# # Copyright (C) 2015 FreeIPA Contributors see COPYING for license # from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import import errno import itertools import logging import re import os import glob import shutil import fileinput import ssl import stat import sys import tempfile from contextlib import contextmanager from augeas import Augeas from ipalib import api, x509 from ipalib.constants import RENEWAL_CA_NAME, RA_AGENT_PROFILE, IPA_CA_RECORD from ipalib.install import certmonger from ipalib import sysrestore from ipalib.facts import is_ipa_configured import SSSDConfig import ipalib.util import ipalib.errors from ipaclient.install import timeconf from ipaclient.install.client import sssd_enable_ifp from ipalib.install.dnsforwarders import detect_resolve1_resolv_conf from ipaplatform import services from ipaplatform.tasks import tasks from ipapython import ipautil, version from ipapython import ipaldap from ipapython import directivesetter from ipapython.dn import DN from ipaplatform.constants import constants from ipaplatform.paths import paths from ipaserver import servroles from ipaserver.install import installutils from ipaserver.install import dsinstance from ipaserver.install import httpinstance from ipaserver.install import bindinstance from ipaserver.install import service from ipaserver.install import cainstance from ipaserver.install import krainstance from ipaserver.install import certs from ipaserver.install import otpdinstance from ipaserver.install import schemaupdate from ipaserver.install import custodiainstance from ipaserver.install import sysupgrade from ipaserver.install import dnskeysyncinstance from ipaserver.install import dogtaginstance from ipaserver.install import krbinstance from ipaserver.install import adtrustinstance from ipaserver.install import replication from ipaserver.install.upgradeinstance import IPAUpgrade from ipaserver.install.ldapupdate import BadSyntax import six # pylint: disable=import-error if six.PY3: # The SafeConfigParser class has been renamed to ConfigParser in Py3 from configparser import ConfigParser as SafeConfigParser else: from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser # pylint: enable=import-error if six.PY3: unicode = str logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class KpasswdInstance(service.SimpleServiceInstance): def __init__(self): service.SimpleServiceInstance.__init__(self, "ipa_kpasswd") def uninstall_ipa_kpasswd(): """ We can't use the full service uninstaller because that will attempt to stop and disable the service which by now doesn't exist. We just want to clean up sysrestore.state to remove all references to ipa_kpasswd. """ ipa_kpasswd = KpasswdInstance() enabled = not ipa_kpasswd.restore_state("enabled") if enabled is not None and not enabled: ipa_kpasswd.remove() def uninstall_ipa_memcached(): """ We can't use the full service uninstaller because that will attempt to stop and disable the service which by now doesn't exist. We just want to clean up sysrestore.state to remove all references to ipa_memcached. """ ipa_memcached = service.SimpleServiceInstance('ipa_memcached') if ipa_memcached.is_configured(): ipa_memcached.uninstall() def backup_file(filename, ext): """Make a backup of filename using ext as the extension. Do not overwrite previous backups.""" if not os.path.isabs(filename): raise ValueError("Absolute path required") backupfile = filename + ".bak" while os.path.exists(backupfile): backupfile = backupfile + "." + str(ext) try: shutil.copy2(filename, backupfile) except IOError as e: if e.errno == 2: # No such file or directory pass else: raise e def update_conf(sub_dict, filename, template_filename): template = ipautil.template_file(template_filename, sub_dict) fd = open(filename, "w") fd.write(template) fd.close() def find_autoredirect(fqdn): """ When upgrading ipa-rewrite.conf we need to see if the automatic redirect was disabled during install time (or afterward). So sift through the configuration file and see if we can determine the status. Returns True if autoredirect is enabled, False otherwise """ filename = paths.HTTPD_IPA_REWRITE_CONF if os.path.exists(filename): pattern = r"^RewriteRule \^/\$ https://%s/ipa/ui \[L,NC,R=301\]" % fqdn p = re.compile(pattern) for line in fileinput.input(filename): if p.search(line): fileinput.close() return True fileinput.close() return False return True def find_version(filename): """Find the version of a configuration file If no VERSION entry exists in the file, returns 0. If the file does not exist, returns -1. """ if os.path.exists(filename): pattern = r"^[\s#]*VERSION\s+([0-9]+)\s+.*" p = re.compile(pattern) for line in fileinput.input(filename): if p.search(line): fileinput.close() return p.search(line).group(1) fileinput.close() # no VERSION found return 0 else: return -1 def upgrade_file(sub_dict, filename, template, add=False): """ Get the version from the current and template files and update the installed configuration file if there is a new template. If add is True then create a new configuration file. """ old = int(find_version(filename)) new = int(find_version(template)) if old < 0 and not add: logger.error("%s not found.", filename) raise RuntimeError("%s not found." % filename) if new < 0: logger.error("%s not found.", template) if new == 0: logger.error("Template %s is not versioned.", template) if old == 0: # The original file does not have a VERSION entry. This means it's now # managed by IPA, but previously was not. logger.warning("%s is now managed by IPA. It will be " "overwritten. A backup of the original will be made.", filename) if old < new or (add and old == 0): backup_file(filename, new) update_conf(sub_dict, filename, template) logger.info("Upgraded %s to version %d", filename, new) def check_certs(): """Check ca.crt is in the right place, and try to fix if not""" logger.info('[Verifying that root certificate is published]') if not os.path.exists(paths.CA_CRT): ca_file = paths.IPA_CA_CRT if os.path.exists(ca_file): old_umask = os.umask(0o22) # make sure its readable by httpd try: shutil.copyfile(ca_file, paths.CA_CRT) finally: os.umask(old_umask) else: logger.error("Missing Certification Authority file.") logger.error("You should place a copy of the CA certificate in " "/usr/share/ipa/html/ca.crt") else: logger.debug('Certificate file exists') def update_dbmodules(realm, filename=paths.KRB5_CONF): newfile = [] found_dbrealm = False found_realm = False prefix = '' logger.info('[Verifying that KDC configuration is using ipa-kdb backend]') fd = open(filename) lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() if ' db_library = ipadb.so\n' in lines: logger.debug('dbmodules already updated in %s', filename) return for line in lines: if line.startswith('[dbmodules]'): found_dbrealm = True if found_dbrealm and line.find(realm) > -1: found_realm = True prefix = '#' if found_dbrealm and line.find('}') > -1 and found_realm: found_realm = False newfile.append('#%s' % line) prefix = '' continue newfile.append('%s%s' % (prefix, line)) # Append updated dbmodules information newfile.append(' %s = {\n' % realm) newfile.append(' db_library = ipadb.so\n') newfile.append(' }\n') # Write out new file fd = open(filename, 'w') fd.write("".join(newfile)) fd.close() logger.debug('%s updated', filename) def cleanup_kdc(fstore): """ Clean up old KDC files if they exist. We need to remove the actual file and any references in the uninstall configuration. """ logger.info('[Checking for deprecated KDC configuration files]') for file in ['kpasswd.keytab', 'ldappwd']: filename = os.path.join(paths.VAR_KERBEROS_KRB5KDC_DIR, file) ipautil.remove_file(filename) if fstore.has_file(filename): fstore.untrack_file(filename) logger.debug('Uninstalling %s', filename) def cleanup_adtrust(fstore): """ Clean up any old Samba backup files that were deprecated. """ logger.info('[Checking for deprecated backups of Samba ' 'configuration files]') for backed_up_file in [paths.SMB_CONF]: if fstore.has_file(backed_up_file): fstore.untrack_file(backed_up_file) logger.debug('Removing %s from backup', backed_up_file) def cleanup_dogtag(): """ pkispawn leaves some mess we were not cleaning up until recently. Try to clean up what we can. """ subsystems = [] if api.Command.ca_is_enabled()['result']: subsystems.append('CA') if api.Command.kra_is_enabled()['result']: subsystems.append('KRA') for system in subsystems: logger.debug( "Cleaning up after pkispawn for the %s subsystem", system) instance = dogtaginstance.DogtagInstance( api.env.realm, system, service_desc=None, ) instance.clean_pkispawn_files() def cleanup_kdcinfo(): """ Remove stale kdcinfo.*|kpasswdinfo.* files generated by SSSD """ for pattern in ('kdcinfo.*', 'kpasswdinfo.*'): for fname in glob.glob(os.path.join(paths.SSSD_PUBCONF_DIR, pattern)): logger.debug('Removing stale info file %s', fname) os.unlink(fname) def upgrade_adtrust_config(): """ Upgrade 'dedicated keytab file' in smb.conf to omit FILE: prefix """ if not adtrustinstance.ipa_smb_conf_exists(): return logger.info("[Remove FILE: prefix from 'dedicated keytab file' " "in Samba configuration]") args = [paths.NET, "conf", "setparm", "global", "dedicated keytab file", paths.SAMBA_KEYTAB] try: ipautil.run(args) except ipautil.CalledProcessError as e: logger.warning("Error updating Samba registry: %s", e) logger.info("[Update 'max smbd processes' in Samba configuration " "to prevent unlimited SMBLoris attack amplification]") args = [paths.NET, "conf", "getparm", "global", "max smbd processes"] try: ipautil.run(args) except ipautil.CalledProcessError as e: if e.returncode == 255: # 'max smbd processes' does not exist args = [paths.NET, "conf", "setparm", "global", "max smbd processes", "1000"] try: ipautil.run(args) except ipautil.CalledProcessError as e2: logger.warning("Error updating Samba registry: %s", e2) else: logger.warning("Error updating Samba registry: %s", e) def ca_configure_profiles_acl(ca): logger.info('[Authorizing RA Agent to modify profiles]') if not ca.is_configured(): logger.info('CA is not configured') return False return cainstance.configure_profiles_acl() def ca_configure_lightweight_ca_acls(ca): logger.info('[Authorizing RA Agent to manage lightweight CAs]') if not ca.is_configured(): logger.info('CA is not configured') return False return cainstance.configure_lightweight_ca_acls() def ca_enable_ldap_profile_subsystem(ca): logger.info('[Ensuring CA is using LDAPProfileSubsystem]') if not ca.is_configured(): logger.info('CA is not configured') return False needs_update = False directive = None try: i = 0 while True: # find profile subsystem directive = "subsystem.{}.id".format(i) value = directivesetter.get_directive( paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH, directive, separator='=') if not value: logger.error('Unable to find profile subsystem in %s', paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH) return False if value != 'profile': i = i + 1 continue # check profile subsystem class name directive = "subsystem.{}.class".format(i) value = directivesetter.get_directive( paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH, directive, separator='=') if value != 'com.netscape.cmscore.profile.LDAPProfileSubsystem': needs_update = True # break after finding profile subsystem break except OSError as e: logger.error('Cannot read CA configuration file "%s": %s', paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH, e) return False if needs_update: directivesetter.set_directive( paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH, directive, 'com.netscape.cmscore.profile.LDAPProfileSubsystem', quotes=False, separator='=') ca.restart('pki-tomcat') logger.info('[Migrating certificate profiles to LDAP]') cainstance.migrate_profiles_to_ldap() return needs_update def ca_import_included_profiles(ca): logger.info('[Ensuring presence of included profiles]') if not ca.is_configured(): logger.info('CA is not configured') return False return cainstance.import_included_profiles() def ca_ensure_lightweight_cas_container(ca): logger.info('[Ensuring Lightweight CAs container exists in Dogtag ' 'database]') if not ca.is_configured(): logger.info('CA is not configured') return False return cainstance.ensure_lightweight_cas_container() def ca_add_default_ocsp_uri(ca): logger.info('[Adding default OCSP URI configuration]') if not ca.is_configured(): logger.info('CA is not configured') return False value = directivesetter.get_directive( paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH, 'ca.defaultOcspUri', separator='=') if value: return False # already set; restart not needed directivesetter.set_directive( paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH, 'ca.defaultOcspUri', 'http://ipa-ca.%s/ca/ocsp' % ipautil.format_netloc(api.env.domain), quotes=False, separator='=') return True # restart needed def ca_disable_publish_cert(ca): logger.info('[Disabling cert publishing]') if not ca.is_configured(): logger.info('CA is not configured') return False value = directivesetter.get_directive( paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH, 'ca.publish.cert.enable', separator='=') if value: return False # already set; restart not needed directivesetter.set_directive( paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH, 'ca.publish.cert.enable', 'false', quotes=False, separator='=') return True # restart needed def upgrade_ca_audit_cert_validity(ca): """ Update the Dogtag audit signing certificate. Returns True if restart is needed, False otherwise. """ logger.info('[Verifying that CA audit signing cert has 2 year validity]') if ca.is_configured(): return ca.set_audit_renewal() else: logger.info('CA is not configured') return False def ca_initialize_hsm_state(ca): """Initializse HSM state as False / internal token """ if not ca.sstore.has_state(ca.hsm_sstore): section_name = ca.subsystem.upper() config = SafeConfigParser() config.add_section(section_name) config.set(section_name, 'pki_hsm_enable', 'False') ca.set_hsm_state(config) def dnssec_set_openssl_engine(dnskeysyncd): """ Setup OpenSSL engine for BIND """ if constants.NAMED_OPENSSL_ENGINE is None: return False if sysupgrade.get_upgrade_state('dns', 'openssl_engine'): return False logger.info('[Set OpenSSL engine for BIND]') dnskeysyncd.setup_named_openssl_conf() dnskeysyncd.setup_named_sysconfig() dnskeysyncd.setup_ipa_dnskeysyncd_sysconfig() sysupgrade.set_upgrade_state('dns', 'openssl_engine', True) return True def certificate_renewal_update(ca, kra, ds, http): """ Update certmonger certificate renewal configuration. """ # First ensure the renewal helpers are defined. ca.configure_certmonger_renewal_helpers() template = paths.CERTMONGER_COMMAND_TEMPLATE serverid = ipaldap.realm_to_serverid(api.env.realm) requests = [] dogtag_reqs = ca.tracking_reqs.items() if kra.is_installed(): dogtag_reqs = itertools.chain(dogtag_reqs, kra.tracking_reqs.items()) for nick, profile in dogtag_reqs: req = { 'cert-database': paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_DIR, 'cert-nickname': nick, 'ca-name': RENEWAL_CA_NAME, 'cert-presave-command': template % 'stop_pkicad', 'cert-postsave-command': (template % 'renew_ca_cert "{}"'.format(nick)), 'template-profile': profile, } requests.append(req) requests.append( { 'cert-file': paths.RA_AGENT_PEM, 'key-file': paths.RA_AGENT_KEY, 'ca-name': RENEWAL_CA_NAME, 'template-profile': RA_AGENT_PROFILE, 'cert-presave-command': template % 'renew_ra_cert_pre', 'cert-postsave-command': template % 'renew_ra_cert', }, ) logger.info("[Update certmonger certificate renewal configuration]") if not ca.is_configured(): logger.info('CA is not configured') return False # Check the http server cert if issued by IPA cert = x509.load_certificate_from_file(paths.HTTPD_CERT_FILE) if certs.is_ipa_issued_cert(api, cert): requests.append( { 'cert-file': paths.HTTPD_CERT_FILE, 'key-file': paths.HTTPD_KEY_FILE, 'ca-name': 'IPA', 'cert-postsave-command': template % 'restart_httpd', 'template-hostname': [ http.fqdn, f'{IPA_CA_RECORD}.{ipautil.format_netloc(api.env.domain)}', ], } ) # Check the ldap server cert if issued by IPA ds_nickname = ds.get_server_cert_nickname(serverid) ds_db_dirname = dsinstance.config_dirname(serverid) ds_db = certs.CertDB(api.env.realm, nssdir=ds_db_dirname) if ds_db.is_ipa_issued_cert(api, ds_nickname): requests.append( { 'cert-database': ds_db_dirname[:-1], 'cert-nickname': ds_nickname, 'ca-name': 'IPA', 'cert-postsave-command': '%s %s' % (template % 'restart_dirsrv', serverid), } ) db = certs.CertDB(api.env.realm, paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_DIR) for nickname, _trust_flags in db.list_certs(): if nickname.startswith('caSigningCert cert-pki-ca '): requests.append( { 'cert-database': paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_DIR, 'cert-nickname': nickname, 'ca-name': RENEWAL_CA_NAME, 'cert-presave-command': template % 'stop_pkicad', 'cert-postsave-command': (template % ('renew_ca_cert "%s"' % nickname)), 'template-profile': 'caCACert', } ) # State not set, lets see if we are already configured missing_or_misconfigured_requests = [] for request in requests: request_id = certmonger.get_request_id(request) if request_id is None: missing_or_misconfigured_requests.append(request) if len(missing_or_misconfigured_requests) == 0: logger.info("Certmonger certificate renewal configuration already " "up-to-date") return False # Print info about missing requests logger.info("Missing or incorrect tracking request for certificates:") for request in missing_or_misconfigured_requests: cert = None if 'cert-file' in request: cert = request['cert-file'] elif 'cert-database' in request and 'cert-nickname' in request: cert = '{cert-database}:{cert-nickname}'.format(**request) if cert is not None: logger.info(" %s", cert) # Ok, now we need to stop tracking, then we can start tracking them # again with new configuration: ca.stop_tracking_certificates(stop_certmonger=False) if kra.is_installed(): kra.stop_tracking_certificates(stop_certmonger=False) ds.stop_tracking_certificates(serverid) http.stop_tracking_certificates() filename = paths.CERTMONGER_CAS_CA_RENEWAL if os.path.exists(filename): with installutils.stopped_service('certmonger'): logger.info("Removing %s", filename) ipautil.remove_file(filename) ca.configure_renewal() ca.configure_agent_renewal() ca.add_lightweight_ca_tracking_requests() if kra.is_installed(): kra.configure_renewal() ds.start_tracking_certificates(serverid) http.start_tracking_certificates() logger.info("Certmonger certificate renewal configuration updated") return True def http_certificate_ensure_ipa_ca_dnsname(http): """ Ensure the HTTP service certificate has the ipa-ca.$DOMAIN SAN dNSName. This subroutine should be executed *after* ``certificate_renewal_update``, which adds the name to the tracking request. It assumes that the tracking request already has the ipa-ca.$DOMAIN DNS name set, and all that is needed is to resubmit the request. If HTTP certificate is issued by a third party, print manual remediation steps. """ logger.info('[Adding ipa-ca alias to HTTP certificate]') expect = f'{IPA_CA_RECORD}.{ipautil.format_netloc(api.env.domain)}' cert = x509.load_certificate_from_file(paths.HTTPD_CERT_FILE) try: cert.match_hostname(expect) except ssl.CertificateError: if certs.is_ipa_issued_cert(api, cert): request_id = certmonger.get_request_id( {'cert-file': paths.HTTPD_CERT_FILE}) if request_id is None: # shouldn't happen logger.error('Could not find HTTP cert tracking request.') else: logger.info('Resubmitting HTTP cert tracking request') certmonger.resubmit_request(request_id) # NOTE: due to https://pagure.io/certmonger/issue/143, the # resubmitted request, if it does not immediately succeed # (fairly likely during ipa-server-upgrade) and if the notAfter # date of the current cert is still far off (also likely), then # Certmonger will wait 7 days before trying again (unless # restarted). There is not much we can do about that here, in # the middle of ipa-server-upgrade. else: logger.error('HTTP certificate is issued by third party.') logger.error( 'Obtain a new certificate with the following DNS names, \n' 'and install via ipa-server-certinstall(1):\n' ' - %s\n' ' - %s', http.fqdn, expect, ) else: logger.info('Certificate is OK; nothing to do') def copy_crl_file(old_path, new_path=None): """ Copy CRL to new location, update permissions and SELinux context """ if new_path is None: filename = os.path.basename(old_path) new_path = os.path.join(paths.PKI_CA_PUBLISH_DIR, filename) logger.debug('copy_crl_file: %s -> %s', old_path, new_path) if os.path.islink(old_path): # update symlink to the most most recent CRL file filename = os.path.basename(os.readlink(old_path)) realpath = os.path.join(paths.PKI_CA_PUBLISH_DIR, filename) logger.debug('copy_crl_file: Create symlink %s -> %s', new_path, realpath) os.symlink(realpath, new_path) else: shutil.copy2(old_path, new_path) constants.PKI_USER.chown(new_path) tasks.restore_context(new_path) def migrate_crl_publish_dir(ca): """ Move CRL publish dir from /var/lib/pki-ca/publish to IPA controlled tree: /var/lib/ipa/pki-ca/publish """ logger.info('[Migrate CRL publish directory]') if sysupgrade.get_upgrade_state('dogtag', 'moved_crl_publish_dir'): logger.info('CRL tree already moved') return False if not ca.is_configured(): logger.info('CA is not configured') return False try: old_publish_dir = directivesetter.get_directive( paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH, 'ca.publish.publisher.instance.FileBaseCRLPublisher.directory', separator='=') except OSError as e: logger.error('Cannot read CA configuration file "%s": %s', paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH, e) return False # Prepare target publish dir (creation, permissions, SELinux context) # Run this every update to ensure proper values publishdir = ca.prepare_crl_publish_dir() if old_publish_dir == paths.PKI_CA_PUBLISH_DIR: # publish dir is already updated logger.info('Publish directory already set to new location') sysupgrade.set_upgrade_state('dogtag', 'moved_crl_publish_dir', True) return False # Copy all CRLs to new directory logger.info('Copy all CRLs to new publish directory') try: crl_files_unsorted = cainstance.get_crl_files(old_publish_dir) except OSError as e: logger.error('Cannot move CRL files to new directory: %s', e) else: # Move CRL files at the end of the list to make sure that the actual # CRL files are copied first crl_files = sorted(crl_files_unsorted, key=lambda f: os.path.islink(f)) for f in crl_files: try: copy_crl_file(f) except Exception as e: logger.error('Cannot move CRL file to new directory: %s', e) try: directivesetter.set_directive( paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH, 'ca.publish.publisher.instance.FileBaseCRLPublisher.directory', publishdir, quotes=False, separator='=') except OSError as e: logger.error('Cannot update CA configuration file "%s": %s', paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH, e) return False sysupgrade.set_upgrade_state('dogtag', 'moved_crl_publish_dir', True) logger.info('CRL publish directory has been migrated, ' 'request pki-tomcat restart') return True def ca_enable_pkix(ca): logger.info('[Enable PKIX certificate path discovery and validation]') if sysupgrade.get_upgrade_state('dogtag', 'pkix_enabled'): logger.info('PKIX already enabled') return False if not ca.is_configured(): logger.info('CA is not configured') return False ca.enable_pkix() sysupgrade.set_upgrade_state('dogtag', 'pkix_enabled', True) return True def add_ca_dns_records(bind): logger.info('[Add missing CA DNS records]') if sysupgrade.get_upgrade_state('dns', 'ipa_ca_records'): logger.info('IPA CA DNS records already processed') return False ret = api.Command['dns_is_enabled']() if not ret['result']: logger.info('DNS is not configured') sysupgrade.set_upgrade_state('dns', 'ipa_ca_records', True) return False bind.remove_ipa_ca_cnames(api.env.domain) bind.update_system_records() sysupgrade.set_upgrade_state('dns', 'ipa_ca_records', True) return True def find_subject_base(): """ Try to find the current value of certificate subject base. See the docstring in dsinstance.DsInstance for details. """ subject_base = dsinstance.DsInstance().find_subject_base() if subject_base: sysupgrade.set_upgrade_state( 'certmap.conf', 'subject_base', subject_base ) return subject_base logger.error('Unable to determine certificate subject base. ' 'certmap.conf will not be updated.') return None def uninstall_selfsign(ds, http): logger.info('[Removing self-signed CA]') """Replace self-signed CA by a CA-less install""" if api.env.ra_plugin != 'selfsign': logger.debug('Self-signed CA is not installed') return logger.warning( 'Removing self-signed CA. Certificates will need to managed manually.') p = SafeConfigParser() p.read(paths.IPA_DEFAULT_CONF) p.set('global', 'enable_ra', 'False') p.set('global', 'ra_plugin', 'none') with open(paths.IPA_DEFAULT_CONF, 'w') as f: p.write(f) ds.stop_tracking_certificates() http.stop_tracking_certificates() def uninstall_dogtag_9(ds, http): logger.info('[Removing Dogtag 9 CA]') if api.env.ra_plugin != 'dogtag': logger.debug('Dogtag CA is not installed') return if api.env.dogtag_version >= 10: logger.debug('Dogtag is version 10 or above') return dn = DN(('cn', 'CA'), ('cn', api.env.host), api.env.container_masters, api.env.basedn) try: api.Backend.ldap2.delete_entry(dn) except ipalib.errors.PublicError as e: logger.error("Cannot delete %s: %s", dn, e) p = SafeConfigParser() p.read(paths.IPA_DEFAULT_CONF) p.set('global', 'dogtag_version', '10') with open(paths.IPA_DEFAULT_CONF, 'w') as f: p.write(f) sstore = sysrestore.StateFile(paths.SYSRESTORE) sstore.restore_state('pkids', 'enabled') sstore.restore_state('pkids', 'running') sstore.restore_state('pkids', 'user_exists') serverid = sstore.restore_state('pkids', 'serverid') sstore.save() ca = dogtaginstance.DogtagInstance( api.env.realm, "CA", "certificate server", nss_db=paths.VAR_LIB_PKI_CA_ALIAS_DIR) ca.stop_tracking_certificates(False) if serverid is not None: # drop the trailing / off the config_dirname so the directory # will match what is in certmonger dirname = dsinstance.config_dirname(serverid)[:-1] dsdb = certs.CertDB(api.env.realm, nssdir=dirname) dsdb.untrack_server_cert("Server-Cert") try: services.service('pki-cad', api).disable('pki-ca') except Exception as e: logger.warning("Failed to disable pki-cad: %s", e) try: services.service('pki-cad', api).stop('pki-ca') except Exception as e: logger.warning("Failed to stop pki-cad: %s", e) if serverid is not None: try: services.service('dirsrv', api).disable(serverid) except Exception as e: logger.warning("Failed to disable dirsrv: %s", e) try: services.service('dirsrv', api).stop(serverid) except Exception as e: logger.warning("Failed to stop dirsrv: %s", e) http.restart() def fix_schema_file_syntax(): """Fix syntax errors in schema files https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/3578 """ logger.info('[Fix DS schema file syntax]') # This is not handled by normal schema updates, because pre-1.3.2 DS will # ignore (auto-fix) these syntax errors, and 1.3.2 and above will choke on # them before checking dynamic schema updates. if sysupgrade.get_upgrade_state('ds', 'fix_schema_syntax'): logger.info('Syntax already fixed') return serverid = ipaldap.realm_to_serverid(api.env.realm) ds_dir = dsinstance.config_dirname(serverid) # 1. 60ipadns.ldif: Add parenthesis to idnsRecord filename = os.path.join(ds_dir, 'schema', '60ipadns.ldif') result_lines = [] with open(filename) as file: for line in file: line = line.strip('\n') if (line.startswith('objectClasses:') and "NAME 'idnsRecord'" in line and line.count('(') == 2 and line.count(')') == 1): logger.debug('Add closing parenthesis in idnsRecord') line += ' )' result_lines.append(line) with open(filename, 'w') as file: file.write('\n'.join(result_lines)) # 2. 65ipasudo.ldif: Remove extra dollar from ipaSudoRule filename = os.path.join(ds_dir, 'schema', '65ipasudo.ldif') result_lines = [] with open(filename) as file: for line in file: line = line.strip('\n') if (line.startswith('objectClasses:') and "NAME 'ipaSudoRule'" in line): logger.debug('Remove extra dollar sign in ipaSudoRule') line = line.replace('$$', '$') result_lines.append(line) with open(filename, 'w') as file: file.write('\n'.join(result_lines)) # Done sysupgrade.set_upgrade_state('ds', 'fix_schema_syntax', True) def sssd_update(): sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig() sssdconfig.import_config() # upgrade domain domain = sssdconfig.get_domain(str(api.env.domain)) domain.set_option('ipa_server_mode', 'True') domain.set_option('ipa_server', api.env.host) sssdconfig.save_domain(domain) # check if service has ok_to_auth_as_delegate service = 'HTTP/{}'.format(api.env.host) result = api.Command.service_show(service, all=True) flag = result['result'].get('ipakrboktoauthasdelegate', False) if flag: logger.debug( "%s has ok_to_auth_as_delegate, allow Apache to access IFP", services ) # enable and configure IFP plugin sssd_enable_ifp(sssdconfig, allow_httpd=flag) # clean stale files generated by sssd cleanup_kdcinfo() # write config and restart service sssdconfig.write(paths.SSSD_CONF) sssd = services.service('sssd', api) sssd.restart() def remove_ds_ra_cert(subject_base): logger.info('[Removing RA cert from DS NSS database]') if sysupgrade.get_upgrade_state('ds', 'remove_ra_cert'): logger.info('RA cert already removed') return dbdir = dsinstance.config_dirname( ipaldap.realm_to_serverid(api.env.realm)) dsdb = certs.CertDB(api.env.realm, nssdir=dbdir, subject_base=subject_base) nickname = 'CN=IPA RA,%s' % subject_base cert = dsdb.get_cert_from_db(nickname) if cert: dsdb.delete_cert(nickname) sysupgrade.set_upgrade_state('ds', 'remove_ra_cert', True) def migrate_to_mod_ssl(http): logger.info('[Migrating from mod_nss to mod_ssl]') if sysupgrade.get_upgrade_state('ssl.conf', 'migrated_to_mod_ssl'): logger.info("Already migrated to mod_ssl") return http.migrate_to_mod_ssl() sysupgrade.set_upgrade_state('ssl.conf', 'migrated_to_mod_ssl', True) def update_ipa_httpd_service_conf(http): logger.info('[Updating HTTPD service IPA configuration]') http.update_httpd_service_ipa_conf() def update_ipa_http_wsgi_conf(http): logger.info('[Updating HTTPD service IPA WSGI configuration]') http.update_httpd_wsgi_conf() def update_http_keytab(http): logger.info('[Moving HTTPD service keytab to gssproxy]') if os.path.exists(paths.OLD_IPA_KEYTAB): # ensure proper SELinux context by using copy operation shutil.copy(paths.OLD_IPA_KEYTAB, http.keytab) try: os.remove(paths.OLD_IPA_KEYTAB) except OSError as e: logger.error( 'Cannot remove file %s (%s). Please remove the file manually.', paths.OLD_IPA_KEYTAB, e ) http.keytab_user.chown(http.keytab) def ds_enable_sidgen_extdom_plugins(ds): """For AD trust agents, make sure we enable sidgen and extdom plugins """ logger.info('[Enable sidgen and extdom plugins by default]') if sysupgrade.get_upgrade_state('ds', 'enable_ds_sidgen_extdom_plugins'): logger.debug('sidgen and extdom plugins are enabled already') return ds.add_sidgen_plugin(api.env.basedn) ds.add_extdom_plugin(api.env.basedn) sysupgrade.set_upgrade_state('ds', 'enable_ds_sidgen_extdom_plugins', True) def ca_upgrade_schema(ca): logger.info('[Upgrading CA schema]') if not ca.is_configured(): logger.info('CA is not configured') return False # ACME schema file moved in pki-server-10.9.0-0.3 for path in [ '/usr/share/pki/acme/conf/database/ldap/schema.ldif', '/usr/share/pki/acme/database/ldap/schema.ldif', ]: if os.path.exists(path): acme_schema_ldif = path break else: raise RuntimeError('ACME schema file not found') schema_files=[ '/usr/share/pki/server/conf/schema-certProfile.ldif', '/usr/share/pki/server/conf/schema-authority.ldif', acme_schema_ldif, ] try: modified = schemaupdate.update_schema(schema_files, ldapi=True) except Exception as e: logger.error("%s", e) raise RuntimeError('CA schema upgrade failed.', 1) else: if modified: logger.info('CA schema update complete') return True else: logger.info('CA schema update complete (no changes)') return False def add_default_caacl(ca): logger.info('[Add default CA ACL]') if sysupgrade.get_upgrade_state('caacl', 'add_default_caacl'): logger.info('Default CA ACL already added') return if ca.is_configured(): cainstance.ensure_default_caacl() sysupgrade.set_upgrade_state('caacl', 'add_default_caacl', True) def setup_pkinit(krb): logger.info("[Setup PKINIT]") if not krbinstance.is_pkinit_enabled(): krb.issue_selfsigned_pkinit_certs() aug = Augeas(flags=Augeas.NO_LOAD | Augeas.NO_MODL_AUTOLOAD, loadpath=paths.USR_SHARE_IPA_DIR) try: aug.transform('IPAKrb5', paths.KRB5KDC_KDC_CONF) aug.load() path = '/files{}/realms/{}'.format(paths.KRB5KDC_KDC_CONF, krb.realm) modified = False value = 'FILE:{},{}'.format(paths.KDC_CERT, paths.KDC_KEY) expr = '{}[count(pkinit_identity)=1][pkinit_identity="{}"]'.format( path, value) if not aug.match(expr): aug.remove('{}/pkinit_identity'.format(path)) aug.set('{}/pkinit_identity'.format(path), value) modified = True for value in ['FILE:{}'.format(paths.KDC_CERT), 'FILE:{}'.format(paths.CACERT_PEM)]: expr = '{}/pkinit_anchors[.="{}"]'.format(path, value) if not aug.match(expr): aug.set('{}/pkinit_anchors[last()+1]'.format(path), value) modified = True value = 'FILE:{}'.format(paths.CA_BUNDLE_PEM) expr = '{}/pkinit_pool[.="{}"]'.format(path, value) if not aug.match(expr): aug.set('{}/pkinit_pool[last()+1]'.format(path), value) modified = True if modified: try: aug.save() except IOError: for error_path in aug.match('/augeas//error'): logger.error('augeas: %s', aug.get(error_path)) raise if krb.is_running(): krb.stop() krb.start() finally: aug.close() def setup_spake(krb): logger.info("[Setup SPAKE]") aug = Augeas(flags=Augeas.NO_LOAD | Augeas.NO_MODL_AUTOLOAD, loadpath=paths.USR_SHARE_IPA_DIR) try: aug.transform("IPAKrb5", paths.KRB5KDC_KDC_CONF) aug.load() path = "/files{}/libdefaults/spake_preauth_kdc_challenge" path = path.format(paths.KRB5KDC_KDC_CONF) value = "edwards25519" if aug.match(path): return aug.remove(path) aug.set(path, value) try: aug.save() except IOError: for error_path in aug.match('/augeas//error'): logger.error('augeas: %s', aug.get(error_path)) raise if krb.is_running(): krb.stop() krb.start() finally: aug.close() # Currently, this doesn't support templating. def enable_server_snippet(): logger.info("[Enable server krb5.conf snippet]") template = os.path.join( paths.USR_SHARE_IPA_DIR, os.path.basename(paths.KRB5_FREEIPA_SERVER) + ".template" ) shutil.copy(template, paths.KRB5_FREEIPA_SERVER) os.chmod(paths.KRB5_FREEIPA_SERVER, 0o644) tasks.restore_context(paths.KRB5_FREEIPA_SERVER) def ntpd_cleanup(fqdn, fstore): sstore = sysrestore.StateFile(paths.SYSRESTORE) timeconf.restore_forced_timeservices(sstore, 'ntpd') if sstore.has_state('ntp'): instance = services.service('ntpd', api) sstore.restore_state(instance.service_name, 'enabled') sstore.restore_state(instance.service_name, 'running') sstore.restore_state(instance.service_name, 'step-tickers') try: instance.disable() instance.stop() except Exception as e: logger.debug("Service ntpd was not disabled or stopped") for ntpd_file in [paths.NTP_CONF, paths.NTP_STEP_TICKERS, paths.SYSCONFIG_NTPD]: try: fstore.restore_file(ntpd_file) except ValueError as e: logger.debug(e) try: api.Backend.ldap2.delete_entry(DN(('cn', 'NTP'), ('cn', fqdn), api.env.container_masters)) except ipalib.errors.NotFound: logger.debug("NTP service entry was not found in LDAP.") ntp_role_instance = servroles.ServiceBasedRole( u"ntp_server_server", u"NTP server", component_services=['NTP'] ) updated_role_instances = tuple() for role_instance in servroles.role_instances: if role_instance is not ntp_role_instance: updated_role_instances += tuple([role_instance]) servroles.role_instances = updated_role_instances sysupgrade.set_upgrade_state('ntpd', 'ntpd_cleaned', True) def update_replica_config(db_suffix): dn = DN( ('cn', 'replica'), ('cn', db_suffix), ('cn', 'mapping tree'), ('cn', 'config') ) try: entry = api.Backend.ldap2.get_entry(dn) except ipalib.errors.NotFound: return # entry does not exist until a replica is installed for key, value in replication.REPLICA_FINAL_SETTINGS.items(): entry[key] = value try: api.Backend.ldap2.update_entry(entry) except ipalib.errors.EmptyModlist: pass else: logger.info("Updated entry %s", dn) def migrate_to_authselect(): logger.info('[Migrating to authselect profile]') if sysupgrade.get_upgrade_state('authcfg', 'migrated_to_authselect'): logger.info("Already migrated to authselect profile") return statestore = sysrestore.StateFile(paths.IPA_CLIENT_SYSRESTORE) try: tasks.migrate_auth_configuration(statestore) except ipautil.CalledProcessError as e: raise RuntimeError( "Failed to migrate to authselect profile: %s" % e, 1) sysupgrade.set_upgrade_state('authcfg', 'migrated_to_authselect', True) def add_systemd_user_hbac(): logger.info('[Create systemd-user hbac service and rule]') rule = u'allow_systemd-user' service = u'systemd-user' try: api.Command.hbacsvc_add( service, description=u'pam_systemd and systemd user@.service' ) except ipalib.errors.DuplicateEntry: logger.info('hbac service %s already exists', service) # Don't create hbac rule when hbacsvc already exists, so the rule # does not get re-created after it has been deleted by an admin. return else: logger.info('Created hbacsvc %s', service) try: api.Command.hbacrule_add( rule, description=(u'Allow pam_systemd to run user@.service to create ' 'a system user session'), usercategory=u'all', hostcategory=u'all', ) except ipalib.errors.DuplicateEntry: logger.info('hbac rule %s already exists', rule) else: api.Command.hbacrule_add_service( rule, hbacsvc=(service,) ) logger.info('Created hbac rule %s with hbacsvc=%s', rule, service) def add_admin_root_alias(): """Make root principal an alias of admin Fix for CVE-2020-10747 """ rootprinc = "root@{}".format(api.env.realm) logger.info("[Add %s alias to admin account]", rootprinc) try: api.Command.user_add_principal("admin", rootprinc) except ipalib.errors.DuplicateEntry: results = api.Command.user_find(krbprincipalname=rootprinc) uid = results["result"][0]["uid"][0] logger.warning( "WARN: '%s' alias is assigned to user '%s'!", rootprinc, uid ) except ipalib.errors.AlreadyContainsValueError: logger.info("Alias already exists") else: logger.info("Added '%s' alias to admin account", rootprinc) def fix_permissions(): """Fix permission of public accessible files and directories In case IPA was installed with restricted umask, some public files and directories may not be readable and accessible. See https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/7594 """ candidates = [ os.path.dirname(paths.GSSAPI_SESSION_KEY), paths.CA_BUNDLE_PEM, paths.KDC_CA_BUNDLE_PEM, paths.IPA_CA_CRT, paths.IPA_P11_KIT, ] for filename in candidates: try: s = os.stat(filename) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise continue mode = 0o755 if stat.S_ISDIR(s.st_mode) else 0o644 if mode != stat.S_IMODE(s.st_mode): logger.debug("Fix permission of %s to %o", filename, mode) os.chmod(filename, mode) def upgrade_bind(fstore): """Update BIND named DNS server instance """ bind = bindinstance.BindInstance(fstore, api=api) bind.setup_templating( fqdn=api.env.host, realm_name=api.env.realm, domain_name=api.env.domain ) # always executed add_ca_dns_records(bind) if not bindinstance.named_conf_exists(): logger.info("DNS service is not configured") return False bind_switch_service(bind) # get rid of old states bind_old_states(bind) bind_old_upgrade_states() # only upgrade with drop-in is missing and /etc/resolv.conf is a link to # resolve1's stub resolver config file. has_resolved_ipa_conf = os.path.isfile(paths.SYSTEMD_RESOLVED_IPA_CONF) if not has_resolved_ipa_conf and detect_resolve1_resolv_conf(): bind.setup_resolv_conf() logger.info("Updated systemd-resolved configuration") if bind.is_configured() and not bind.is_running(): # some upgrade steps may require bind running bind_started = True bind.start() else: bind_started = False try: changed = bind.setup_named_conf(backup=True) if changed: logger.info("named.conf has been modified, restarting named") try: if bind.is_running(): bind.restart() except ipautil.CalledProcessError as e: logger.error("Failed to restart %s: %s", bind.service_name, e) finally: if bind_started: bind.stop() return changed def bind_switch_service(bind): """ Mask either named or named-pkcs11, we need to run only one, running both can cause unexpected errors. """ named_conflict_name = bind.named_conflict.systemd_name named_conflict_old = sysupgrade.get_upgrade_state('dns', 'conflict_named') # nothing changed if named_conflict_old and named_conflict_old == named_conflict_name: return False bind.switch_service() sysupgrade.set_upgrade_state('dns', 'conflict_named', named_conflict_name) return True def bind_old_states(bind): """Remove old states """ # no longer used states old_states = [ "enabled", "running", "named-regular-enabled", "named-regular-running", ] for state in old_states: bind.delete_state(state) def bind_old_upgrade_states(): """Remove old upgrade states """ named_conf_states = ( # old states before 4.8.7 "gssapi_updated", "pid-file_updated", "dnssec-enabled_remove", "bindkey-file_removed", "managed-keys-directory_updated", "root_key_updated", "forward_policy_conflict_with_empty_zones_handled", "add_server_id", "add_crypto_policy", ) dns_states = ( "regular_named_masked", "dyndb_ipa_workdir_perm" ) for state in named_conf_states: sysupgrade.remove_upgrade_state("named.conf", state) for state in dns_states: sysupgrade.remove_upgrade_state("dns", state) def upgrade_configuration(): """ Execute configuration upgrade of the IPA services """ logger.debug('IPA version %s', version.VENDOR_VERSION) fstore = sysrestore.FileStore(paths.SYSRESTORE) sstore = sysrestore.StateFile(paths.SYSRESTORE) if not sstore.has_state('installation'): if is_ipa_configured(): sstore.backup_state('installation', 'complete', True) else: sstore.backup_state('installation', 'complete', False) fqdn = api.env.host # Ok, we are an IPA server, do the additional tests ds = dsinstance.DsInstance(realm_name=api.env.realm) # start DS, CA will not start without running DS, and cause error ds_running = ds.is_running() if not ds_running: ds.start(ds.serverid) if not sysupgrade.get_upgrade_state('ntpd', 'ntpd_cleaned'): ntpd_cleanup(fqdn, fstore) if tasks.configure_pkcs11_modules(fstore): print("Disabled p11-kit-proxy") check_certs() fix_permissions() auto_redirect = find_autoredirect(fqdn) sub_dict = dict( REALM=api.env.realm, FQDN=fqdn, AUTOREDIR='' if auto_redirect else '#', CRL_PUBLISH_PATH=paths.PKI_CA_PUBLISH_DIR, DOGTAG_PORT=8009, CLONE='#', WSGI_PREFIX_DIR=paths.WSGI_PREFIX_DIR, WSGI_PROCESSES=constants.WSGI_PROCESSES, GSSAPI_SESSION_KEY=paths.GSSAPI_SESSION_KEY, FONTS_DIR=paths.FONTS_DIR, FONTS_OPENSANS_DIR=paths.FONTS_OPENSANS_DIR, FONTS_FONTAWESOME_DIR=paths.FONTS_FONTAWESOME_DIR, IPA_CCACHES=paths.IPA_CCACHES, IPA_CUSTODIA_SOCKET=paths.IPA_CUSTODIA_SOCKET, KDCPROXY_CONFIG=paths.KDCPROXY_CONFIG, ) subject_base = find_subject_base() if subject_base: sub_dict['ISSUER_DN'] = 'CN=Certificate Authority,' + subject_base ca = cainstance.CAInstance( api.env.realm, host_name=api.env.host) ca_running = ca.is_running() kra = krainstance.KRAInstance(api.env.realm) # create passswd.txt file in PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_DIR if it does not exist # this file will be required on most actions over this NSS DB in FIPS if ca.is_configured() and not os.path.exists(os.path.join( paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_DIR, 'pwdfile.txt')): ca.create_certstore_passwdfile() with installutils.stopped_service('pki-tomcatd', 'pki-tomcat'): # Dogtag must be stopped to be able to backup CS.cfg config if ca.is_configured(): ca.backup_config() # migrate CRL publish dir before the location in ipa.conf is updated ca_restart = migrate_crl_publish_dir(ca) if ca.is_configured(): crl = directivesetter.get_directive( paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH, 'ca.crl.MasterCRL.enableCRLUpdates', '=') sub_dict['CLONE']='#' if crl.lower() == 'true' else '' ds_dirname = dsinstance.config_dirname(ds.serverid) upgrade_file(sub_dict, paths.HTTPD_IPA_CONF, os.path.join(paths.USR_SHARE_IPA_DIR, "ipa.conf.template")) upgrade_file(sub_dict, paths.HTTPD_IPA_REWRITE_CONF, os.path.join(paths.USR_SHARE_IPA_DIR, "ipa-rewrite.conf.template")) upgrade_file(sub_dict, paths.HTTPD_IPA_KDCPROXY_CONF, os.path.join(paths.USR_SHARE_IPA_DIR, "ipa-kdc-proxy.conf.template")) if ca.is_configured(): # Handle upgrade of AJP connector configuration ca.secure_ajp_connector() if ca.ajp_secret: sub_dict['DOGTAG_AJP_SECRET'] = "secret={}".format( ca.ajp_secret) else: sub_dict['DOGTAG_AJP_SECRET'] = '' upgrade_file( sub_dict, paths.HTTPD_IPA_PKI_PROXY_CONF, os.path.join(paths.USR_SHARE_IPA_DIR, "ipa-pki-proxy.conf.template"), add=True) else: if os.path.isfile(paths.HTTPD_IPA_PKI_PROXY_CONF): os.remove(paths.HTTPD_IPA_PKI_PROXY_CONF) if subject_base: upgrade_file( sub_dict, os.path.join(ds_dirname, "certmap.conf"), os.path.join(paths.USR_SHARE_IPA_DIR, "certmap.conf.template") ) if kra.is_installed(): logger.info('[Ensuring ephemeralRequest is enabled in KRA]') kra.backup_config() value = directivesetter.get_directive( paths.KRA_CS_CFG_PATH, 'kra.ephemeralRequests', separator='=') if value is None or value.lower() != 'true': logger.info('Enabling ephemeralRequest') kra.enable_ephemeral() else: logger.info('ephemeralRequest is already enabled') # several upgrade steps require running CA. If CA is configured, # always run ca.start() because we need to wait until CA is really ready # by checking status using http if ca.is_configured(): ca.start('pki-tomcat') if kra.is_installed() and not kra.is_running(): # This is for future-proofing in case the KRA is ever standalone. kra.start('pki-tomcat') certmonger_service = services.knownservices.certmonger if ca.is_configured() and not certmonger_service.is_running(): certmonger_service.start() ca.unconfigure_certmonger_renewal_guard() update_dbmodules(api.env.realm) uninstall_ipa_kpasswd() uninstall_ipa_memcached() removed_sysconfig_file = paths.SYSCONFIG_HTTPD if fstore.has_file(removed_sysconfig_file): logger.info('Restoring %s as it is no longer required', removed_sysconfig_file) fstore.restore_file(removed_sysconfig_file) http = httpinstance.HTTPInstance(fstore) http.fqdn = fqdn http.realm = api.env.realm http.suffix = ipautil.realm_to_suffix(api.env.realm) http.configure_selinux_for_httpd() http.set_mod_ssl_protocol() http.configure_certmonger_renewal_guard() http.enable_and_start_oddjobd() ds.configure_systemd_ipa_env() update_replica_config(ipautil.realm_to_suffix(api.env.realm)) if ca.is_configured(): update_replica_config(DN(('o', 'ipaca'))) ds.stop(ds.serverid) fix_schema_file_syntax() remove_ds_ra_cert(subject_base) ds.start(ds.serverid) ds.fqdn = fqdn ds.realm = api.env.realm ds.suffix = ipautil.realm_to_suffix(api.env.realm) ds_enable_sidgen_extdom_plugins(ds) if not http.is_kdcproxy_configured(): logger.info('[Enabling KDC Proxy]') http.create_kdcproxy_conf() http.enable_kdcproxy() http.stop() update_ipa_httpd_service_conf(http) update_ipa_http_wsgi_conf(http) migrate_to_mod_ssl(http) update_http_keytab(http) http.configure_gssproxy() http.start() uninstall_selfsign(ds, http) uninstall_dogtag_9(ds, http) simple_service_list = ( (otpdinstance.OtpdInstance(), 'OTPD'), ) for service, ldap_name in simple_service_list: try: if not service.is_configured(): service.create_instance(ldap_name, fqdn, ipautil.realm_to_suffix(api.env.realm), realm=api.env.realm) except ipalib.errors.DuplicateEntry: pass # install DNSKeySync service only if DNS is configured on server if bindinstance.named_conf_exists(): dnskeysyncd = dnskeysyncinstance.DNSKeySyncInstance(fstore) if not dnskeysyncd.is_configured(): dnskeysyncd.create_instance(fqdn, api.env.realm) dnskeysyncd.start_dnskeysyncd() else: if dnssec_set_openssl_engine(dnskeysyncd): dnskeysyncd.start_dnskeysyncd() cleanup_kdc(fstore) cleanup_adtrust(fstore) cleanup_dogtag() upgrade_adtrust_config() upgrade_bind(fstore) custodia = custodiainstance.CustodiaInstance(api.env.host, api.env.realm) custodia.upgrade_instance() ca_restart = any([ ca_restart, ca_upgrade_schema(ca), upgrade_ca_audit_cert_validity(ca), certificate_renewal_update(ca, kra, ds, http), ca_enable_pkix(ca), ca_configure_profiles_acl(ca), ca_configure_lightweight_ca_acls(ca), ca_ensure_lightweight_cas_container(ca), ca_add_default_ocsp_uri(ca), ca_disable_publish_cert(ca), ]) if ca_restart: logger.info( 'pki-tomcat configuration changed, restart pki-tomcat') try: ca.restart('pki-tomcat') except ipautil.CalledProcessError as e: logger.error("Failed to restart %s: %s", ca.service_name, e) ca_enable_ldap_profile_subsystem(ca) # This step MUST be done after ca_enable_ldap_profile_subsystem and # ca_configure_profiles_acl, and the consequent restart, but does not # itself require a restart. # ca_import_included_profiles(ca) add_default_caacl(ca) if ca.is_configured(): ca.reindex_task() cainstance.repair_profile_caIPAserviceCert() ca.setup_lightweight_ca_key_retrieval() cainstance.ensure_ipa_authority_entry() ca.setup_acme() ca_initialize_hsm_state(ca) migrate_to_authselect() add_systemd_user_hbac() add_admin_root_alias() sssd_update() krb = krbinstance.KrbInstance(fstore) krb.fqdn = fqdn krb.realm = api.env.realm krb.suffix = ipautil.realm_to_suffix(krb.realm) krb.subject_base = subject_base krb.sub_dict = dict(FQDN=krb.fqdn, SUFFIX=krb.suffix, DOMAIN=api.env.domain, HOST=api.env.host, SERVER_ID=ipaldap.realm_to_serverid(krb.realm), REALM=krb.realm, KRB5KDC_KADM5_ACL=paths.KRB5KDC_KADM5_ACL, DICT_WORDS=paths.DICT_WORDS, KRB5KDC_KADM5_KEYTAB=paths.KRB5KDC_KADM5_KEYTAB, KDC_CERT=paths.KDC_CERT, KDC_KEY=paths.KDC_KEY, CACERT_PEM=paths.CACERT_PEM, KDC_CA_BUNDLE_PEM=paths.KDC_CA_BUNDLE_PEM, CA_BUNDLE_PEM=paths.CA_BUNDLE_PEM) krb.add_anonymous_principal() setup_spake(krb) setup_pkinit(krb) enable_server_snippet() # Must be executed after certificate_renewal_update # (see function docstring for details) http_certificate_ensure_ipa_ca_dnsname(http) if not ds_running: ds.stop(ds.serverid) if ca.is_configured(): if ca_running and not ca.is_running(): ca.start('pki-tomcat') elif not ca_running and ca.is_running(): ca.stop('pki-tomcat') def upgrade_check(options): try: installutils.check_server_configuration() tasks.check_ipv6_stack_enabled() except RuntimeError as e: logger.error("%s", e) sys.exit(1) if not options.skip_version_check: # check IPA version and data version try: installutils.check_version() except (installutils.UpgradePlatformError, installutils.UpgradeDataNewerVersionError) as e: raise RuntimeError( 'Unable to execute IPA upgrade: %s' % e, 1) except installutils.UpgradeMissingVersionError as e: logger.info("Missing version: %s", e) except installutils.UpgradeVersionError: # Ignore other errors pass else: logger.info("Skipping version check") logger.warning("Upgrade without version check may break your system") @contextmanager def empty_ccache(): # Create temporary directory and use it as a DIR: ccache collection # instead of whatever is a default in /etc/krb5.conf # # In Fedora 28 KCM: became a default credentials cache collection # but if KCM daemon (part of SSSD) is not running, libkrb5 will fail # to initialize. This causes kadmin.local to fail. # Since we are in upgrade, we cannot kinit anyway (KDC is offline). # Bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1558818 kpath_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="upgrade_ccaches", dir=paths.IPA_CCACHES) kpath = "DIR:{}".format(kpath_dir) old_path = os.environ.get('KRB5CCNAME') try: os.environ['KRB5CCNAME'] = kpath yield finally: if old_path: os.environ['KRB5CCNAME'] = old_path else: del os.environ['KRB5CCNAME'] shutil.rmtree(kpath_dir) def upgrade(): realm = api.env.realm schema_files = [os.path.join(paths.USR_SHARE_IPA_DIR, f) for f in dsinstance.ALL_SCHEMA_FILES] schema_files.extend(dsinstance.get_all_external_schema_files( paths.EXTERNAL_SCHEMA_DIR)) data_upgrade = IPAUpgrade(realm, schema_files=schema_files) try: data_upgrade.create_instance() except BadSyntax: raise RuntimeError( 'Bad syntax detected in upgrade file(s).', 1) except RuntimeError: raise RuntimeError('IPA upgrade failed.', 1) else: if data_upgrade.modified: logger.info('Update complete') else: logger.info('Update complete, no data were modified') print('Upgrading IPA services') logger.info('Upgrading the configuration of the IPA services') with empty_ccache(): upgrade_configuration() logger.info('The IPA services were upgraded') # store new data version after upgrade installutils.store_version()