# # Copyright (C) 2015 FreeIPA Contributors see COPYING for license # from __future__ import absolute_import import logging import dbus import dbus.mainloop.glib import ldap import time from ipalib import api, crud, errors, messages from ipalib import Int, Flag, Str, DNSNameParam from ipalib.plugable import Registry from .baseldap import ( LDAPSearch, LDAPRetrieve, LDAPDelete, LDAPObject, LDAPUpdate, ) from ipalib.request import context from ipalib import _, ngettext from ipalib import output from ipaplatform import services from ipapython.dn import DN from ipapython.dnsutil import DNSName from ipaserver import topology from ipaserver.servroles import ENABLED from ipaserver.install import bindinstance, dnskeysyncinstance __doc__ = _(""" IPA servers """) + _(""" Get information about installed IPA servers. """) + _(""" EXAMPLES: """) + _(""" Find all servers: ipa server-find """) + _(""" Show specific server: ipa server-show ipa.example.com """) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) register = Registry() @register() class server(LDAPObject): """ IPA server """ container_dn = api.env.container_masters object_name = _('server') object_name_plural = _('servers') object_class = ['top'] possible_objectclasses = ['ipaLocationMember'] search_attributes = ['cn'] default_attributes = [ 'cn', 'iparepltopomanagedsuffix', 'ipamindomainlevel', 'ipamaxdomainlevel', 'ipalocation', 'ipaserviceweight' ] label = _('IPA Servers') label_singular = _('IPA Server') attribute_members = { 'iparepltopomanagedsuffix': ['topologysuffix'], 'ipalocation': ['location'], 'role': ['servrole'], } relationships = { 'iparepltopomanagedsuffix': ('Managed', '', 'no_'), 'ipalocation': ('IPA', 'in_', 'not_in_'), 'role': ('Enabled', '', 'no_'), } permission_filter_objectclasses = ['ipaConfigObject'] managed_permissions = { 'System: Read Locations of IPA Servers': { 'ipapermright': {'read', 'search', 'compare'}, 'ipapermdefaultattr': { 'objectclass', 'cn', 'ipalocation', 'ipaserviceweight', }, 'default_privileges': {'DNS Administrators'}, }, 'System: Read Status of Services on IPA Servers': { 'ipapermright': {'read', 'search', 'compare'}, 'ipapermdefaultattr': {'objectclass', 'cn', 'ipaconfigstring'}, 'default_privileges': {'DNS Administrators'}, } } takes_params = ( Str( 'cn', cli_name='name', primary_key=True, label=_('Server name'), doc=_('IPA server hostname'), ), Str( 'iparepltopomanagedsuffix*', flags={'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ), Str( 'iparepltopomanagedsuffix_topologysuffix*', label=_('Managed suffixes'), flags={'virtual_attribute', 'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ), Int( 'ipamindomainlevel', cli_name='minlevel', label=_('Min domain level'), doc=_('Minimum domain level'), flags={'no_create', 'no_update'}, ), Int( 'ipamaxdomainlevel', cli_name='maxlevel', label=_('Max domain level'), doc=_('Maximum domain level'), flags={'no_create', 'no_update'}, ), DNSNameParam( 'ipalocation_location?', cli_name='location', label=_('Location'), doc=_('Server location'), only_relative=True, flags={'no_search'}, ), Int( 'ipaserviceweight?', cli_name='service_weight', label=_('Service weight'), doc=_('Weight for server services'), minvalue=0, maxvalue=65535, flags={'no_search'}, ), Str( 'service_relative_weight', label=_('Service relative weight'), doc=_('Relative weight for server services (counts per location)'), flags={'virtual_attribute','no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'}, ), Str( 'enabled_role_servrole*', label=_('Enabled server roles'), doc=_('List of enabled roles'), flags={'virtual_attribute', 'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'} ), ) def _get_suffixes(self): suffixes = self.api.Command.topologysuffix_find( all=True, raw=True, )['result'] suffixes = [(s['iparepltopoconfroot'][0], s['dn']) for s in suffixes] return suffixes def _apply_suffixes(self, entry, suffixes): # change suffix DNs to topologysuffix entry DNs # this fixes LDAPObject.convert_attribute_members() for suffixes suffixes = dict(suffixes) if 'iparepltopomanagedsuffix' in entry: entry['iparepltopomanagedsuffix'] = [ suffixes.get(m, m) for m in entry['iparepltopomanagedsuffix'] ] def normalize_location(self, kw, **options): """ Return the DN of location """ if 'ipalocation_location' in kw: location = kw.pop('ipalocation_location') kw['ipalocation'] = ( [self.api.Object.location.get_dn(location)] if location is not None else location ) def convert_location(self, entry_attrs, **options): """ Return a location name from DN """ if options.get('raw'): return converted_locations = [ DNSName(location_dn['idnsname']) for location_dn in entry_attrs.pop('ipalocation', []) ] if converted_locations: entry_attrs['ipalocation_location'] = converted_locations def get_enabled_roles(self, entry_attrs, **options): if not options.get('all', False) and options.get('no_members', False): return if options.get('raw', False): return enabled_roles = self.api.Command.server_role_find( server_server=entry_attrs['cn'][0], status=ENABLED, include_master=True, )['result'] enabled_role_names = [r[u'role_servrole'] for r in enabled_roles] entry_attrs['enabled_role_servrole'] = enabled_role_names @register() class server_mod(LDAPUpdate): __doc__ = _('Modify information about an IPA server.') msg_summary = _('Modified IPA server "%(value)s"') def args_options_2_entry(self, *args, **options): kw = super(server_mod, self).args_options_2_entry( *args, **options) self.obj.normalize_location(kw, **options) return kw def pre_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, attrs_list, *keys, **options): assert isinstance(dn, DN) if entry_attrs.get('ipalocation'): if not ldap.entry_exists(entry_attrs['ipalocation'][0]): raise self.api.Object.location.handle_not_found( options['ipalocation_location']) if 'ipalocation' in entry_attrs or 'ipaserviceweight' in entry_attrs: server_entry = ldap.get_entry(dn, ['objectclass']) # we need to extend object with ipaLocationMember objectclass entry_attrs['objectclass'] = ( server_entry['objectclass'] + ['ipalocationmember'] ) return dn def post_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options): assert isinstance(dn, DN) self.obj.get_enabled_roles(entry_attrs) if 'ipalocation_location' in options: ipalocation = entry_attrs.get('ipalocation') if ipalocation: ipalocation = ipalocation[0]['idnsname'] else: ipalocation = u'' try: self.api.Command.dnsserver_mod( keys[0], setattr=[ u'idnsSubstitutionVariable;ipalocation={loc}'.format( loc=ipalocation) ] ) except errors.EmptyModlist: pass except errors.NotFound: # server is not DNS server pass if 'ipalocation_location' or 'ipaserviceweight' in options: self.add_message(messages.ServiceRestartRequired( service=services.service('named', api).systemd_name, server=keys[0], )) result = self.api.Command.dns_update_system_records() if not result.get('value'): self.add_message(messages.AutomaticDNSRecordsUpdateFailed()) self.obj.convert_location(entry_attrs, **options) ipalocation = entry_attrs.get('ipalocation_location', [None])[0] if ipalocation: servers_in_loc = self.api.Command.server_find( in_location=ipalocation, no_members=False)['result'] dns_server_in_loc = False for server in servers_in_loc: if 'DNS server' in server.get('enabled_role_servrole', ()): dns_server_in_loc = True break if not dns_server_in_loc: self.add_message(messages.LocationWithoutDNSServer( location=ipalocation )) return dn @register() class server_find(LDAPSearch): __doc__ = _('Search for IPA servers.') msg_summary = ngettext( '%(count)d IPA server matched', '%(count)d IPA servers matched', 0 ) member_attributes = ['iparepltopomanagedsuffix', 'ipalocation', 'role'] def args_options_2_entry(self, *args, **options): kw = super(server_find, self).args_options_2_entry( *args, **options) self.obj.normalize_location(kw, **options) return kw def get_options(self): for option in super(server_find, self).get_options(): if option.name == 'topologysuffix': option = option.clone(cli_name='topologysuffixes') elif option.name == 'no_topologysuffix': option = option.clone(cli_name='no_topologysuffixes') # we do not want to test negative membership for roles elif option.name == 'no_servrole': continue yield option def get_member_filter(self, ldap, **options): options.pop('topologysuffix', None) options.pop('no_topologysuffix', None) options.pop('servrole', None) return super(server_find, self).get_member_filter( ldap, **options) def _get_enabled_servrole_filter(self, ldap, servroles): """ return a filter matching any master which has all the specified roles enabled. """ def _get_masters_with_enabled_servrole(role): role_status = self.api.Command.server_role_find( server_server=None, role_servrole=role, status=ENABLED, include_master=True, )['result'] return set( r[u'server_server'] for r in role_status) enabled_masters = _get_masters_with_enabled_servrole( servroles[0]) for role in servroles[1:]: enabled_masters.intersection_update( _get_masters_with_enabled_servrole(role) ) if not enabled_masters: return '(!(objectclass=*))' return ldap.make_filter_from_attr( 'cn', list(enabled_masters), rules=ldap.MATCH_ANY ) def pre_callback(self, ldap, filters, attrs_list, base_dn, scope, *args, **options): included = options.get('topologysuffix') excluded = options.get('no_topologysuffix') if included or excluded: topologysuffix = self.api.Object.topologysuffix suffixes = self.obj._get_suffixes() suffixes = {s[1]: s[0] for s in suffixes} if included: included = [topologysuffix.get_dn(pk) for pk in included] try: included = [suffixes[dn] for dn in included] except KeyError: # force empty result filter = '(!(objectclass=*))' else: filter = ldap.make_filter_from_attr( 'iparepltopomanagedsuffix', included, ldap.MATCH_ALL ) filters = ldap.combine_filters( (filters, filter), ldap.MATCH_ALL ) if excluded: excluded = [topologysuffix.get_dn(pk) for pk in excluded] excluded = [suffixes[dn] for dn in excluded if dn in suffixes] filter = ldap.make_filter_from_attr( 'iparepltopomanagedsuffix', excluded, ldap.MATCH_NONE ) filters = ldap.combine_filters( (filters, filter), ldap.MATCH_ALL ) if options.get('servrole', []): servrole_filter = self._get_enabled_servrole_filter( ldap, options['servrole']) filters = ldap.combine_filters( (filters, servrole_filter), ldap.MATCH_ALL) return (filters, base_dn, scope) def post_callback(self, ldap, entries, truncated, *args, **options): if not options.get('raw', False): suffixes = self.obj._get_suffixes() for entry in entries: self.obj._apply_suffixes(entry, suffixes) for entry in entries: self.obj.convert_location(entry, **options) self.obj.get_enabled_roles(entry, **options) return truncated @register() class server_show(LDAPRetrieve): __doc__ = _('Show IPA server.') def post_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry, *keys, **options): if not options.get('raw', False): suffixes = self.obj._get_suffixes() self.obj._apply_suffixes(entry, suffixes) self.obj.convert_location(entry, **options) self.obj.get_enabled_roles(entry, **options) return dn @register() class server_del(LDAPDelete): __doc__ = _('Delete IPA server.') msg_summary = _('Deleted IPA server "%(value)s"') takes_options = LDAPDelete.takes_options + ( Flag( 'ignore_topology_disconnect?', label=_('Ignore topology errors'), doc=_('Ignore topology connectivity problems after removal'), default=False, ), Flag( 'ignore_last_of_role?', label=_('Ignore check for last remaining CA or DNS server'), doc=_('Skip a check whether the last CA master or DNS server is ' 'removed'), default=False, ), Flag( 'force?', label=_('Force server removal'), doc=_('Force server removal even if it does not exist'), default=False, ), ) def _ensure_last_of_role(self, hostname, ignore_last_of_role=False): """ 1. When deleting server, check if there will be at least one remaining DNS and CA server. 2. Pick CA renewal master """ def handler(msg, ignore_last_of_role): if ignore_last_of_role: self.add_message( messages.ServerRemovalWarning( message=msg ) ) else: raise errors.ServerRemovalError(reason=_(msg)) ipa_config = self.api.Command.config_show()['result'] ipa_masters = ipa_config['ipa_master_server'] # skip these checks if the last master is being removed if len(ipa_masters) <= 1: return if self.api.Command.dns_is_enabled()['result']: dns_config = self.api.Command.dnsconfig_show()['result'] dns_servers = dns_config.get('dns_server_server', []) dnssec_keymaster = dns_config.get('dnssec_key_master_server', []) if dnssec_keymaster == hostname: handler( _("Replica is active DNSSEC key master. Uninstall " "could break your DNS system. Please disable or " "replace DNSSEC key master first."), ignore_last_of_role) if dns_servers == [hostname]: handler( _("Deleting this server will leave your installation " "without a DNS."), ignore_last_of_role) if self.api.Command.ca_is_enabled()['result']: try: vault_config = self.api.Command.vaultconfig_show()['result'] kra_servers = vault_config.get('kra_server_server', []) except errors.InvocationError: # KRA is not configured pass else: if kra_servers == [hostname]: handler( _("Deleting this server is not allowed as it would " "leave your installation without a KRA."), ignore_last_of_role) ca_servers = ipa_config.get('ca_server_server', []) ca_renewal_master = ipa_config.get( 'ca_renewal_master_server', []) if ca_servers == [hostname]: handler( _("Deleting this server is not allowed as it would " "leave your installation without a CA."), ignore_last_of_role) # change the renewal master if there is other master with CA if ca_renewal_master == hostname: other_cas = [ca for ca in ca_servers if ca != hostname] if other_cas: self.api.Command.config_mod( ca_renewal_master_server=other_cas[0]) if ignore_last_of_role: self.add_message( messages.ServerRemovalWarning( message=_("Ignoring these warnings and proceeding with " "removal"))) def _check_topology_connectivity(self, topology_connectivity, master_cn): try: topology_connectivity.check_current_state() except ValueError as e: raise errors.ServerRemovalError(reason=e) try: topology_connectivity.check_state_after_removal(master_cn) except ValueError as e: raise errors.ServerRemovalError(reason=e) def _remove_server_principal_references(self, master): """ This method removes information about the replica in parts of the shared tree that expose it, so clients stop trying to use this replica. """ conn = self.Backend.ldap2 env = self.api.env master_principal = "{}@{}".format(master, env.realm).encode('utf-8') # remove replica memberPrincipal from s4u2proxy configuration s4u2proxy_subtree = DN(env.container_s4u2proxy, env.basedn) dn1 = DN(('cn', 'ipa-http-delegation'), s4u2proxy_subtree) member_principal1 = b"HTTP/%s" % master_principal dn2 = DN(('cn', 'ipa-ldap-delegation-targets'), s4u2proxy_subtree) member_principal2 = b"ldap/%s" % master_principal dn3 = DN(('cn', 'ipa-cifs-delegation-targets'), s4u2proxy_subtree) member_principal3 = b"cifs/%s" % master_principal for (dn, member_principal) in ((dn1, member_principal1), (dn2, member_principal2), (dn3, member_principal3)): try: mod = [(ldap.MOD_DELETE, 'memberPrincipal', member_principal)] conn.conn.modify_s(str(dn), mod) except (ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT, ldap.NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE): logger.debug( "Replica (%s) memberPrincipal (%s) not found in %s", master, member_principal.decode('utf-8'), dn) except Exception as e: self.add_message( messages.ServerRemovalWarning( message=_("Failed to clean memberPrincipal " "%(principal)s from s4u2proxy entry %(dn)s: " "%(err)s") % dict( principal=(member_principal .decode('utf-8')), dn=dn, err=e))) try: etc_basedn = DN(('cn', 'etc'), env.basedn) filter = '(dnaHostname=%s)' % master entries = conn.get_entries( etc_basedn, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter=filter) if len(entries) != 0: for entry in entries: conn.delete_entry(entry) except errors.NotFound: pass except Exception as e: self.add_message( messages.ServerRemovalWarning( message=_( "Failed to clean up DNA hostname entries for " "%(master)s: %(err)s") % dict(master=master, err=e))) try: dn = DN(('cn', 'default'), ('ou', 'profile'), env.basedn) ret = conn.get_entry(dn) srvlist = ret.single_value.get('defaultServerList', '') srvlist = srvlist.split() if master in srvlist: srvlist.remove(master) if not srvlist: del ret['defaultServerList'] else: ret['defaultServerList'] = ' '.join(srvlist) conn.update_entry(ret) except (errors.NotFound, errors.MidairCollision, errors.EmptyModlist): pass except Exception as e: self.add_message( messages.ServerRemovalWarning( message=_("Failed to remove server %(master)s from server " "list: %(err)s") % dict(master=master, err=e))) def _remove_server_custodia_keys(self, ldap, master): """ Delete all Custodia encryption and signing keys """ conn = self.Backend.ldap2 env = self.api.env # search for memberPrincipal=*/fqdn@realm member_filter = ldap.make_filter_from_attr( 'memberPrincipal', "/{}@{}".format(master, env.realm), exact=False, leading_wildcard=True, trailing_wildcard=False) custodia_subtree = DN(env.container_custodia, env.basedn) try: entries = conn.get_entries(custodia_subtree, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter=member_filter) for entry in entries: conn.delete_entry(entry) except errors.NotFound: pass except Exception as e: self.add_message( messages.ServerRemovalWarning( message=_( "Failed to clean up Custodia keys for " "%(master)s: %(err)s") % dict(master=master, err=e))) def _remove_server_host_services(self, ldap, master): """ delete server kerberos key and all its svc principals """ try: # do not delete ldap principal if server-del command # has been called on a machine which is being deleted # since this will break replication. # ldap principal to be cleaned later by topology plugin # necessary changes to a topology plugin are tracked # under https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/7359 if master == self.api.env.host: filter = ( '(&(krbprincipalname=*/{}@{})' '(!(krbprincipalname=ldap/*)))' .format(master, self.api.env.realm) ) else: filter = '(krbprincipalname=*/{}@{})'.format( master, self.api.env.realm ) entries = ldap.get_entries( self.api.env.basedn, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter=filter ) if entries: entries.sort(key=lambda x: len(x.dn), reverse=True) for entry in entries: ldap.delete_entry(entry) except errors.NotFound: pass except Exception as e: self.add_message( messages.ServerRemovalWarning( message=_("Failed to cleanup server principals/keys: " "%(err)s") % dict(err=e))) def _cleanup_server_dns_records(self, hostname, **options): if not self.api.Command.dns_is_enabled( **options): return try: bindinstance.remove_master_dns_records( hostname, self.api.env.realm) dnskeysyncinstance.remove_replica_public_keys(hostname) except Exception as e: self.add_message( messages.ServerRemovalWarning( message=_( "Failed to cleanup %(hostname)s DNS entries: " "%(err)s") % dict(hostname=hostname, err=e))) self.add_message( messages.ServerRemovalWarning( message=_("You may need to manually remove them from the " "tree"))) def _cleanup_server_dns_config(self, hostname): try: self.api.Command.dnsserver_del(hostname) except errors.NotFound: pass def pre_callback(self, ldap, dn, *keys, **options): pkey = self.obj.get_primary_key_from_dn(dn) if options.get('force', False): self.add_message( messages.ServerRemovalWarning( message=_("Forcing removal of %(hostname)s") % dict( hostname=pkey))) # check the topology errors before and after removal self.context.topology_connectivity = topology.TopologyConnectivity( self.api) if options.get('ignore_topology_disconnect', False): self.add_message( messages.ServerRemovalWarning( message=_("Ignoring topology connectivity errors."))) else: self._check_topology_connectivity( self.context.topology_connectivity, pkey) # ensure that we are not removing last CA/DNS server, DNSSec master and # CA renewal master self._ensure_last_of_role( pkey, ignore_last_of_role=options.get('ignore_last_of_role', False) ) # remove the references to master's ldap/http principals self._remove_server_principal_references(pkey) # remove Custodia encryption and signing keys self._remove_server_custodia_keys(ldap, pkey) # finally destroy all Kerberos principals self._remove_server_host_services(ldap, pkey) # try to clean up the leftover DNS entries self._cleanup_server_dns_records(pkey) # try to clean up the DNS config from ldap self._cleanup_server_dns_config(pkey) return dn def exc_callback(self, keys, options, exc, call_func, *call_args, **call_kwargs): if (options.get('force', False) and isinstance(exc, errors.NotFound) and call_func.__name__ == 'delete_entry'): self.add_message( message=messages.ServerRemovalWarning( message=_("Server has already been deleted"))) return raise exc def _check_deleted_segments(self, hostname, topology_connectivity, starting_host): def wait_for_segment_removal(hostname, master_cns, suffix_name, orig_errors, new_errors): i = 0 while True: left = self.api.Command.topologysegment_find( suffix_name, iparepltoposegmentleftnode=hostname, sizelimit=0 )['result'] right = self.api.Command.topologysegment_find( suffix_name, iparepltoposegmentrightnode=hostname, sizelimit=0 )['result'] # Relax check if topology was or is disconnected. Disconnected # topology can contain segments with already deleted servers # Check only if segments of servers, which can contact this # server, and the deleted server were removed. # This code should handle a case where there was a topology # with a central node(B): A <-> B <-> C, where A is current # server. After removal of B, topology will be disconnected and # removal of segment B <-> C won't be replicated back to server # A, therefore presence of the segment has to be ignored. if orig_errors or new_errors: # use errors after deletion because we don't care if some # server can't contact the deleted one cant_contact_me = [e[0] for e in new_errors if starting_host in e[2]] can_contact_me = set(master_cns) - set(cant_contact_me) left = [ s for s in left if s['iparepltoposegmentrightnode'][0] in can_contact_me ] right = [ s for s in right if s['iparepltoposegmentleftnode'][0] in can_contact_me ] if not left and not right: self.add_message( messages.ServerRemovalInfo( message=_("Agreements deleted") )) return time.sleep(2) if i == 2: # taking too long, something is wrong, report logger.info( "Waiting for removal of replication agreements") if i > 90: logger.info("Taking too long, skipping") logger.info("Following segments were not deleted:") self.add_message(messages.ServerRemovalWarning( message=_("Following segments were not deleted:"))) for s in left: self.add_message(messages.ServerRemovalWarning( message=u" %s" % s['cn'][0])) for s in right: self.add_message(messages.ServerRemovalWarning( message=u" %s" % s['cn'][0])) return i += 1 topology_graphs = topology_connectivity.graphs orig_errors = topology_connectivity.errors new_errors = topology_connectivity.errors_after_master_removal( hostname ) for suffix_name in topology_graphs: suffix_members = topology_graphs[suffix_name].vertices if hostname not in suffix_members: # If the server was already deleted, we can expect that all # removals had been done in previous run and dangling segments # were not deleted. logger.info( "Skipping replication agreement deletion check for " "suffix '%s'", suffix_name) continue logger.info( "Checking for deleted segments in suffix '%s", suffix_name) wait_for_segment_removal( hostname, list(suffix_members), suffix_name, orig_errors[suffix_name], new_errors[suffix_name]) def post_callback(self, ldap, dn, *keys, **options): # there is no point in checking deleted segment on local host # we should do this only when removing other masters if self.api.env.host != keys[-1]: self._check_deleted_segments( keys[-1], self.context.topology_connectivity, self.api.env.host) return super(server_del, self).post_callback( ldap, dn, *keys, **options) @register() class server_conncheck(crud.PKQuery): __doc__ = _("Check connection to remote IPA server.") NO_CLI = True takes_args = ( Str( 'remote_cn', cli_name='remote_name', label=_('Remote server name'), doc=_('Remote IPA server hostname'), ), ) has_output = output.standard_value def execute(self, *keys, **options): # the server must be the local host if keys[-2] != api.env.host: raise errors.ValidationError( name='cn', error=_("must be \"%s\"") % api.env.host) # the server entry must exist try: self.obj.get_dn_if_exists(*keys[:-1]) except errors.NotFound: raise self.obj.handle_not_found(keys[-2]) # the user must have the Replication Administrators privilege privilege = u'Replication Administrators' privilege_dn = self.api.Object.privilege.get_dn(privilege) ldap = self.obj.backend filter = ldap.make_filter({ 'krbprincipalname': context.principal, # pylint: disable=no-member 'memberof': privilege_dn}, rules=ldap.MATCH_ALL) try: ldap.find_entries(base_dn=self.api.env.basedn, filter=filter) except errors.NotFound: raise errors.ACIError( info=_("not allowed to perform server connection check")) dbus.mainloop.glib.DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True) bus = dbus.SystemBus() obj = bus.get_object('org.freeipa.server', '/', follow_name_owner_changes=True) server = dbus.Interface(obj, 'org.freeipa.server') ret, stdout, _stderr = server.conncheck(keys[-1]) result = dict( result=(ret == 0), value=keys[-2], ) for line in stdout.splitlines(): messages.add_message(options['version'], result, messages.ExternalCommandOutput(line=line)) return result