# # Copyright (C) 2017 FreeIPA Contributors see COPYING for license # """ Test the `session_storage.py` module. """ import pytest from ipapython import session_storage @pytest.mark.skip_ipaclient_unittest class test_session_storage(object): """ Test the session storage interface """ def setup(self): # TODO: set up test user and kinit to it # tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix = "tmp-") # os.environ['KRB5CCNAME'] = 'FILE:%s/ccache' % tmpdir self.principal = 'admin' self.key = 'X-IPA-test-session-storage' self.data = 'Test Data' def test_01(self): session_storage.store_data(self.principal, self.key, self.data) def test_02(self): data = session_storage.get_data(self.principal, self.key) assert(data == self.data) def test_03(self): session_storage.remove_data(self.principal, self.key) try: session_storage.get_data(self.principal, self.key) except session_storage.KRB5Error: pass