#!/usr/bin/python3 # Authors: Karl MacMillan # # Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # from __future__ import print_function import logging import sys import os import re import socket import traceback from urllib.parse import urlparse from xmlrpc.client import MAXINT import ldap from ipaclient.install import ipadiscovery from ipapython import ipautil from ipaserver.install import replication, dsinstance, installutils from ipaserver.install import bindinstance, cainstance from ipaserver.install import opendnssecinstance, dnskeysyncinstance from ipapython import version, ipaldap from ipalib import api, errors from ipalib.util import has_managed_topology, verify_host_resolvable from ipapython.ipa_log_manager import standard_logging_setup from ipapython.dn import DN from ipapython.config import IPAOptionParser from ipaplatform.paths import paths logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__)) # dict of command name and tuples of min/max num of args needed commands = { "list":(0, 1, "[master fqdn]", ""), "list-ruv":(0, 0, "", ""), "connect":(1, 2, " [other master fqdn]", "must provide the name of the servers to connect"), "disconnect":(1, 2, " [other master fqdn]", "must provide the name of the server to disconnect"), "del":(1, 1, "", "must provide hostname of master to delete"), "re-initialize":(0, 0, "", ""), "force-sync":(0, 0, "", ""), "clean-ruv":(1, 1, "Replica ID of to clean", "must provide replica ID to clean"), "abort-clean-ruv":(1, 1, "Replica ID to abort cleaning", "must provide replica ID to abort cleaning"), "list-clean-ruv":(0, 0, "", ""), "clean-dangling-ruv":(0, 0, "", ""), "dnarange-show":(0, 1, "[master fqdn]", ""), "dnanextrange-show":(0, 1, "", ""), "dnarange-set":(2, 2, " ", "must provide a master and ID range"), "dnanextrange-set":(2, 2, " ", "must provide a master and ID range"), } # tuple of commands that work with ca tree and need Directory Manager password dirman_passwd_req_commands = ("list-ruv", "clean-ruv", "abort-clean-ruv", "clean-dangling-ruv") class NoRUVsFound(Exception): pass def parse_options(): parser = IPAOptionParser(version=version.VERSION) parser.add_option("-H", "--host", dest="host", help="starting host") parser.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="dirman_passwd", help="Directory Manager password") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", default=False, help="provide additional information") parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="provide additional debug information") parser.add_option("-f", "--force", dest="force", action="store_true", default=False, help="ignore some types of errors") parser.add_option("-c", "--cleanup", dest="cleanup", action="store_true", default=False, help="DANGER: clean up references to a ghost master") parser.add_option("--binddn", dest="binddn", default=None, type="dn", help="Bind DN to use with remote server") parser.add_option("--bindpw", dest="bindpw", default=None, help="Password for Bind DN to use with remote server") parser.add_option("--winsync", dest="winsync", action="store_true", default=False, help="This is a Windows Sync Agreement") parser.add_option("--cacert", dest="cacert", default=None, help="Full path and filename of CA certificate to use with TLS/SSL to the remote server") parser.add_option("--win-subtree", dest="win_subtree", default=None, help="DN of Windows subtree containing the users you want to sync (default cn=Users, v[1]: err = "too many arguments" else: valid_syntax = True if err: parser.error("Invalid syntax: %s\nUsage: %s [options] %s" % (err, cmd, v[2])) if not valid_syntax: cmdstr = " | ".join(commands.keys()) parser.error("must provide a command [%s]" % cmdstr) return options, args def test_connection(realm, host, nolookup=False): """ Make a GSSAPI connection to the remote LDAP server to test out credentials. This is used so we can fall back to promping for the DM password. returns True if connection successful, False otherwise """ try: if not nolookup: enforce_host_existence(host) replman = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, host, None) replman.find_replication_agreements() del replman return True except errors.ACIError: return False except errors.NotFound: # We do a search in cn=config. NotFound in this case means no # permission return False except ldap.LOCAL_ERROR: # more than likely a GSSAPI error return False def list_replicas(realm, host, replica, dirman_passwd, verbose, nolookup=False): if not nolookup: enforce_host_existence(host) if replica is not None: enforce_host_existence(replica) is_replica = False winsync_peer = None peers = {} try: ldap_uri = ipaldap.get_ldap_uri(host, 636, cacert=paths.IPA_CA_CRT) conn = ipaldap.LDAPClient(ldap_uri, cacert=paths.IPA_CA_CRT) if dirman_passwd: conn.simple_bind(bind_dn=ipaldap.DIRMAN_DN, bind_password=dirman_passwd) else: conn.gssapi_bind() except Exception as e: print("Failed to connect to host '%s': %s" % (host, str(e))) return dn = DN(('cn', 'masters'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'), ipautil.realm_to_suffix(realm)) try: entries = conn.get_entries(dn, conn.SCOPE_ONELEVEL) except Exception as e: print("Failed to read master data from '%s': %s" % (host, str(e))) return else: for ent in entries: peers[ent.single_value['cn']] = ['master', ''] dn = DN(('cn', 'replicas'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'), ipautil.realm_to_suffix(realm)) try: entries = conn.get_entries(dn, conn.SCOPE_ONELEVEL) except Exception: pass else: for ent in entries: config_string = ent.single_value['ipaConfigString'] peers[ent.single_value['cn']] = config_string.split(':') if not replica: for k, p in peers.items(): print('%s: %s' % (k, p[0])) return # ok we are being ask for info about a specific replica for k, p in peers.items(): if replica == k: is_replica = True if p[0] == 'winsync': winsync_peer = p[1] if not is_replica: print("Cannot find %s in public server list" % replica) return try: if winsync_peer: repl = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, winsync_peer, dirman_passwd) _cn, dn = repl.agreement_dn(replica) entries = repl.conn.get_entries( dn, conn.SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=nsDSWindowsReplicationAgreement)") ent_type = 'winsync' else: repl = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, replica, dirman_passwd) entries = repl.find_replication_agreements() ent_type = 'replica' except Exception as e: print("Failed to get data from '%s': %s" % (replica, e)) return for entry in entries: print('%s: %s' % (entry.single_value.get('nsds5replicahost'), ent_type)) if verbose: initstatus = entry.single_value.get('nsds5replicalastinitstatus') if initstatus is not None: print(" last init status: %s" % initstatus) print(" last init ended: %s" % str( ipautil.parse_generalized_time( entry.single_value['nsds5replicalastinitend']))) print(" last update status: %s" % entry.single_value.get( 'nsds5replicalastupdatestatus')) print(" last update ended: %s" % str( ipautil.parse_generalized_time( entry.single_value['nsds5replicalastupdateend']))) def del_link(realm, replica1, replica2, dirman_passwd, force=False): """ Delete a replication agreement from host A to host B. @realm: the Kerberos realm @replica1: the hostname of master A @replica2: the hostname of master B @dirman_passwd: the Directory Manager password @force: force deletion even if one server is down """ repl2 = None what = "Removal of IPA replication agreement" managed_topology = has_managed_topology(api) try: repl1 = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, replica1, dirman_passwd) type1 = repl1.get_agreement_type(replica2) except errors.NotFound: # it's possible that the agreement could not have been found because of # the new topology plugin naming convention: -to- instead of # meTo. if managed_topology: print("'%s' has no winsync replication agreement for '%s'" % (replica1, replica2)) exit_on_managed_topology(what) else: print("'%s' has no replication agreement for '%s'" % (replica1, replica2)) return False except Exception as e: print("Failed to determine agreement type for '%s': %s" % (replica2, e)) if type1 == replication.IPA_REPLICA and managed_topology: exit_on_managed_topology(what) repl_list = repl1.find_ipa_replication_agreements() if not force and len(repl_list) <= 1 and type1 == replication.IPA_REPLICA: print("Cannot remove the last replication link of '%s'" % replica1) print("Please use the 'del' command to remove it from the domain") return False if type1 == replication.IPA_REPLICA: try: repl2 = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, replica2, dirman_passwd) repl_list = repl2.find_ipa_replication_agreements() if not force and len(repl_list) <= 1: print("Cannot remove the last replication link of '%s'" % replica2) print("Please use the 'del' command to remove it from the domain") return False except errors.NotFound: print("'%s' has no replication agreement for '%s'" % (replica2, replica1)) if not force: return False except Exception as e: print("Failed to get list of agreements from '%s': %s" % (replica2, e)) if not force: return False if repl2 and type1 == replication.IPA_REPLICA: failed = False try: repl2.set_readonly(readonly=True) repl2.force_sync(repl2.conn, replica1) _cn, dn = repl2.agreement_dn(repl1.conn.host) repl2.wait_for_repl_update(repl2.conn, dn, 30) (range_start, range_max) = repl2.get_DNA_range(repl2.conn.host) (next_start, next_max) = repl2.get_DNA_next_range(repl2.conn.host) if range_start is not None: if not store_DNA_range(repl1, range_start, range_max, repl2.conn.host, realm, dirman_passwd): print("Unable to save DNA range %d-%d" % (range_start, range_max)) if next_start is not None: if not store_DNA_range(repl1, next_start, next_max, repl2.conn.host, realm, dirman_passwd): print("Unable to save DNA range %d-%d" % (next_start, next_max)) repl2.set_readonly(readonly=False) repl2.delete_agreement(replica1) repl2.delete_referral(replica1) repl2.set_readonly(readonly=False) except Exception as e: print("Unable to remove agreement on %s: %s" % (replica2, e)) failed = True if failed: if force: print("Forcing removal on '%s'" % replica1) print("Any DNA range on '%s' will be lost" % replica2) else: return False if not repl2 and force: print("Forcing removal on '%s'" % replica1) print("Any DNA range on '%s' will be lost" % replica2) repl1.delete_agreement(replica2) repl1.delete_referral(replica2) if type1 == replication.WINSYNC: try: dn = DN(('cn', replica2), ('cn', 'replicas'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'), ipautil.realm_to_suffix(realm)) entries = repl1.conn.get_entries(dn, repl1.conn.SCOPE_SUBTREE) if entries: entries.sort(key=lambda x: len(x.dn), reverse=True) for entry in entries: repl1.conn.delete_entry(entry) except Exception as e: print("Error deleting winsync replica shared info: %s" % e) print("Deleted replication agreement from '%s' to '%s'" % (replica1, replica2)) return True def get_ruv(realm, host, dirman_passwd, nolookup=False, ca=False): """ Return the RUV entries as a list of tuples: (hostname, rid) """ if not nolookup: enforce_host_existence(host) try: if ca: thisrepl = replication.get_cs_replication_manager(realm, host, dirman_passwd) else: thisrepl = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, host, dirman_passwd) except Exception as e: logger.debug("%s", traceback.format_exc()) raise RuntimeError("Failed to connect to server {host}: {err}" .format(host=host, err=e)) search_filter = '(&(nsuniqueid=ffffffff-ffffffff-ffffffff-ffffffff)(objectclass=nstombstone))' try: entries = thisrepl.conn.get_entries( thisrepl.db_suffix, thisrepl.conn.SCOPE_SUBTREE, search_filter, ['nsds50ruv']) except errors.NotFound: logger.debug("%s", traceback.format_exc()) raise NoRUVsFound("No RUV records found.") servers = [] for e in entries: for ruv in e['nsds50ruv']: if ruv.startswith('{replicageneration'): continue data = re.match('\{replica (\d+) (ldap://.*:\d+)\}(\s+\w+\s+\w*){0,1}', ruv) if data: rid = data.group(1) ( _scheme, netloc, _path, _params, _query, _fragment ) = urlparse(data.group(2)) servers.append((netloc, rid)) else: print("unable to decode: %s" % ruv) return servers def get_ruv_both_suffixes(realm, host, dirman_passwd, verbose, nolookup=False): """ Get RUVs for both domain and ipaca suffixes """ ruvs = {} fail_gracefully = True try: ruvs['ca'] = get_ruv(realm, host, dirman_passwd, nolookup, True) except (NoRUVsFound, RuntimeError) as e: err = "Failed to get CS-RUVs from {host}: {err}".format(host=host, err=e) if isinstance(e, RuntimeError): fail_gracefully = False if verbose: print(err) logger.debug('%s', err) try: ruvs['domain'] = get_ruv(realm, host, dirman_passwd, nolookup) except (NoRUVsFound, RuntimeError) as e: err = "Failed to get RUVs from {host}: {err}".format(host=host, err=e) if isinstance(e, RuntimeError): if not fail_gracefully: raise if verbose: print(err) logger.debug('%s', err) if not ruvs: raise NoRUVsFound("No RUV records found.") return ruvs def list_ruv(realm, host, dirman_passwd, verbose, nolookup=False): """ List the Replica Update Vectors on this host to get the available replica IDs. """ try: servers = get_ruv_both_suffixes(realm, host, dirman_passwd, verbose, nolookup) except (NoRUVsFound, RuntimeError) as e: print(e) sys.exit(0 if isinstance(e, NoRUVsFound) else 1) print('Replica Update Vectors:') if servers.get('domain'): for netloc, rid in servers['domain']: print("\t{name}: {id}".format(name=netloc, id=rid)) else: print('\tNo RUVs found.') print('Certificate Server Replica Update Vectors:') if servers.get('ca'): for netloc, rid in servers['ca']: print("\t{name}: {id}".format(name=netloc, id=rid)) else: print('\tNo CS-RUVs found.') def get_rid_by_host(realm, sourcehost, host, dirman_passwd, nolookup=False): """ Try to determine the RID by host name. """ try: servers = get_ruv(realm, sourcehost, dirman_passwd, nolookup) except RuntimeError as e: print(e) sys.exit(1) except NoRUVsFound as e: print(e) servers = [] for (netloc, rid) in servers: if '%s:389' % host == netloc: return int(rid) return None def clean_ruv(realm, ruv, options): """ Given an RID create a CLEANALLRUV task to clean it up. """ try: ruv = int(ruv) except ValueError: sys.exit("Replica ID must be an integer: %s" % ruv) try: servers = get_ruv_both_suffixes(realm, options.host, options.dirman_passwd, options.verbose, options.nolookup) except (NoRUVsFound, RuntimeError) as e: print(e) sys.exit(0 if isinstance(e, NoRUVsFound) else 1) tree_found = None for tree, ruvs in servers.items(): for netloc, rid in ruvs: if ruv == int(rid): tree_found = tree hostname = netloc break if tree_found: break if not tree_found: sys.exit("Replica ID %s not found" % ruv) if tree_found == 'ca': print("Clean the Certificate Server Replication Update Vector for %s" % hostname) else: print("Clean the Replication Update Vector for %s" % hostname) if not options.force: print() print("Cleaning the wrong replica ID will cause that server to no") print("longer replicate so it may miss updates while the process") print("is running. It would need to be re-initialized to maintain") print("consistency. Be very careful.") if not ipautil.user_input("Continue to clean?", False): sys.exit("Aborted") if tree_found == 'ca': thisrepl = replication.get_cs_replication_manager(realm, options.host, options.dirman_passwd) else: thisrepl = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, options.host, options.dirman_passwd) thisrepl.cleanallruv(ruv) print("Cleanup task created") def abort_clean_ruv(realm, ruv, options): """ Given an RID abort a CLEANALLRUV task. """ try: ruv = int(ruv) except ValueError: sys.exit("Replica ID must be an integer: %s" % ruv) try: servers = get_ruv_both_suffixes(realm, options.host, options.dirman_passwd, options.verbose, options.nolookup) except (NoRUVsFound, RuntimeError) as e: print(e) sys.exit(0 if isinstance(e, NoRUVsFound) else 1) tree_found = None for tree, ruvs in servers.items(): for netloc, rid in ruvs: if ruv == int(rid): tree_found = tree hostname = netloc break if tree_found: break if not tree_found: sys.exit("Replica ID %s not found" % ruv) print("Aborting the clean Replication Update Vector task for %s" % hostname) print() if tree_found == 'ca': thisrepl = replication.get_cs_replication_manager(realm, options.host, options.dirman_passwd) else: thisrepl = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, options.host, options.dirman_passwd) thisrepl.abortcleanallruv(ruv, options.force) print("Cleanup task stopped") def list_clean_ruv(realm, host, dirman_passwd, verbose, nolookup=False): """ List all clean RUV tasks. """ if not nolookup: enforce_host_existence(host) repl = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, host, dirman_passwd) dn = DN(('cn', 'cleanallruv'),('cn', 'tasks'), ('cn', 'config')) try: entries = repl.conn.get_entries(dn, repl.conn.SCOPE_ONELEVEL) except errors.NotFound: print("No CLEANALLRUV tasks running") else: print("CLEANALLRUV tasks") for entry in entries: name = entry.single_value['cn'].replace('clean ', '') status = entry.single_value.get('nsTaskStatus') print("RID %s: %s" % (name, status)) if verbose: print(str(dn)) print(entry.single_value.get('nstasklog')) print() dn = DN(('cn', 'abort cleanallruv'),('cn', 'tasks'), ('cn', 'config')) try: entries = repl.conn.get_entries(dn, repl.conn.SCOPE_ONELEVEL) except errors.NotFound: print("No abort CLEANALLRUV tasks running") else: print("Abort CLEANALLRUV tasks") for entry in entries: name = entry.single_value['cn'].replace('abort ', '') status = entry.single_value.get('nsTaskStatus') print("RID %s: %s" % (name, status)) if verbose: print(str(dn)) print(entry.single_value.get('nstasklog')) def clean_dangling_ruvs(realm, host, options): """ Cleans all RUVs and CS-RUVs that are left in the system from uninstalled replicas """ ldap_uri = ipaldap.get_ldap_uri(host, 636, cacert=paths.IPA_CA_CRT) conn = ipaldap.LDAPClient(ldap_uri, cacert=paths.IPA_CA_CRT) try: conn.simple_bind(bind_dn=ipaldap.DIRMAN_DN, bind_password=options.dirman_passwd) # get all masters masters_dn = DN(api.env.container_masters, api.env.basedn) masters = conn.get_entries(masters_dn, conn.SCOPE_ONELEVEL) info = {} # check whether CAs are configured on those masters for master in masters: info[master.single_value['cn']] = { 'online': False, # is the host online? 'ca': False, # does the host have ca configured? 'ruvs': set(), # ruvs on the host 'csruvs': set(), # csruvs on the host 'clean_ruv': set(), # ruvs to be cleaned from the host 'clean_csruv': set() # csruvs to be cleaned from the host } try: ca_dn = DN(('cn', 'ca'), master.dn) conn.get_entry(ca_dn) info[master.single_value['cn']]['ca'] = True except errors.NotFound: continue except Exception as e: sys.exit( "Failed to get data from '{host}' while trying to " "list replicas: {error}" .format(host=host, error=e) ) finally: conn.unbind() replica_dn = DN(('cn', 'replica'), ('cn', api.env.basedn), ('cn', 'mapping tree'), ('cn', 'config')) csreplica_dn = DN(('cn', 'replica'), ('cn', 'o=ipaca'), ('cn', 'mapping tree'), ('cn', 'config')) ruvs = set() csruvs = set() offlines = set() for master_cn, master_info in info.items(): try: ldap_uri = ipaldap.get_ldap_uri(master_cn, 636, cacert=paths.IPA_CA_CRT) conn = ipaldap.LDAPClient(ldap_uri, cacert=paths.IPA_CA_CRT) conn.simple_bind(bind_dn=ipaldap.DIRMAN_DN, bind_password=options.dirman_passwd) master_info['online'] = True except Exception: print("The server '{host}' appears to be offline." .format(host=master_cn)) offlines.add(master_cn) continue try: try: entry = conn.get_entry(replica_dn) ruv = (master_cn, entry.single_value.get('nsDS5ReplicaID')) # the check whether ruv is already in ruvs is performed # by the set type ruvs.add(ruv) except errors.NotFound: pass if master_info['ca']: try: entry = conn.get_entry(csreplica_dn) csruv = (master_cn, entry.single_value.get('nsDS5ReplicaID')) csruvs.add(csruv) except errors.NotFound: pass try: ruv_dict = get_ruv_both_suffixes(realm, master_cn, options.dirman_passwd, options.verbose, options.nolookup) except (RuntimeError, NoRUVsFound): continue # get_ruv_both_suffixes returns server names with :port # This needs needs to be split off if ruv_dict.get('domain'): master_info['ruvs'] = { (re.sub(':\d+', '', x), y) for (x, y) in ruv_dict['domain'] } if ruv_dict.get('ca'): master_info['csruvs'] = { (re.sub(':\d+', '', x), y) for (x, y) in ruv_dict['ca'] } except Exception as e: sys.exit("Failed to obtain information from '{host}': {error}" .format(host=master_cn, error=str(e))) finally: conn.unbind() dangles = False # get the dangling RUVs for master_info in info.values(): if master_info['online']: for ruv in master_info['ruvs']: if (ruv not in ruvs) and (ruv[0] not in offlines): master_info['clean_ruv'].add(ruv) dangles = True # if ca is not configured, there will be no csruvs in master_info for csruv in master_info['csruvs']: if (csruv not in csruvs) and (csruv[0] not in offlines): master_info['clean_csruv'].add(csruv) dangles = True if not dangles: print('No dangling RUVs found') sys.exit(0) print('These RUVs are dangling and will be removed:') for master_cn, master_info in info.items(): if master_info['online'] and (master_info['clean_ruv'] or master_info['clean_csruv']): print('Host: {m}'.format(m=master_cn)) print('\tRUVs:') for ruv in master_info['clean_ruv']: print('\t\tid: {id}, hostname: {host}' .format(id=ruv[1], host=ruv[0])) print('\tCS-RUVs:') for csruv in master_info['clean_csruv']: print('\t\tid: {id}, hostname: {host}' .format(id=csruv[1], host=csruv[0])) if not options.force and not ipautil.user_input("Proceed with cleaning?", False): sys.exit("Aborted") options.force = True cleaned = set() for master_cn, master_info in info.items(): options.host = master_cn for ruv in master_info['clean_ruv']: if ruv[1] not in cleaned: cleaned.add(ruv[1]) clean_ruv(realm, ruv[1], options) for csruv in master_info['clean_csruv']: if csruv[1] not in cleaned: cleaned.add(csruv[1]) clean_ruv(realm, csruv[1], options) def check_last_link(delrepl, realm, dirman_passwd, force): """ We don't want to orphan a server when deleting another one. If you have a topology that looks like this: A B | | | | | | C---- D If we try to delete host D it will orphan host B. What we need to do is if the master being deleted has only a single agreement, connect to that master and make sure it has agreements with more than just this master. @delrepl: a ReplicationManager object of the master being deleted returns: hostname of orphaned server or None """ replica_entries = delrepl.find_ipa_replication_agreements() replica_names = [rep.single_value.get('nsds5replicahost') for rep in replica_entries] orphaned = [] # Connect to each remote server and see what agreements it has for replica in replica_names: try: repl = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, replica, dirman_passwd) except errors.NetworkError: print("Unable to validate that '%s' will not be orphaned." % replica) if not force and not ipautil.user_input("Continue to delete?", False): sys.exit("Aborted") continue entries = repl.find_ipa_replication_agreements() names = [rep.single_value.get('nsds5replicahost') for rep in entries] if len(names) == 1 and names[0] == delrepl.hostname: orphaned.append(replica) if len(orphaned): return ', '.join(orphaned) else: return None def enforce_host_existence(host, message=None): if host is None: return try: verify_host_resolvable(host) except errors.DNSNotARecordError as ex: if message is None: message = "Unknown host %s: %s" % (host, ex) sys.exit(message) def ensure_last_services(conn, hostname, masters, options): """ 1. When deleting master, check if there will be at least one remaining DNS and CA server. 2. Pick CA renewal master Return this_services, other_services, ca_hostname """ this_services = [] other_services = [] ca_hostname = None for master in masters: master_cn = master['cn'][0] try: services = conn.get_entries(master['dn'], conn.SCOPE_ONELEVEL) except errors.NotFound: continue services_cns = [s.single_value['cn'] for s in services] if master_cn == hostname: this_services = services_cns else: other_services.append(services_cns) if ca_hostname is None and 'CA' in services_cns: ca_hostname = master_cn if 'CA' in this_services and not any(['CA' in o for o in other_services]): print("Deleting this server is not allowed as it would leave your installation without a CA.") sys.exit(1) other_dns = True if 'DNS' in this_services and not any(['DNS' in o for o in other_services]): other_dns = False print("Deleting this server will leave your installation without a DNS.") if not options.force and not ipautil.user_input("Continue to delete?", False): sys.exit("Deletion aborted") # test if replica is not DNSSEC master # allow to delete it if is last DNS server if 'DNS' in this_services and other_dns and not options.force: dnssec_masters = opendnssecinstance.get_dnssec_key_masters(conn) if hostname in dnssec_masters: print("Replica is active DNSSEC key master. Uninstall could break your DNS system.") print("Please disable or replace DNSSEC key master first.") sys.exit("Deletion aborted") ca = cainstance.CAInstance(api.env.realm) if ca.is_renewal_master(hostname): try: ca.set_renewal_master(options.host) except errors.NotFound: ca.set_renewal_master(ca_hostname) return this_services, other_services, ca_hostname def cleanup_server_dns_entries(realm, hostname, suffix, options): try: if bindinstance.dns_container_exists(suffix): bindinstance.remove_master_dns_records(hostname, realm) dnskeysyncinstance.remove_replica_public_keys(hostname) except Exception as e: print("Failed to cleanup %s DNS entries: %s" % (hostname, e)) print("You may need to manually remove them from the tree") def del_master(realm, hostname, options): if has_managed_topology(api): del_master_managed(realm, hostname, options) else: del_master_direct(realm, hostname, options) def del_master_managed(realm, hostname, options): """ Removing of master in managed_topology """ hostname_u = ipautil.fsdecode(hostname) if hostname == options.host: print("Can't remove itself: %s" % (options.host)) sys.exit(1) server_del_options = dict( force=options.cleanup, ignore_topology_disconnect=options.force, ignore_last_of_role=options.force ) try: replication.run_server_del_as_cli( api, hostname_u, **server_del_options) except Exception as e: sys.exit(e) def del_master_direct(realm, hostname, options): """ Removing of master for realm without managed topology (domain level < DOMAIN_LEVEL_1) """ force_del = False delrepl = None # 1. Connect to the local server try: thisrepl = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, options.host, options.dirman_passwd) except Exception as e: print("Failed to connect to server %s: %s" % (options.host, e)) sys.exit(1) # 2. Ensure we have an agreement with the master agreement = thisrepl.get_replication_agreement(hostname) if agreement is None: if options.cleanup: """ We have no agreement with the current master, so this is a candidate for cleanup. This is VERY dangerous to do because it removes that master from the list of masters. If the master were to try to come back online it wouldn't work at all. """ print("Cleaning a master is irreversible.") print("This should not normally be require, so use cautiously.") if not ipautil.user_input("Continue to clean master?", False): sys.exit("Cleanup aborted") thisrepl.replica_cleanup(hostname, realm, force=True) sys.exit(0) else: sys.exit("'%s' has no replication agreement for '%s'" % (options.host, hostname)) # 3. If an IPA agreement connect to the master to be removed. repltype = thisrepl.get_agreement_type(hostname) if repltype == replication.IPA_REPLICA: winsync = False try: delrepl = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, hostname, options.dirman_passwd) except Exception as e: print("Connection to '%s' failed: %s" % (hostname, e)) if not options.force: print("Unable to delete replica '%s'" % hostname) sys.exit(1) else: print("Forcing removal of %s" % hostname) force_del = True if force_del: dn = DN(('cn', 'masters'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'), thisrepl.suffix) entries = thisrepl.conn.get_entries( dn, thisrepl.conn.SCOPE_ONELEVEL) replica_names = [] for entry in entries: replica_names.append(entry.single_value['cn']) # The host we're removing gets included in this list, remove it. # Otherwise we try to delete an agreement from the host to itself. try: replica_names.remove(hostname) except ValueError: pass else: # Get list of agreements. replica_entries = delrepl.find_ipa_replication_agreements() replica_names = [rep.single_value.get('nsds5replicahost') for rep in replica_entries] else: # WINSYNC replica, delete agreement from current host winsync = True replica_names = [options.host] if not winsync and not options.force: print("Deleting a master is irreversible.") print("To reconnect to the remote master you will need to prepare " \ "a new replica file") print("and re-install.") if not ipautil.user_input("Continue to delete?", False): sys.exit("Deletion aborted") # Check for orphans if the remote server is up. if delrepl and not winsync: try: masters = api.Command.server_find( '', sizelimit=0, no_members=False)['result'] except Exception as e: masters = [] print("Failed to read masters data from '%s': %s" % ( delrepl.hostname, e)) print("Skipping calculation to determine if one or more masters would be orphaned.") if not options.force: sys.exit(1) # This only applies if we have more than 2 IPA servers, otherwise # there is no chance of an orphan. if len(masters) > 2: orphaned_server = check_last_link(delrepl, realm, options.dirman_passwd, options.force) if orphaned_server is not None: print("Deleting this server will orphan '%s'. " % orphaned_server) print("You will need to reconfigure your replication topology to delete this server.") sys.exit(1) # 4. Check that we are not leaving the installation without CA and/or DNS # And pick new CA master. ensure_last_services(thisrepl.conn, hostname, masters, options) else: print("Skipping calculation to determine if one or more masters would be orphaned.") # Save the RID value before we start deleting if repltype == replication.IPA_REPLICA: rid = get_rid_by_host(realm, options.host, hostname, options.dirman_passwd, options.nolookup) # 4. Remove each agreement print("Deleting replication agreements between %s and %s" % (hostname, ', '.join(replica_names))) for r in replica_names: try: if not del_link(realm, r, hostname, options.dirman_passwd, force=True): print("Unable to remove replication agreement for %s from %s." % (hostname, r)) except Exception as e: print(("There were issues removing a connection for %s " "from %s: %s" % (hostname, r, e))) # 5. Clean RUV for the deleted master if repltype == replication.IPA_REPLICA and rid is not None: try: thisrepl.cleanallruv(rid) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Wait for task interrupted. It will continue to run in the background") # 6. Finally clean up the removed replica common entries. try: thisrepl.replica_cleanup(hostname, realm, force=True) except Exception as e: print("Failed to cleanup %s entries: %s" % (hostname, e)) print("You may need to manually remove them from the tree") # 7. And clean up the removed replica DNS entries if any. cleanup_server_dns_entries(realm, hostname, thisrepl.suffix, options) def add_link(realm, replica1, replica2, dirman_passwd, options): if not options.nolookup: for check_host in [replica1,replica2]: enforce_host_existence(check_host) if options.winsync: if not options.binddn or not options.bindpw or not options.cacert or not options.passsync: logger.error("The arguments --binddn, --bindpw, --passsync and " "--cacert are required to create a winsync agreement") sys.exit(1) if os.getegid() != 0: logger.error("winsync agreements need to be created as root") sys.exit(1) elif has_managed_topology(api): exit_on_managed_topology("Creation of IPA replication agreement") try: repl = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, replica1, dirman_passwd) except errors.NotFound: print("Cannot find replica '%s'" % replica1) return except Exception as e: print("Failed to connect to '%s': %s" % (replica1, e)) return # See if we already have an agreement with this host try: if repl.get_agreement_type(replica2) == replication.WINSYNC: agreement = repl.get_replication_agreement(replica2) sys.exit("winsync agreement already exists on subtree %s" % agreement.single_value.get('nsds7WindowsReplicaSubtree')) else: sys.exit("A replication agreement to %s already exists" % replica2) except errors.NotFound: pass if options.cacert: # have to install the given CA cert before doing anything else ds = dsinstance.DsInstance(realm_name=realm) if not ds.add_ca_cert(options.cacert): print("Could not load the required CA certificate file [%s]" % options.cacert) return else: print("Added CA certificate %s to certificate database for %s" % (options.cacert, replica1)) # need to wait until cacert is installed as that command may restart # the directory server and kill the connection try: repl1 = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, replica1, dirman_passwd) except errors.NotFound: print("Cannot find replica '%s'" % replica1) return except Exception as e: print("Failed to connect to '%s': %s" % (replica1, e)) return if options.winsync: repl1.setup_winsync_replication(replica2, options.binddn, options.bindpw, options.passsync, options.win_subtree, options.cacert) else: # Check if the master entry exists for both servers. # If one of the tree misses one of the entries, it means one of the # replicas was fully deleted previously and needs to be reinstalled # from scratch try: masters_dn = DN(('cn', 'masters'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'), (api.env.basedn)) master1_dn = DN(('cn', replica1), masters_dn) master2_dn = DN(('cn', replica2), masters_dn) repl1.conn.get_entry(master1_dn) repl1.conn.get_entry(master2_dn) repl2 = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, replica2, dirman_passwd) repl2.conn.get_entry(master1_dn) repl2.conn.get_entry(master2_dn) except errors.NotFound: standard_logging_setup(console_format='%(message)s') ds = ipadiscovery.IPADiscovery() ret = ds.search(servers=[replica2]) if ret == ipadiscovery.NOT_IPA_SERVER: sys.exit("Connection unsuccessful: %s is not an IPA Server." % replica2) elif ret == 0: # success sys.exit("Connection unsuccessful: %s is an IPA Server, " "but it might be unknown, foreign or previously deleted " "one." % replica2) else: sys.exit("Connection to %s unsuccessful." % replica2) repl1.setup_gssapi_replication(replica2, DN(('cn', 'Directory Manager')), dirman_passwd) print("Connected '%s' to '%s'" % (replica1, replica2)) def re_initialize(realm, thishost, fromhost, dirman_passwd, nolookup=False): if not nolookup: for check_host in [thishost, fromhost]: enforce_host_existence(check_host) thisrepl = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, thishost, dirman_passwd) agreement = thisrepl.get_replication_agreement(fromhost) if agreement is None: sys.exit("'%s' has no replication agreement for '%s'" % (thishost, fromhost)) repltype = thisrepl.get_agreement_type(fromhost) if repltype == replication.WINSYNC: # With winsync we don't have a "remote" agreement, it is all local repl = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, thishost, dirman_passwd) repl.initialize_replication(agreement.dn, repl.conn) repl.wait_for_repl_init(repl.conn, agreement.dn) else: repl = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, fromhost, dirman_passwd) agreement = repl.get_replication_agreement(thishost) try: thisrepl.enable_agreement(fromhost) repl.enable_agreement(thishost) except errors.NotFound as e: sys.exit(e) repl.force_sync(repl.conn, thishost) repl.initialize_replication(agreement.dn, repl.conn) repl.wait_for_repl_init(repl.conn, agreement.dn) # If the agreement doesn't have nsDS5ReplicatedAttributeListTotal it means # we did not replicate memberOf, do so now. if not agreement.single_value.get('nsDS5ReplicatedAttributeListTotal'): ds = dsinstance.DsInstance(realm_name=realm) ds.init_memberof() def force_sync(realm, thishost, fromhost, dirman_passwd, nolookup=False): if not nolookup: for check_host in [thishost, fromhost]: enforce_host_existence(check_host) thisrepl = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, thishost, dirman_passwd) agreement = thisrepl.get_replication_agreement(fromhost) if agreement is None: sys.exit("'%s' has no replication agreement for '%s'" % (thishost, fromhost)) repltype = thisrepl.get_agreement_type(fromhost) if repltype == replication.WINSYNC: # With winsync we don't have a "remote" agreement, it is all local repl = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, thishost, dirman_passwd) repl.force_sync(repl.conn, fromhost) else: ds = dsinstance.DsInstance(realm_name=realm) ds.replica_manage_time_skew(prevent=False) repl = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, fromhost, dirman_passwd) repl.force_sync(repl.conn, thishost) agreement = repl.get_replication_agreement(thishost) repl.wait_for_repl_update(repl.conn, agreement.dn) ds.replica_manage_time_skew(prevent=True) def show_DNA_ranges(hostname, master, realm, dirman_passwd, nextrange=False, nolookup=False): """ Display the DNA ranges for all current masters. hostname: hostname of the master we're listing from master: specific master to show, or None for all realm: our realm, needed to create a connection dirman_passwd: the DM password, needed to create a connection nextrange: if False then show main range, if True then show next Returns nothing """ if not nolookup: enforce_host_existence(hostname) if master is not None: enforce_host_existence(master) try: repl = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, hostname, dirman_passwd) except Exception as e: sys.exit("Connection failed: %s" % e) dn = DN(('cn', 'masters'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'), repl.suffix) try: entries = repl.conn.get_entries(dn, repl.conn.SCOPE_ONELEVEL) except Exception: return False for ent in entries: remote = ent.single_value['cn'] if master is not None and remote != master: continue try: repl2 = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, remote, dirman_passwd) except Exception as e: print("%s: Connection failed: %s" % (remote, e)) continue if not nextrange: try: (start, max) = repl2.get_DNA_range(remote) except errors.NotFound: print("%s: No permission to read DNA configuration" % remote) continue if start is None: print("%s: No range set" % remote) else: print("%s: %s-%s" % (remote, start, max)) else: try: (next_start, next_max) = repl2.get_DNA_next_range(remote) except errors.NotFound: print("%s: No permission to read DNA configuration" % remote) continue if next_start is None: print("%s: No on-deck range set" % remote) else: print("%s: %s-%s" % (remote, next_start, next_max)) return False def store_DNA_range(repl, range_start, range_max, deleted_master, realm, dirman_passwd): """ Given a DNA range try to save it in a remaining master in the on-deck (dnaNextRange) value. Return True if range was saved, False if not This function focuses on finding an available master. repl: ReplicaMaster object for the master we're deleting from range_start: The DNA next value range_max: The DNA max value deleted_master: The hostname of the master to be deleted realm: our realm, needed to create a connection dirman_passwd: the DM password, needed to create a connection """ dn = DN(('cn', 'masters'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'), repl.suffix) try: entries = repl.conn.get_entries(dn, repl.conn.SCOPE_ONELEVEL) except Exception: return False for ent in entries: candidate = ent.single_value['cn'] if candidate == deleted_master: continue try: repl2 = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, candidate, dirman_passwd) except Exception as e: print("Connection failed: %s" % e) continue next_start, _next_max = repl2.get_DNA_next_range(candidate) if next_start is None: try: return repl2.save_DNA_next_range(range_start, range_max) except Exception as e: print('%s: %s' % (candidate, e)) return False def set_DNA_range(hostname, range, realm, dirman_passwd, next_range=False, nolookup=False): """ Given a DNA range try to change it on the designated master. The range must not overlap with any other ranges and must be within one of the IPA local ranges as defined in cn=ranges. Setting an on-deck range of 0-0 removes the range. Return True if range was saved, False if not hostname: hostname of the master to set the range on range: The DNA range to set realm: our realm, needed to create a connection dirman_passwd: the DM password, needed to create a connection next_range: if True then setting a next-range, otherwise a DNA range. """ def validate_range(range, allow_all_zero=False): """ Do some basic sanity checking on the range. Returns None if ok, a string if an error. """ try: (dna_next, dna_max) = range.split('-', 1) except ValueError: return "Invalid range, must be the form x-y" try: dna_next = int(dna_next) dna_max = int(dna_max) except ValueError: return "The range must consist of integers" if dna_next == 0 and dna_max == 0 and allow_all_zero: return None if dna_next <= 0 or dna_max <= 0 or dna_next >= MAXINT or dna_max >= MAXINT: return "The range must consist of positive integers between 1 and %d" % MAXINT if dna_next >= dna_max: return "Invalid range" return None def range_intersection(s1, s2, r1, r2): return max(s1, r1) <= min(s2, r2) if not nolookup: enforce_host_existence(hostname) err = validate_range(range, allow_all_zero=next_range) if err is not None: sys.exit(err) # Normalize the range (dna_next, dna_max) = range.split('-', 1) dna_next = int(dna_next) dna_max = int(dna_max) try: repl = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, hostname, dirman_passwd) except Exception as e: sys.exit("Connection failed: %s" % e) if dna_next > 0: # Verify that the new range doesn't overlap with an existing range dn = DN(('cn', 'masters'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'), repl.suffix) try: entries = repl.conn.get_entries(dn, repl.conn.SCOPE_ONELEVEL) except Exception as e: sys.exit("Failed to read master data from '%s': %s" % (repl.conn.host, str(e))) else: for ent in entries: master = ent.single_value['cn'] if master == hostname and not next_range: continue try: repl2 = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, master, dirman_passwd) except Exception as e: print("Connection to %s failed: %s" % (master, e)) print("Overlap not checked.") continue try: (entry_start, entry_max) = repl2.get_DNA_range(master) except errors.NotFound: print("%s: No permission to read DNA configuration" % master) continue if (entry_start is not None and range_intersection(entry_start, entry_max, dna_next, dna_max)): sys.exit("New range overlaps the DNA range on %s" % master) (entry_start, entry_max) = repl2.get_DNA_next_range(master) if (entry_start is not None and range_intersection(entry_start, entry_max, dna_next, dna_max)): sys.exit("New range overlaps the DNA next range on %s" % master) del(repl2) # Verify that this is within one of the IPA domain ranges. dn = DN(('cn','ranges'), ('cn','etc'), repl.suffix) try: entries = repl.conn.get_entries(dn, repl.conn.SCOPE_ONELEVEL, "(objectclass=ipaDomainIDRange)") except errors.NotFound as e: sys.exit('Unable to load IPA ranges: {err}'.format(err=e)) for ent in entries: entry_start = int(ent.single_value['ipabaseid']) entry_max = entry_start + int(ent.single_value['ipaidrangesize']) if dna_next >= entry_start and dna_max <= entry_max: break else: sys.exit("New range does not fit within existing IPA ranges. See ipa help idrange command") # If this falls within any of the AD ranges then it fails. try: entries = repl.conn.get_entries(dn, repl.conn.SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=ipatrustedaddomainrange)") except errors.NotFound: entries = [] for ent in entries: entry_start = int(ent.single_value['ipabaseid']) entry_max = entry_start + int(ent.single_value['ipaidrangesize']) if range_intersection(dna_next, dna_max, entry_start, entry_max): sys.exit("New range overlaps with a Trust range. See ipa help idrange command") if next_range: try: if not repl.save_DNA_next_range(dna_next, dna_max): sys.exit("Updating next range failed") except errors.EmptyModlist: sys.exit("No changes to make") except errors.NotFound: sys.exit("No permission to update ranges") except Exception as e: sys.exit("Updating next range failed: %s" % e) else: try: if not repl.save_DNA_range(dna_next, dna_max): sys.exit("Updating range failed") except errors.EmptyModlist: sys.exit("No changes to make") except errors.NotFound: sys.exit("No permission to update ranges") except Exception as e: sys.exit("Updating range failed: %s" % e) def exit_on_managed_topology(what): sys.exit("{0} is deprecated with managed IPA replication topology. " "Please use `ipa topologysegment-*` commands to manage " "the topology.".format(what)) def main(options, args): if os.getegid() == 0: installutils.check_server_configuration() elif not os.path.exists(paths.IPA_DEFAULT_CONF): sys.exit("IPA is not configured on this system.") api.bootstrap( context='cli', confdir=paths.ETC_IPA, in_server=True, verbose=options.verbose, debug=options.debug ) api.finalize() dirman_passwd = None realm = api.env.realm if options.host: host = options.host else: host = installutils.get_fqdn() options.host = host if options.dirman_passwd: dirman_passwd = options.dirman_passwd else: if (not test_connection(realm, host, options.nolookup) or args[0] in dirman_passwd_req_commands): dirman_passwd = installutils.read_password("Directory Manager", confirm=False, validate=False, retry=False) if dirman_passwd is None or ( not dirman_passwd and args[0] in dirman_passwd_req_commands): sys.exit("Directory Manager password required") options.dirman_passwd = dirman_passwd # Initialize the LDAP connection api.Backend.ldap2.connect(bind_pw=options.dirman_passwd) if args[0] == "list": replica = None if len(args) == 2: replica = args[1] list_replicas(realm, host, replica, dirman_passwd, options.verbose, options.nolookup) elif args[0] == "list-ruv": list_ruv(realm, host, dirman_passwd, options.verbose, options.nolookup) elif args[0] == "del": del_master(realm, args[1], options) elif args[0] == "re-initialize": if not options.fromhost: print("re-initialize requires the option --from ") sys.exit(1) re_initialize(realm, host, options.fromhost, dirman_passwd, options.nolookup) elif args[0] == "force-sync": if not options.fromhost: print("force-sync requires the option --from ") sys.exit(1) force_sync(realm, host, options.fromhost, options.dirman_passwd, options.nolookup) elif args[0] == "connect": if len(args) == 3: replica1 = args[1] replica2 = args[2] elif len(args) == 2: replica1 = host replica2 = args[1] add_link(realm, replica1, replica2, dirman_passwd, options) elif args[0] == "disconnect": if len(args) == 3: replica1 = args[1] replica2 = args[2] elif len(args) == 2: replica1 = host replica2 = args[1] del_link(realm, replica1, replica2, dirman_passwd) elif args[0] == "clean-ruv": clean_ruv(realm, args[1], options) elif args[0] == "abort-clean-ruv": abort_clean_ruv(realm, args[1], options) elif args[0] == "list-clean-ruv": list_clean_ruv(realm, host, dirman_passwd, options.verbose, options.nolookup) elif args[0] == "clean-dangling-ruv": clean_dangling_ruvs(realm, host, options) elif args[0] == "dnarange-show": if len(args) == 2: master = args[1] else: master = None show_DNA_ranges(host, master, realm, dirman_passwd, False, options.nolookup) elif args[0] == "dnanextrange-show": if len(args) == 2: master = args[1] else: master = None show_DNA_ranges(host, master, realm, dirman_passwd, True, options.nolookup) elif args[0] == "dnarange-set": set_DNA_range(args[1], args[2], realm, dirman_passwd, next_range=False, nolookup=options.nolookup) elif args[0] == "dnanextrange-set": set_DNA_range(args[1], args[2], realm, dirman_passwd, next_range=True, nolookup=options.nolookup) api.Backend.ldap2.disconnect() try: options, args = parse_options() main(options, args) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(1) except SystemExit as e: sys.exit(e) except RuntimeError as e: sys.exit(e) except socket.timeout: print("Connection timed out.") sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: if options.verbose: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) else: print( "Re-run {} with --verbose option to get more information".format( sys.argv[0]) ) print("Unexpected error: %s" % str(e)) sys.exit(1)