#!/usr/bin/python3 # # Copyright (C) 2014 FreeIPA Contributors see COPYING for license # import logging import sys import ldap import ldapurl import os import signal import time from ipalib import api from ipalib.install.kinit import kinit_keytab from ipapython.dn import DN from ipapython.ipa_log_manager import standard_logging_setup from ipapython import ipaldap from ipaplatform.paths import paths from ipaserver.dnssec.keysyncer import KeySyncer logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__)) # IPA framework initialization standard_logging_setup(debug=True) api.bootstrap(context='dns', confdir=paths.ETC_IPA, in_server=True) api.finalize() # Global state watcher_running = True ldap_connection = False DAEMONNAME = 'ipa-dnskeysyncd' PRINCIPAL = None # not initialized yet WORKDIR = '/tmp' # private temp KEYTAB_FB = paths.IPA_DNSKEYSYNCD_KEYTAB # Shutdown handler def commenceShutdown(signum, stack): # Declare the needed global variables global watcher_running global ldap_connection # pylint: disable=global-variable-not-assigned logger.info('Signal %s received: Shutting down!', signum) # We are no longer running watcher_running = False # Tear down the server connection if ldap_connection: ldap_connection.close_db() del ldap_connection # Shutdown sys.exit(0) os.umask(0o07) # Signal handlers signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, commenceShutdown) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, commenceShutdown) # Kerberos initialization PRINCIPAL = str('%s/%s' % (DAEMONNAME, api.env.host)) logger.debug('Kerberos principal: %s', PRINCIPAL) ccache_filename = os.path.join(WORKDIR, 'ipa-dnskeysyncd.ccache') try: kinit_keytab(PRINCIPAL, KEYTAB_FB, ccache_filename, attempts=5) except Exception as ex: logger.critical("Kerberos authentication failed: %s", ex) # signal failure and let init system to restart the daemon sys.exit(1) os.environ['KRB5CCNAME'] = ccache_filename # LDAP initialization basedn = DN(api.env.container_dns, api.env.basedn) ldap_url = ldapurl.LDAPUrl(api.env.ldap_uri) ldap_url.dn = str(basedn) ldap_url.scope = ldapurl.LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE ldap_url.filterstr = '(|(objectClass=idnsZone)(objectClass=idnsSecKey)(objectClass=ipk11PublicKey))' logger.debug('LDAP URL: %s', ldap_url.unparse()) # Real work while watcher_running: # Prepare the LDAP server connection (triggers the connection as well) ldap_connection = KeySyncer(ldap_url.initializeUrl(), ipa_api=api) # Now we login to the LDAP server try: logger.info('LDAP bind...') ldap_connection.sasl_interactive_bind_s("", ipaldap.SASL_GSSAPI) except ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS as e: logger.exception('Login to LDAP server failed: %s', e) sys.exit(1) except (ldap.SERVER_DOWN, ldap.CONNECT_ERROR) as e: logger.exception('LDAP server is down, going to retry: %s', e) time.sleep(5) continue # Commence the syncing logger.info('Commencing sync process') ldap_search = ldap_connection.syncrepl_search( ldap_url.dn, ldap_url.scope, mode='refreshAndPersist', attrlist=ldap_url.attrs, filterstr=ldap_url.filterstr ) try: while ldap_connection.syncrepl_poll(all=1, msgid=ldap_search): pass except (ldap.SERVER_DOWN, ldap.CONNECT_ERROR) as e: logger.error('syncrepl_poll: LDAP error (%s)', e) sys.exit(1)