# Authors: # Andrew Wnuk # Jason Gerard DeRose # John Dennis # # Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import base64 import binascii import collections import datetime import os from nss import nss from nss.error import NSPRError from pyasn1.error import PyAsn1Error import six from ipalib import Command, Str, Int, Flag from ipalib import api from ipalib import errors, messages from ipalib import pkcs10 from ipalib import x509 from ipalib import ngettext from ipalib.constants import IPA_CA_CN from ipalib.crud import Create, PKQuery, Retrieve, Search from ipalib.frontend import Method, Object from ipalib.parameters import Bytes, DateTime, DNParam, DNSNameParam, Principal from ipalib.plugable import Registry from .virtual import VirtualCommand from .baseldap import pkey_to_value from .certprofile import validate_profile_id from .caacl import acl_evaluate from ipalib.text import _ from ipalib.request import context from ipalib import output from ipapython import kerberos from ipapython.dn import DN from ipapython.ipa_log_manager import root_logger from ipaserver.plugins.service import normalize_principal, validate_realm if six.PY3: unicode = str __doc__ = _(""" IPA certificate operations """) + _(""" Implements a set of commands for managing server SSL certificates. """) + _(""" Certificate requests exist in the form of a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) in PEM format. """) + _(""" The dogtag CA uses just the CN value of the CSR and forces the rest of the subject to values configured in the server. """) + _(""" A certificate is stored with a service principal and a service principal needs a host. """) + _(""" In order to request a certificate: """) + _(""" * The host must exist * The service must exist (or you use the --add option to automatically add it) """) + _(""" SEARCHING: """) + _(""" Certificates may be searched on by certificate subject, serial number, revocation reason, validity dates and the issued date. """) + _(""" When searching on dates the _from date does a >= search and the _to date does a <= search. When combined these are done as an AND. """) + _(""" Dates are treated as GMT to match the dates in the certificates. """) + _(""" The date format is YYYY-mm-dd. """) + _(""" EXAMPLES: """) + _(""" Request a new certificate and add the principal: ipa cert-request --add --principal=HTTP/lion.example.com example.csr """) + _(""" Retrieve an existing certificate: ipa cert-show 1032 """) + _(""" Revoke a certificate (see RFC 5280 for reason details): ipa cert-revoke --revocation-reason=6 1032 """) + _(""" Remove a certificate from revocation hold status: ipa cert-remove-hold 1032 """) + _(""" Check the status of a signing request: ipa cert-status 10 """) + _(""" Search for certificates by hostname: ipa cert-find --subject=ipaserver.example.com """) + _(""" Search for revoked certificates by reason: ipa cert-find --revocation-reason=5 """) + _(""" Search for certificates based on issuance date ipa cert-find --issuedon-from=2013-02-01 --issuedon-to=2013-02-07 """) + _(""" Search for certificates owned by a specific user: ipa cert-find --user=user """) + _(""" Examine a certificate: ipa cert-find --file=cert.pem --all """) + _(""" Verify that a certificate is owned by a specific user: ipa cert-find --file=cert.pem --user=user """) + _(""" IPA currently immediately issues (or declines) all certificate requests so the status of a request is not normally useful. This is for future use or the case where a CA does not immediately issue a certificate. """) + _(""" The following revocation reasons are supported: """) + _(""" * 0 - unspecified """) + _(""" * 1 - keyCompromise """) + _(""" * 2 - cACompromise """) + _(""" * 3 - affiliationChanged """) + _(""" * 4 - superseded """) + _(""" * 5 - cessationOfOperation """) + _(""" * 6 - certificateHold """) + _(""" * 8 - removeFromCRL """) + _(""" * 9 - privilegeWithdrawn """) + _(""" * 10 - aACompromise """) + _(""" Note that reason code 7 is not used. See RFC 5280 for more details: """) + _(""" http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5280.txt """) USER, HOST, SERVICE = range(3) PRINCIPAL_TYPE_STRING_MAP = { USER: _('user'), HOST: _('host'), SERVICE: _('service'), } register = Registry() PKIDATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d' def normalize_pkidate(value): return datetime.datetime.strptime(value, PKIDATE_FORMAT) def validate_csr(ugettext, csr): """ Ensure the CSR is base64-encoded and can be decoded by our PKCS#10 parser. """ if api.env.context == 'cli': # If we are passed in a pointer to a valid file on the client side # escape and let the load_files() handle things if csr and os.path.exists(csr): return try: request = pkcs10.load_certificate_request(csr) except (TypeError, binascii.Error) as e: raise errors.Base64DecodeError(reason=str(e)) except Exception as e: raise errors.CertificateOperationError(error=_('Failure decoding Certificate Signing Request: %s') % e) def normalize_csr(csr): """ Strip any leading and trailing cruft around the BEGIN/END block """ end_len = 37 s = csr.find('-----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----') if s == -1: s = csr.find('-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----') e = csr.find('-----END NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----') if e == -1: e = csr.find('-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----') if e != -1: end_len = 33 if s > -1 and e > -1: # We're normalizing here, not validating csr = csr[s:e+end_len] return csr def normalize_serial_number(num): """ Convert a SN given in decimal or hexadecimal. Returns the number or None if conversion fails. """ # plain decimal or hexa with radix prefix try: num = int(num, 0) except ValueError: try: # hexa without prefix num = int(num, 16) except ValueError: pass return unicode(num) def ca_enabled_check(): if not api.Command.ca_is_enabled()['result']: raise errors.NotFound(reason=_('CA is not configured')) def caacl_check(principal_type, principal, ca, profile_id): principal_type_map = {USER: 'user', HOST: 'host', SERVICE: 'service'} if not acl_evaluate( principal_type_map[principal_type], principal, ca, profile_id): raise errors.ACIError(info=_( "Principal '%(principal)s' " "is not permitted to use CA '%(ca)s' " "with profile '%(profile_id)s' for certificate issuance." ) % dict( principal=unicode(principal), ca=ca, profile_id=profile_id ) ) def validate_certificate(value): return x509.validate_certificate(value, x509.DER) def bind_principal_can_manage_cert(cert): """Check that the bind principal can manage the given cert. ``cert`` An NSS certificate object. """ bind_principal = kerberos.Principal(getattr(context, 'principal')) if not bind_principal.is_host: return False hostname = bind_principal.hostname # If we have a hostname we want to verify that the subject # of the certificate matches it. return hostname == cert.subject.common_name #pylint: disable=E1101 class BaseCertObject(Object): takes_params = ( Str( 'cacn?', cli_name='ca', default=IPA_CA_CN, autofill=True, label=_('Issuing CA'), doc=_('Name of issuing CA'), flags={'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ), Bytes( 'certificate', validate_certificate, label=_("Certificate"), doc=_("Base-64 encoded certificate."), normalizer=x509.normalize_certificate, flags={'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ), DNParam( 'subject', label=_('Subject'), flags={'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ), Str( 'san_rfc822name*', label=_('Subject email address'), flags={'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ), DNSNameParam( 'san_dnsname*', label=_('Subject DNS name'), flags={'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ), Str( 'san_x400address*', label=_('Subject X.400 address'), flags={'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ), DNParam( 'san_directoryname*', label=_('Subject directory name'), flags={'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ), Str( 'san_edipartyname*', label=_('Subject EDI Party name'), flags={'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ), Str( 'san_uri*', label=_('Subject URI'), flags={'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ), Str( 'san_ipaddress*', label=_('Subject IP Address'), flags={'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ), Str( 'san_oid*', label=_('Subject OID'), flags={'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ), Principal( 'san_other_upn*', label=_('Subject UPN'), flags={'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ), Principal( 'san_other_kpn*', label=_('Subject Kerberos principal name'), flags={'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ), Str( 'san_other*', label=_('Subject Other Name'), flags={'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ), DNParam( 'issuer', label=_('Issuer'), doc=_('Issuer DN'), flags={'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ), DateTime( 'valid_not_before', label=_('Not Before'), flags={'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ), DateTime( 'valid_not_after', label=_('Not After'), flags={'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ), Str( 'md5_fingerprint', label=_('Fingerprint (MD5)'), flags={'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ), Str( 'sha1_fingerprint', label=_('Fingerprint (SHA1)'), flags={'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ), Int( 'serial_number', label=_('Serial number'), doc=_('Serial number in decimal or if prefixed with 0x in hexadecimal'), normalizer=normalize_serial_number, flags={'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ), Str( 'serial_number_hex', label=_('Serial number (hex)'), flags={'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ), ) def _parse(self, obj, full=True): """Extract certificate-specific data into a result object. ``obj`` Result object containing certificate, into which extracted data will be inserted. ``full`` Whether to include all fields, or only the ones we guess people want to see most of the time. Also add recognised otherNames to the generic ``san_other`` attribute when ``True`` in addition to the specialised attribute. """ cert = obj.get('certificate') if cert is not None: cert = x509.load_certificate(cert) obj['subject'] = DN(unicode(cert.subject)) obj['issuer'] = DN(unicode(cert.issuer)) obj['serial_number'] = cert.serial_number if full: obj['valid_not_before'] = unicode(cert.valid_not_before_str) obj['valid_not_after'] = unicode(cert.valid_not_after_str) obj['md5_fingerprint'] = unicode( nss.data_to_hex(nss.md5_digest(cert.der_data), 64)[0]) obj['sha1_fingerprint'] = unicode( nss.data_to_hex(nss.sha1_digest(cert.der_data), 64)[0]) try: ext_san = cert.get_extension(nss.SEC_OID_X509_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME) general_names = x509.decode_generalnames(ext_san.value) except KeyError: general_names = [] for name_type, desc, name, der_name in general_names: try: self._add_san_attribute( obj, full, name_type, name, der_name) except Exception as e: # Invalid GeneralName (i.e. not a valid X.509 cert); # don't fail but log something about it root_logger.warning( "Encountered bad GeneralName; skipping", exc_info=True) serial_number = obj.get('serial_number') if serial_number is not None: obj['serial_number_hex'] = u'0x%X' % serial_number def _add_san_attribute( self, obj, full, name_type, name, der_name): name_type_map = { nss.certRFC822Name: 'san_rfc822name', nss.certDNSName: 'san_dnsname', nss.certX400Address: 'san_x400address', nss.certDirectoryName: 'san_directoryname', nss.certEDIPartyName: 'san_edipartyname', nss.certURI: 'san_uri', nss.certIPAddress: 'san_ipaddress', nss.certRegisterID: 'san_oid', (nss.certOtherName, x509.SAN_UPN): 'san_other_upn', (nss.certOtherName, x509.SAN_KRB5PRINCIPALNAME): 'san_other_kpn', } default_attrs = { 'san_rfc822name', 'san_dnsname', 'san_other_upn', 'san_other_kpn', } attr_name = name_type_map.get(name_type, 'san_other') if full or attr_name in default_attrs: if attr_name != 'san_other': name_formatted = name else: # display as "OID : b64(DER)" name_formatted = u'{}:{}'.format( name_type[1], base64.b64encode(der_name)) attr_value = self.params[attr_name].type(name_formatted) obj.setdefault(attr_name, []).append(attr_value) if full and attr_name.startswith('san_other_'): # also include known otherName in generic otherName attribute name_formatted = u'{}:{}'.format( name_type[1], base64.b64encode(der_name)) attr_value = self.params['san_other'].type(name_formatted) obj.setdefault('san_other', []).append(attr_value) class BaseCertMethod(Method): def get_options(self): yield self.obj.params['cacn'].clone(query=True) for option in super(BaseCertMethod, self).get_options(): yield option @register() class certreq(BaseCertObject): takes_params = BaseCertObject.takes_params + ( Str( 'request_type', default=u'pkcs10', autofill=True, flags={'no_update', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ), Str( 'profile_id?', validate_profile_id, label=_("Profile ID"), doc=_("Certificate Profile to use"), flags={'no_update', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ), Str( 'cert_request_status', label=_('Request status'), flags={'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ), Int( 'request_id', label=_('Request id'), primary_key=True, flags={'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search', 'no_output'}, ), ) @register() class cert_request(Create, BaseCertMethod, VirtualCommand): __doc__ = _('Submit a certificate signing request.') obj_name = 'certreq' attr_name = 'request' takes_args = ( Str( 'csr', validate_csr, label=_('CSR'), cli_name='csr_file', normalizer=normalize_csr, noextrawhitespace=False, ), ) operation="request certificate" takes_options = ( Principal( 'principal', validate_realm, label=_('Principal'), doc=_('Principal for this certificate (e.g. HTTP/test.example.com)'), normalizer=normalize_principal ), Flag( 'add', doc=_( "automatically add the principal if it doesn't exist " "(service principals only)"), ), ) def get_args(self): # FIXME: the 'no_create' flag is ignored for positional arguments for arg in super(cert_request, self).get_args(): if arg.name == 'request_id': continue yield arg def execute(self, csr, all=False, raw=False, **kw): ca_enabled_check() ldap = self.api.Backend.ldap2 add = kw.get('add') request_type = kw.get('request_type') profile_id = kw.get('profile_id', self.Backend.ra.DEFAULT_PROFILE) # Check that requested authority exists (done before CA ACL # enforcement so that user gets better error message if # referencing nonexistant CA) and look up authority ID. # ca = kw['cacn'] ca_obj = api.Command.ca_show(ca)['result'] ca_id = ca_obj['ipacaid'][0] """ Access control is partially handled by the ACI titled 'Hosts can modify service userCertificate'. This is for the case where a machine binds using a host/ prinicpal. It can only do the request if the target hostname is in the managedBy attribute which is managed using the add/del member commands. Binding with a user principal one needs to be in the request_certs taskgroup (directly or indirectly via role membership). """ principal = kw.get('principal') principal_string = unicode(principal) if principal.is_user: principal_type = USER elif principal.is_host: principal_type = HOST else: principal_type = SERVICE bind_principal = kerberos.Principal( getattr(context, 'principal')) bind_principal_string = unicode(bind_principal) if bind_principal.is_user: bind_principal_type = USER elif bind_principal.is_host: bind_principal_type = HOST else: bind_principal_type = SERVICE if (bind_principal_string != principal_string and bind_principal_type != HOST): # Can the bound principal request certs for another principal? self.check_access() try: self.check_access("request certificate ignore caacl") bypass_caacl = True except errors.ACIError: bypass_caacl = False if not bypass_caacl: caacl_check(principal_type, principal, ca, profile_id) try: subject = pkcs10.get_subject(csr) extensions = pkcs10.get_extensions(csr) subjectaltname = pkcs10.get_subjectaltname(csr) or () except (NSPRError, PyAsn1Error, ValueError) as e: raise errors.CertificateOperationError( error=_("Failure decoding Certificate Signing Request: %s") % e) # self-service and host principals may bypass SAN permission check if (bind_principal_string != principal_string and bind_principal_type != HOST): if '' in extensions: self.check_access('request certificate with subjectaltname') dn = None principal_obj = None # See if the service exists and punt if it doesn't and we aren't # going to add it try: if principal_type == SERVICE: principal_obj = api.Command['service_show'](principal_string, all=True) elif principal_type == HOST: principal_obj = api.Command['host_show']( principal.hostname, all=True) elif principal_type == USER: principal_obj = api.Command['user_show']( principal.username, all=True) except errors.NotFound as e: if add: if principal_type == SERVICE: principal_obj = api.Command['service_add']( principal_string, force=True) else: princtype_str = PRINCIPAL_TYPE_STRING_MAP[principal_type] raise errors.OperationNotSupportedForPrincipalType( operation=_("'add' option"), principal_type=princtype_str) else: raise errors.NotFound( reason=_("The principal for this request doesn't exist.")) principal_obj = principal_obj['result'] dn = principal_obj['dn'] # Ensure that the DN in the CSR matches the principal cn = subject.common_name #pylint: disable=E1101 if not cn: raise errors.ValidationError(name='csr', error=_("No Common Name was found in subject of request.")) if principal_type in (SERVICE, HOST): if cn.lower() != principal.hostname.lower(): raise errors.ACIError( info=_("hostname in subject of request '%(cn)s' " "does not match principal hostname '%(hostname)s'") % dict(cn=cn, hostname=principal.hostname)) elif principal_type == USER: # check user name if cn != principal.username: raise errors.ValidationError( name='csr', error=_("DN commonName does not match user's login") ) # check email address mail = subject.email_address #pylint: disable=E1101 if mail is not None and mail not in principal_obj.get('mail', []): raise errors.ValidationError( name='csr', error=_( "DN emailAddress does not match " "any of user's email addresses") ) # We got this far so the principal entry exists, can we write it? if not ldap.can_write(dn, "usercertificate"): raise errors.ACIError(info=_("Insufficient 'write' privilege " "to the 'userCertificate' attribute of entry '%s'.") % dn) # Validate the subject alt name, if any for name_type, desc, name, der_name in subjectaltname: if name_type == nss.certDNSName: name = unicode(name) alt_principal = None alt_principal_obj = None try: if principal_type == HOST: alt_principal = kerberos.Principal( (u'host', name), principal.realm) alt_principal_obj = api.Command['host_show'](name, all=True) elif principal_type == SERVICE: alt_principal = kerberos.Principal( (principal.service_name, name), principal.realm) alt_principal_obj = api.Command['service_show']( alt_principal, all=True) elif principal_type == USER: raise errors.ValidationError( name='csr', error=_("subject alt name type %s is forbidden " "for user principals") % desc ) except errors.NotFound: # We don't want to issue any certificates referencing # machines we don't know about. Nothing is stored in this # host record related to this certificate. raise errors.NotFound(reason=_('The service principal for ' 'subject alt name %s in certificate request does not ' 'exist') % name) if alt_principal_obj is not None: altdn = alt_principal_obj['result']['dn'] if not ldap.can_write(altdn, "usercertificate"): raise errors.ACIError(info=_( "Insufficient privilege to create a certificate " "with subject alt name '%s'.") % name) if alt_principal is not None and not bypass_caacl: caacl_check(principal_type, alt_principal, ca, profile_id) elif name_type in [ (nss.certOtherName, x509.SAN_UPN), (nss.certOtherName, x509.SAN_KRB5PRINCIPALNAME), ]: if name != principal_string: raise errors.ACIError( info=_("Principal '%s' in subject alt name does not " "match requested principal") % name) elif name_type == nss.certRFC822Name: if principal_type == USER: if name not in principal_obj.get('mail', []): raise errors.ValidationError( name='csr', error=_( "RFC822Name does not match " "any of user's email addresses") ) else: raise errors.ValidationError( name='csr', error=_("subject alt name type %s is forbidden " "for non-user principals") % desc ) else: raise errors.ACIError( info=_("Subject alt name type %s is forbidden") % desc) # Request the certificate try: result = self.Backend.ra.request_certificate( csr, profile_id, ca_id, request_type=request_type) except errors.HTTPRequestError as e: if e.status == 409: # pylint: disable=no-member raise errors.CertificateOperationError( error=_("CA '%s' is disabled") % ca) else: raise e if not raw: self.obj._parse(result, all) result['request_id'] = int(result['request_id']) result['cacn'] = ca_obj['cn'][0] # Success? Then add it to the principal's entry # (unless the profile tells us not to) profile = api.Command['certprofile_show'](profile_id) store = profile['result']['ipacertprofilestoreissued'][0] == 'TRUE' if store and 'certificate' in result: cert = str(result.get('certificate')) kwargs = dict(addattr=u'usercertificate={}'.format(cert)) if principal_type == SERVICE: api.Command['service_mod'](principal_string, **kwargs) elif principal_type == HOST: api.Command['host_mod'](principal.hostname, **kwargs) elif principal_type == USER: api.Command['user_mod'](principal.username, **kwargs) return dict( result=result, value=pkey_to_value(int(result['request_id']), kw), ) @register() class cert_status(Retrieve, BaseCertMethod, VirtualCommand): __doc__ = _('Check the status of a certificate signing request.') obj_name = 'certreq' attr_name = 'status' operation = "certificate status" def execute(self, request_id, **kw): ca_enabled_check() self.check_access() # Dogtag requests are uniquely identified by their number; # furthermore, Dogtag (as at v10.3.4) does not report the # target CA in request data, so we cannot check. So for # now, there is nothing we can do with the 'cacn' option # but check if the specified CA exists. self.api.Command.ca_show(kw['cacn']) return dict( result=self.Backend.ra.check_request_status(str(request_id)), value=pkey_to_value(request_id, kw), ) @register() class cert(BaseCertObject): takes_params = BaseCertObject.takes_params + ( Str( 'status', label=_('Status'), flags={'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ), Flag( 'revoked', label=_('Revoked'), flags={'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ), Int( 'revocation_reason', label=_('Revocation reason'), doc=_('Reason for revoking the certificate (0-10)'), minvalue=0, maxvalue=10, flags={'no_create', 'no_update'}, ), ) def get_params(self): for param in super(cert, self).get_params(): if param.name == 'serial_number': param = param.clone(primary_key=True) elif param.name in ('certificate', 'issuer'): param = param.clone(flags=param.flags - {'no_search'}) yield param for owner in self._owners(): yield owner.primary_key.clone_rename( 'owner_{0}'.format(owner.name), required=False, multivalue=True, primary_key=False, label=_("Owner %s") % owner.object_name, flags={'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ) def _owners(self): for name in ('user', 'host', 'service'): yield self.api.Object[name] def _fill_owners(self, obj): dns = obj.pop('owner', None) if dns is None: return for owner in self._owners(): container_dn = DN(owner.container_dn, self.api.env.basedn) name = 'owner_' + owner.name for dn in dns: if dn.endswith(container_dn, 1): value = owner.get_primary_key_from_dn(dn) obj.setdefault(name, []).append(value) class CertMethod(BaseCertMethod): def get_options(self): for option in super(CertMethod, self).get_options(): yield option for o in self.has_output: if isinstance(o, (output.Entry, output.ListOfEntries)): yield Flag( 'no_members', doc=_("Suppress processing of membership attributes."), exclude='webui', flags={'no_output'}, ) break @register() class cert_show(Retrieve, CertMethod, VirtualCommand): __doc__ = _('Retrieve an existing certificate.') takes_options = ( Str('out?', label=_('Output filename'), doc=_('File to store the certificate in.'), exclude='webui', ), ) operation="retrieve certificate" def execute(self, serial_number, all=False, raw=False, no_members=False, **options): ca_enabled_check() # Dogtag lightweight CAs have shared serial number domain, so # we don't tell Dogtag the issuer (but we check the cert after). # result = self.Backend.ra.get_certificate(str(serial_number)) cert = x509.load_certificate(result['certificate']) try: self.check_access() except errors.ACIError as acierr: self.debug("Not granted by ACI to retrieve certificate, looking at principal") if not bind_principal_can_manage_cert(cert): raise acierr # pylint: disable=E0702 ca_obj = api.Command.ca_show(options['cacn'])['result'] if DN(unicode(cert.issuer)) != DN(ca_obj['ipacasubjectdn'][0]): # DN of cert differs from what we requested raise errors.NotFound( reason=_("Certificate with serial number %(serial)s " "issued by CA '%(ca)s' not found") % dict(serial=serial_number, ca=options['cacn'])) if all or not no_members: ldap = self.api.Backend.ldap2 filter = ldap.make_filter_from_attr( 'usercertificate', base64.b64decode(result['certificate'])) try: entries = ldap.get_entries(base_dn=self.api.env.basedn, filter=filter, attrs_list=['']) except errors.EmptyResult: entries = [] for entry in entries: result.setdefault('owner', []).append(entry.dn) if not raw: result['certificate'] = result['certificate'].replace('\r\n', '') self.obj._parse(result, all) result['revoked'] = ('revocation_reason' in result) self.obj._fill_owners(result) result['cacn'] = ca_obj['cn'][0] return dict(result=result, value=pkey_to_value(serial_number, options)) @register() class cert_revoke(PKQuery, CertMethod, VirtualCommand): __doc__ = _('Revoke a certificate.') operation = "revoke certificate" def get_options(self): # FIXME: The default is 0. Is this really an Int param? yield self.obj.params['revocation_reason'].clone( default=0, autofill=True, ) for option in super(cert_revoke, self).get_options(): yield option def execute(self, serial_number, **kw): ca_enabled_check() # Make sure that the cert specified by issuer+serial exists. # Will raise NotFound if it does not. resp = api.Command.cert_show(unicode(serial_number), cacn=kw['cacn']) try: self.check_access() except errors.ACIError as acierr: self.debug("Not granted by ACI to revoke certificate, looking at principal") try: cert = x509.load_certificate(resp['result']['certificate']) if not bind_principal_can_manage_cert(cert): raise acierr except errors.NotImplementedError: raise acierr revocation_reason = kw['revocation_reason'] if revocation_reason == 7: raise errors.CertificateOperationError(error=_('7 is not a valid revocation reason')) return dict( # Dogtag lightweight CAs have shared serial number domain, so # we don't tell Dogtag the issuer (but we already checked that # the given serial was issued by the named ca). result=self.Backend.ra.revoke_certificate( str(serial_number), revocation_reason=revocation_reason) ) @register() class cert_remove_hold(PKQuery, CertMethod, VirtualCommand): __doc__ = _('Take a revoked certificate off hold.') operation = "certificate remove hold" def execute(self, serial_number, **kw): ca_enabled_check() # Make sure that the cert specified by issuer+serial exists. # Will raise NotFound if it does not. api.Command.cert_show(serial_number, cacn=kw['cacn']) self.check_access() return dict( # Dogtag lightweight CAs have shared serial number domain, so # we don't tell Dogtag the issuer (but we already checked that # the given serial was issued by the named ca). result=self.Backend.ra.take_certificate_off_hold( str(serial_number)) ) @register() class cert_find(Search, CertMethod): __doc__ = _('Search for existing certificates.') takes_options = ( Str('subject?', label=_('Subject'), doc=_('Subject'), autofill=False, ), Int('min_serial_number?', doc=_("minimum serial number"), autofill=False, minvalue=0, maxvalue=2147483647, ), Int('max_serial_number?', doc=_("maximum serial number"), autofill=False, minvalue=0, maxvalue=2147483647, ), Flag('exactly?', doc=_('match the common name exactly'), autofill=False, ), DateTime('validnotafter_from?', doc=_('Valid not after from this date (YYYY-mm-dd)'), normalizer=normalize_pkidate, autofill=False, ), DateTime('validnotafter_to?', doc=_('Valid not after to this date (YYYY-mm-dd)'), normalizer=normalize_pkidate, autofill=False, ), DateTime('validnotbefore_from?', doc=_('Valid not before from this date (YYYY-mm-dd)'), normalizer=normalize_pkidate, autofill=False, ), DateTime('validnotbefore_to?', doc=_('Valid not before to this date (YYYY-mm-dd)'), normalizer=normalize_pkidate, autofill=False, ), DateTime('issuedon_from?', doc=_('Issued on from this date (YYYY-mm-dd)'), normalizer=normalize_pkidate, autofill=False, ), DateTime('issuedon_to?', doc=_('Issued on to this date (YYYY-mm-dd)'), normalizer=normalize_pkidate, autofill=False, ), DateTime('revokedon_from?', doc=_('Revoked on from this date (YYYY-mm-dd)'), normalizer=normalize_pkidate, autofill=False, ), DateTime('revokedon_to?', doc=_('Revoked on to this date (YYYY-mm-dd)'), normalizer=normalize_pkidate, autofill=False, ), Flag('pkey_only?', label=_("Primary key only"), doc=_("Results should contain primary key attribute only " "(\"certificate\")"), ), Int('timelimit?', label=_('Time Limit'), doc=_('Time limit of search in seconds (0 is unlimited)'), minvalue=0, ), Int('sizelimit?', label=_("Size Limit"), doc=_("Maximum number of entries returned (0 is unlimited)"), minvalue=0, ), ) msg_summary = ngettext( '%(count)d certificate matched', '%(count)d certificates matched', 0 ) def get_options(self): for option in super(cert_find, self).get_options(): if option.name == 'no_members': option = option.clone(default=True, flags=set(option.flags) | {'no_option'}) elif option.name == 'cacn': # make CA optional, so that user may directly # specify Issuer DN instead option = option.clone(default=None, autofill=None) yield option for owner in self.obj._owners(): yield owner.primary_key.clone_rename( '{0}'.format(owner.name), required=False, multivalue=True, primary_key=False, query=True, cli_name='{0}s'.format(owner.name), doc=(_("Search for certificates with these owner %s.") % owner.object_name_plural), label=owner.object_name, ) yield owner.primary_key.clone_rename( 'no_{0}'.format(owner.name), required=False, multivalue=True, primary_key=False, query=True, cli_name='no_{0}s'.format(owner.name), doc=(_("Search for certificates without these owner %s.") % owner.object_name_plural), label=owner.object_name, ) def _get_cert_key(self, cert): try: nss_cert = x509.load_certificate(cert, x509.DER) except NSPRError as e: message = messages.SearchResultTruncated( reason=_("failed to load certificate: %s") % e, ) self.add_message(message) raise ValueError("failed to load certificate") return (DN(unicode(nss_cert.issuer)), nss_cert.serial_number) def _get_cert_obj(self, cert, all, raw, pkey_only): obj = {'certificate': unicode(base64.b64encode(cert))} full = not pkey_only and all if not raw: self.obj._parse(obj, full) if not full: del obj['certificate'] return obj def _cert_search(self, all, raw, pkey_only, **options): result = collections.OrderedDict() try: cert = options['certificate'] except KeyError: return result, False, False try: key = self._get_cert_key(cert) except ValueError: return result, True, True result[key] = self._get_cert_obj(cert, all, raw, pkey_only) return result, False, True def _ca_search(self, all, raw, pkey_only, sizelimit, exactly, **options): ra_options = {} for name in ('revocation_reason', 'issuer', 'subject', 'min_serial_number', 'max_serial_number', 'validnotafter_from', 'validnotafter_to', 'validnotbefore_from', 'validnotbefore_to', 'issuedon_from', 'issuedon_to', 'revokedon_from', 'revokedon_to'): try: value = options[name] except KeyError: continue if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): value = value.strftime(PKIDATE_FORMAT) elif isinstance(value, DN): value = unicode(value) ra_options[name] = value if sizelimit: ra_options['sizelimit'] = sizelimit if exactly: ra_options['exactly'] = True result = collections.OrderedDict() complete = bool(ra_options) try: ca_enabled_check() except errors.NotFound: if ra_options: raise return result, False, complete ca_objs = self.api.Command.ca_find()['result'] ca_objs = {DN(ca['ipacasubjectdn'][0]): ca for ca in ca_objs} ra = self.api.Backend.ra for ra_obj in ra.find(ra_options): issuer = DN(ra_obj['issuer']) serial_number = ra_obj['serial_number'] try: ca_obj = ca_objs[issuer] except KeyError: continue if pkey_only: obj = {'serial_number': serial_number} else: obj = ra_obj obj['issuer'] = issuer obj['subject'] = DN(ra_obj['subject']) obj['revoked'] = ( ra_obj['status'] in (u'REVOKED', u'REVOKED_EXPIRED')) if all: ra_obj = ra.get_certificate(str(serial_number)) if not raw: obj['certificate'] = ( ra_obj['certificate'].replace('\r\n', '')) self.obj._parse(obj) obj['cacn'] = ca_obj['cn'][0] result[issuer, serial_number] = obj return result, False, complete def _ldap_search(self, all, raw, pkey_only, no_members, timelimit, sizelimit, **options): ldap = self.api.Backend.ldap2 filters = [] for owner in self.obj._owners(): for prefix, rule in (('', ldap.MATCH_ALL), ('no_', ldap.MATCH_NONE)): try: value = options[prefix + owner.name] except KeyError: continue filter = ldap.make_filter_from_attr( 'objectclass', owner.object_class, ldap.MATCH_ALL) if filter not in filters: filters.append(filter) filter = ldap.make_filter_from_attr( owner.primary_key.name, value, rule) filters.append(filter) result = collections.OrderedDict() complete = bool(filters) cert = options.get('certificate') if cert is not None: filter = ldap.make_filter_from_attr('usercertificate', cert) else: filter = '(usercertificate=*)' filters.append(filter) filter = ldap.combine_filters(filters, ldap.MATCH_ALL) try: entries, truncated = ldap.find_entries( base_dn=self.api.env.basedn, filter=filter, attrs_list=['usercertificate'], time_limit=timelimit, size_limit=sizelimit, ) except errors.EmptyResult: entries = [] truncated = False else: try: ldap.handle_truncated_result(truncated) except errors.LimitsExceeded as e: self.add_message(messages.SearchResultTruncated(reason=e)) truncated = bool(truncated) for entry in entries: for attr in ('usercertificate', 'usercertificate;binary'): for cert in entry.get(attr, []): try: key = self._get_cert_key(cert) except ValueError: truncated = True continue try: obj = result[key] except KeyError: obj = self._get_cert_obj(cert, all, raw, pkey_only) result[key] = obj if not pkey_only and (all or not no_members): owners = obj.setdefault('owner', []) if entry.dn not in owners: owners.append(entry.dn) if not raw: for obj in six.itervalues(result): self.obj._fill_owners(obj) return result, truncated, complete def execute(self, criteria=None, all=False, raw=False, pkey_only=False, no_members=True, timelimit=None, sizelimit=None, **options): if 'cacn' in options: ca_obj = api.Command.ca_show(options['cacn'])['result'] ca_sdn = unicode(ca_obj['ipacasubjectdn'][0]) if 'issuer' in options: if DN(ca_sdn) != DN(options['issuer']): # client has provided both 'ca' and 'issuer' but # issuer DNs don't match; result must be empty return dict(result=[], count=0, truncated=False) else: options['issuer'] = ca_sdn if criteria is not None: return dict(result=[], count=0, truncated=False) result = collections.OrderedDict() truncated = False complete = False for sub_search in (self._cert_search, self._ca_search, self._ldap_search): sub_result, sub_truncated, sub_complete = sub_search( all=all, raw=raw, pkey_only=pkey_only, no_members=no_members, timelimit=timelimit, sizelimit=sizelimit, **options) if sub_complete: sizelimit = None for key in tuple(result): if key not in sub_result: del result[key] for key, sub_obj in six.iteritems(sub_result): try: obj = result[key] except KeyError: if complete: continue result[key] = sub_obj else: obj.update(sub_obj) truncated = truncated or sub_truncated complete = complete or sub_complete result = list(six.itervalues(result)) ret = dict( result=result ) ret['count'] = len(ret['result']) ret['truncated'] = bool(truncated) return ret @register() class ca_is_enabled(Command): """ Checks if any of the servers has the CA service enabled. """ NO_CLI = True has_output = output.standard_value def execute(self, *args, **options): base_dn = DN(('cn', 'masters'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'), self.api.env.basedn) filter = '(&(objectClass=ipaConfigObject)(cn=CA))' try: self.api.Backend.ldap2.find_entries( base_dn=base_dn, filter=filter, attrs_list=[]) except errors.NotFound: result = False else: result = True return dict(result=result, value=pkey_to_value(None, options))