# # Copyright (C) 2016 FreeIPA Contributors see COPYING for license # """ classes/utils for Kerberos principal name validation/manipulation """ import re import six from ipapython.ipautil import escape_seq, unescape_seq if six.PY3: unicode = str REALM_SPLIT_RE = re.compile(r'(?, components :param principal: unicode representation of principal :param realm: if not None, replace the parsed realm with the specified one :returns: tuple containing the principal name and realm realm will be `None` if no realm was found in the input string """ realm_and_name = REALM_SPLIT_RE.split(principal) if len(realm_and_name) > 2: raise ValueError( "Principal is not in @ format") principal_name = realm_and_name[0] try: parsed_realm = realm_and_name[1] except IndexError: parsed_realm = None if realm is None else realm return principal_name, parsed_realm def split_principal_name(principal_name): """ Split principal name (without realm) into the components NOTE: operates on the following RFC 1510 types: * NT-PRINCIPAL * NT-SRV-INST * NT-SRV-HST Enterprise principals (NT-ENTERPRISE, see RFC 6806) are also handled :param principal_name: unicode representation of principal name :returns: tuple of individual components (i.e. primary name for NT-PRINCIPAL and NT-ENTERPRISE, primary name and instance for others) """ return tuple(COMPONENT_SPLIT_RE.split(principal_name)) @six.python_2_unicode_compatible class Principal: """ Container for the principal name and realm according to RFC 1510 """ def __init__(self, components, realm=None): if isinstance(components, bytes): raise TypeError( "Cannot create a principal object from bytes: {!r}".format( components) ) elif isinstance(components, str): # parse principal components from realm self.components, self.realm = self._parse_from_text( components, realm) elif isinstance(components, Principal): self.components = components.components self.realm = components.realm if realm is None else realm else: self.components = tuple(components) self.realm = realm def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Principal): return False return (self.components == other.components and self.realm == other.realm) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __lt__(self, other): return unicode(self) < unicode(other) def __le__(self, other): return self.__lt__(other) or self.__eq__(other) def __gt__(self, other): return not self.__le__(other) def __ge__(self, other): return self.__gt__(other) or self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.components + (self.realm,)) def _parse_from_text(self, principal, realm=None): r""" parse individual principal name components from the string representation of the principal. This is done in three steps: 1.) split the string at the unescaped '@' 2.) unescape any leftover '\@' sequences 3.) split the primary at the unescaped '/' 4.) unescape leftover '\/' :param principal: unicode representation of the principal name :param realm: if not None, this realm name will be used instead of the one parsed from `principal` :returns: tuple containing the principal name components and realm """ principal_name, parsed_realm = parse_princ_name_and_realm( principal, realm=realm) (principal_name,) = unescape_seq(u'@', principal_name) if parsed_realm is not None: (parsed_realm,) = unescape_seq(u'@', parsed_realm) name_components = split_principal_name(principal_name) name_components = unescape_seq(u'/', *name_components) return name_components, parsed_realm @property def is_user(self): return len(self.components) == 1 @property def is_enterprise(self): return self.is_user and u'@' in self.components[0] @property def is_service(self): return len(self.components) > 1 @property def is_host(self): return (self.is_service and len(self.components) == 2 and self.components[0] == u'host') @property def username(self): if self.is_user: return self.components[0] else: raise ValueError( "User name is defined only for user and enterprise principals") @property def upn_suffix(self): if not self.is_enterprise: raise ValueError("Only enterprise principals have UPN suffix") return self.components[0].split(u'@')[1] @property def hostname(self): if not (self.is_host or self.is_service): raise ValueError( "hostname is defined for host and service principals") return self.components[-1] @property def service_name(self): if not self.is_service: raise ValueError( "Only service principals have meaningful service name") return u'/'.join(c for c in escape_seq('/', *self.components[:-1])) def __str__(self): """ return the unicode representation of principal works in reverse of the `from_text` class method """ name_components = escape_seq(u'/', *self.components) name_components = escape_seq(u'@', *name_components) principal_string = u'/'.join(name_components) if self.realm is not None: (realm,) = escape_seq(u'@', self.realm) principal_string = u'@'.join([principal_string, realm]) return principal_string def __repr__(self): return "{0.__module__}.{0.__name__}('{1}')".format( self.__class__, self)