name w = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, parent, strict=True) s = "div[name=value] input" inputs = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, w, many=True) clicked = False for i in inputs: val = i.get_attribute('value') n = i.get_attribute('name') if val == value: s = "input[name='%s'] ~ .input-group-btn button[name=undo]" % n link = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, w, strict=True) link.click() self.wait() clicked = True # lets try to find the undo button element again to check if # it is not present or displayed link = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, w) assert not link or not link.is_displayed(), 'Undo btn present' assert clicked, 'Value was not undone: %s' % value def del_multivalued(self, name, value, parent=None): """ Mark value in multivalued textbox as deleted. """ if not parent: parent = self.get_form() s = "div[name='%s'].multivalued-widget" % name w = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, parent, strict=True) s = "div[name=value] input" inputs = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, w, many=True) clicked = False for i in inputs: val = i.get_attribute('value') n = i.get_attribute('name') if val == value: s = "input[name='%s'] ~ .input-group-btn button[name=remove]" % n link = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, w, strict=True) link.click() self.wait() clicked = True assert clicked, 'Value was not removed: %s' % value def undo_all_multivalued(self, name, parent=None): """ Undo all new values to multivalued textbox """ if parent is None: parent = self.get_form() label = "div[name='{}'].multivalued-widget".format(name) widget = self.find(label, By.CSS_SELECTOR, parent, strict=True) add_btn = self.find("button[name=undo_all]", By.CSS_SELECTOR, widget, strict=True) add_btn.click() def fill_multivalued(self, name, instructions, parent=None): """ Add or delete a value from multivalued field """ for instruction in instructions: t = instruction[0] value = instruction[1] if t == 'add': self.add_multivalued(name, value, parent) else: self.del_multivalued(name, value, parent) def check_option(self, name, value=None, parent=None): r""" Find checkbox or radio with name which matches ^NAME\d$ and check it by clicking on a label. """ if not parent: parent = self.get_form() s = "//input[@type='checkbox' or 'radio'][contains(@name, '%s')]" % name if value is not None: s += "[@value='%s']" % value opts = self.find(s, "xpath", parent, many=True) label = None checkbox = None # Select only the one which matches exactly the name for o in opts: n = o.get_attribute("name") if n == name or re.match(r"^%s\d+$" % name, n): s = "label[for='%s']" % o.get_attribute("id") label = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, parent, strict=True) checkbox = o break assert label is not None, "Option not found: %s" % name try: label.click() except ElementClickInterceptedException: checkbox.click() def select_combobox(self, name, value, parent=None, combobox_input=None): """ Select value in a combobox. Search if not found. """ if not parent: parent = self.get_form() s = "[name='%s'].combobox-widget" % name cb = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, parent, strict=True) open_btn = self.find('a[name=open] i', By.CSS_SELECTOR, cb, strict=True) open_btn.click() self.wait() self.wait_for_request() list_cnt = self.find('.combobox-widget-list', By.CSS_SELECTOR, cb, strict=True) opt_s = "select[name=list] option[value='%s']" % value option = self.find(opt_s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, cb) if combobox_input: if not option: open_btn.click() self.fill_textbox(combobox_input, value, cb) else: if not option: # try to search self.fill_textbox('filter', value, cb) search_btn = self.find('a[name=search] i', By.CSS_SELECTOR, cb, strict=True) search_btn.click() self.wait_for_request() option = self.find(opt_s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, cb, strict=True) option.click() # Chrome does not close search area on click if list_cnt.is_displayed(): self.driver.switch_to_active_element().send_keys(Keys.RETURN) self.wait() def get_text(self, selector, parent=None): if not parent: parent = self.get_form() el = self.find(selector, By.CSS_SELECTOR, parent, strict=True) return el.text def get_value(self, selector, parent=None): if not parent: parent = self.get_form() el = self.find(selector, By.CSS_SELECTOR, parent, strict=True) value = el.get_attribute('value') return value def get_field_text(self, name, parent=None, element='p'): s = ".controls %s[name='%s']" % (element, name) return self.get_text(s, parent) def get_field_value(self, name, parent=None, element='input'): s = ".controls %s[name='%s']" % (element, name) return self.get_value(s, parent) def get_multivalued_value(self, name, parent=None): s = "div[name='%s'] div[name='value'] input[name^='%s']" % (name, name) els = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, parent, many=True) values = [] for el in els: values.append(el.get_attribute('value')) return values def get_field_checked(self, name, parent=None): if not parent: parent = self.get_form() s = "div[name='%s'] input[name^='%s']" % (name, name) els = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, parent, strict=True, many=True) values = [] for el in els: if el.is_selected(): values.append(el.get_attribute('value')) return values def get_field_selected(self, name, parent=None): if not parent: parent = self.get_form() s = "div[name='%s'] select[name='%s']" % (name, name) el = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, parent, strict=True) select = Select(el) selected = select.all_selected_options values = [] for opt in selected: values.append(opt.get_attribute('value')) return values def get_undo_buttons(self, field, parent): """ Get field undo button """ if not parent: parent = self.get_form() s = ".controls div[name='%s'] .btn.undo" % (field) undos = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, parent, strict=True, many=True) return undos def get_rows(self, parent=None, name=None): """ Return all rows of search table. """ if not parent: parent = self.get_form() # select table rows s = self.get_table_selector(name) s += ' tbody tr' rows = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, parent, many=True) return rows def get_row(self, pkey, parent=None, name=None): """ Get row element of search table with given pkey. None if not found. """ rows = self.get_rows(parent, name) s = "input[value='%s']" % pkey for row in rows: has = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, row) if has: return row return None def navigate_to_row_record(self, row, pkey_column=None): """ Navigate to record by clicking on a link. """ s = 'a' if pkey_column: s = "div[name='%s'] a" % pkey_column link = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, row, strict=True) link.click() self.wait_for_request(0.4) self.wait_for_request() def get_table_selector(self, name=None): """ Construct table selector """ s = "table" if name: s += "[name='%s']" % name s += '.table' return s def select_record(self, pkey, parent=None, table_name=None, unselect=False): """ Select record with given pkey in search table. """ if not parent: parent = self.get_form() s = self.get_table_selector(table_name) input_s = s + " tbody td input[value='%s']" % pkey checkbox = self.find(input_s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, parent, strict=True) try: self.move_to_element_in_page(checkbox) checkbox.click() except WebDriverException as e: assert False, 'Can\'t click on checkbox label: %s \n%s' % (s, e) self.wait() if unselect: assert checkbox.is_selected() is not True self.wait() else: assert checkbox.is_selected(), \ 'Record was not checked: %s' % input_s self.wait() def select_multiple_records(self, records): """ Select multiple records """ for data in records: pkey = data['pkey'] self.select_record(pkey) def get_record_value(self, pkey, column, parent=None, table_name=None): """ Get table column's text value """ row = self.get_row(pkey, parent, table_name) s = "div[name=%s]" % column val = None if row: el = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, row) val = el.text return val def has_record(self, pkey, parent=None, table_name=None): """ Check if table contains specific record. """ if not parent: parent = self.get_form() s = self.get_table_selector(table_name) s += " tbody td input[value='%s']" % pkey checkbox = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, parent) return checkbox is not None def navigate_to_record(self, pkey, parent=None, table_name=None, entity=None, facet='search'): """ Clicks on record with given pkey in search table and thus cause navigation to the record. """ if entity: self.navigate_to_entity(entity, facet) if not parent: parent = self.get_facet() s = self.get_table_selector(table_name) s += " tbody" table = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, parent, strict=True) link = self.find(pkey, By.LINK_TEXT, table, strict=True) link.click() self.wait_for_request() def delete_record( self, pkeys, fields=None, parent=None, table_name=None, facet_btn='remove', confirm_btn='ok'): """ Delete records with given pkeys in currently opened search table. """ if type(pkeys) is not list: pkeys = [pkeys] # select selected = False for pkey in pkeys: delete = self.has_record(pkey, parent, table_name) if delete: self.select_record(pkey, parent, table_name) selected = True # exec and confirm if selected: if table_name and parent: s = self.get_table_selector(table_name) table = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, parent, strict=True) self.button_click(facet_btn, table) else: self.facet_button_click(facet_btn) if fields: self.fill_fields(fields) if not confirm_btn: return self.dialog_button_click(confirm_btn) self.wait_for_request(n=2) self.wait() def delete(self, entity, data_list, facet='search', navigate=True): """ Delete entity records: """ if navigate: self.navigate_to_entity(entity, facet) for data in data_list: pkey = data.get('pkey') fields = data.get('del') self.delete_record(pkey, fields) def fill_fields( self, fields, parent=None, undo=False, combobox_input=None): """ Fill dialog or facet inputs with give data. Expected format: [ ('widget_type', 'key', value'), ('widget_type', 'key2', value2'), ] """ if not parent: parent = self.get_form() for field in fields: widget_type = field[0] key = field[1] val = field[2] if undo and not hasattr(key, '__call__'): self.assert_undo_button(key, False, parent) if widget_type == 'textbox': self.fill_textbox(key, val, parent) elif widget_type == 'textarea': self.fill_textarea(key, val, parent) elif widget_type == 'password': self.fill_password(key, val, parent) elif widget_type == 'radio': self.check_option(key, val, parent) elif widget_type == 'checkbox': self.check_option(key, val, parent=parent) elif widget_type == 'selectbox': self.select('select[name=%s]' % key, val, parent) elif widget_type == 'combobox': self.select_combobox( key, val, parent, combobox_input=combobox_input) elif widget_type == 'add_table_record': self.add_table_record(key, val, parent) elif widget_type == 'add_table_association': self.add_table_associations(key, val, parent) elif widget_type == 'multivalued': self.fill_multivalued(key, val, parent) elif widget_type == 'table': self.select_record(val, parent, key) # this meta field specifies a function, to extend functionality of # field checking elif widget_type == 'callback': if hasattr(key, '__call__'): key(val) self.wait() if undo and not hasattr(key, '__call__'): self.assert_undo_button(key, True, parent) def validate_fields(self, fields, parent=None): """ Validate that fields on a page or dialog have desired values. """ if not fields: return if not parent: parent = self.get_form() for field in fields: ftype = field[0] key = field[1] expected = field[2] actual = None if ftype == 'label': actual = self.get_field_text(key, parent) elif ftype in ('textbox', 'password', 'combobox'): actual = self.get_field_value(key, parent, 'input') elif ftype == 'textarea': actual = self.get_field_value(key, parent, 'textarea') elif ftype == 'radio': actual = self.get_field_checked(key, parent) elif ftype == 'checkbox': actual = self.get_field_checked(key, parent) elif ftype == 'multivalued': actual = self.get_multivalued_value(key, parent) elif ftype == 'table_record': if self.has_record(expected, parent, key): actual = expected valid = False if type(expected) == list: valid = type(actual) == list and sorted(expected) == sorted(actual) else: # compare other values, usually strings: valid = actual == expected assert valid, "Values don't match. Expected: '%s', Got: '%s'" % (expected, actual) def find_record(self, entity, data, facet='search', dummy='XXXXXXX'): """ Test search functionality of search facet. 1. search for non-existent value and test if result set is empty. 2. search for specific pkey and test if it's present on the page 3. reset search page by not using search criteria """ self.assert_facet(entity, facet) facet = self.get_facet() search_field_s = '.search-filter input[name=filter]' key = data.get('pkey') self.fill_text(search_field_s, dummy, facet) self.action_button_click('find', facet) self.wait_for_request(n=2) self.assert_record(key, negative=True) self.fill_text(search_field_s, key, facet) self.action_button_click('find', facet) self.wait_for_request(n=2) self.assert_record(key) self.fill_text(search_field_s, '', facet) self.action_button_click('find', facet) self.wait_for_request(n=2) def add_record(self, entity, data, facet='search', facet_btn='add', dialog_btn='add', add_another_btn='add_and_add_another', delete=False, pre_delete=True, dialog_name='add', navigate=True, combobox_input=None, negative=False): """ Add records. When negative=True we are skipping final assertions. Expected data format: { 'pkey': 'key', add: [ ('widget_type', 'key', 'value'), ('widget_type', 'key2', 'value2'), ], } """ if type(data) is not list: data = [data] last_element = data[len(data) - 1] pkeys = [] for record in data: pkeys.append(record['pkey']) if navigate: self.navigate_to_entity(entity, facet) # check facet self.assert_facet(entity, facet) # delete if exists, ie. from previous test fail if pre_delete: self.delete(entity, data, navigate=False) # current row count self.wait_for_request(0.5) count = len(self.get_rows()) # open add dialog self.assert_no_dialog() self.facet_button_click(facet_btn) self.assert_dialog(dialog_name) for record in data: # fill dialog self.fill_fields(record['add'], combobox_input=combobox_input) btn = dialog_btn if record != last_element: btn = add_another_btn if not dialog_btn: return self.dialog_button_click(btn) self.wait_for_request() self.wait_for_request() # check expected error/warning/info expected = ['error_4304_info'] dialog_info = self.get_dialog_info() if dialog_info and dialog_info['name'] in expected: self.dialog_button_click('ok') self.wait_for_request() if negative: return # check for error self.assert_no_error_dialog() self.wait_for_request() self.wait_for_request(0.4) if dialog_btn == 'add_and_edit': page_pkey = self.get_text('.facet-pkey') assert record['pkey'] in page_pkey # we cannot delete because we are on different page return elif dialog_btn == add_another_btn: # dialog is still open, we cannot check for records on search page # or delete the records return elif dialog_btn == 'cancel': return # when standard 'add' was used then it will land on search page # and we can check if new item was added - table has more rows new_count = len(self.get_rows()) # adjust because of paging expected = count + len(data) if count == 20: expected = 20 self.assert_row_count(expected, new_count) # delete record if delete: self.delete(entity, data, navigate=False) new_count = len(self.get_rows()) self.assert_row_count(count, new_count) def mod_record(self, entity, data, facet='details', facet_btn='save', negative=False): """ Mod record Assumes that it is already on details page. """ self.assert_facet(entity, facet) # TODO assert pkey self.assert_facet_button_enabled(facet_btn, enabled=False) self.fill_fields(data['mod'], undo=True) self.assert_facet_button_enabled(facet_btn) self.facet_button_click(facet_btn) self.wait_for_request() self.wait_for_request() if negative: return self.assert_facet_button_enabled(facet_btn, enabled=False) def basic_crud(self, entity, data, parent_entity=None, details_facet='details', search_facet='search', default_facet='details', add_facet_btn='add', add_dialog_btn='add', add_dialog_name='add', update_btn='save', breadcrumb=None, navigate=True, mod=True, delete=True): """ Basic CRUD operation sequence. Expected data format: { 'pkey': 'key', 'add': [ ('widget_type', 'key', 'value'), ('widget_type', 'key2', 'value2'), ], 'mod': [ ('widget_type', 'key', 'value'), ('widget_type', 'key2', 'value2'), ], } """ # important for nested entities. Ie. autoumount maps if not parent_entity: parent_entity = entity pkey = data['pkey'] # 1. Open Search Facet if navigate: self.navigate_to_entity(parent_entity) self.assert_facet(parent_entity, search_facet) self.wait_for_request() # 2. Add record self.add_record(parent_entity, data, facet=search_facet, navigate=False, facet_btn=add_facet_btn, dialog_name=add_dialog_name, dialog_btn=add_dialog_btn) self.close_notifications() # Find self.find_record(parent_entity, data, search_facet) # 3. Navigate to details facet self.navigate_to_record(pkey) self.assert_facet(entity, default_facet) self.wait_for_request(0.5) if default_facet != details_facet: self.switch_to_facet(details_facet) self.assert_facet(entity, details_facet) self.validate_fields(data.get('add_v')) # 4. Mod values if mod and data.get('mod'): self.mod_record(entity, data, details_facet, update_btn) self.validate_fields(data.get('mod_v')) self.close_notifications() if not breadcrumb: self.navigate_to_entity(entity, search_facet) else: self.navigate_by_breadcrumb(breadcrumb) # 5. Delete record if delete: self.delete_record(pkey, data.get('del')) self.close_notifications() def add_table_record(self, name, data, parent=None): """ Add record to dnsrecord table, association table and similar """ if not parent: parent = self.get_form() s = self.get_table_selector(name) table = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, parent, strict=True) s = ".btn[name=%s]" % 'add' btn = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, table, strict=True) btn.click() self.wait() self.fill_fields(data['fields']) self.dialog_button_click('add') self.wait_for_request() def prepare_associations( self, pkeys, facet=None, facet_btn='add', member_pkeys=None, confirm_btn='add', search=False): """ Helper function for add_associations and delete_associations """ if facet: self.switch_to_facet(facet) self.facet_button_click(facet_btn) self.wait() self.wait_for_request() if search is True: for key in pkeys: search_field_s = '.adder-dialog-top input[name="filter"]' self.fill_text(search_field_s, key) self._button_click(selector="button[name='find'].btn-default", parent=None) self.wait_for_request() self.select_record(key, table_name='available') self.button_click('add') else: for key in pkeys: self.select_record(key, table_name='available') self.button_click('add') self.dialog_button_click(confirm_btn) self.wait_for_request() if member_pkeys: check_pkeys = member_pkeys else: check_pkeys = pkeys return check_pkeys def add_associations( self, pkeys, facet=None, delete=False, facet_btn='add', member_pkeys=None, confirm_btn='add', search=False): """ Add associations """ check_pkeys = self.prepare_associations( pkeys, facet, facet_btn, member_pkeys, confirm_btn, search) # we need to return if we want to "cancel" to avoid assert record fail if confirm_btn == 'cancel': return for key in check_pkeys: self.assert_record(key) if delete: self.delete_record(key) self.assert_record(key, negative=True) def delete_associations( self, pkeys, facet=None, facet_btn='remove', member_pkeys=None): """ Remove associations """ check_pkeys = self.prepare_associations( pkeys, facet, facet_btn, member_pkeys) for key in check_pkeys: self.assert_record(key, negative=True) def add_table_associations(self, table_name, pkeys, parent=False, delete=False, confirm_btn='add', negative=False): """ Add value to table (association|rule|...) """ if not parent: parent = self.get_form() s = self.get_table_selector(table_name) table = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, parent, strict=True) s = "button[name='%s']" % 'add' btn = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, table, strict=True) btn.click() self.wait_for_request(0.4) for key in pkeys: self.select_record(key, table_name='available') self.button_click('add') self.wait() self.dialog_button_click(confirm_btn) if confirm_btn == 'cancel': self.assert_record(key, parent, table_name, negative=True) return self.wait_for_request(n=2) if negative: return for key in pkeys: self.assert_record(key, parent, table_name) if delete: self.delete_record(pkeys, None, parent, table_name) for key in pkeys: self.assert_record(key, parent, table_name, negative=True) def action_list_action(self, name, confirm=True, confirm_btn="ok", parents_css_sel=None): """ Execute action list action """ context = None if not parents_css_sel: context = self.find(".active-facet .facet-actions", By.CSS_SELECTOR, strict=True) else: context = self.find(parents_css_sel, By.CSS_SELECTOR, strict=True) expand = self.find(".dropdown-toggle", By.CSS_SELECTOR, context, strict=True) expand.click() action_link = self.find("li[data-name=%s] a" % name, By.CSS_SELECTOR, context, strict=True) self.move_to_element_in_page(action_link) action_link.click() if confirm: self.wait(0.5) # wait for dialog self.dialog_button_click(confirm_btn) self.wait() def action_panel_action(self, panel_name, action): """ Execute action from action panel with given name. """ s = "div[data-name='%s'].action-panel" % panel_name s += " a[data-name='%s']" % action link = self.find(s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, strict=True) link.click() self.wait() def enable_action(self): """ Execute and test 'enable' action panel action. """ title = self.find('.active-facet div.facet-title', By.CSS_SELECTOR, strict=True) self.action_list_action('enable') self.wait_for_request(n=2) self.assert_no_error_dialog() self.assert_class(title, 'disabled', negative=True) def disable_action(self): """ Execute and test 'disable' action panel action. """ title = self.find('.active-facet div.facet-title', By.CSS_SELECTOR, strict=True) self.action_list_action('disable') self.wait_for_request(n=2) self.assert_no_error_dialog() self.close_notifications() self.move_to_element_in_page(title) self.assert_class(title, 'disabled') def delete_action(self, entity, pkey, action='delete', facet='search'): """ Execute and test 'delete' action panel action. """ self.action_list_action(action) self.wait_for_request(n=4) self.assert_no_error_dialog() self.assert_facet(entity, facet) self.assert_record(pkey, negative=True) def mod_rule_tables(self, tables, categories, no_categories): """ Test functionality of rule table widgets in a facet """ def get_t_vals(t): table = t[0] k = t[1] e = [] if len(t) > 2: e = t[2] return table, k, e t_list = [t[0] for t in tables if t[0] not in no_categories] # add values for t in tables: table, keys, _exts = get_t_vals(t) # add one by one to test for #3711 for key in keys: self.add_table_associations(table, [key]) #disable tables for cat in categories: self.check_option(cat, 'all') # update self.assert_rule_tables_enabled(t_list, False) self.facet_button_click('save') self.wait_for_request(n=3, d=0.3) self.assert_rule_tables_enabled(t_list, False) p = self.get_form() # now tables in categories should be empty, check it for t in tables: table, keys, _exts = get_t_vals(t) if table in no_categories: # clear the rest self.delete_record(keys, None, p, table) continue for key in keys: self.assert_record(key, p, table, negative=True) # enable tables for cat in categories: self.check_option(cat, '') self.assert_rule_tables_enabled(t_list, True) self.facet_button_click('save') self.wait_for_request(n=3, d=0.3) self.assert_rule_tables_enabled(t_list, True) for t in tables: table, keys, _exts = get_t_vals(t) # add multiple at once and test table delete button self.add_table_associations(table, keys, delete=True) def add_sshkey_to_record(self, ssh_keys, pkey, entity='user', navigate=False, save=True): """ Add ssh public key to particular record ssh_keys (list): public ssh key(s) pkey (str): user/host/idview to add the key to entity (str): name of entity where to navigate if navigate=True navigate (bool): whether we should navigate to record save (bool): whether we should click save after adding a key """ if type(ssh_keys) is not list: ssh_keys = [ssh_keys] if navigate: self.navigate_to_entity(entity) self.navigate_to_record(pkey) for key in ssh_keys: s_add = 'div[name="ipasshpubkey"] button[name="add"]' ssh_add_btn = self.find(s_add, By.CSS_SELECTOR, strict=True) ssh_add_btn.click() self.wait() s_text_area = 'textarea.certificate' text_area = self.find(s_text_area, By.CSS_SELECTOR, strict=True) text_area.send_keys(key) self.wait() self.dialog_button_click('update') # sometimes we do not want to save e.g. in order to test undo buttons if save: self.facet_button_click('save') def delete_record_sshkeys(self, pkey, entity='user', navigate=False): """ Delete all ssh public keys of particular record pkey (str): user/host/idview to add the key to entity (str): name of entity where to navigate if navigate=True navigate (bool): whether we should navigate to record """ if navigate: self.navigate_to_entity(entity) self.navigate_to_record(pkey) ssh_pub = 'div[name="ipasshpubkey"] button[name="remove"]' rm_btns = self.find(ssh_pub, By.CSS_SELECTOR, many=True) assert rm_btns, 'No SSH keys to be deleted found on current page' for btn in rm_btns: btn.click() self.facet_button_click('save') def assert_num_ssh_keys(self, num): """ Assert number of SSH keys we have associated with the user """ s_keys = 'div[name="ipasshpubkey"] .widget[name="value"]' ssh_keys = self.find(s_keys, By.CSS_SELECTOR, many=True) num_ssh_keys = len(ssh_keys) if not None else 0 assert num_ssh_keys == num, \ ('Number of SSH keys does not match. ' 'Expected: {}, Got: {}'.format(num, num_ssh_keys)) def undo_ssh_keys(self, btn_name='undo'): """ Undo either one SSH key or all of them Possible options: btn_name='undo' btn_name='undo_all' """ s_undo = 'div[name="ipasshpubkey"] button[name="{}"]'.format(btn_name) undo = self.find(s_undo, By.CSS_SELECTOR, strict=True) undo.click() self.wait(0.6) def run_cmd_on_ui_host(self, cmd): """ Run "shell" command on the UI system using "admin" user's passwd from conf. Use only where API does not fit. cmd (str): command to run """ login = self.config.get('ipa_admin') hostname = self.config.get('ipa_server') password = self.config.get('ipa_password') try: ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(hostname=hostname, username=login, password=password) ssh.exec_command(cmd) except paramiko.AuthenticationException: self.skip('Authentication to server {} failed'.format(hostname)) except paramiko.SSHException as e: self.skip('Unable to establish SSH connection: {}'.format(e)) except Exception as e: self.skip('Unable to proceed: {}'.format(e)) finally: ssh.close() def has_class(self, el, cls): """ Check if el has CSS class """ class_attr = el.get_attribute("class") return bool(class_attr) and cls in class_attr.split() def has_form_error(self, name): """ Check if form field has error TODO: Move to some mixin class """ form_group = self.find( '//input[@name="{}"]/ancestor' '::div[contains(@class, "form-group")]'.format(name), By.XPATH ) return self.has_class(form_group, 'has-error') def skip(self, reason): """ Skip tests """ raise unittest.SkipTest(reason) def assert_text(self, selector, value, parent=None): """ Assert read-only text value in details page or in a form """ text = self.get_text(selector, parent) text = text.strip() value = value.strip() assert text == value, "Invalid value: '%s' Expected: %s" % (text, value) def assert_text_field(self, name, value, parent=None, element='label'): """ Assert read-only text value in details page or in a form """ s = "div[name='%s'] %s[name='%s']" % (name, element, name) self.assert_text(s, value, parent) def assert_empty_value(self, selector, parent=None, negative=False): """ Assert empty value of some field in details page or in a form """ value = self.get_value(selector, parent) if negative: assert not value == '' else: assert value == '' def assert_no_dialog(self): """ Assert that no dialog is opened """ dialogs = self.get_dialogs() assert not dialogs, 'Invalid state: dialog opened' def assert_dialog(self, name=None): """ Assert that one dialog is opened or a dialog with given name """ dialogs = self.get_dialogs(name) assert len(dialogs) == 1, 'No or more than one dialog opened' def assert_no_error_dialog(self): """ Assert that no error dialog is opened """ dialog = self.get_last_error_dialog() ok = dialog is None if not ok: msg = self.find('p', By.CSS_SELECTOR, dialog).text assert ok, 'Unexpected error: %s' % msg def assert_row_count(self, expected, current): """ Assert that row counts match """ assert expected == current, "Rows don't match. Expected: %d, Got: %d" % (expected, current) def assert_button_enabled(self, name, context_selector=None, enabled=True): """ Assert that button is enabled or disabled (expects that element will be