#!/usr/bin/python3 # Authors: Martin Kosek # # Copyright (C) 2011 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # from __future__ import print_function import logging from ipapython import ipachangeconf from ipapython.config import IPAOptionParser from ipapython.dn import DN from ipapython import version from ipapython import ipautil, certdb from ipalib import api, errors, x509 from ipaserver.install import installutils # pylint: disable=deprecated-module from optparse import OptionGroup, OptionValueError # pylint: enable=deprecated-module from ipapython.ipa_log_manager import standard_logging_setup import copy import sys import os import signal import tempfile import select import socket import time import threading import traceback from socket import SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM import distutils.spawn from ipaplatform.paths import paths import gssapi logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__)) CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 5 RESPONDER = None QUIET = False CCACHE_FILE = None KRB5_CONFIG = None class SshExec: def __init__(self, user, addr): self.user = user self.addr = addr self.cmd = distutils.spawn.find_executable('ssh') # Bail if ssh is not installed if self.cmd is None: raise RuntimeError("ssh not installed") def __call__(self, command, verbose=False): tmpf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() cmd = [ self.cmd, '-o StrictHostKeychecking=no', '-o UserKnownHostsFile=%s' % tmpf.name, '-o GSSAPIAuthentication=yes', '-o User=%s' % self.user, '%s' % self.addr, command ] if verbose: cmd.insert(1, '-v') env = dict() if KRB5_CONFIG is not None: env['KRB5_CONFIG'] = KRB5_CONFIG elif 'KRB5_CONFIG' in os.environ: env['KRB5_CONFIG'] = os.environ['KRB5_CONFIG'] if CCACHE_FILE is not None: env['KRB5CCNAME'] = CCACHE_FILE elif 'KRB5CCNAME' in os.environ: env['KRB5CCNAME'] = os.environ['KRB5CCNAME'] return ipautil.run(cmd, env=env, raiseonerr=False, capture_output=True, capture_error=True) class CheckedPort: def __init__(self, port, port_type, description): self.port = port self.port_type = port_type self.description = description BASE_PORTS = [ CheckedPort(389, SOCK_STREAM, "Directory Service: Unsecure port"), CheckedPort(636, SOCK_STREAM, "Directory Service: Secure port"), CheckedPort(88, SOCK_STREAM, "Kerberos KDC: TCP"), CheckedPort(88, SOCK_DGRAM, "Kerberos KDC: UDP"), CheckedPort(464, SOCK_STREAM, "Kerberos Kpasswd: TCP"), CheckedPort(464, SOCK_DGRAM, "Kerberos Kpasswd: UDP"), CheckedPort(80, SOCK_STREAM, "HTTP Server: Unsecure port"), CheckedPort(443, SOCK_STREAM, "HTTP Server: Secure port"), ] def parse_options(): def ca_cert_file_callback(option, opt, value, parser): if not os.path.exists(value): raise OptionValueError( "%s option '%s' does not exist" % (opt, value)) if not os.path.isfile(value): raise OptionValueError( "%s option '%s' is not a file" % (opt, value)) if not os.path.isabs(value): raise OptionValueError( "%s option '%s' is not an absolute file path" % (opt, value)) try: x509.load_certificate_list_from_file(value) except Exception: raise OptionValueError( "%s option '%s' is not a valid certificate file" % (opt, value)) parser.values.ca_cert_file = value parser = IPAOptionParser(version=version.VERSION) replica_group = OptionGroup(parser, "on-replica options") replica_group.add_option("-m", "--master", dest="master", help="Master address with running IPA for output connection check") replica_group.add_option("-a", "--auto-master-check", dest="auto_master_check", action="store_true", default=False, help="Automatically execute connection check on master") replica_group.add_option("-r", "--realm", dest="realm", help="Realm name") replica_group.add_option("-k", "--kdc", dest="kdc", help="Master KDC. Defaults to master address") replica_group.add_option("-p", "--principal", dest="principal", default=None, help="Principal to use to log in to remote master") replica_group.add_option("-w", "--password", dest="password", sensitive=True, help="Password for the principal") replica_group.add_option("--ca-cert-file", dest="ca_cert_file", type="string", action="callback", callback=ca_cert_file_callback, help="load the CA certificate from this file") parser.add_option_group(replica_group) master_group = OptionGroup(parser, "on-master options") master_group.add_option("-R", "--replica", dest="replica", help="Address of remote replica machine to check against") parser.add_option_group(master_group) common_group = OptionGroup(parser, "common options") common_group.add_option("-c", "--check-ca", dest="check_ca", action="store_true", default=False, help="Check also ports for Certificate Authority " "(for servers installed before IPA 3.1)") common_group.add_option("", "--hostname", dest="hostname", help="The hostname of this server (FQDN). " "By default the result of getfqdn() call from " "Python's socket module is used.") parser.add_option_group(common_group) parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="Print debugging information") parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", dest="quiet", action="store_true", default=False, help="Output only errors") parser.add_option("--no-log", dest="log_to_file", action="store_false", default=True, help="Do not log into file") options, _args = parser.parse_args() safe_options = parser.get_safe_opts(options) if options.master and options.replica: parser.error("on-master and on-replica options are mutually exclusive!") if options.master: if options.auto_master_check and not options.realm: parser.error("Realm is parameter is required to connect to remote master!") if not os.getegid() == 0: parser.error("You can only run on-replica part as root.") if options.master and not options.kdc: options.kdc = options.master if not options.master and not options.replica: parser.error("No action: you should select either --replica or --master option.") if not options.hostname: options.hostname = socket.getfqdn() return safe_options, options def logging_setup(options): log_file = None if os.getegid() == 0 and options.log_to_file: log_file = paths.IPAREPLICA_CONNCHECK_LOG standard_logging_setup(log_file, verbose=(not options.quiet), debug=options.debug, console_format='%(message)s') def sigterm_handler(signum, frame): # do what SIGINT does (raise a KeyboardInterrupt) sigint_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT) if callable(sigint_handler): sigint_handler(signum, frame) def configure_krb5_conf(realm, kdc, filename): krbconf = ipachangeconf.IPAChangeConf("IPA Installer") krbconf.setOptionAssignment((" = ", " ")) krbconf.setSectionNameDelimiters(("[","]")) krbconf.setSubSectionDelimiters(("{","}")) krbconf.setIndent((""," "," ")) opts = [{'name':'comment', 'type':'comment', 'value':'File created by ipa-replica-conncheck'}, {'name':'empty', 'type':'empty'}] #[libdefaults] libdefaults = [{'name':'default_realm', 'type':'option', 'value':realm}] libdefaults.append({'name':'dns_lookup_realm', 'type':'option', 'value':'false'}) libdefaults.append({'name':'dns_lookup_kdc', 'type':'option', 'value':'true'}) libdefaults.append({'name':'rdns', 'type':'option', 'value':'false'}) libdefaults.append({'name':'ticket_lifetime', 'type':'option', 'value':'24h'}) libdefaults.append({'name':'forwardable', 'type':'option', 'value':'true'}) libdefaults.append({'name':'udp_preference_limit', 'type':'option', 'value':'0'}) opts.append({'name':'libdefaults', 'type':'section', 'value': libdefaults}) opts.append({'name':'empty', 'type':'empty'}) #the following are necessary only if DNS discovery does not work #[realms] realms_info =[{'name':'kdc', 'type':'option', 'value':ipautil.format_netloc(kdc, 88)}, {'name':'master_kdc', 'type':'option', 'value':ipautil.format_netloc(kdc, 88)}, {'name':'admin_server', 'type':'option', 'value':ipautil.format_netloc(kdc, 749)}] realms = [{'name':realm, 'type':'subsection', 'value':realms_info}] opts.append({'name':'realms', 'type':'section', 'value':realms}) opts.append({'name':'empty', 'type':'empty'}) #[appdefaults] pamopts = [{'name':'debug', 'type':'option', 'value':'false'}, {'name':'ticket_lifetime', 'type':'option', 'value':'36000'}, {'name':'renew_lifetime', 'type':'option', 'value':'36000'}, {'name':'forwardable', 'type':'option', 'value':'true'}, {'name':'krb4_convert', 'type':'option', 'value':'false'}] appopts = [{'name':'pam', 'type':'subsection', 'value':pamopts}] opts.append({'name':'appdefaults', 'type':'section', 'value':appopts}) logger.debug("Writing temporary Kerberos configuration to %s:\n%s", filename, krbconf.dump(opts)) krbconf.newConf(filename, opts) class PortResponder(threading.Thread): PROTO = {socket.SOCK_STREAM: 'tcp', socket.SOCK_DGRAM: 'udp'} def __init__(self, ports): """ ports: a list of CheckedPort """ super(PortResponder, self).__init__() # copy ports to avoid the need to synchronize it between threads self.ports = copy.deepcopy(ports) self._sockets = [] self._close = False self._close_lock = threading.Lock() self.responder_data = b'FreeIPA' self.ports_opened = False self.ports_open_cond = threading.Condition() def run(self): logger.debug('Starting listening thread.') for port in self.ports: self._bind_to_port(port.port, port.port_type) with self.ports_open_cond: self.ports_opened = True logger.debug('Ports opened, notify original thread') self.ports_open_cond.notify() while not self._is_closing(): ready_socks, _socks1, _socks2 = select.select( self._sockets, [], [], 1) if ready_socks: ready_sock = ready_socks[0] self._respond(ready_sock) for sock in self._sockets: port = sock.getsockname()[1] proto = PortResponder.PROTO[sock.type] sock.close() logger.debug('%d %s: Stopped listening', port, proto) def _is_closing(self): with self._close_lock: # pylint: disable=not-context-manager return self._close def _bind_to_port(self, port, socket_type): # Use IPv6 socket as it is able to accept both IPv6 and IPv4 # connections. Since IPv6 kernel module is required by other # parts of IPA, it should always be available. family = socket.AF_INET6 host = '::' # all available interfaces proto = PortResponder.PROTO[socket_type] try: sock = socket.socket(family, socket_type) # Make sure IPv4 clients can connect to IPv6 socket sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_V6ONLY, 0) if socket_type == socket.SOCK_STREAM: sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock.bind((host, port)) if socket_type == socket.SOCK_STREAM: # There might be a delay before accepting the connection, # because a single thread is used to handle all the # connections. Thus a backlog size of at least 1 is needed. sock.listen(1) logger.debug('%d %s: Started listening', port, proto) except socket.error: logger.warning('%d %s: Failed to bind', port, proto) logger.debug("%s", traceback.format_exc()) else: self._sockets.append(sock) def _respond(self, sock): port = sock.getsockname()[1] if sock.type == socket.SOCK_STREAM: connection, addr = sock.accept() try: connection.sendall(self.responder_data) logger.debug('%d tcp: Responded to %s', port, addr[0]) finally: connection.close() elif sock.type == socket.SOCK_DGRAM: _data, addr = sock.recvfrom(1) sock.sendto(self.responder_data, addr) logger.debug('%d udp: Responded to %s', port, addr[0]) def stop(self): logger.debug('Stopping listening thread.') with self._close_lock: # pylint: disable=not-context-manager self._close = True def port_check(host, port_list): ports_failed = [] ports_udp_warning = [] # conncheck could not verify that port is open log_level = { SOCK_DGRAM: logging.WARNING, SOCK_STREAM: logging.ERROR } for port in port_list: try: port_open = ipautil.host_port_open( host, port.port, port.port_type, socket_timeout=CONNECT_TIMEOUT, log_errors=True, log_level=log_level[port.port_type]) except socket.gaierror: raise RuntimeError("Port check failed! Unable to resolve host name '%s'" % host) if port_open: result = "OK" else: if port.port_type == socket.SOCK_DGRAM: ports_udp_warning.append(port) result = "WARNING" else: ports_failed.append(port) result = "FAILED" logger.info(" %s (%d): %s", port.description, port.port, result) if ports_udp_warning: logger.warning( ("The following UDP ports could not be verified as open: %s\n" "This can happen if they are already bound to an application\n" "and ipa-replica-conncheck cannot attach own UDP responder."), ", ".join(str(port.port) for port in ports_udp_warning)) if ports_failed: msg_ports = [] for port in ports_failed: port_type_text = "TCP" if port.port_type == SOCK_STREAM else "UDP" msg_ports.append('%d (%s)' % (port.port, port_type_text)) raise RuntimeError("Port check failed! Inaccessible port(s): %s" \ % ", ".join(msg_ports)) def main(): global RESPONDER safe_options, options = parse_options() logging_setup(options) logger.debug('%s was invoked with options: %s', sys.argv[0], safe_options) logger.debug("missing options might be asked for interactively later\n") logger.debug('IPA version %s', version.VENDOR_VERSION) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigterm_handler) required_ports = BASE_PORTS if options.check_ca: # Check old Dogtag CA replication port # New installs with unified databases use main DS port (checked above) required_ports.append(CheckedPort(7389, SOCK_STREAM, "PKI-CA: Directory Service port")) if options.replica: logger.info("Check connection from master to remote replica '%s':", options.replica) port_check(options.replica, required_ports) logger.info("\nConnection from master to replica is OK.") # kinit to foreign master if options.master: # check ports on master first logger.info("Check connection from replica to remote master '%s':", options.master) tcp_ports = [ port for port in required_ports if port.port_type == SOCK_STREAM ] udp_ports = [ port for port in required_ports if port.port_type == SOCK_DGRAM ] port_check(options.master, tcp_ports) if udp_ports: logger.info("\nThe following list of ports use UDP protocol " "and would need to be\n" "checked manually:") for port in udp_ports: result = "SKIPPED" logger.info(" %s (%d): %s", port.description, port.port, result) logger.info("\nConnection from replica to master is OK.") # create listeners logger.info("Start listening on required ports for remote " "master check") RESPONDER = PortResponder(required_ports) RESPONDER.start() with RESPONDER.ports_open_cond: if not RESPONDER.ports_opened: logger.debug('Original thread stopped') RESPONDER.ports_open_cond.wait() logger.debug('Original thread resumed') remote_check_opts = ['--replica %s' % options.hostname] if options.auto_master_check: logger.info("Get credentials to log in to remote master") cred = None if options.principal is None: # Check if ccache is available try: logger.debug('KRB5CCNAME set to %s', os.environ.get('KRB5CCNAME', None)) # get default creds, will raise if none found cred = gssapi.creds.Credentials() principal = str(cred.name) except gssapi.raw.misc.GSSError as e: logger.debug('Failed to find default ccache: %s', e) # Use admin as the default principal principal = "admin" else: principal = options.principal if cred is None: (krb_fd, krb_name) = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(krb_fd) configure_krb5_conf(options.realm, options.kdc, krb_name) global KRB5_CONFIG KRB5_CONFIG = krb_name (ccache_fd, ccache_name) = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(ccache_fd) global CCACHE_FILE CCACHE_FILE = ccache_name if principal.find('@') == -1: principal = '%s@%s' % (principal, options.realm) if options.password: password=options.password else: password = installutils.read_password(principal, confirm=False, validate=False, retry=False) if password is None: sys.exit("Principal password required") result = ipautil.run([paths.KINIT, principal], env={'KRB5_CONFIG':KRB5_CONFIG, 'KRB5CCNAME':CCACHE_FILE}, stdin=password, raiseonerr=False, capture_error=True) if result.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError("Cannot acquire Kerberos ticket: %s" % result.error_output) # Verify kinit was actually successful result = ipautil.run([paths.BIN_KVNO, 'host/%s' % options.master], env={'KRB5_CONFIG':KRB5_CONFIG, 'KRB5CCNAME':CCACHE_FILE}, raiseonerr=False, capture_error=True) if result.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError("Could not get ticket for master server: %s" % result.error_output) # Now that the cred cache file is initialized, # use it for the IPA API calls os.environ['KRB5CCNAME'] = CCACHE_FILE try: logger.info("Check RPC connection to remote master") xmlrpc_uri = ('https://%s/ipa/xml' % ipautil.format_netloc(options.master)) if options.ca_cert_file: nss_dir = None else: nss_dir = paths.IPA_NSSDB_DIR with certdb.NSSDatabase(nss_dir) as nss_db: if options.ca_cert_file: nss_db.create_db() ca_certs = x509.load_certificate_list_from_file( options.ca_cert_file) for ca_cert in ca_certs: nss_db.add_cert( ca_cert, str(DN(ca_cert.subject)), certdb.EXTERNAL_CA_TRUST_FLAGS) api.bootstrap(context='client', confdir=paths.ETC_IPA, xmlrpc_uri=xmlrpc_uri, nss_dir=nss_db.secdir) api.finalize() try: api.Backend.rpcclient.connect() api.Command.ping() except Exception as e: logger.info( "Could not connect to the remote host: %s", e) raise logger.info("Execute check on remote master") try: result = api.Backend.rpcclient.forward( 'server_conncheck', ipautil.fsdecode(options.master), ipautil.fsdecode(options.hostname), version=u'2.162', ) except (errors.CommandError, errors.NetworkError) as e: logger.info( "Remote master does not support check over RPC: " "%s", e) raise except errors.PublicError as e: returncode = 1 stderr = e else: for message in result['messages']: logger.info('%s', message['message']) returncode = int(not result['result']) stderr = ("ipa-replica-conncheck returned non-zero " "exit code") finally: if api.Backend.rpcclient.isconnected(): api.Backend.rpcclient.disconnect() except Exception as e: logger.debug("RPC connection failed: %s", e) logger.info("Retrying using SSH...") # Ticket 5812 Always qualify requests for admin user = principal try: ssh = SshExec(user, options.master) except RuntimeError as e: logger.warning("WARNING: %s, skipping ssh test", e) return 0 logger.info("Check SSH connection to remote master") result = ssh('echo OK', verbose=True) if result.returncode != 0: logger.debug('%s', result.error_output) raise RuntimeError( 'Could not SSH to remote host.\n' 'See /var/log/ipareplica-conncheck.log for more ' 'information.') logger.info("Execute check on remote master") result = ssh( "/usr/sbin/ipa-replica-conncheck " + " ".join(remote_check_opts)) returncode = result.returncode stderr = result.error_output logger.info('%s', result.output) if returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError( "Remote master check failed with following " "error message(s):\n%s" % stderr) else: # wait until user test is ready logger.info( "Listeners are started. Use CTRL+C to terminate the listening " "part after the test.\n\n" "Please run the following command on remote master:\n" "/usr/sbin/ipa-replica-conncheck %s", " ".join(remote_check_opts)) time.sleep(3600) logger.info( "Connection check timeout: terminating listening program") return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": try: sys.exit(main()) except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.info("\nCleaning up...") sys.exit(1) except RuntimeError as e: logger.error('ERROR: %s', e) sys.exit(1) finally: if RESPONDER is not None: RESPONDER.stop() RESPONDER.join() for file_name in (CCACHE_FILE, KRB5_CONFIG): if file_name: try: os.remove(file_name) except OSError: pass