# Authors: # Rob Crittenden <rcritten@redhat.com> # # Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # Certificates should be stored internally DER-encoded. We can be passed # a certificate several ways: read if from LDAP, read it from a 3rd party # app (dogtag, candlepin, etc) or as user input. # Conventions # # Where possible the following naming conventions are used: # # cert: the certificate is a PEM-encoded certificate # dercert: the certificate is DER-encoded # rawcert: the cert is in an unknown format from __future__ import print_function import os import binascii import datetime import enum import ipaddress import ssl import base64 import re from cryptography import x509 as crypto_x509 from cryptography import utils as crypto_utils from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import ( Encoding, PublicFormat, PrivateFormat, load_pem_private_key ) import pyasn1 import pyasn1.error from pyasn1.type import univ, char, namedtype, tag from pyasn1.codec.der import decoder, encoder from pyasn1_modules import rfc2315, rfc2459 import six from ipalib import errors from ipapython.dnsutil import DNSName if six.PY3: unicode = str PEM = 0 DER = 1 # The first group is the whole PEM datum and the second group is # the base64 content (with newlines). For findall() the result is # a list of 2-tuples of the PEM and base64 data. PEM_CERT_REGEX = re.compile( b'(-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----(.*?)-----END CERTIFICATE-----)', re.DOTALL) PEM_PRIV_REGEX = re.compile( b'-----BEGIN(?: ENCRYPTED)?(?: (?:RSA|DSA|DH|EC))? PRIVATE KEY-----.*?' b'-----END(?: ENCRYPTED)?(?: (?:RSA|DSA|DH|EC))? PRIVATE KEY-----', re.DOTALL) EKU_SERVER_AUTH = '' EKU_CLIENT_AUTH = '' EKU_CODE_SIGNING = '' EKU_EMAIL_PROTECTION = '' EKU_PKINIT_CLIENT_AUTH = '' EKU_PKINIT_KDC = '' EKU_ANY = '' EKU_PLACEHOLDER = '' SAN_UPN = '' SAN_KRB5PRINCIPALNAME = '' @crypto_utils.register_interface(crypto_x509.Certificate) class IPACertificate: """ A proxy class wrapping a python-cryptography certificate representation for FreeIPA purposes """ def __init__(self, cert, backend=None): """ :param cert: A python-cryptography Certificate object :param backend: A python-cryptography Backend object """ self._cert = cert self.backend = default_backend() if backend is None else backend() # initialize the certificate fields # we have to do it this way so that some systems don't explode since # some field types encode-decoding is not strongly defined self._subject = self.__get_der_field('subject') self._issuer = self.__get_der_field('issuer') self._serial_number = self.__get_der_field('serialNumber') def __getstate__(self): state = { '_cert': self.public_bytes(Encoding.DER), '_subject': self.subject_bytes, '_issuer': self.issuer_bytes, '_serial_number': self._serial_number, } return state def __setstate__(self, state): self._subject = state['_subject'] self._issuer = state['_issuer'] self._issuer = state['_serial_number'] self._cert = crypto_x509.load_der_x509_certificate( state['_cert'], backend=default_backend()) def __eq__(self, other): """ Checks equality. :param other: either cryptography.Certificate or IPACertificate or bytes representing a DER-formatted certificate """ if (isinstance(other, (crypto_x509.Certificate, IPACertificate))): return (self.public_bytes(Encoding.DER) == other.public_bytes(Encoding.DER)) elif isinstance(other, bytes): return self.public_bytes(Encoding.DER) == other else: return False def __ne__(self, other): """ Checks not equal. """ return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): """ Computes a hash of the wrapped cryptography.Certificate. """ return hash(self._cert) def __encode_extension(self, oid, critical, value): # TODO: have another proxy for crypto_x509.Extension which would # provide public_bytes on the top of what python-cryptography has ext = rfc2459.Extension() # TODO: this does not have to be so weird, pyasn1 now has codecs # which are capable of providing python-native types ext['extnID'] = univ.ObjectIdentifier(oid) ext['critical'] = univ.Boolean(critical) if pyasn1.__version__.startswith('0.3'): # pyasn1 <= 0.3.7 needs explicit encoding # see https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/7685 value = encoder.encode(univ.OctetString(value)) ext['extnValue'] = univ.Any(value) ext = encoder.encode(ext) return ext def __get_pyasn1_field(self, field): """ :returns: a field of the certificate in pyasn1 representation """ cert_bytes = self.tbs_certificate_bytes cert = decoder.decode(cert_bytes, rfc2459.TBSCertificate())[0] field = cert[field] return field def __get_der_field(self, field): """ :field: the name of the field of the certificate :returns: bytes representing the value of a certificate field """ return encoder.encode(self.__get_pyasn1_field(field)) def public_bytes(self, encoding): """ Serializes the certificate to PEM or DER format. """ return self._cert.public_bytes(encoding) def is_self_signed(self): """ :returns: True if this certificate is self-signed, False otherwise """ return self._cert.issuer == self._cert.subject def fingerprint(self, algorithm): """ Counts fingerprint of the wrapped cryptography.Certificate """ return self._cert.fingerprint(algorithm) @property def serial_number(self): return self._cert.serial_number @property def serial_number_bytes(self): return self._serial_number @property def version(self): return self._cert.version @property def subject(self): return self._cert.subject @property def subject_bytes(self): return self._subject @property def signature_hash_algorithm(self): """ Returns a HashAlgorithm corresponding to the type of the digest signed in the certificate. """ return self._cert.signature_hash_algorithm @property def signature_algorithm_oid(self): """ Returns the ObjectIdentifier of the signature algorithm. """ return self._cert.signature_algorithm_oid @property def signature(self): """ Returns the signature bytes. """ return self._cert.signature @property def issuer(self): return self._cert.issuer @property def issuer_bytes(self): return self._issuer @property def not_valid_before(self): return self._cert.not_valid_before @property def not_valid_after(self): return self._cert.not_valid_after @property def tbs_certificate_bytes(self): return self._cert.tbs_certificate_bytes @property def extensions(self): # TODO: own Extension and Extensions classes proxying # python-cryptography return self._cert.extensions def public_key(self): return self._cert.public_key() @property def public_key_info_bytes(self): return self._cert.public_key().public_bytes( encoding=Encoding.DER, format=PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo) @property def extended_key_usage(self): try: ext_key_usage = self._cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid( crypto_x509.oid.ExtensionOID.EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE).value except crypto_x509.ExtensionNotFound: return None return set(oid.dotted_string for oid in ext_key_usage) @property def extended_key_usage_bytes(self): eku = self.extended_key_usage if eku is None: return None ekurfc = rfc2459.ExtKeyUsageSyntax() for i, oid in enumerate(sorted(eku)): ekurfc[i] = univ.ObjectIdentifier(oid) ekurfc = encoder.encode(ekurfc) return self.__encode_extension('', EKU_ANY not in eku, ekurfc) @property def san_general_names(self): """ Return SAN general names from a python-cryptography certificate object. If the SAN extension is not present, return an empty sequence. Because python-cryptography does not yet provide a way to handle unrecognised critical extensions (which may occur), we must parse the certificate and extract the General Names. For uniformity with other code, we manually construct values of python-crytography GeneralName subtypes. python-cryptography does not yet provide types for ediPartyName or x400Address, so we drop these name types. otherNames are NOT instantiated to more specific types where the type is known. Use ``process_othernames`` to do that. When python-cryptography can handle certs with unrecognised critical extensions and implements ediPartyName and x400Address, this function (and helpers) will be redundant and should go away. """ gns = self.__pyasn1_get_san_general_names() GENERAL_NAME_CONSTRUCTORS = { 'rfc822Name': lambda x: crypto_x509.RFC822Name(unicode(x)), 'dNSName': lambda x: crypto_x509.DNSName(unicode(x)), 'directoryName': _pyasn1_to_cryptography_directoryname, 'registeredID': _pyasn1_to_cryptography_registeredid, 'iPAddress': _pyasn1_to_cryptography_ipaddress, 'uniformResourceIdentifier': lambda x: crypto_x509.UniformResourceIdentifier(unicode(x)), 'otherName': _pyasn1_to_cryptography_othername, } result = [] for gn in gns: gn_type = gn.getName() if gn_type in GENERAL_NAME_CONSTRUCTORS: result.append( GENERAL_NAME_CONSTRUCTORS[gn_type](gn.getComponent())) return result def __pyasn1_get_san_general_names(self): # pyasn1 returns None when the key is not present in the certificate # but we need an iterable extensions = self.__get_pyasn1_field('extensions') or [] OID_SAN = univ.ObjectIdentifier('') gns = [] for ext in extensions: if ext['extnID'] == OID_SAN: der = ext['extnValue'] if pyasn1.__version__.startswith('0.3'): # pyasn1 <= 0.3.7 needs explicit unwrap of ANY container # see https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/7685 der = decoder.decode(der, asn1Spec=univ.OctetString())[0] gns = decoder.decode(der, asn1Spec=rfc2459.SubjectAltName())[0] break return gns @property def san_a_label_dns_names(self): gns = self.__pyasn1_get_san_general_names() result = [] for gn in gns: if gn.getName() == 'dNSName': result.append(unicode(gn.getComponent())) return result def match_hostname(self, hostname): match_cert = {} match_cert['subject'] = match_subject = [] for rdn in self._cert.subject.rdns: match_rdn = [] for ava in rdn: if ava.oid == crypto_x509.oid.NameOID.COMMON_NAME: match_rdn.append(('commonName', ava.value)) match_subject.append(match_rdn) values = self.san_a_label_dns_names if values: match_cert['subjectAltName'] = match_san = [] for value in values: match_san.append(('DNS', value)) ssl.match_hostname(match_cert, DNSName(hostname).ToASCII()) def load_pem_x509_certificate(data): """ Load an X.509 certificate in PEM format. :returns: a ``IPACertificate`` object. :raises: ``ValueError`` if unable to load the certificate. """ return IPACertificate( crypto_x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(data, backend=default_backend()) ) def load_der_x509_certificate(data): """ Load an X.509 certificate in DER format. :returns: a ``IPACertificate`` object. :raises: ``ValueError`` if unable to load the certificate. """ return IPACertificate( crypto_x509.load_der_x509_certificate(data, backend=default_backend()) ) def load_unknown_x509_certificate(data): """ Only use this function when you can't be sure what kind of format does your certificate have, e.g. input certificate files in installers :returns: a ``IPACertificate`` object. :raises: ``ValueError`` if unable to load the certificate. """ try: return load_pem_x509_certificate(data) except ValueError: return load_der_x509_certificate(data) def load_certificate_from_file(filename): """ Load a certificate from a PEM file. Returns a python-cryptography ``Certificate`` object. """ with open(filename, mode='rb') as f: return load_pem_x509_certificate(f.read()) def load_certificate_list(data): """ Load a certificate list from a sequence of concatenated PEMs. Return a list of python-cryptography ``Certificate`` objects. """ certs = PEM_CERT_REGEX.findall(data) return [load_pem_x509_certificate(cert[0]) for cert in certs] def load_certificate_list_from_file(filename): """ Load a certificate list from a PEM file. Return a list of python-cryptography ``Certificate`` objects. """ with open(filename, 'rb') as f: return load_certificate_list(f.read()) def load_private_key_list(data, password=None): """ Load a private key list from a sequence of concatenated PEMs. :param data: bytes containing the private keys :param password: bytes, the password to encrypted keys in the bundle :returns: List of python-cryptography ``PrivateKey`` objects """ crypto_backend = default_backend() priv_keys = [] for match in re.finditer(PEM_PRIV_REGEX, data): if re.search(b"ENCRYPTED", match.group()) is not None: if password is None: raise RuntimeError("Password is required for the encrypted " "keys in the bundle.") # Load private key as encrypted priv_keys.append( load_pem_private_key(match.group(), password, backend=crypto_backend)) else: priv_keys.append( load_pem_private_key(match.group(), None, backend=crypto_backend)) return priv_keys def pkcs7_to_certs(data, datatype=PEM): """ Extract certificates from a PKCS #7 object. :returns: a ``list`` of ``IPACertificate`` objects. """ if datatype == PEM: match = re.match( br'-----BEGIN PKCS7-----(.*?)-----END PKCS7-----', data, re.DOTALL) if not match: raise ValueError("not a valid PKCS#7 PEM") data = base64.b64decode(match.group(1)) content_info, tail = decoder.decode(data, rfc2315.ContentInfo()) if tail: raise ValueError("not a valid PKCS#7 message") if content_info['contentType'] != rfc2315.signedData: raise ValueError("not a PKCS#7 signed data message") signed_data, tail = decoder.decode(bytes(content_info['content']), rfc2315.SignedData()) if tail: raise ValueError("not a valid PKCS#7 signed data message") result = [] for certificate in signed_data['certificates']: certificate = encoder.encode(certificate) certificate = load_der_x509_certificate(certificate) result.append(certificate) return result def validate_pem_x509_certificate(cert): """ Perform cert validation by trying to load it via python-cryptography. """ try: load_pem_x509_certificate(cert) except ValueError as e: raise errors.CertificateFormatError(error=str(e)) def validate_der_x509_certificate(cert): """ Perform cert validation by trying to load it via python-cryptography. """ try: load_der_x509_certificate(cert) except ValueError as e: raise errors.CertificateFormatError(error=str(e)) def write_certificate(cert, filename): """ Write the certificate to a file in PEM format. :param cert: cryptograpy ``Certificate`` object """ try: with open(filename, 'wb') as fp: fp.write(cert.public_bytes(Encoding.PEM)) except (IOError, OSError) as e: raise errors.FileError(reason=str(e)) def write_certificate_list(certs, filename, mode=None): """ Write a list of certificates to a file in PEM format. :param certs: a list of IPACertificate objects to be written to a file :param filename: a path to the file the certificates should be written into """ try: with open(filename, 'wb') as f: if mode is not None: os.fchmod(f.fileno(), mode) for cert in certs: f.write(cert.public_bytes(Encoding.PEM)) except (IOError, OSError) as e: raise errors.FileError(reason=str(e)) def write_pem_private_key(priv_key, filename, passwd=None): """ Write a private key to a file in PEM format. Will force 0x600 permissions on file. :param priv_key: cryptography ``PrivateKey`` object :param passwd: ``bytes`` representing the password to store the private key with """ if passwd is not None: enc_alg = serialization.BestAvailableEncryption(passwd) else: enc_alg = serialization.NoEncryption() try: with open(filename, 'wb') as fp: os.fchmod(fp.fileno(), 0o600) fp.write(priv_key.private_bytes( Encoding.PEM, PrivateFormat.PKCS8, encryption_algorithm=enc_alg)) except (IOError, OSError) as e: raise errors.FileError(reason=str(e)) class _PrincipalName(univ.Sequence): componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType('name-type', univ.Integer().subtype( explicitTag=tag.Tag(tag.tagClassContext, tag.tagFormatSimple, 0)) ), namedtype.NamedType('name-string', univ.SequenceOf(char.GeneralString()).subtype( explicitTag=tag.Tag(tag.tagClassContext, tag.tagFormatSimple, 1)) ), ) class _KRB5PrincipalName(univ.Sequence): componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType('realm', char.GeneralString().subtype( explicitTag=tag.Tag(tag.tagClassContext, tag.tagFormatSimple, 0)) ), namedtype.NamedType('principalName', _PrincipalName().subtype( explicitTag=tag.Tag(tag.tagClassContext, tag.tagFormatSimple, 1)) ), ) def _decode_krb5principalname(data): principal = decoder.decode(data, asn1Spec=_KRB5PrincipalName())[0] realm = (unicode(principal['realm']).replace('\\', '\\\\') .replace('@', '\\@')) name = principal['principalName']['name-string'] name = u'/'.join(unicode(n).replace('\\', '\\\\') .replace('/', '\\/') .replace('@', '\\@') for n in name) name = u'%s@%s' % (name, realm) return name class KRB5PrincipalName(crypto_x509.general_name.OtherName): def __init__(self, type_id, value): super(KRB5PrincipalName, self).__init__(type_id, value) self.name = _decode_krb5principalname(value) class UPN(crypto_x509.general_name.OtherName): def __init__(self, type_id, value): super(UPN, self).__init__(type_id, value) self.name = unicode( decoder.decode(value, asn1Spec=char.UTF8String())[0]) OTHERNAME_CLASS_MAP = { SAN_KRB5PRINCIPALNAME: KRB5PrincipalName, SAN_UPN: UPN, } def process_othernames(gns): """ Process python-cryptography GeneralName values, yielding OtherName values of more specific type if type is known. """ for gn in gns: if isinstance(gn, crypto_x509.general_name.OtherName): cls = OTHERNAME_CLASS_MAP.get( gn.type_id.dotted_string, crypto_x509.general_name.OtherName) yield cls(gn.type_id, gn.value) else: yield gn def _pyasn1_to_cryptography_directoryname(dn): attrs = [] # Name is CHOICE { RDNSequence } (only one possibility) for rdn in dn.getComponent(): for ava in rdn: attr = crypto_x509.NameAttribute( _pyasn1_to_cryptography_oid(ava['type']), unicode(decoder.decode(ava['value'])[0]) ) attrs.append(attr) return crypto_x509.DirectoryName(crypto_x509.Name(attrs)) def _pyasn1_to_cryptography_registeredid(oid): return crypto_x509.RegisteredID(_pyasn1_to_cryptography_oid(oid)) def _pyasn1_to_cryptography_ipaddress(octet_string): return crypto_x509.IPAddress( ipaddress.ip_address(bytes(octet_string))) def _pyasn1_to_cryptography_othername(on): return crypto_x509.OtherName( _pyasn1_to_cryptography_oid(on['type-id']), bytes(on['value']) ) def _pyasn1_to_cryptography_oid(oid): return crypto_x509.ObjectIdentifier(str(oid)) def chunk(size, s): """Yield chunks of the specified size from the given string. The input must be a multiple of the chunk size (otherwise trailing characters are dropped). Works on character strings only. """ return (u''.join(span) for span in six.moves.zip(*[iter(s)] * size)) def add_colons(s): """Add colons between each nibble pair in a hex string.""" return u':'.join(chunk(2, s)) def to_hex_with_colons(bs): """Convert bytes to a hex string with colons.""" return add_colons(binascii.hexlify(bs).decode('utf-8')) class UTC(datetime.tzinfo): ZERO = datetime.timedelta(0) def tzname(self, dt): return "UTC" def utcoffset(self, dt): return self.ZERO def dst(self, dt): return self.ZERO def format_datetime(t): if t.tzinfo is None: t = t.replace(tzinfo=UTC()) return unicode(t.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z")) class ExternalCAType(enum.Enum): GENERIC = 'generic' MS_CS = 'ms-cs' class ExternalCAProfile: """ An external CA profile configuration. Currently the only subclasses are for Microsoft CAs, for providing data in the "Certificate Template" extension. Constructing this class will actually return an instance of a subclass. Subclasses MUST set ``valid_for``. """ def __init__(self, s=None): self.unparsed_input = s # Which external CA types is the data valid for? # A set of VALUES of the ExternalCAType enum. valid_for = set() def __new__(cls, s=None): """Construct the ExternalCAProfile value. Return an instance of a subclass determined by the format of the argument. """ # we are directly constructing a subclass; instantiate # it and be done if cls is not ExternalCAProfile: return super(ExternalCAProfile, cls).__new__(cls) # construction via the base class; therefore the string # argument is required, and is used to determine which # subclass to construct if s is None: raise ValueError('string argument is required') parts = s.split(':') try: # Is the first part on OID? _oid = univ.ObjectIdentifier(parts[0]) # It is; construct a V2 template # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args return MSCSTemplateV2.__new__(MSCSTemplateV2, s) except pyasn1.error.PyAsn1Error: # It is not an OID; treat as a template name # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args return MSCSTemplateV1.__new__(MSCSTemplateV1, s) def __getstate__(self): return self.unparsed_input def __setstate__(self, state): # explicitly call __init__ method to initialise object self.__init__(state) class MSCSTemplate(ExternalCAProfile): """ An Microsoft AD-CS Template specifier. Subclasses MUST set ext_oid. Subclass constructors MUST set asn1obj. """ valid_for = set([ExternalCAType.MS_CS.value]) ext_oid = None # extension OID, as a Python str asn1obj = None # unencoded extension data def get_ext_data(self): """Return DER-encoded extension data.""" return encoder.encode(self.asn1obj) class MSCSTemplateV1(MSCSTemplate): """ A v1 template specifier, per https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc250011.aspx. :: CertificateTemplateName ::= SEQUENCE { Name UTF8String } But note that a bare BMPString is used in practice. """ ext_oid = "" def __init__(self, s): super(MSCSTemplateV1, self).__init__(s) parts = s.split(':') if len(parts) > 1: raise ValueError( "Cannot specify certificate template version when using name.") self.asn1obj = char.BMPString(str(parts[0])) class MSCSTemplateV2(MSCSTemplate): """ A v2 template specifier, per https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa378274(v=vs.85).aspx :: CertificateTemplate ::= SEQUENCE { templateID EncodedObjectID, templateMajorVersion TemplateVersion, templateMinorVersion TemplateVersion OPTIONAL } TemplateVersion ::= INTEGER (0..4294967295) """ ext_oid = "" @staticmethod def check_version_in_range(desc, n): if n < 0 or n >= 2**32: raise ValueError( "Template {} version must be in range 0..4294967295" .format(desc)) def __init__(self, s): super(MSCSTemplateV2, self).__init__(s) parts = s.split(':') obj = CertificateTemplateV2() if len(parts) < 2 or len(parts) > 3: raise ValueError( "Incorrect template specification; required format is: " "<oid>:<majorVersion>[:<minorVersion>]") try: obj['templateID'] = univ.ObjectIdentifier(parts[0]) major = int(parts[1]) self.check_version_in_range("major", major) obj['templateMajorVersion'] = major if len(parts) > 2: minor = int(parts[2]) self.check_version_in_range("minor", minor) obj['templateMinorVersion'] = int(parts[2]) except pyasn1.error.PyAsn1Error: raise ValueError("Could not parse certificate template specifier.") self.asn1obj = obj class CertificateTemplateV2(univ.Sequence): componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType('templateID', univ.ObjectIdentifier()), namedtype.NamedType('templateMajorVersion', univ.Integer()), namedtype.OptionalNamedType('templateMinorVersion', univ.Integer()) )