Here is a quick guide to get you started in IPA development. Dependencies ------------ For more information, see The quickest way to get the dependencies needed for building is: # dnf builddep -b -D "with_wheels 1" -D "with_lint 1" --spec --best --allowerasing --setopt=install_weak_deps=False TIP: For building with latest dependencies for freeipa master enable copr repo: # dnf copr enable @freeipa/freeipa-master see: TIP: You might need to enable the "nodejs" module: # dnf module list nodejs # dnf module enable nodejs: -y For more dependencies management tips, you can have a look at ./ipatests/azure/templates/prepare-build-fedora.yml Building -------- From the root of the source tree run: $ ./ The resulting rpm packages are in dist/rpms: # yum --nogpgcheck localinstall dist/rpms/* # ipa-server-install You might tweak the build and run steps separatelly: $ autoreconf -i $ ./configure $ make $ make install It may be possible to do a simple make install but this has not been well-tested. Additional work is done in pre/post install scripts in the ipa spec file. To build only python2 packages on fedora following steps are required: $ autoreconf -i $ ./configure $ make rpms RPMBUILD_OPTS="--define 'with_python3 0'" Developing plugins ------------------ It is possible to do management plugin development within the source tree. To start with, you need a full IPA install on the current system. Build and install the rpms and then configure IPA using ipa-server-install. Get a TGT for the admin user with: kinit admin Next you'll need 2 sessions in the source tree. In the first session run ```make lite-server```. In the second session copy /etc/ipa/default.conf into ~/.ipa/default.conf and replace xmlrpc_uri with Finally run the ./ipa tool and it will make requests to the lite-server listening on This makes developing plugins much faster and you can also make use of the Python pdb debugger on the server side. You'll find you may need to refresh the underlying build if schema or other changes are required. Testing ------- For more information, see We use python pytest to test for regressions in the management framework and plugins. All test dependencies are required by the freeipa-tests package. To run all of the tests you will need 2 sessions, one to run the lite-server and the other to execute the tests. You'll also need a TGT before starting the lite-server: % kinit admin % make test Some tests may be skipped. For example, all the XML-RPC tests will be skipped if you haven't started the lite-server. The DNS tests will be skipped if the underlying IPA installation doesn't configure DNS, etc. To just execute fast unittest and code linters, use the fastcheck target. Fast tests only execute a subset of the test suite that does not depend on an initialized API and server instance. Fast linting just verifies modified files / lines. % make fastcheck API.txt ------- The purpose of the file API.txt is to prevent accidental API changes. The program ./makeapi creates file and also validates it (with the --validate option). This validation is part of the build process. There are three solutions to changes to the API: 1. Changes to existing API require a change to the MAJOR version. 2. Addition of new API requires a change to the MINOR version. 3. Or just back out your changes and don't make an API change. If the API changes you'll need to run ./makeapi to update API.txt and commit it along with VERSION with your API change. If a module is optionally loaded then you will need to be able to conditionally load it for API validation. The environment variable api.env.validate_api is True during validation. General Notes ------------- IPA is not relocatable. When building rpms the version contains the GIT id in the version. To prevent this pass the argument IPA_VERSION_IS_GIT_SNAPSHOT=yes to make.