# # Copyright (C) 2018 FreeIPA Contributors see COPYING for license # from ipatests.test_integration.base import IntegrationTest from ipatests.pytest_ipa.integration import tasks from ipaplatform.paths import paths class TestNTPoptions(IntegrationTest): """ Test NTP Options: --no-ntp / -N --ntp-server --ntp-pool """ num_clients = 1 num_replicas = 1 ntp_pool = "pool.ntp.org" ntp_server1 = "1.pool.ntp.org" ntp_server2 = "2.pool.ntp.org" print_chrony_conf = ['cat', paths.CHRONY_CONF] exp_records_msg = "No SRV records of NTP servers found and " \ "no NTP server or pool address was provided." exp_chrony_msg = "Using default chrony configuration." exp_exclude_msg = "Excluded by options:" exp_default_msg = "Using default chrony configuration." exp_change_msg = "Configuration of chrony was changed by installer." exp_srv_err = "error: --ntp-server cannot be used " \ "together with --no-ntp" exp_pool_err = "error: --ntp-pool cannot be used " \ "together with --no-ntp" exp_prom_err = "NTP configuration cannot be updated during promotion" @classmethod def install(cls, mh): cls.client = cls.clients[0] cls.replica = cls.replicas[0] def test_server_client_install_without_options(self): """ test to verify that ipa-server and ipa-client install uses default chrony configuration without any NTP options specified """ server_install = tasks.install_master(self.master, setup_dns=False) assert self.exp_records_msg in server_install.stderr_text assert self.exp_chrony_msg in server_install.stdout_text client_install = tasks.install_client(self.master, self.client) assert self.exp_records_msg in client_install.stderr_text assert self.exp_chrony_msg in client_install.stdout_text def test_server_client_install_no_ntp(self): """ test to verify that ipa-server and ipa-client install invoked with option -N uses system defined NTP daemon configuration """ server_install = tasks.install_master(self.master, setup_dns=False, extra_args=['-N']) assert self.exp_exclude_msg in server_install.stdout_text assert self.exp_default_msg not in server_install.stdout_text client_install = tasks.install_client(self.master, self.client, extra_args=['--no-ntp']) assert self.exp_default_msg not in client_install.stdout_text def test_server_client_install_with_multiple_ntp_srv(self): """ test to verify that ipa-server-install passes with multiple --ntp-server option used """ args = ['--ntp-server=%s' % self.ntp_server1, '--ntp-server=%s' % self.ntp_server2] server_install = tasks.install_master(self.master, setup_dns=False, extra_args=args) assert self.exp_change_msg in server_install.stderr_text cmd = self.master.run_command(['cat', paths.CHRONY_CONF]) assert self.ntp_server1 in cmd.stdout_text assert self.ntp_server2 in cmd.stdout_text client_install = tasks.install_client(self.master, self.client, extra_args=args) assert self.exp_change_msg in client_install.stderr_text cmd = self.client.run_command(['cat', paths.CHRONY_CONF]) assert self.ntp_server1 in cmd.stdout_text assert self.ntp_server2 in cmd.stdout_text def test_server_replica_client_install_with_pool_and_srv(self): """ test to verify that ipa-server, ipa-replica and ipa-client install passes with options --ntp-pool and --ntp-server together """ args = ['--ntp-pool=%s' % self.ntp_pool, '--ntp-server=%s' % self.ntp_server1] server_install = tasks.install_master(self.master, setup_dns=False, extra_args=args) assert self.exp_change_msg in server_install.stderr_text cmd = self.master.run_command(['cat', paths.CHRONY_CONF]) assert self.ntp_pool in cmd.stdout_text assert self.ntp_server1 in cmd.stdout_text replica_install = tasks.install_replica(self.master, self.replica, extra_args=args, promote=False) assert self.exp_change_msg in replica_install.stderr_text cmd = self.replica.run_command(['cat', paths.CHRONY_CONF]) assert self.ntp_pool in cmd.stdout_text assert self.ntp_server1 in cmd.stdout_text client_install = tasks.install_client(self.master, self.client, extra_args=args) assert self.exp_change_msg in client_install.stderr_text cmd = self.client.run_command(['cat', paths.CHRONY_CONF]) assert self.ntp_pool in cmd.stdout_text assert self.ntp_server1 in cmd.stdout_text def test_server_promoted_replica_client_install_with_srv(self): """ test to verify that ipa-server, promotion of ipa-replica and ipa-client install passes with options --ntp-server """ args = ['--ntp-server=%s' % self.ntp_server1] server_install = tasks.install_master(self.master, setup_dns=False, extra_args=args) assert self.exp_change_msg in server_install.stderr_text cmd = self.master.run_command(['cat', paths.CHRONY_CONF]) assert self.ntp_server1 in cmd.stdout_text replica_install = tasks.install_replica(self.master, self.replica, extra_args=args, promote=True) # while promoting with tasks expected_msg will not be in output assert self.exp_change_msg not in replica_install.stderr_text cmd = self.replica.run_command(['cat', paths.CHRONY_CONF]) assert self.ntp_server1 in cmd.stdout_text client_install = tasks.install_client(self.master, self.client, extra_args=args) assert self.exp_change_msg in client_install.stderr_text cmd = self.client.run_command(['cat', paths.CHRONY_CONF]) assert self.ntp_server1 in cmd.stdout_text def test_server_client_install_mixed_options(self): """ test to verify that ipa-server and ipa-client install with --ntp-server and -N options would fail """ args1 = ['ipa-server-install', '-N', '--ntp-server=%s' % self.ntp_server1] server_install = self.master.run_command(args1, raiseonerr=False) assert server_install.returncode == 2 assert self.exp_srv_err in server_install.stderr_text args2 = ['ipa-client-install', '--no-ntp', '--ntp-server=%s' % self.ntp_server2] client_install = self.client.run_command(args2, raiseonerr=False) assert client_install.returncode == 2 assert self.exp_srv_err in client_install.stderr_text args3 = ['ipa-client-install', '-N', '--ntp-pool=%s' % self.ntp_pool] client_install = self.client.run_command(args3, raiseonerr=False) assert client_install.returncode == 2 assert self.exp_pool_err in client_install.stderr_text def test_replica_promotion_with_ntp_options(self): """ test to verify that replica promotion with ntp --ntp-server, --ntp-pool and -N or --no-ntp option would fail """ tasks.install_master(self.master, setup_dns=False) tasks.install_client(self.master, self.replica) replica_install = self.replica.run_command( ['ipa-replica-install', '--no-ntp'], raiseonerr=False) assert replica_install.returncode == 1 assert self.exp_prom_err in replica_install.stderr_text replica_install = self.replica.run_command( ['ipa-replica-install', '--ntp-server=%s' % self.ntp_server1], raiseonerr=False) assert replica_install.returncode == 1 assert self.exp_prom_err in replica_install.stderr_text replica_install = self.replica.run_command( ['ipa-replica-install', '--ntp-pool=%s' % self.ntp_pool], raiseonerr=False) assert replica_install.returncode == 1 assert self.exp_prom_err in replica_install.stderr_text def test_replica_promotion_without_ntp(self): """ test to verify that replica promotion without ntp options - ipa-client-install with ntp option - ipa-replica-install without ntp option will be successful """ ntp_args = ['--ntp-pool=%s' % self.ntp_pool] server_install = tasks.install_master(self.master, setup_dns=False, extra_args=ntp_args) assert self.exp_change_msg in server_install.stderr_text client_install = tasks.install_client(self.master, self.replica, extra_args=ntp_args) assert self.exp_change_msg in client_install.stderr_text replica_install = tasks.install_replica(self.master, self.replica, promote=False) assert "ipa-replica-install command was successful" in \ replica_install.stderr_text cmd = self.replica.run_command(['cat', paths.CHRONY_CONF]) assert self.ntp_pool in cmd.stdout_text def test_interactive_ntp_set_opt(self): """ Test to verify that ipa installations with ntp options passed interactively (without -U/--nattended) will be successful - ipa-server-install - ipa-client-install Both NTP servers and pool passed interactively to options. """ server_input = ( # Do you want to configure integrated DNS (BIND)? [no]: "No\n" # Server host name [hostname]: "\n" # Do you want to configure chrony with NTP server # or pool address? [no]: "Yes\n" # Enter NTP source server addresses separated by comma, # or press Enter to skip: "{},{}\n".format(self.ntp_server2, self.ntp_server1) + # Enter a NTP source pool address, or press Enter to skip: "{}\n".format(self.ntp_pool) + # Continue to configure the system with these values? [no]: "Yes" ) client_input = ( # Proceed with fixed values and no DNS discovery? [no]: "Yes\n" # Do you want to configure chrony with NTP server # or pool address? [no]: "Yes\n" # Enter NTP source server addresses separated by comma, # or press Enter to skip: "{},{}\n".format(self.ntp_server2, self.ntp_server1) + # Enter a NTP source pool address, or press Enter to skip: "{}\n".format(self.ntp_pool) + # Continue to configure the system with these values? [no]: "Yes" ) server_install = tasks.install_master(self.master, setup_dns=False, unattended=False, stdin_text=server_input) assert server_install.returncode == 0 assert self.ntp_pool in server_install.stdout_text assert self.ntp_server1 in server_install.stdout_text assert self.ntp_server2 in server_install.stdout_text cmd = self.master.run_command(self.print_chrony_conf) assert self.ntp_pool in cmd.stdout_text assert self.ntp_server1 in cmd.stdout_text assert self.ntp_server2 in cmd.stdout_text client_install = tasks.install_client(self.master, self.client, unattended=False, stdin_text=client_input) assert client_install.returncode == 0 cmd = self.client.run_command(self.print_chrony_conf) assert self.ntp_pool in cmd.stdout_text assert self.ntp_server1 in cmd.stdout_text assert self.ntp_server2 in cmd.stdout_text def test_interactive_ntp_no_opt(self): """ Test to verify that ipa installations without ntp options passed interactively (without -U/--nattended) will be successful - ipa-server-install - ipa-client-install Both NTP servers and pool configuration skipped interactively. """ server_input = ( "No\n" "\n" "Yes\n" "\n" "\n" "Yes" ) client_input = ( "Yes\n" "Yes\n" "\n" "\n" "Yes" ) server_install = tasks.install_master(self.master, setup_dns=False, unattended=False, stdin_text=server_input) assert server_install.returncode == 0 assert self.exp_records_msg in server_install.stderr_text assert self.exp_chrony_msg in server_install.stdout_text client_install = tasks.install_client(self.master, self.client, unattended=False, stdin_text=client_input) assert client_install.returncode == 0 assert self.exp_records_msg in client_install.stderr_text assert self.exp_chrony_msg in client_install.stdout_text def test_interactive_ntp_no_conf(self): """ Test to verify that ipa installations without selecting to configure ntp options interactively (without -U/--nattended) will be successful - ipa-server-install - ipa-client-install """ server_input = ( "\n" + "\n" "No\n" "Yes" ) client_input = ( "Yes\n" "No\n" "Yes" ) server_install = tasks.install_master(self.master, setup_dns=False, unattended=False, stdin_text=server_input) assert server_install.returncode == 0 assert self.exp_records_msg in server_install.stderr_text assert self.exp_chrony_msg in server_install.stdout_text client_install = tasks.install_client(self.master, self.client, unattended=False, stdin_text=client_input) assert client_install.returncode == 0 assert self.exp_records_msg in client_install.stderr_text assert self.exp_chrony_msg in client_install.stdout_text def teardown_method(self, method): """ Uninstall ipa-server, ipa-replica and ipa-client """ tasks.uninstall_client(self.client) tasks.uninstall_master(self.replica) tasks.uninstall_master(self.master)