# Authors: # Rob Crittenden # Pavel Zuna # Jason Gerard DeRose # Filip Skola # # Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ Test the `ipaserver/plugins/user.py` module. """ import pytest import datetime import ldap import re from ipalib import api, errors from ipatests.test_xmlrpc import objectclasses from ipatests.util import ( assert_deepequal, assert_equal, assert_not_equal, raises) from ipatests.test_xmlrpc.xmlrpc_test import ( XMLRPC_test, fuzzy_digits, fuzzy_uuid, fuzzy_password, Fuzzy, fuzzy_dergeneralizedtime, add_sid, add_oc, raises_exact) from ipapython.dn import DN from ipatests.test_xmlrpc.tracker.base import Tracker from ipatests.test_xmlrpc.tracker.group_plugin import GroupTracker from ipatests.test_xmlrpc.tracker.user_plugin import UserTracker admin1 = u'admin' admin_group = u'admins' invaliduser1 = u'+tuser1' invaliduser2 = u''.join(['a' for n in range(256)]) sshpubkey = (u'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDGAX3xAeLeaJggwTqMjxNwa6X' 'HBUAikXPGMzEpVrlLDCZtv00djsFTBi38PkgxBJVkgRWMrcBsr/35lq7P6w8KGI' 'wA8GI48Z0qBS2NBMJ2u9WQ2hjLN6GdMlo77O0uJY3251p12pCVIS/bHRSq8kHO2' 'No8g7KA9fGGcagPfQH+ee3t7HUkpbQkFTmbPPN++r3V8oVUk5LxbryB3UIIVzNm' 'cSIn3JrXynlvui4MixvrtX6zx+O/bBo68o8/eZD26QrahVbA09fivrn/4h3TM01' '9Eu/c2jOdckfU3cHUV/3Tno5d6JicibyaoDDK7S/yjdn5jhaz8MSEayQvFkZkiF' '0L public key test') sshpubkeyfp = (u'13:67:6B:BF:4E:A2:05:8E:AE:25:8B:A1:31:DE:6F:1B ' 'public key test (ssh-rsa)') validlanguages = { u'en-US;q=0.987 , en, abcdfgh-abcdefgh;q=1 , a;q=1.000', u'*' } invalidlanguages = { u'abcdfghji-abcdfghji', u'en-us;q=0,123', u'en-us;q=0.1234', u'en-us;q=1.1', u'en-us;q=1.0000' } principal_expiration_string = "2020-12-07T19:54:13Z" principal_expiration_date = datetime.datetime(2020, 12, 7, 19, 54, 13) invalid_expiration_string = "2020-12-07 19:54:13" expired_expiration_string = "1991-12-07T19:54:13Z" # Date in ISO format (2013-12-10T12:00:00) isodate_re = re.compile('^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}Z$') @pytest.fixture(scope='class') def user(request): tracker = UserTracker(name=u'user1', givenname=u'Test', sn=u'User1') return tracker.make_fixture(request) @pytest.fixture(scope='class') def user2(request): tracker = UserTracker(name=u'user2', givenname=u'Test2', sn=u'User2') return tracker.make_fixture(request) @pytest.fixture(scope='class') def renameduser(request): tracker = UserTracker(name=u'ruser1', givenname=u'Ruser', sn=u'Ruser1') return tracker.make_fixture(request) @pytest.fixture(scope='class') def admin2(request): tracker = UserTracker(name=u'admin2', givenname=u'Second', sn=u'Admin') return tracker.make_fixture(request) @pytest.fixture(scope='class') def user_npg(request, group): """ User tracker fixture for testing users with no private group """ tracker = UserTracker(name=u'npguser1', givenname=u'Npguser', sn=u'Npguser1', noprivate=True) tracker.track_create() del tracker.attrs['mepmanagedentry'] tracker.attrs.update( description=[], memberof_group=[group.cn], objectclass=add_oc(objectclasses.user_base, u'ipantuserattrs') ) return tracker.make_fixture(request) @pytest.fixture(scope='class') def user_npg2(request, group): """ User tracker fixture for testing users with no private group """ tracker = UserTracker(name=u'npguser2', givenname=u'Npguser', sn=u'Npguser2', noprivate=True, gidnumber=1000) tracker.track_create() del tracker.attrs['mepmanagedentry'] tracker.attrs.update( gidnumber=[u'1000'], description=[], memberof_group=[group.cn], objectclass=add_oc(objectclasses.user_base, u'ipantuserattrs') ) return tracker.make_fixture(request) @pytest.fixture(scope='class') def group(request): tracker = GroupTracker(name=u'group1') return tracker.make_fixture(request) @pytest.mark.tier1 class TestNonexistentUser(XMLRPC_test): def test_retrieve_nonexistent(self, user): """ Try to retrieve a non-existent user """ user.ensure_missing() command = user.make_retrieve_command() with raises_exact(errors.NotFound( reason=u'%s: user not found' % user.uid)): command() def test_update_nonexistent(self, user): """ Try to update a non-existent user """ user.ensure_missing() command = user.make_update_command( updates=dict(givenname=u'changed')) with raises_exact(errors.NotFound( reason=u'%s: user not found' % user.uid)): command() def test_delete_nonexistent(self, user): """ Try to delete a non-existent user """ user.ensure_missing() command = user.make_delete_command() with raises_exact(errors.NotFound( reason=u'%s: user not found' % user.uid)): command() def test_rename_nonexistent(self, user, renameduser): """ Try to rename a non-existent user """ user.ensure_missing() command = user.make_update_command( updates=dict(setattr=u'uid=%s' % renameduser.uid)) with raises_exact(errors.NotFound( reason=u'%s: user not found' % user.uid)): command() @pytest.mark.tier1 class TestUser(XMLRPC_test): def test_retrieve(self, user): """ Create user and try to retrieve it """ user.retrieve() def test_delete(self, user): """ Delete user """ user.delete() def test_query_status(self, user): """ Query user_status on a user """ user.ensure_exists() result = user.run_command('user_status', user.uid) assert_deepequal(dict( count=1, result=[dict( dn=user.dn, krblastfailedauth=[u'N/A'], krblastsuccessfulauth=[u'N/A'], krbloginfailedcount=u'0', now=isodate_re.match, server=api.env.host, ), ], summary=u'Account disabled: False', truncated=False, ), result) user.delete() def test_remove_userclass(self, user): """ Remove attribute userclass from user entry """ user.ensure_exists() result = user.run_command( 'user_mod', user.uid, **dict(userclass=u'') ) user.check_update(result) user.delete() @pytest.mark.tier1 class TestFind(XMLRPC_test): def test_find(self, user): """ Basic check of user-find """ user.find() def test_find_with_all(self, user): """ Basic check of user-find with --all """ user.find(all=True) def test_find_with_pkey_only(self, user): """ Basic check of user-find with primary keys only """ user.ensure_exists() command = user.make_find_command( uid=user.uid, pkey_only=True ) result = command() user.check_find(result, pkey_only=True) @pytest.mark.tier1 class TestActive(XMLRPC_test): def test_disable(self, user): """ Disable user using user-disable """ user.ensure_exists() user.disable() command = user.make_retrieve_command() result = command() user.check_retrieve(result) def test_enable(self, user): """ Enable user using user-enable """ user.ensure_exists() user.enable() command = user.make_retrieve_command() result = command() user.check_retrieve(result) def test_disable_using_setattr(self, user): """ Disable user using setattr """ user.ensure_exists() # we need to update the track manually user.attrs['nsaccountlock'] = True command = user.make_update_command( updates=dict(setattr=u'nsaccountlock=True') ) result = command() user.check_update(result) def test_enable_using_setattr(self, user): """ Enable user using setattr """ user.ensure_exists() user.attrs['nsaccountlock'] = False command = user.make_update_command( updates=dict(setattr=u'nsaccountlock=False') ) result = command() user.check_update(result) def test_disable_using_usermod(self, user): """ Disable user using user-mod """ user.update(dict(nsaccountlock=True), dict(nsaccountlock=True)) def test_enable_using_usermod(self, user): """ Enable user using user-mod """ user.update(dict(nsaccountlock=False), dict(nsaccountlock=False)) @pytest.mark.tier1 class TestUpdate(XMLRPC_test): def test_set_virtual_attribute(self, user): """ Try to assign an invalid virtual attribute """ attr = 'random' user.ensure_exists() command = user.make_update_command( updates=dict(setattr=(u'%s=xyz123' % attr)) ) with raises_exact(errors.ObjectclassViolation( info=u'attribute "%s" not allowed' % attr)): command() def test_update(self, user): """ Update a user attribute """ user.update(dict(givenname=u'Franta')) def test_update_krb_ticket_policy(self, user): """ Try to update krbmaxticketlife """ attr = 'krbmaxticketlife' user.ensure_exists() command = user.make_update_command( updates=dict(setattr=(u'%s=88000' % attr)) ) with raises_exact(errors.ObjectclassViolation( info=u'attribute "%s" not allowed' % attr)): command() def test_rename(self, user, renameduser): """ Rename user and than rename it back """ user.ensure_exists() renameduser.ensure_missing() olduid = user.uid user.update(updates=dict(rename=renameduser.uid)) # rename the test user back so it gets properly deleted user.update(updates=dict(rename=olduid)) def test_rename_to_the_same_value(self, user): """ Try to rename user to the same value """ user.ensure_exists() command = user.make_update_command( updates=dict(setattr=(u'uid=%s' % user.uid)) ) with raises_exact(errors.EmptyModlist()): command() def test_rename_to_the_same_with_other_mods(self, user): """ Try to rename user to the same value while including other modifications that should be done """ user.ensure_exists() user.attrs.update(loginshell=[u'/bin/false']) command = user.make_update_command( updates=dict(setattr=u'uid=%s' % user.uid, loginshell=u'/bin/false') ) result = command() user.check_update(result) def test_rename_to_too_long_login(self, user): """ Try to change user login to too long value """ user.ensure_exists() command = user.make_update_command( updates=dict(rename=invaliduser2) # no exception raised, user is renamed ) with raises_exact(errors.ValidationError( name='rename', error=u'can be at most 255 characters')): command() def test_update_illegal_ssh_pubkey(self, user): """ Try to update user with an illegal SSH public key """ user.ensure_exists() command = user.make_update_command( updates=dict(ipasshpubkey=[u"anal nathrach orth' bhais's bethad " "do che'l de'nmha"]) ) with raises_exact(errors.ValidationError( name='sshpubkey', error=u'invalid SSH public key')): command() def test_set_ipauserauthtype(self, user): """ Set ipauserauthtype to 'password' and than back to None """ user.ensure_exists() user.update(dict(ipauserauthtype=u'password')) user.retrieve() user.update(dict(ipauserauthtype=None)) user.delete() def test_set_random_password(self, user): """ Modify user with random password """ user.ensure_exists() user.attrs.update( randompassword=fuzzy_password, has_keytab=True, has_password=True ) user.update( dict(random=True), dict(random=None, randompassword=fuzzy_password) ) user.delete() def test_rename_to_invalid_login(self, user): """ Try to change user login to an invalid value """ user.ensure_exists() command = user.make_update_command( updates=dict(rename=invaliduser1) ) with raises_exact(errors.ValidationError( name='rename', error=u'may only include letters, numbers, _, -, . and $')): command() @pytest.mark.tier1 class TestCreate(XMLRPC_test): def test_create_with_krb_ticket_policy(self): """ Try to create user with krbmaxticketlife set """ testuser = UserTracker( name=u'tuser1', givenname=u'Test', sn=u'Tuser1', setattr=u'krbmaxticketlife=88000' ) command = testuser.make_create_command() with raises_exact(errors.ObjectclassViolation( info=u'attribute "%s" not allowed' % 'krbmaxticketlife')): command() def test_create_with_ssh_pubkey(self): """ Create user with an assigned SSH public key """ testuser = UserTracker( name=u'tuser1', givenname=u'Test', sn=u'Tuser1', ipasshpubkey=sshpubkey ) testuser.track_create() # fingerprint is expected in the tracker attrs testuser.attrs.update(sshpubkeyfp=[sshpubkeyfp]) command = testuser.make_create_command() result = command() testuser.check_create(result) testuser.delete() def test_create_with_invalid_login(self): """ Try to create user with an invalid login string """ testuser = UserTracker( name=invaliduser1, givenname=u'Test', sn=u'User1' ) command = testuser.make_create_command() with raises_exact(errors.ValidationError( name=u'login', error=u'may only include letters, numbers, _, -, . and $')): command() def test_create_with_too_long_login(self): """ Try to create user with too long login string """ testuser = UserTracker( name=invaliduser2, givenname=u'Test', sn=u'User1' ) command = testuser.make_create_command() with raises_exact(errors.ValidationError( name=u'login', error=u'can be at most 255 characters')): command() def test_create_with_full_address(self): """ Create user with full address set """ testuser = UserTracker( name=u'tuser1', givenname=u'Test', sn=u'Tuser1', street=u'123 Maple Rd', l=u'Anytown', st=u'MD', postalcode=u'01234-5678', mobile=u'410-555-1212' ) testuser.create() testuser.delete() def test_create_with_random_passwd(self): """ Create user with random password """ testuser = UserTracker( name=u'tuser1', givenname=u'Test', sn=u'Tuser1', random=True ) testuser.track_create() testuser.attrs.update( randompassword=fuzzy_password, has_keytab=True, has_password=True, krbextradata=[Fuzzy(type=bytes)], krbpasswordexpiration=[fuzzy_dergeneralizedtime], krblastpwdchange=[fuzzy_dergeneralizedtime] ) command = testuser.make_create_command() result = command() testuser.check_create(result) testuser.delete() def test_create_with_different_default_home(self, user): """ Change default home directory and check that a newly created user has his home set properly """ user.ensure_missing() user.run_command('config_mod', **{u'ipahomesrootdir': u'/other-home'}) user.track_create() user.attrs.update(homedirectory=[u'/other-home/%s' % user.name]) command = user.make_create_command() result = command() user.check_create(result) user.run_command('config_mod', **{u'ipahomesrootdir': u'/home'}) user.delete() def test_create_with_different_default_shell(self, user): """ Change default login shell and check that a newly created user is created with correct login shell value """ user.ensure_missing() user.run_command( 'config_mod', **{u'ipadefaultloginshell': u'/bin/zsh'} ) user.track_create() user.attrs.update(loginshell=[u'/bin/zsh']) command = user.make_create_command() result = command() user.check_create(result) user.run_command( 'config_mod', **{u'ipadefaultloginshell': u'/bin/sh'} ) user.delete() def test_create_without_upg(self): """ Try to create user without User's Primary GID """ testuser = UserTracker( name=u'tuser1', givenname=u'Test', sn=u'Tuser1', noprivate=True ) command = testuser.make_create_command() with raises_exact(errors.NotFound( reason=u'Default group for new users is not POSIX')): command() def test_create_without_upg_with_gid_set(self): """ Create user without User's Primary GID with GID set """ testuser = UserTracker( name=u'tuser1', givenname=u'Test', sn=u'Tuser1', noprivate=True, gidnumber=1000 ) testuser.track_create() del testuser.attrs['mepmanagedentry'] testuser.attrs.update(gidnumber=[u'1000']) testuser.attrs.update( description=[], objectclass=add_oc(objectclasses.user_base, u'ipantuserattrs') ) command = testuser.make_create_command() result = command() testuser.check_create(result, [u'description']) testuser.delete() def test_create_with_uid_999(self): """ Check that server return uid and gid 999 when a new client asks for uid 999 """ testuser = UserTracker( name=u'tuser1', givenname=u'Test', sn=u'Tuser1', uidnumber=999 ) testuser.track_create() testuser.attrs.update( uidnumber=[u'999'], gidnumber=[u'999'] ) command = testuser.make_create_command() result = command() testuser.check_create(result) testuser.delete() def test_create_with_old_DNA_MAGIC_999(self): """ Check that server picks suitable uid and gid when an old client asks for the magic uid 999 """ testuser = UserTracker( name=u'tuser1', givenname=u'Test', sn=u'Tuser1', uidnumber=999, version=u'2.49' ) testuser.track_create() testuser.attrs.update( uidnumber=[lambda v: int(v) != 999], gidnumber=[lambda v: int(v) != 999], ) command = testuser.make_create_command() result = command() testuser.check_create(result) testuser.delete() def test_create_duplicate(self, user): """ Try to create second user with the same name """ user.ensure_exists() command = user.make_create_command() with raises_exact(errors.DuplicateEntry( message=u'user with name "%s" already exists' % user.uid)): command() def test_create_where_managed_group_exists(self, user, group): """ Create a managed group and then try to create user with the same name the group has """ group.create() command = user.make_command( 'user_add', group.cn, **dict(givenname=u'Test', sn=u'User1') ) with raises_exact(errors.ManagedGroupExistsError(group=group.cn)): command() @pytest.mark.tier1 class TestUserWithGroup(XMLRPC_test): def test_change_default_user_group(self, group): """ Change default group for TestUserWithGroup class of tests """ group.create() group.run_command( 'config_mod', **{u'ipadefaultprimarygroup': group.cn} ) def test_create_without_upg(self, user_npg): """ Try to create user without User's Primary GID after default group was changed """ command = user_npg.make_create_command() # User without private group has some different attrs upon creation # so we won't use make_create, but do own check instead # These are set in the fixture result = command() user_npg.check_create(result, [u'description', u'memberof_group']) def test_create_without_upg_with_gid_set(self, user_npg2): """ Create user without User's Primary GID with GID set after default group was changed """ command = user_npg2.make_create_command() result = command() user_npg2.check_create(result, [u'description', u'memberof_group']) def test_set_manager(self, user_npg, user_npg2): """ Update user with own group with manager with own group """ user_npg.update(dict(manager=user_npg2.uid)) def test_check_user_with_renamed_manager(self, user_npg, user_npg2): """ Rename manager with own group, retrieve user and check if its manager is also renamed """ renamed_name = u'renamed_npg2' old_name = user_npg2.uid user_npg2.update(updates=dict(rename=renamed_name)) user_npg.attrs.update(manager=[renamed_name]) user_npg.retrieve(all=True) user_npg2.update(updates=dict(rename=old_name)) def test_check_if_manager_gets_removed(self, user_npg, user_npg2): """ Delete manager and check if it's gone from user's attributes """ user_npg2.delete() del user_npg.attrs[u'manager'] del user_npg.attrs[u'description'] user_npg.retrieve(all=True) def test_change_default_user_group_back(self, user_npg, user_npg2): """ Change default group back to 'ipausers' and clean up members """ user_npg.delete() user_npg.run_command( 'config_mod', **{u'ipadefaultprimarygroup': u'ipausers'} ) @pytest.mark.tier1 class TestManagers(XMLRPC_test): def test_assign_nonexistent_manager(self, user, user2): """ Try to assign user a non-existent manager """ user.ensure_exists() user2.ensure_missing() command = user.make_update_command( updates=dict(manager=user2.uid) ) with raises_exact(errors.NotFound( reason=u'manager %s not found' % user2.uid)): command() def test_assign_manager(self, user, user2): """ Make user manager of another user """ user.ensure_exists() user2.ensure_exists() user.update(dict(manager=user2.uid)) def test_search_by_manager(self, user, user2): """ Find user by his manager's UID """ command = user.make_find_command(manager=user2.uid) result = command() user.check_find(result) def test_delete_both_user_and_manager(self, user, user2): """ Delete both user and its manager at once """ result = user.run_command( 'user_del', [user.uid, user2.uid], preserve=False, no_preserve=True ) assert_deepequal(dict( value=[user.uid, user2.uid], summary=u'Deleted user "%s,%s"' % (user.uid, user2.uid), result=dict(failed=[]), ), result) # mark users as deleted user.exists = False user2.exists = False @pytest.mark.tier1 class TestAdmins(XMLRPC_test): def test_remove_original_admin(self): """ Try to remove the only admin """ tracker = Tracker() command = tracker.make_command('user_del', [admin1]) with raises_exact(errors.LastMemberError( key=admin1, label=u'group', container=admin_group)): command() def test_disable_original_admin(self): """ Try to disable the only admin """ tracker = Tracker() command = tracker.make_command('user_disable', admin1) with raises_exact(errors.LastMemberError( key=admin1, label=u'group', container=admin_group)): command() def test_create_admin2(self, admin2): """ Test whether second admin gets created """ admin2.ensure_exists() admin2.make_admin() admin2.delete() def test_last_admin_preservation(self, admin2): """ Create a second admin, disable it. Then try to disable and remove the original one and receive LastMemberError. Last trial are these ops with second admin removed. """ admin2.ensure_exists() admin2.make_admin() admin2.disable() tracker = Tracker() with raises_exact(errors.LastMemberError( key=admin1, label=u'group', container=admin_group)): tracker.run_command('user_disable', admin1) with raises_exact(errors.LastMemberError( key=admin1, label=u'group', container=admin_group)): tracker.run_command('user_del', admin1) admin2.delete() with raises_exact(errors.LastMemberError( key=admin1, label=u'group', container=admin_group)): tracker.run_command('user_disable', admin1) with raises_exact(errors.LastMemberError( key=admin1, label=u'group', container=admin_group)): tracker.run_command('user_del', admin1) @pytest.mark.tier1 class TestPreferredLanguages(XMLRPC_test): def test_invalid_preferred_languages(self, user): """ Try to assign various invalid preferred languages to user """ user.ensure_exists() for invalidlanguage in invalidlanguages: command = user.make_update_command( dict(preferredlanguage=invalidlanguage) ) with raises_exact(errors.ValidationError( name='preferredlanguage', error=(u'must match RFC 2068 - 14.4, e.g., ' '"da, en-gb;q=0.8, en;q=0.7"') )): command() user.delete() def test_valid_preferred_languages(self, user): """ Update user with different preferred languages """ for validlanguage in validlanguages: user.update(dict(preferredlanguage=validlanguage)) user.delete() @pytest.mark.tier1 class TestPrincipals(XMLRPC_test): def test_create_with_bad_realm_in_principal(self): """ Try to create user with a bad realm in principal """ testuser = UserTracker( name=u'tuser1', givenname=u'Test', sn=u'Tuser1', krbprincipalname=u'tuser1@NOTFOUND.ORG' ) command = testuser.make_create_command() with raises_exact(errors.RealmMismatch()): command() def test_create_with_malformed_principal(self): """ Try to create user with wrongly formed principal """ testuser = UserTracker( name=u'tuser1', givenname=u'Test', sn=u'Tuser1', krbprincipalname=u'tuser1@BAD@NOTFOUND.ORG' ) command = testuser.make_create_command() with raises_exact(errors.ConversionError( name='principal', error="Malformed principal: '{}'".format( testuser.kwargs['krbprincipalname']))): command() def test_set_principal_expiration(self, user): """ Set principal expiration for user """ user.update( dict(krbprincipalexpiration=principal_expiration_string), dict(krbprincipalexpiration=[principal_expiration_date]) ) def test_set_invalid_principal_expiration(self, user): """ Try to set incorrent principal expiration value for user """ user.ensure_exists() command = user.make_update_command( dict(krbprincipalexpiration=invalid_expiration_string) ) with raises_exact(errors.ConversionError( name='principal_expiration', error=(u'does not match any of accepted formats: ' '%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ, %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ, %Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ, ' '%Y-%m-%dZ, %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%SZ, %Y-%m-%d %H:%MZ') )): command() def test_create_with_uppercase_principal(self): """ Create user with upper-case principal """ testuser = UserTracker( name=u'tuser1', givenname=u'Test', sn=u'Tuser1', krbprincipalname=u'tuser1'.upper() ) testuser.create() testuser.delete() @pytest.mark.tier1 class TestValidation(XMLRPC_test): # The assumption for this class of tests is that if we don't # get a validation error then the request was processed normally. def test_validation_disabled_on_deletes(self): """ Test that validation is disabled on user deletes """ tracker = Tracker() command = tracker.make_command('user_del', invaliduser1) with raises_exact(errors.NotFound( reason=u'%s: user not found' % invaliduser1)): command() def test_validation_disabled_on_show(self): """ Test that validation is disabled on user retrieves """ tracker = Tracker() command = tracker.make_command('user_show', invaliduser1) with raises_exact(errors.NotFound( reason=u'%s: user not found' % invaliduser1)): command() def test_validation_disabled_on_find(self, user): """ Test that validation is disabled on user searches """ result = user.run_command('user_find', invaliduser1) user.check_find_nomatch(result) @pytest.mark.tier1 class TestDeniedBindWithExpiredPrincipal(XMLRPC_test): password = u'random' @classmethod def setup_class(cls): super(TestDeniedBindWithExpiredPrincipal, cls).setup_class() cls.connection = ldap.initialize('ldap://{host}' .format(host=api.env.host)) @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): super(TestDeniedBindWithExpiredPrincipal, cls).teardown_class() def test_bind_as_test_user(self, user): """ Bind as user """ self.failsafe_add( api.Object.user, user.uid, givenname=u'Test', sn=u'User1', userpassword=self.password, krbprincipalexpiration=principal_expiration_string ) self.connection.simple_bind_s( str(get_user_dn(user.uid)), self.password ) def test_bind_as_expired_test_user(self, user): """ Try to bind as expired user """ api.Command['user_mod']( user.uid, krbprincipalexpiration=expired_expiration_string ) raises(ldap.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, self.connection.simple_bind_s, str(get_user_dn(user.uid)), self.password ) def test_bind_as_renewed_test_user(self, user): """ Bind as renewed user """ api.Command['user_mod']( user.uid, krbprincipalexpiration=principal_expiration_string ) self.connection.simple_bind_s( str(get_user_dn(user.uid)), self.password ) # This set of functions (get_*, upg_check, not_upg_check) # is mostly for legacy purposes here, tests using UserTracker # should not rely on them def get_user_result(uid, givenname, sn, operation='show', omit=[], **overrides): """Get a user result for a user-{add,mod,find,show} command This gives the result as from a user_add(uid, givenname=givenname, sn=sn); modifications to that can be specified in ``omit`` and ``overrides``. The ``operation`` can be one of: - add - show - show-all ((show with the --all flag) - find - mod Attributes named in ``omit`` are removed from the result; any additional or non-default values can be specified in ``overrides``. """ # sn can be None; this should only be used from `get_admin_result` cn = overrides.get('cn', ['%s %s' % (givenname, sn or '')]) cn[0] = cn[0].strip() result = add_sid(dict( homedirectory=[u'/home/%s' % uid], loginshell=[u'/bin/sh'], uid=[uid], uidnumber=[fuzzy_digits], gidnumber=[fuzzy_digits], krbcanonicalname=[u'%s@%s' % (uid, api.env.realm)], krbprincipalname=[u'%s@%s' % (uid, api.env.realm)], mail=[u'%s@%s' % (uid, api.env.domain)], has_keytab=False, has_password=False, )) if sn: result['sn'] = [sn] if givenname: result['givenname'] = [givenname] if operation in ('add', 'show', 'show-all', 'find'): result.update( dn=get_user_dn(uid), ) if operation in ('add', 'show-all'): result.update( cn=cn, displayname=cn, gecos=cn, initials=[givenname[0] + (sn or '')[:1]], ipauniqueid=[fuzzy_uuid], mepmanagedentry=[get_group_dn(uid)], objectclass=add_oc(objectclasses.user, u'ipantuserattrs'), krbprincipalname=[u'%s@%s' % (uid, api.env.realm)], krbcanonicalname=[u'%s@%s' % (uid, api.env.realm)] ) if operation in ('show', 'show-all', 'find', 'mod'): result.update( nsaccountlock=False, ) if operation in ('add', 'show', 'show-all', 'mod'): result.update( memberof_group=[u'ipausers'], ) for key in omit: del result[key] result.update(overrides) return result def get_admin_result(operation='show', **overrides): """Give the result for the default admin user Any additional or non-default values can be given in ``overrides``. """ result = get_user_result(u'admin', None, u'Administrator', operation, omit=['mail'], has_keytab=True, has_password=True, loginshell=[u'/bin/bash'], **overrides) return result def get_user_dn(uid): """ Get user DN by uid """ return DN(('uid', uid), api.env.container_user, api.env.basedn) def get_group_dn(cn): """ Get group DN by CN """ return DN(('cn', cn), api.env.container_group, api.env.basedn) def upg_check(response): """Check that the user was assigned to the corresponding private group.""" assert_equal(response['result']['uidnumber'], response['result']['gidnumber']) return True def not_upg_check(response): """ Check that the user was not assigned to the corresponding private group. """ assert_not_equal(response['result']['uidnumber'], response['result']['gidnumber']) return True