# # Copyright (C) 2015 FreeIPA Contributors see COPYING for license # """ KRA installer module """ from __future__ import absolute_import import os from ipalib import api from ipalib.install.kinit import kinit_keytab from ipaplatform import services from ipaplatform.paths import paths from ipapython import ipautil from ipapython.install.core import group from ipaserver.install import ca, cainstance from ipaserver.install import krainstance from ipaserver.install import dsinstance from ipaserver.install import service as _service from . import dogtag def install_check(api, replica_config, options): if replica_config is not None and not replica_config.setup_kra: return kra = krainstance.KRAInstance(api.env.realm) if kra.is_installed(): raise RuntimeError("KRA is already installed.") if not options.setup_ca: if cainstance.is_ca_installed_locally(): if api.env.dogtag_version >= 10: # correct dogtag version of CA installed pass else: raise RuntimeError( "Dogtag must be version 10.2 or above to install KRA") else: raise RuntimeError( "Dogtag CA is not installed. Please install the CA first") if replica_config is not None: if not api.Command.kra_is_enabled()['result']: raise RuntimeError( "KRA is not installed on the master system. Please use " "'ipa-kra-install' command to install the first instance.") def install(api, replica_config, options, custodia): if replica_config is None: if not options.setup_kra: return realm_name = api.env.realm dm_password = options.dm_password host_name = api.env.host subject_base = dsinstance.DsInstance().find_subject_base() pkcs12_info = None master_host = None promote = False else: if not replica_config.setup_kra: return krafile = os.path.join(replica_config.dir, 'kracert.p12') with ipautil.private_ccache(): ccache = os.environ['KRB5CCNAME'] kinit_keytab( 'host/{env.host}@{env.realm}'.format(env=api.env), paths.KRB5_KEYTAB, ccache) custodia.get_kra_keys( krafile, replica_config.dirman_password) realm_name = replica_config.realm_name dm_password = replica_config.dirman_password host_name = replica_config.host_name subject_base = replica_config.subject_base pkcs12_info = (krafile,) master_host = replica_config.kra_host_name promote = True ca_subject = ca.lookup_ca_subject(api, subject_base) kra = krainstance.KRAInstance(realm_name) kra.configure_instance( realm_name, host_name, dm_password, dm_password, subject_base=subject_base, ca_subject=ca_subject, pkcs12_info=pkcs12_info, master_host=master_host, promote=promote, pki_config_override=options.pki_config_override, ) _service.print_msg("Restarting the directory server") ds = dsinstance.DsInstance() ds.restart() kra.enable_client_auth_to_db() # Restart apache for new proxy config file services.knownservices.httpd.restart(capture_output=True) # Restarted named to restore bind-dyndb-ldap operation, see # https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/5813 named = services.knownservices.named # alias for current named if named.is_running(): named.restart(capture_output=True) def uninstall(): kra = krainstance.KRAInstance(api.env.realm) kra.stop_tracking_certificates() if kra.is_installed(): kra.uninstall() @group class KRAInstallInterface(dogtag.DogtagInstallInterface): """ Interface of the KRA installer Knobs defined here will be available in: * ipa-server-install * ipa-replica-prepare * ipa-replica-install * ipa-kra-install """ description = "KRA"