# Authors: # Jason Gerard DeRose # Rob Crittenden # # Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ RPC client and shared RPC client/server functionality. This module adds some additional functionality on top of the ``xmlrpc.client`` module in the Python standard library (``xmlrpclib`` in Python 2). For documentation on the ``xmlrpclib`` module, see: http://docs.python.org/2/library/xmlrpclib.html Also see the `ipaserver.rpcserver` module. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from decimal import Decimal import datetime import logging import os import locale import base64 import json import re import socket import gzip from cryptography import x509 as crypto_x509 import gssapi from dns import resolver, rdatatype from dns.exception import DNSException from ssl import SSLError import six from six.moves import urllib from ipalib.backend import Connectible from ipalib.constants import LDAP_GENERALIZED_TIME_FORMAT from ipalib.errors import (public_errors, UnknownError, NetworkError, XMLRPCMarshallError, JSONError) from ipalib import errors, capabilities from ipalib.request import context, Connection from ipalib.x509 import Encoding as x509_Encoding from ipapython import ipautil from ipapython import session_storage from ipapython.cookie import Cookie from ipapython.dnsutil import DNSName from ipalib.text import _ from ipalib.util import create_https_connection from ipalib.krb_utils import KRB5KDC_ERR_S_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN, KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_TKT_EXPIRED, \ KRB5_FCC_PERM, KRB5_FCC_NOFILE, KRB5_CC_FORMAT, \ KRB5_REALM_CANT_RESOLVE, KRB5_CC_NOTFOUND, get_principal from ipapython.dn import DN from ipapython.kerberos import Principal from ipalib.capabilities import VERSION_WITHOUT_CAPABILITIES from ipalib import api # The XMLRPC client is in "six.moves.xmlrpc_client", but pylint # cannot handle that try: from xmlrpclib import (Binary, Fault, DateTime, dumps, loads, ServerProxy, Transport, ProtocolError, MININT, MAXINT) except ImportError: # pylint: disable=import-error from xmlrpc.client import (Binary, Fault, DateTime, dumps, loads, ServerProxy, Transport, ProtocolError, MININT, MAXINT) # pylint: disable=import-error if six.PY3: from http.client import RemoteDisconnected else: from httplib import BadStatusLine as RemoteDisconnected # pylint: enable=import-error if six.PY3: unicode = str logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) COOKIE_NAME = 'ipa_session' CCACHE_COOKIE_KEY = 'X-IPA-Session-Cookie' errors_by_code = dict((e.errno, e) for e in public_errors) def update_persistent_client_session_data(principal, data): ''' Given a principal create or update the session data for that principal in the persistent secure storage. Raises ValueError if unable to perform the action for any reason. ''' try: session_storage.store_data(principal, CCACHE_COOKIE_KEY, data) except Exception as e: raise ValueError(str(e)) def read_persistent_client_session_data(principal): ''' Given a principal return the stored session data for that principal from the persistent secure storage. Raises ValueError if unable to perform the action for any reason. ''' try: return session_storage.get_data(principal, CCACHE_COOKIE_KEY) except Exception as e: raise ValueError(str(e)) def delete_persistent_client_session_data(principal): ''' Given a principal remove the session data for that principal from the persistent secure storage. Raises ValueError if unable to perform the action for any reason. ''' try: session_storage.remove_data(principal, CCACHE_COOKIE_KEY) except Exception as e: raise ValueError(str(e)) def xml_wrap(value, version): """ Wrap all ``str`` in ``xmlrpc.client.Binary``. Because ``xmlrpc.client.dumps()`` will itself convert all ``unicode`` instances into UTF-8 encoded ``str`` instances, we don't do it here. So in total, when encoding data for an XML-RPC packet, the following transformations occur: * All ``str`` instances are treated as binary data and are wrapped in an ``xmlrpc.client.Binary()`` instance. * Only ``unicode`` instances are treated as character data. They get converted to UTF-8 encoded ``str`` instances (although as mentioned, not by this function). Also see `xml_unwrap()`. :param value: The simple scalar or simple compound value to wrap. """ if type(value) in (list, tuple): return tuple(xml_wrap(v, version) for v in value) if isinstance(value, dict): return dict( (k, xml_wrap(v, version)) for (k, v) in value.items() ) if type(value) is bytes: return Binary(value) if type(value) is Decimal: # transfer Decimal as a string return unicode(value) if isinstance(value, six.integer_types) and (value < MININT or value > MAXINT): return unicode(value) if isinstance(value, DN): return str(value) # Encode datetime.datetime objects as xmlrpc.client.DateTime objects if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): if capabilities.client_has_capability(version, 'datetime_values'): return DateTime(value) else: return value.strftime(LDAP_GENERALIZED_TIME_FORMAT) if isinstance(value, DNSName): if capabilities.client_has_capability(version, 'dns_name_values'): return {'__dns_name__': unicode(value)} else: return unicode(value) if isinstance(value, Principal): return unicode(value) if isinstance(value, crypto_x509.Certificate): return base64.b64encode( value.public_bytes(x509_Encoding.DER)).encode('ascii') assert type(value) in (unicode, float, bool, type(None)) + six.integer_types return value def xml_unwrap(value, encoding='UTF-8'): """ Unwrap all ``xmlrpc.Binary``, decode all ``str`` into ``unicode``. When decoding data from an XML-RPC packet, the following transformations occur: * The binary payloads of all ``xmlrpc.client.Binary`` instances are returned as ``str`` instances. * All ``str`` instances are treated as UTF-8 encoded Unicode strings. They are decoded and the resulting ``unicode`` instance is returned. Also see `xml_wrap()`. :param value: The value to unwrap. :param encoding: The Unicode encoding to use (defaults to ``'UTF-8'``). """ if type(value) in (list, tuple): return tuple(xml_unwrap(v, encoding) for v in value) if type(value) is dict: if '__dns_name__' in value: return DNSName(value['__dns_name__']) else: return dict( (k, xml_unwrap(v, encoding)) for (k, v) in value.items() ) if isinstance(value, bytes): return value.decode(encoding) if isinstance(value, Binary): assert type(value.data) is bytes return value.data if isinstance(value, DateTime): # xmlprc DateTime is converted to string of %Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S format return datetime.datetime.strptime(str(value), "%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S") assert type(value) in (unicode, int, float, bool, type(None)) return value def xml_dumps(params, version, methodname=None, methodresponse=False, encoding='UTF-8'): """ Encode an XML-RPC data packet, transparently wraping ``params``. This function will wrap ``params`` using `xml_wrap()` and will then encode the XML-RPC data packet using ``xmlrpc.client.dumps()`` (from the Python standard library). For documentation on the ``xmlrpc.client.dumps()`` function, see: http://docs.python.org/library/xmlrpc.client.html#convenience-functions Also see `xml_loads()`. :param params: A ``tuple`` or an ``xmlrpc.client.Fault`` instance. :param methodname: The name of the method to call if this is a request. :param methodresponse: Set this to ``True`` if this is a response. :param encoding: The Unicode encoding to use (defaults to ``'UTF-8'``). """ if type(params) is tuple: params = xml_wrap(params, version) else: assert isinstance(params, Fault) return dumps(params, methodname=methodname, methodresponse=methodresponse, encoding=encoding, allow_none=True, ) class _JSONPrimer(dict): """Fast JSON primer and pre-converter Prepare a data structure for JSON serialization. In an ideal world, priming could be handled by the default hook of json.dumps(). Unfortunately the hook treats Python 2 str as text while FreeIPA considers str as bytes. The primer uses a couple of tricks to archive maximum performance: * O(1) type look instead of O(n) chain of costly isinstance() calls * __missing__ and __mro__ with caching to handle subclasses * inline code with minor code duplication (func lookup in enc_list/dict) * avoid surplus function calls (e.g. func is _identity, obj.__class__ instead if type(obj)) * function default arguments to turn global into local lookups * avoid re-creation of bound method objects (e.g. result.append) * on-demand lookup of client capabilities with cached values Depending on the client version number, the primer converts: * bytes -> {'__base64__': b64encode} * datetime -> {'__datetime__': LDAP_GENERALIZED_TIME} * DNSName -> {'__dns_name__': unicode} The _ipa_obj_hook() functions unserializes the marked JSON objects to bytes, datetime and DNSName. :see: _ipa_obj_hook """ __slots__ = ('version', '_cap_datetime', '_cap_dnsname') _identity = object() def __init__(self, version, _identity=_identity): super(_JSONPrimer, self).__init__() self.version = version self._cap_datetime = None self._cap_dnsname = None self.update({ unicode: _identity, bool: _identity, type(None): _identity, float: _identity, Decimal: unicode, DN: str, Principal: unicode, DNSName: self._enc_dnsname, datetime.datetime: self._enc_datetime, bytes: self._enc_bytes, list: self._enc_list, tuple: self._enc_list, dict: self._enc_dict, crypto_x509.Certificate: self._enc_certificate, }) # int, long for t in six.integer_types: self[t] = _identity def __missing__(self, typ): # walk MRO to find best match for c in typ.__mro__: if c in self: self[typ] = self[c] return self[c] # use issubclass to check for registered ABCs for c in self: if issubclass(typ, c): self[typ] = self[c] return self[c] raise TypeError(typ) def convert(self, obj, _identity=_identity): # obj.__class__ is twice as fast as type(obj) func = self[obj.__class__] return obj if func is _identity else func(obj) def _enc_datetime(self, val): cap = self._cap_datetime if cap is None: cap = capabilities.client_has_capability(self.version, 'datetime_values') self._cap_datetime = cap if cap: return {'__datetime__': val.strftime(LDAP_GENERALIZED_TIME_FORMAT)} else: return val.strftime(LDAP_GENERALIZED_TIME_FORMAT) def _enc_dnsname(self, val): cap = self._cap_dnsname if cap is None: cap = capabilities.client_has_capability(self.version, 'dns_name_values') self._cap_dnsname = cap if cap: return {'__dns_name__': unicode(val)} else: return unicode(val) def _enc_bytes(self, val): encoded = base64.b64encode(val) if not six.PY2: encoded = encoded.decode('ascii') return {'__base64__': encoded} def _enc_list(self, val, _identity=_identity): result = [] append = result.append for v in val: func = self[v.__class__] append(v if func is _identity else func(v)) return result def _enc_dict(self, val, _identity=_identity, _iteritems=six.iteritems): result = {} for k, v in _iteritems(val): func = self[v.__class__] result[k] = v if func is _identity else func(v) return result def _enc_certificate(self, val): return self._enc_bytes(val.public_bytes(x509_Encoding.DER)) def json_encode_binary(val, version, pretty_print=False): """Serialize a Python object structure to JSON :param object val: Python object structure :param str version: client version :param bool pretty_print: indent and sort JSON (warning: slow!) :return: text :note: pretty printing triggers a slow path in Python's JSON module. Only use pretty_print in debug mode. """ result = _JSONPrimer(version).convert(val) if pretty_print: return json.dumps(result, indent=4, sort_keys=True) else: return json.dumps(result) def _ipa_obj_hook(dct, _iteritems=six.iteritems, _list=list): """JSON object hook :see: _JSONPrimer """ if '__base64__' in dct: return base64.b64decode(dct['__base64__']) elif '__datetime__' in dct: return datetime.datetime.strptime(dct['__datetime__'], LDAP_GENERALIZED_TIME_FORMAT) elif '__dns_name__' in dct: return DNSName(dct['__dns_name__']) else: # XXX tests assume tuples. Is this really necessary? for k, v in _iteritems(dct): if v.__class__ is _list: dct[k] = tuple(v) return dct def json_decode_binary(val): """Convert serialized JSON string back to Python data structure :param val: JSON string :type val: str, bytes :return: Python data structure :see: _ipa_obj_hook, _JSONPrimer """ if isinstance(val, bytes): val = val.decode('utf-8') return json.loads(val, object_hook=_ipa_obj_hook) def decode_fault(e, encoding='UTF-8'): assert isinstance(e, Fault) if isinstance(e.faultString, bytes): return Fault(e.faultCode, e.faultString.decode(encoding)) return e def xml_loads(data, encoding='UTF-8'): """ Decode the XML-RPC packet in ``data``, transparently unwrapping its params. This function will decode the XML-RPC packet in ``data`` using ``xmlrpc.client.loads()`` (from the Python standard library). If ``data`` contains a fault, ``xmlrpc.client.loads()`` will itself raise an ``xmlrpc.client.Fault`` exception. Assuming an exception is not raised, this function will then unwrap the params in ``data`` using `xml_unwrap()`. Finally, a ``(params, methodname)`` tuple is returned containing the unwrapped params and the name of the method being called. If the packet contains no method name, ``methodname`` will be ``None``. For documentation on the ``xmlrpc.client.loads()`` function, see: http://docs.python.org/2/library/xmlrpclib.html#convenience-functions Also see `xml_dumps()`. :param data: The XML-RPC packet to decode. """ try: (params, method) = loads(data) return (xml_unwrap(params), method) except Fault as e: raise decode_fault(e) class DummyParser(object): def __init__(self): self.data = [] def feed(self, data): self.data.append(data) def close(self): return b''.join(self.data) class MultiProtocolTransport(Transport): """Transport that handles both XML-RPC and JSON""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Transport.__init__(self) self.protocol = kwargs.get('protocol', None) def getparser(self): if self.protocol == 'json': parser = DummyParser() return parser, parser else: return Transport.getparser(self) def send_content(self, connection, request_body): if self.protocol == 'json': connection.putheader("Content-Type", "application/json") else: connection.putheader("Content-Type", "text/xml") # gzip compression would be set up here, but we have it turned off # (encode_threshold is None) connection.putheader("Content-Length", str(len(request_body))) connection.endheaders(request_body) class LanguageAwareTransport(MultiProtocolTransport): """Transport sending Accept-Language header""" def get_host_info(self, host): host, extra_headers, x509 = MultiProtocolTransport.get_host_info( self, host) try: lang = locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '').split('.')[0].lower() except locale.Error: # fallback to default locale lang = 'en_us' if not isinstance(extra_headers, list): extra_headers = [] extra_headers.append( ('Accept-Language', lang.replace('_', '-')) ) extra_headers.append( ('Referer', 'https://%s/ipa/xml' % str(host)) ) return (host, extra_headers, x509) class SSLTransport(LanguageAwareTransport): """Handles an HTTPS transaction to an XML-RPC server.""" def make_connection(self, host): host, self._extra_headers, _x509 = self.get_host_info(host) if self._connection and host == self._connection[0]: logger.debug("HTTP connection keep-alive (%s)", host) return self._connection[1] conn = create_https_connection( host, 443, api.env.tls_ca_cert, tls_version_min=api.env.tls_version_min, tls_version_max=api.env.tls_version_max) conn.connect() logger.debug("New HTTP connection (%s)", host) self._connection = host, conn return self._connection[1] class KerbTransport(SSLTransport): """ Handles Kerberos Negotiation authentication to an XML-RPC server. """ flags = [gssapi.RequirementFlag.mutual_authentication, gssapi.RequirementFlag.out_of_sequence_detection] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): SSLTransport.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._sec_context = None self.service = kwargs.pop("service", "HTTP") self.ccache = kwargs.pop("ccache", None) def _handle_exception(self, e, service=None): minor = e.min_code if minor == KRB5KDC_ERR_S_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN: raise errors.ServiceError(service=service) elif minor == KRB5_FCC_NOFILE: raise errors.NoCCacheError() elif minor == KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_TKT_EXPIRED: raise errors.TicketExpired() elif minor == KRB5_FCC_PERM: raise errors.BadCCachePerms() elif minor == KRB5_CC_FORMAT: raise errors.BadCCacheFormat() elif minor == KRB5_REALM_CANT_RESOLVE: raise errors.CannotResolveKDC() elif minor == KRB5_CC_NOTFOUND: raise errors.CCacheError() else: raise errors.KerberosError(message=unicode(e)) def _get_host(self): return self._connection[0] def _remove_extra_header(self, name): for (h, v) in self._extra_headers: if h == name: self._extra_headers.remove((h, v)) break def get_auth_info(self, use_cookie=True): """ Two things can happen here. If we have a session we will add a cookie for that. If not we will set an Authorization header. """ if not isinstance(self._extra_headers, list): self._extra_headers = [] # Remove any existing Cookie first self._remove_extra_header('Cookie') if use_cookie: session_cookie = getattr(context, 'session_cookie', None) if session_cookie: self._extra_headers.append(('Cookie', session_cookie)) return # Set the remote host principal host = self._get_host() service = self.service + "@" + host.split(':')[0] try: creds = None if self.ccache: creds = gssapi.Credentials(usage='initiate', store={'ccache': self.ccache}) name = gssapi.Name(service, gssapi.NameType.hostbased_service) self._sec_context = gssapi.SecurityContext(creds=creds, name=name, flags=self.flags) response = self._sec_context.step() except gssapi.exceptions.GSSError as e: self._handle_exception(e, service=service) self._set_auth_header(response) def _set_auth_header(self, token): # Remove any existing authorization header first self._remove_extra_header('Authorization') if token: self._extra_headers.append( ('Authorization', 'negotiate %s' % base64.b64encode(token).decode('ascii')) ) def _auth_complete(self, response): if self._sec_context: header = response.getheader('www-authenticate', '') token = None for field in header.split(','): k, _dummy, v = field.strip().partition(' ') if k.lower() == 'negotiate': try: token = base64.b64decode(v.encode('ascii')) break # b64decode raises TypeError on invalid input except (TypeError, UnicodeError): pass if not token: raise errors.KerberosError( message=u"No valid Negotiate header in server response") token = self._sec_context.step(token=token) if self._sec_context.complete: self._sec_context = None return True self._set_auth_header(token) return False elif response.status == 401: self.get_auth_info(use_cookie=False) return False return True def single_request(self, host, handler, request_body, verbose=0): # Based on Python 2.7's xmllib.Transport.single_request try: h = self.make_connection(host) if verbose: h.set_debuglevel(1) self.get_auth_info() while True: if six.PY2: # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter self.send_request(h, handler, request_body) # pylint: enable=no-value-for-parameter self.send_host(h, host) self.send_user_agent(h) self.send_content(h, request_body) response = h.getresponse(buffering=True) else: self.__send_request(h, host, handler, request_body, verbose) response = h.getresponse() if response.status != 200: if (response.getheader("content-length", 0)): response.read() if response.status == 401: if not self._auth_complete(response): continue raise ProtocolError( host + handler, response.status, response.reason, response.msg) self.verbose = verbose if not self._auth_complete(response): continue return self.parse_response(response) except gssapi.exceptions.GSSError as e: self._handle_exception(e) except RemoteDisconnected: # keep-alive connection was terminated by remote peer, close # connection and let transport handle reconnect for us. self.close() logger.debug("HTTP server has closed connection (%s)", host) raise except BaseException as e: # Unexpected exception may leave connections in a bad state. self.close() logger.debug("HTTP connection destroyed (%s)", host, exc_info=True) raise if six.PY3: def __send_request(self, connection, host, handler, request_body, debug): # Based on xmlrpc.client.Transport.send_request headers = self._extra_headers[:] if debug: connection.set_debuglevel(1) if self.accept_gzip_encoding and gzip: connection.putrequest("POST", handler, skip_accept_encoding=True) connection.putheader("Accept-Encoding", "gzip") headers.append(("Accept-Encoding", "gzip")) else: connection.putrequest("POST", handler) headers.append(("User-Agent", self.user_agent)) self.send_headers(connection, headers) # pylint: disable=E1101 self.send_content(connection, request_body) return connection # Find all occurrences of the expiry component expiry_re = re.compile(r'.*?(&expiry=\d+).*?') def _slice_session_cookie(self, session_cookie): # Keep only the cookie value and strip away all other info. # This is to reduce the churn on FILE ccaches which grow every time we # set new data. The expiration time for the cookie is set in the # encrypted data anyway and will be enforced by the server http_cookie = session_cookie.http_cookie() # We also remove the "expiry" part from the data which is not required for exp in self.expiry_re.findall(http_cookie): http_cookie = http_cookie.replace(exp, '') return http_cookie def store_session_cookie(self, cookie_header): ''' Given the contents of a Set-Cookie header scan the header and extract each cookie contained within until the session cookie is located. Examine the session cookie if the domain and path are specified, if not update the cookie with those values from the request URL. Then write the session cookie into the key store for the principal. If the cookie header is None or the session cookie is not present in the header no action is taken. Context Dependencies: The per thread context is expected to contain: principal The current pricipal the HTTP request was issued for. request_url The URL of the HTTP request. ''' if cookie_header is None: return principal = getattr(context, 'principal', None) request_url = getattr(context, 'request_url', None) logger.debug("received Set-Cookie (%s)'%s'", type(cookie_header), cookie_header) if not isinstance(cookie_header, list): cookie_header = [cookie_header] # Search for the session cookie session_cookie = None try: for cookie in cookie_header: session_cookie = ( Cookie.get_named_cookie_from_string( cookie, COOKIE_NAME, request_url, timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow()) ) if session_cookie is not None: break except Exception as e: logger.error("unable to parse cookie header '%s': %s", cookie_header, e) return if session_cookie is None: return cookie_string = self._slice_session_cookie(session_cookie) logger.debug("storing cookie '%s' for principal %s", cookie_string, principal) try: update_persistent_client_session_data(principal, cookie_string) except Exception as e: # Not fatal, we just can't use the session cookie we were sent. pass def parse_response(self, response): if six.PY2: header = response.msg.getheaders('Set-Cookie') else: header = response.msg.get_all('Set-Cookie') self.store_session_cookie(header) return SSLTransport.parse_response(self, response) class DelegatedKerbTransport(KerbTransport): """ Handles Kerberos Negotiation authentication and TGT delegation to an XML-RPC server. """ flags = [gssapi.RequirementFlag.delegate_to_peer, gssapi.RequirementFlag.mutual_authentication, gssapi.RequirementFlag.out_of_sequence_detection] class RPCClient(Connectible): """ Forwarding backend plugin for XML-RPC client. Also see the `ipaserver.rpcserver.xmlserver` plugin. """ # Values to set on subclasses: session_path = None server_proxy_class = ServerProxy protocol = None env_rpc_uri_key = None def get_url_list(self, rpc_uri): """ Create a list of urls consisting of the available IPA servers. """ # the configured URL defines what we use for the discovered servers (_scheme, _netloc, path, _params, _query, _fragment ) = urllib.parse.urlparse(rpc_uri) servers = [] name = '_ldap._tcp.%s.' % self.env.domain try: answers = resolver.query(name, rdatatype.SRV) except DNSException: answers = [] for answer in answers: server = str(answer.target).rstrip(".") servers.append('https://%s%s' % (ipautil.format_netloc(server), path)) servers = list(set(servers)) # the list/set conversion won't preserve order so stick in the # local config file version here. cfg_server = rpc_uri if cfg_server in servers: # make sure the configured master server is there just once and # it is the first one servers.remove(cfg_server) servers.insert(0, cfg_server) else: servers.insert(0, cfg_server) return servers def get_session_cookie_from_persistent_storage(self, principal): ''' Retrieves the session cookie for the given principal from the persistent secure storage. Returns None if not found or unable to retrieve the session cookie for any reason, otherwise returns a Cookie object containing the session cookie. ''' # Get the session data, it should contain a cookie string # (possibly with more than one cookie). try: cookie_string = read_persistent_client_session_data(principal) cookie_string = cookie_string.decode('utf-8') except Exception as e: logger.debug('Error reading client session data: %s', e) return None # Search for the session cookie within the cookie string try: session_cookie = Cookie.get_named_cookie_from_string( cookie_string, COOKIE_NAME, timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow()) except Exception as e: logger.debug( 'Error retrieving cookie from the persistent storage: %s', e) return None return session_cookie def apply_session_cookie(self, url): ''' Attempt to load a session cookie for the current principal from the persistent secure storage. If the cookie is successfully loaded adjust the input url's to point to the session path and insert the session cookie into the per thread context for later insertion into the HTTP request. If the cookie is not successfully loaded then the original url is returned and the per thread context is not modified. Context Dependencies: The per thread context is expected to contain: principal The current pricipal the HTTP request was issued for. The per thread context will be updated with: session_cookie A cookie string to be inserted into the Cookie header of the HTPP request. ''' original_url = url principal = getattr(context, 'principal', None) session_cookie = self.get_session_cookie_from_persistent_storage(principal) if session_cookie is None: logger.debug("failed to find session_cookie in persistent storage " "for principal '%s'", principal) return original_url else: logger.debug("found session_cookie in persistent storage for " "principal '%s', cookie: '%s'", principal, session_cookie) # Decide if we should send the cookie to the server try: session_cookie.http_return_ok(original_url) except Cookie.Expired as e: logger.debug("deleting session data for principal '%s': %s", principal, e) try: delete_persistent_client_session_data(principal) except Exception as e: pass return original_url except Cookie.URLMismatch as e: logger.debug("not sending session cookie, URL mismatch: %s", e) return original_url except Exception as e: logger.error("not sending session cookie, unknown error: %s", e) return original_url # O.K. session_cookie is valid to be returned, stash it away where it will will # get included in a HTTP Cookie headed sent to the server. logger.debug("setting session_cookie into context '%s'", session_cookie.http_cookie()) setattr(context, 'session_cookie', session_cookie.http_cookie()) # Form the session URL by substituting the session path into the original URL scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = urllib.parse.urlparse(original_url) path = self.session_path # urlencode *can* take one argument # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args session_url = urllib.parse.urlunparse((scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment)) return session_url def create_connection(self, ccache=None, verbose=None, fallback=None, delegate=None, ca_certfile=None): if verbose is None: verbose = self.api.env.verbose if fallback is None: fallback = self.api.env.fallback if delegate is None: delegate = self.api.env.delegate if ca_certfile is None: ca_certfile = self.api.env.tls_ca_cert context.ca_certfile = ca_certfile rpc_uri = self.env[self.env_rpc_uri_key] try: principal = get_principal(ccache_name=ccache) stored_principal = getattr(context, 'principal', None) if principal != stored_principal: try: delattr(context, 'session_cookie') except AttributeError: pass setattr(context, 'principal', principal) # We have a session cookie, try using the session URI to see if it # is still valid if not delegate: rpc_uri = self.apply_session_cookie(rpc_uri) except (errors.CCacheError, ValueError): # No session key, do full Kerberos auth pass urls = self.get_url_list(rpc_uri) proxy_kw = { 'allow_none': True, 'encoding': 'UTF-8', 'verbose': verbose } for url in urls: # should we get ProtocolError (=> error in HTTP response) and # 401 (=> Unauthorized), we'll be re-trying with new session # cookies several times for _try_num in range(0, 5): if url.startswith('https://'): if delegate: transport_class = DelegatedKerbTransport else: transport_class = KerbTransport else: transport_class = LanguageAwareTransport proxy_kw['transport'] = transport_class( protocol=self.protocol, service='HTTP', ccache=ccache) logger.info('trying %s', url) setattr(context, 'request_url', url) serverproxy = self.server_proxy_class(url, **proxy_kw) if len(urls) == 1: # if we have only 1 server and then let the # main requester handle any errors. This also means it # must handle a 401 but we save a ping. return serverproxy try: command = getattr(serverproxy, 'ping') try: command([], {}) except Fault as e: e = decode_fault(e) if e.faultCode in errors_by_code: error = errors_by_code[e.faultCode] raise error(message=e.faultString) else: raise UnknownError( code=e.faultCode, error=e.faultString, server=url, ) # We don't care about the response, just that we got one return serverproxy except errors.KerberosError: # kerberos error on one server is likely on all raise except ProtocolError as e: if hasattr(context, 'session_cookie') and e.errcode == 401: # Unauthorized. Remove the session and try again. delattr(context, 'session_cookie') try: delete_persistent_client_session_data(principal) except Exception: # This shouldn't happen if we have a session but # it isn't fatal. pass # try the same url once more with a new session cookie continue if not fallback: raise else: logger.info( 'Connection to %s failed with %s', url, e) # try the next url break except Exception as e: if not fallback: raise else: logger.info( 'Connection to %s failed with %s', url, e) # try the next url break # finished all tries but no serverproxy was found raise NetworkError(uri=_('any of the configured servers'), error=', '.join(urls)) def destroy_connection(self): conn = getattr(context, self.id, None) if conn is not None: conn = conn.conn._ServerProxy__transport conn.close() def _call_command(self, command, params): """Call the command with given params""" # For XML, this method will wrap/unwrap binary values # For JSON we do that in the proxy return command(*params) def forward(self, name, *args, **kw): """ Forward call to command named ``name`` over XML-RPC. This method will encode and forward an XML-RPC request, and will then decode and return the corresponding XML-RPC response. :param command: The name of the command being forwarded. :param args: Positional arguments to pass to remote command. :param kw: Keyword arguments to pass to remote command. """ server = getattr(context, 'request_url', None) command = getattr(self.conn, name) params = [args, kw] # we'll be trying to connect multiple times with a new session cookie # each time should we be getting UNAUTHORIZED error from the server max_tries = 5 for try_num in range(0, max_tries): logger.info("[try %d]: Forwarding '%s' to %s server '%s'", try_num+1, name, self.protocol, server) try: return self._call_command(command, params) except Fault as e: e = decode_fault(e) logger.debug('Caught fault %d from server %s: %s', e.faultCode, server, e.faultString) if e.faultCode in errors_by_code: error = errors_by_code[e.faultCode] raise error(message=e.faultString) raise UnknownError( code=e.faultCode, error=e.faultString, server=server, ) except ProtocolError as e: # By catching a 401 here we can detect the case where we have # a single IPA server and the session is invalid. Otherwise # we always have to do a ping(). session_cookie = getattr(context, 'session_cookie', None) if session_cookie and e.errcode == 401: # Unauthorized. Remove the session and try again. delattr(context, 'session_cookie') try: principal = getattr(context, 'principal', None) delete_persistent_client_session_data(principal) except Exception as e: # This shouldn't happen if we have a session # but it isn't fatal. logger.debug("Error trying to remove persisent " "session data: %s", e) # Create a new serverproxy with the non-session URI serverproxy = self.create_connection( os.environ.get('KRB5CCNAME'), self.env.verbose, self.env.fallback, self.env.delegate) setattr(context, self.id, Connection(serverproxy, self.disconnect)) # try to connect again with the new session cookie continue raise NetworkError(uri=server, error=e.errmsg) except (SSLError, socket.error) as e: raise NetworkError(uri=server, error=str(e)) except (OverflowError, TypeError) as e: raise XMLRPCMarshallError(error=str(e)) raise NetworkError( uri=server, error=_("Exceeded number of tries to forward a request.")) class xmlclient(RPCClient): session_path = '/ipa/session/xml' server_proxy_class = ServerProxy protocol = 'xml' env_rpc_uri_key = 'xmlrpc_uri' def _call_command(self, command, params): version = params[1].get('version', VERSION_WITHOUT_CAPABILITIES) params = xml_wrap(params, version) result = command(*params) return xml_unwrap(result) class JSONServerProxy(object): def __init__(self, uri, transport, encoding, verbose, allow_none): split_uri = urllib.parse.urlsplit(uri) if split_uri.scheme not in ("http", "https"): raise IOError("unsupported XML-RPC protocol") self.__host = split_uri.netloc self.__handler = split_uri.path self.__transport = transport assert encoding == 'UTF-8' assert allow_none self.__verbose = verbose # FIXME: Some of our code requires ServerProxy internals. # But, xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy's _ServerProxy__transport can be accessed # by calling serverproxy('transport') self._ServerProxy__transport = transport def __request(self, name, args): print_json = self.__verbose >= 2 payload = {'method': unicode(name), 'params': args, 'id': 0} version = args[1].get('version', VERSION_WITHOUT_CAPABILITIES) payload = json_encode_binary( payload, version, pretty_print=print_json) if print_json: logger.info( 'Request: %s', payload ) response = self.__transport.request( self.__host, self.__handler, payload.encode('utf-8'), verbose=self.__verbose >= 3, ) if print_json: logger.info( 'Response: %s', json.dumps(json.loads(response), sort_keys=True, indent=4) ) try: response = json_decode_binary(response) except ValueError as e: raise JSONError(error=str(e)) error = response.get('error') if error: try: error_class = errors_by_code[error['code']] except KeyError: raise UnknownError( code=error.get('code'), error=error.get('message'), server=self.__host, ) else: kw = error.get('data', {}) kw['message'] = error['message'] raise error_class(**kw) return response['result'] def __getattr__(self, name): def _call(*args): return self.__request(name, args) return _call class jsonclient(RPCClient): session_path = '/ipa/session/json' server_proxy_class = JSONServerProxy protocol = 'json' env_rpc_uri_key = 'jsonrpc_uri'