# # Copyright (C) 2018 FreeIPA Contributors see COPYING for license # """Misc test for 'ipa' CLI regressions """ from __future__ import absolute_import import base64 import re import os import logging import random import shlex import ssl from itertools import chain, repeat import textwrap import time import pytest from subprocess import CalledProcessError from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from cryptography import x509 from datetime import datetime, timedelta from ipalib.constants import IPAAPI_USER from ipaplatform.paths import paths from ipapython.dn import DN from ipapython.certdb import get_ca_nickname from ipatests.test_integration.base import IntegrationTest from ipatests.pytest_ipa.integration import tasks from ipaplatform.tasks import tasks as platform_tasks from ipatests.create_external_ca import ExternalCA from ipatests.test_ipalib.test_x509 import good_pkcs7, badcert from ipapython.ipautil import realm_to_suffix, ipa_generate_password from ipaserver.install.installutils import realm_to_serverid logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # from ipaserver.masters CONFIGURED_SERVICE = u'configuredService' ENABLED_SERVICE = u'enabledService' HIDDEN_SERVICE = u'hiddenService' DIRSRV_SLEEP = 5 isrgrootx1 = ( b'-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' b'MIIFazCCA1OgAwIBAgIRAIIQz7DSQONZRGPgu2OCiwAwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAw\n' b'TzELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxKTAnBgNVBAoTIEludGVybmV0IFNlY3VyaXR5IFJlc2Vh\n' b'cmNoIEdyb3VwMRUwEwYDVQQDEwxJU1JHIFJvb3QgWDEwHhcNMTUwNjA0MTEwNDM4\n' b'WhcNMzUwNjA0MTEwNDM4WjBPMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEpMCcGA1UEChMgSW50ZXJu\n' b'ZXQgU2VjdXJpdHkgUmVzZWFyY2ggR3JvdXAxFTATBgNVBAMTDElTUkcgUm9vdCBY\n' b'MTCCAiIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggIPADCCAgoCggIBAK3oJHP0FDfzm54rVygc\n' b'h77ct984kIxuPOZXoHj3dcKi/vVqbvYATyjb3miGbESTtrFj/RQSa78f0uoxmyF+\n' b'0TM8ukj13Xnfs7j/EvEhmkvBioZxaUpmZmyPfjxwv60pIgbz5MDmgK7iS4+3mX6U\n' b'A5/TR5d8mUgjU+g4rk8Kb4Mu0UlXjIB0ttov0DiNewNwIRt18jA8+o+u3dpjq+sW\n' b'T8KOEUt+zwvo/7V3LvSye0rgTBIlDHCNAymg4VMk7BPZ7hm/ELNKjD+Jo2FR3qyH\n' b'B5T0Y3HsLuJvW5iB4YlcNHlsdu87kGJ55tukmi8mxdAQ4Q7e2RCOFvu396j3x+UC\n' b'B5iPNgiV5+I3lg02dZ77DnKxHZu8A/lJBdiB3QW0KtZB6awBdpUKD9jf1b0SHzUv\n' b'KBds0pjBqAlkd25HN7rOrFleaJ1/ctaJxQZBKT5ZPt0m9STJEadao0xAH0ahmbWn\n' b'OlFuhjuefXKnEgV4We0+UXgVCwOPjdAvBbI+e0ocS3MFEvzG6uBQE3xDk3SzynTn\n' b'jh8BCNAw1FtxNrQHusEwMFxIt4I7mKZ9YIqioymCzLq9gwQbooMDQaHWBfEbwrbw\n' b'qHyGO0aoSCqI3Haadr8faqU9GY/rOPNk3sgrDQoo//fb4hVC1CLQJ13hef4Y53CI\n' b'rU7m2Ys6xt0nUW7/vGT1M0NPAgMBAAGjQjBAMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIBBjAPBgNV\n' b'HRMBAf8EBTADAQH/MB0GA1UdDgQWBBR5tFnme7bl5AFzgAiIyBpY9umbbjANBgkq\n' b'hkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAgEAVR9YqbyyqFDQDLHYGmkgJykIrGF1XIpu+ILlaS/V9lZL\n' b'ubhzEFnTIZd+50xx+7LSYK05qAvqFyFWhfFQDlnrzuBZ6brJFe+GnY+EgPbk6ZGQ\n' b'3BebYhtF8GaV0nxvwuo77x/Py9auJ/GpsMiu/X1+mvoiBOv/2X/qkSsisRcOj/KK\n' b'NFtY2PwByVS5uCbMiogziUwthDyC3+6WVwW6LLv3xLfHTjuCvjHIInNzktHCgKQ5\n' b'ORAzI4JMPJ+GslWYHb4phowim57iaztXOoJwTdwJx4nLCgdNbOhdjsnvzqvHu7Ur\n' b'TkXWStAmzOVyyghqpZXjFaH3pO3JLF+l+/+sKAIuvtd7u+Nxe5AW0wdeRlN8NwdC\n' b'jNPElpzVmbUq4JUagEiuTDkHzsxHpFKVK7q4+63SM1N95R1NbdWhscdCb+ZAJzVc\n' b'oyi3B43njTOQ5yOf+1CceWxG1bQVs5ZufpsMljq4Ui0/1lvh+wjChP4kqKOJ2qxq\n' b'4RgqsahDYVvTH9w7jXbyLeiNdd8XM2w9U/t7y0Ff/9yi0GE44Za4rF2LN9d11TPA\n' b'mRGunUHBcnWEvgJBQl9nJEiU0Zsnvgc/ubhPgXRR4Xq37Z0j4r7g1SgEEzwxA57d\n' b'emyPxgcYxn/eR44/KJ4EBs+lVDR3veyJm+kXQ99b21/+jh5Xos1AnX5iItreGCc=\n' b'-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n' ) isrgrootx1_nick = 'CN=ISRG Root X1,O=Internet Security Research Group,C=US' # This sub-CA expires on Oct 6, 2021 but it is functional for our # purposes of testing, the date validity is not considered (yet). letsencryptauthorityx3 = ( b'-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' b'MIIFjTCCA3WgAwIBAgIRANOxciY0IzLc9AUoUSrsnGowDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAw\n' b'TzELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxKTAnBgNVBAoTIEludGVybmV0IFNlY3VyaXR5IFJlc2Vh\n' b'cmNoIEdyb3VwMRUwEwYDVQQDEwxJU1JHIFJvb3QgWDEwHhcNMTYxMDA2MTU0MzU1\n' b'WhcNMjExMDA2MTU0MzU1WjBKMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEWMBQGA1UEChMNTGV0J3Mg\n' b'RW5jcnlwdDEjMCEGA1UEAxMaTGV0J3MgRW5jcnlwdCBBdXRob3JpdHkgWDMwggEi\n' b'MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQCc0wzwWuUuR7dyXTeDs2hjMOrX\n' b'NSYZJeG9vjXxcJIvt7hLQQWrqZ41CFjssSrEaIcLo+N15Obzp2JxunmBYB/XkZqf\n' b'89B4Z3HIaQ6Vkc/+5pnpYDxIzH7KTXcSJJ1HG1rrueweNwAcnKx7pwXqzkrrvUHl\n' b'Npi5y/1tPJZo3yMqQpAMhnRnyH+lmrhSYRQTP2XpgofL2/oOVvaGifOFP5eGr7Dc\n' b'Gu9rDZUWfcQroGWymQQ2dYBrrErzG5BJeC+ilk8qICUpBMZ0wNAxzY8xOJUWuqgz\n' b'uEPxsR/DMH+ieTETPS02+OP88jNquTkxxa/EjQ0dZBYzqvqEKbbUC8DYfcOTAgMB\n' b'AAGjggFnMIIBYzAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCAYYwEgYDVR0TAQH/BAgwBgEB/wIBADBU\n' b'BgNVHSAETTBLMAgGBmeBDAECATA/BgsrBgEEAYLfEwEBATAwMC4GCCsGAQUFBwIB\n' b'FiJodHRwOi8vY3BzLnJvb3QteDEubGV0c2VuY3J5cHQub3JnMB0GA1UdDgQWBBSo\n' b'SmpjBH3duubRObemRWXv86jsoTAzBgNVHR8ELDAqMCigJqAkhiJodHRwOi8vY3Js\n' b'LnJvb3QteDEubGV0c2VuY3J5cHQub3JnMHIGCCsGAQUFBwEBBGYwZDAwBggrBgEF\n' b'BQcwAYYkaHR0cDovL29jc3Aucm9vdC14MS5sZXRzZW5jcnlwdC5vcmcvMDAGCCsG\n' b'AQUFBzAChiRodHRwOi8vY2VydC5yb290LXgxLmxldHNlbmNyeXB0Lm9yZy8wHwYD\n' b'VR0jBBgwFoAUebRZ5nu25eQBc4AIiMgaWPbpm24wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggIB\n' b'ABnPdSA0LTqmRf/Q1eaM2jLonG4bQdEnqOJQ8nCqxOeTRrToEKtwT++36gTSlBGx\n' b'A/5dut82jJQ2jxN8RI8L9QFXrWi4xXnA2EqA10yjHiR6H9cj6MFiOnb5In1eWsRM\n' b'UM2v3e9tNsCAgBukPHAg1lQh07rvFKm/Bz9BCjaxorALINUfZ9DD64j2igLIxle2\n' b'DPxW8dI/F2loHMjXZjqG8RkqZUdoxtID5+90FgsGIfkMpqgRS05f4zPbCEHqCXl1\n' b'eO5HyELTgcVlLXXQDgAWnRzut1hFJeczY1tjQQno6f6s+nMydLN26WuU4s3UYvOu\n' b'OsUxRlJu7TSRHqDC3lSE5XggVkzdaPkuKGQbGpny+01/47hfXXNB7HntWNZ6N2Vw\n' b'p7G6OfY+YQrZwIaQmhrIqJZuigsrbe3W+gdn5ykE9+Ky0VgVUsfxo52mwFYs1JKY\n' b'2PGDuWx8M6DlS6qQkvHaRUo0FMd8TsSlbF0/v965qGFKhSDeQoMpYnwcmQilRh/0\n' b'ayLThlHLN81gSkJjVrPI0Y8xCVPB4twb1PFUd2fPM3sA1tJ83sZ5v8vgFv2yofKR\n' b'PB0t6JzUA81mSqM3kxl5e+IZwhYAyO0OTg3/fs8HqGTNKd9BqoUwSRBzp06JMg5b\n' b'rUCGwbCUDI0mxadJ3Bz4WxR6fyNpBK2yAinWEsikxqEt\n' b'-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n' ) le_x3_nick = "CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3,O=Let's Encrypt,C=US" class TestIPACommand(IntegrationTest): """ A lot of commands can be executed against a single IPA installation so provide a generic class to execute one-off commands that need to be tested without having to fire up a full server to run one command. """ topology = 'line' num_replicas = 1 num_clients = 1 @pytest.fixture def pwpolicy_global(self): """Fixture to change global password history policy and reset it""" tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) self.master.run_command( ["ipa", "pwpolicy-mod", "--history=5", "--minlife=0"], ) yield self.master.run_command( ["ipa", "pwpolicy-mod", "--history=0", "--minlife=1"], ) def get_cert_base64(self, host, path): """Retrieve cert and return content as single line, base64 encoded """ cacrt = host.get_file_contents(path, encoding='ascii') cader = ssl.PEM_cert_to_DER_cert(cacrt) return base64.b64encode(cader).decode('ascii') def test_aes_sha_kerberos_enctypes(self): """Test AES SHA 256 and 384 Kerberos enctypes enabled AES SHA 256 and 384-bit enctypes supported by MIT kerberos but was not enabled in IPA. This test is to check if these types are enabled. related: https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/8110 """ tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) dn = DN(("cn", self.master.domain.realm), ("cn", "kerberos"), realm_to_suffix(self.master.domain.realm)) result = tasks.ldapsearch_dm(self.master, str(dn), ["krbSupportedEncSaltTypes"], scope="base") assert "aes128-sha2:normal" in result.stdout_text assert "aes128-sha2:special" in result.stdout_text assert "aes256-sha2:normal" in result.stdout_text assert "aes256-sha2:special" in result.stdout_text def test_certmap_match_issue7520(self): # https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/7520 tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) result = self.master.run_command( ['ipa', 'certmap-match', paths.IPA_CA_CRT], raiseonerr=False ) assert result.returncode == 1 assert not result.stderr_text assert "0 users matched" in result.stdout_text cab64 = self.get_cert_base64(self.master, paths.IPA_CA_CRT) result = self.master.run_command( ['ipa', 'certmap-match', '--certificate', cab64], raiseonerr=False ) assert result.returncode == 1 assert not result.stderr_text assert "0 users matched" in result.stdout_text def test_cert_find_issue7520(self): # https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/7520 tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) subject = 'CN=Certificate Authority,O={}'.format( self.master.domain.realm) # by cert file result = self.master.run_command( ['ipa', 'cert-find', '--file', paths.IPA_CA_CRT] ) assert subject in result.stdout_text assert '1 certificate matched' in result.stdout_text # by base64 cert cab64 = self.get_cert_base64(self.master, paths.IPA_CA_CRT) result = self.master.run_command( ['ipa', 'cert-find', '--certificate', cab64] ) assert subject in result.stdout_text assert '1 certificate matched' in result.stdout_text def test_add_permission_failure_issue5923(self): # https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/5923 # error response used to contain bytes instead of text tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) # neither privilege nor permission exists result = self.master.run_command( ["ipa", "privilege-add-permission", "loc", "--permission='System: Show IPA Locations"], raiseonerr=False ) assert result.returncode == 2 err = result.stderr_text.strip() assert err == "ipa: ERROR: loc: privilege not found" # add privilege result = self.master.run_command( ["ipa", "privilege-add", "loc"], ) assert 'Added privilege "loc"' in result.stdout_text # permission is still missing result = self.master.run_command( ["ipa", "privilege-add-permission", "loc", "--permission='System: Show IPA Locations"], raiseonerr=False ) assert result.returncode == 1 assert "Number of permissions added 0" in result.stdout_text def test_change_sysaccount_password_issue7561(self): sysuser = 'system' original_passwd = 'Secret123' new_passwd = 'userPasswd123' master = self.master base_dn = str(master.domain.basedn) entry_ldif = textwrap.dedent(""" dn: uid={sysuser},cn=sysaccounts,cn=etc,{base_dn} changetype: add objectclass: account objectclass: simplesecurityobject uid: {sysuser} userPassword: {original_passwd} passwordExpirationTime: 20380119031407Z nsIdleTimeout: 0 """).format( base_dn=base_dn, original_passwd=original_passwd, sysuser=sysuser) tasks.ldapmodify_dm(master, entry_ldif) tasks.ldappasswd_sysaccount_change(sysuser, original_passwd, new_passwd, master) def get_krbinfo(self, user): base_dn = str(self.master.domain.basedn) result = tasks.ldapsearch_dm( self.master, 'uid={user},cn=users,cn=accounts,{base_dn}'.format( user=user, base_dn=base_dn), ['krblastpwdchange', 'krbpasswordexpiration'], scope='base' ) output = result.stdout_text.lower() # extract krblastpwdchange and krbpasswordexpiration krbchg_pattern = 'krblastpwdchange: (.+)\n' krbexp_pattern = 'krbpasswordexpiration: (.+)\n' krblastpwdchange = re.findall(krbchg_pattern, output)[0] krbexp = re.findall(krbexp_pattern, output)[0] return krblastpwdchange, krbexp def test_ldapmodify_password_issue7601(self): user = 'ipauser' original_passwd = 'Secret123' new_passwd = 'userPasswd123' new_passwd2 = 'mynewPwd123' master = self.master base_dn = str(master.domain.basedn) # Create a user with a password tasks.kinit_admin(master) add_password_stdin_text = "{pwd}\n{pwd}".format(pwd=original_passwd) master.run_command(['ipa', 'user-add', user, '--first', user, '--last', user, '--password'], stdin_text=add_password_stdin_text) # kinit as that user in order to modify the pwd user_kinit_stdin_text = "{old}\n%{new}\n%{new}\n".format( old=original_passwd, new=original_passwd) master.run_command(['kinit', user], stdin_text=user_kinit_stdin_text) # Retrieve krblastpwdchange and krbpasswordexpiration krblastpwdchange, krbexp = self.get_krbinfo(user) # sleep 1 sec (krblastpwdchange and krbpasswordexpiration have at most # a 1s precision) time.sleep(1) # perform ldapmodify on userpassword as dir mgr entry_ldif = textwrap.dedent(""" dn: uid={user},cn=users,cn=accounts,{base_dn} changetype: modify replace: userpassword userpassword: {new_passwd} """).format( user=user, base_dn=base_dn, new_passwd=new_passwd) tasks.ldapmodify_dm(master, entry_ldif) # Test new password with kinit master.run_command(['kinit', user], stdin_text=new_passwd) # both should have changed newkrblastpwdchange, newkrbexp = self.get_krbinfo(user) assert newkrblastpwdchange != krblastpwdchange assert newkrbexp != krbexp # Now test passwd modif with ldappasswd time.sleep(1) master.run_command([ paths.LDAPPASSWD, '-D', str(master.config.dirman_dn), '-w', master.config.dirman_password, '-a', new_passwd, '-s', new_passwd2, '-x', '-ZZ', '-H', 'ldap://{hostname}'.format(hostname=master.hostname), 'uid={user},cn=users,cn=accounts,{base_dn}'.format( user=user, base_dn=base_dn)] ) # Test new password with kinit master.run_command(['kinit', user], stdin_text=new_passwd2) # both should have changed newkrblastpwdchange2, newkrbexp2 = self.get_krbinfo(user) assert newkrblastpwdchange != newkrblastpwdchange2 assert newkrbexp != newkrbexp2 def test_change_sysaccount_pwd_history_issue7181(self, pwpolicy_global): """ Test that a sysacount user maintains no password history because they do not have a Kerberos identity. """ sysuser = 'sysuser' original_passwd = 'Secret123' new_passwd = 'userPasswd123' master = self.master # Add a system account and add it to a group managed by the policy base_dn = str(master.domain.basedn) # pylint: disable=no-member entry_ldif = textwrap.dedent(""" dn: uid={account_name},cn=sysaccounts,cn=etc,{base_dn} changetype: add objectclass: account objectclass: simplesecurityobject uid: {account_name} userPassword: {original_passwd} passwordExpirationTime: 20380119031407Z nsIdleTimeout: 0 """).format( account_name=sysuser, base_dn=base_dn, original_passwd=original_passwd) tasks.ldapmodify_dm(master, entry_ldif) # Now change the password. It should succeed since password # policy doesn't apply to non-Kerberos users. tasks.ldappasswd_sysaccount_change(sysuser, original_passwd, new_passwd, master) tasks.ldappasswd_sysaccount_change(sysuser, new_passwd, original_passwd, master) tasks.ldappasswd_sysaccount_change(sysuser, original_passwd, new_passwd, master) def test_change_user_pwd_history_issue7181(self, pwpolicy_global): """ Test that password history for a normal IPA user is honored. """ user = 'user1' original_passwd = 'Secret123' new_passwd = 'userPasswd123' master = self.master tasks.user_add(master, user, password=original_passwd) tasks.ldappasswd_user_change(user, original_passwd, new_passwd, master) tasks.ldappasswd_user_change(user, new_passwd, original_passwd, master) try: tasks.ldappasswd_user_change(user, original_passwd, new_passwd, master) except CalledProcessError as e: if e.returncode != 1: raise else: pytest.fail("Password change violating policy did not fail") def test_dm_change_user_pwd_history_issue7181(self, pwpolicy_global): """ Test that password policy is not applied with Directory Manager. The minimum lifetime of the password is set to 1 hour. Confirm that the user cannot re-change their password immediately but the DM can. """ user = 'user1' original_passwd = 'Secret123' new_passwd = 'newPasswd123' master = self.master # reset minimum life to 1 hour. self.master.run_command( ["ipa", "pwpolicy-mod", "--minlife=1"], ) try: tasks.ldappasswd_user_change(user, original_passwd, new_passwd, master) except CalledProcessError as e: if e.returncode != 1: raise else: pytest.fail("Password change violating policy did not fail") # DM should be able to change any password regardless of policy try: tasks.ldappasswd_user_change(user, new_passwd, original_passwd, master, use_dirman=True) except CalledProcessError: pytest.fail("Password change failed when it should not") def test_huge_password(self): user = 'toolonguser' hostname = 'toolong.{}'.format(self.master.domain.name) huge_password = ipa_generate_password(min_len=1536) original_passwd = 'Secret123' master = self.master base_dn = str(master.domain.basedn) # Create a user with a password that is too long tasks.kinit_admin(master) add_password_stdin_text = "{pwd}\n{pwd}".format(pwd=huge_password) result = master.run_command(['ipa', 'user-add', user, '--first', user, '--last', user, '--password'], stdin_text=add_password_stdin_text, raiseonerr=False) assert result.returncode != 0 # Try again with a normal password add_password_stdin_text = "{pwd}\n{pwd}".format(pwd=original_passwd) master.run_command(['ipa', 'user-add', user, '--first', user, '--last', user, '--password'], stdin_text=add_password_stdin_text) # kinit as that user in order to modify the pwd user_kinit_stdin_text = "{old}\n%{new}\n%{new}\n".format( old=original_passwd, new=original_passwd) master.run_command(['kinit', user], stdin_text=user_kinit_stdin_text) # sleep 1 sec (krblastpwdchange and krbpasswordexpiration have at most # a 1s precision) time.sleep(1) # perform ldapmodify on userpassword as dir mgr entry_ldif = textwrap.dedent(""" dn: uid={user},cn=users,cn=accounts,{base_dn} changetype: modify replace: userpassword userpassword: {new_passwd} """).format( user=user, base_dn=base_dn, new_passwd=huge_password) result = tasks.ldapmodify_dm(master, entry_ldif, raiseonerr=False) assert result.returncode != 0 # ask_password in ipa-getkeytab will complain about too long password keytab_file = os.path.join(self.master.config.test_dir, 'user.keytab') password_stdin_text = "{pwd}\n{pwd}".format(pwd=huge_password) result = self.master.run_command(['ipa-getkeytab', '-p', user, '-P', '-k', keytab_file, '-s', self.master.hostname], stdin_text=password_stdin_text, raiseonerr=False) assert result.returncode != 0 assert "clear-text password is too long" in result.stderr_text # Create a host with a user-set OTP that is too long tasks.kinit_admin(master) result = master.run_command(['ipa', 'host-add', '--force', hostname, '--password', huge_password], raiseonerr=False) assert result.returncode != 0 # Try again with a valid password result = master.run_command(['ipa', 'host-add', '--force', hostname, '--password', original_passwd], raiseonerr=False) assert result.returncode == 0 def test_cleartext_password_httpd_log(self): """Test to check password leak in apache error log Host enrollment with OTP used to log the password in cleartext to apache error log. This test ensures that the password should not be log in cleartext. related: https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/8017 """ hostname = 'test.{}'.format(self.master.domain.name) passwd = 'Secret123' self.master.run_command(['ipa', 'host-add', '--force', hostname, '--password', passwd]) # remove added host i.e cleanup self.master.run_command(['ipa', 'host-del', hostname]) result = self.master.run_command(['grep', hostname, paths.VAR_LOG_HTTPD_ERROR]) assert passwd not in result.stdout_text def test_change_selinuxusermaporder(self): """ An update file meant to ensure a more sane default was overriding any customization done to the order. """ maporder = "unconfined_u:s0-s0:c0.c1023" # set a new default tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) result = self.master.run_command( ["ipa", "config-mod", "--ipaselinuxusermaporder={}".format(maporder)], raiseonerr=False ) assert result.returncode == 0 # apply the update result = self.master.run_command( ["ipa-server-upgrade"], raiseonerr=False ) assert result.returncode == 0 # ensure result is the same result = self.master.run_command( ["ipa", "config-show"], raiseonerr=False ) assert result.returncode == 0 assert "SELinux user map order: {}".format( maporder) in result.stdout_text def test_ipa_console(self): tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) result = self.master.run_command( ["ipa", "console"], stdin_text="api.env" ) assert "ipalib.config.Env" in result.stdout_text filename = tasks.upload_temp_contents( self.master, "print(api.env)\n" ) result = self.master.run_command( ["ipa", "console", filename], ) assert "ipalib.config.Env" in result.stdout_text def test_list_help_topics(self): tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) result = self.master.run_command( ["ipa", "help", "topics"], raiseonerr=False ) assert result.returncode == 0 def test_ssh_key_connection(self, tmpdir): """ Integration test for https://pagure.io/SSSD/sssd/issue/3747 """ test_user = 'test-ssh' pub_keys = [] for i in range(40): ssh_key_pair = tasks.generate_ssh_keypair() pub_keys.append(ssh_key_pair[1]) with open(os.path.join( tmpdir, 'ssh_priv_{}'.format(i)), 'w') as fp: fp.write(ssh_key_pair[0]) fp.write(os.linesep) tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) self.master.run_command(['ipa', 'user-add', test_user, '--first=tester', '--last=tester']) keys_opts = ' '.join(['--ssh "{}"'.format(k) for k in pub_keys]) self.master.run_command( shlex.split('ipa user-mod {} {}'.format(test_user, keys_opts)) ) # connect with first SSH key first_priv_key_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'ssh_priv_1') # change private key permission to comply with SS rules os.chmod(first_priv_key_path, 0o600) # start to look at logs a bit before "now" # https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/8432 since = time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', (datetime.now() - timedelta(seconds=10)).timetuple() ) tasks.run_ssh_cmd( to_host=self.master.external_hostname, username=test_user, auth_method="key", private_key_path=first_priv_key_path ) expected_missing_msg = "exited on signal 13" # closing session marker(depends on PAM stack of sshd) expected_msgs = [ f"session closed for user {test_user}", f"Disconnected from user {test_user}", ] def test_cb(stdout): # check if expected message logged and expected missing one not return ( any(m in stdout for m in expected_msgs) and expected_missing_msg not in stdout ) # sshd don't flush its logs to syslog immediately cmd = ["journalctl", "-u", "sshd", f"--since={since}"] tasks.run_repeatedly(self.master, command=cmd, test=test_cb) # cleanup self.master.run_command(['ipa', 'user-del', test_user]) def test_ssh_leak(self): """ Integration test for https://pagure.io/SSSD/sssd/issue/3794 """ def count_pipes(): res = self.master.run_command(['pidof', 'sssd_ssh']) pid = res.stdout_text.strip() proc_path = '/proc/{}/fd'.format(pid) res = self.master.run_command(['ls', '-la', proc_path]) fds_text = res.stdout_text.strip() return sum((1 for _ in re.finditer(r'pipe', fds_text))) test_user = 'test-ssh' tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) self.master.run_command(['ipa', 'user-add', test_user, '--first=tester', '--last=tester']) certs = [] # we are ok with whatever certificate for this test external_ca = ExternalCA() for _dummy in range(3): cert = external_ca.create_ca() cert = tasks.strip_cert_header(cert.decode('utf-8')) certs.append('"{}"'.format(cert)) cert_args = list( chain.from_iterable(list(zip(repeat('--certificate'), certs)))) cmd = 'ipa user-add-cert {} {}'.format(test_user, ' '.join(cert_args)) self.master.run_command(cmd) tasks.clear_sssd_cache(self.master) num_of_pipes = count_pipes() for _dummy in range(3): self.master.run_command([paths.SSS_SSH_AUTHORIZEDKEYS, test_user]) current_num_of_pipes = count_pipes() assert current_num_of_pipes == num_of_pipes # cleanup self.master.run_command(['ipa', 'user-del', test_user]) def test_certificate_out_write_to_file(self): # commands to test; name of temporary file will be appended commands = [ ['ipa', 'cert-show', '1', '--certificate-out'], ['ipa', 'cert-show', '1', '--chain', '--certificate-out'], ['ipa', 'ca-show', 'ipa', '--certificate-out'], ['ipa', 'ca-show', 'ipa', '--chain', '--certificate-out'], ] for command in commands: cmd = self.master.run_command(['mktemp']) filename = cmd.stdout_text.strip() self.master.run_command(command + [filename]) # Check that a PEM file was written. If --chain was # used, load_pem_x509_certificate will return the # first certificate, which is fine for this test. data = self.master.get_file_contents(filename) x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(data, backend=default_backend()) self.master.run_command(['rm', '-f', filename]) def test_sssd_ifp_access_ipaapi(self): # check that ipaapi is allowed to access sssd-ifp for smartcard auth # https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/7751 username = 'admin' # get UID for user result = self.master.run_command(['ipa', 'user-show', username]) mo = re.search(r'UID: (\d+)', result.stdout_text) assert mo is not None, result.stdout_text uid = mo.group(1) cmd = [ 'dbus-send', '--print-reply', '--system', '--dest=org.freedesktop.sssd.infopipe', '/org/freedesktop/sssd/infopipe/Users', 'org.freedesktop.sssd.infopipe.Users.FindByName', 'string:{}'.format(username) ] # test IFP as root result = self.master.run_command(cmd) assert uid in result.stdout_text # test IFP as ipaapi result = self.master.run_command( ['runuser', '-u', IPAAPI_USER, '--'] + cmd ) assert uid in result.stdout_text def test_ipa_cacert_manage_install(self): # Re-install the IPA CA self.master.run_command([ paths.IPA_CACERT_MANAGE, 'install', paths.IPA_CA_CRT]) # Test a non-existent file result = self.master.run_command([ paths.IPA_CACERT_MANAGE, 'install', '/run/cert_not_found'], raiseonerr=False) assert result.returncode == 1 cmd = self.master.run_command(['mktemp']) filename = cmd.stdout_text.strip() for contents in (good_pkcs7,): self.master.put_file_contents(filename, contents) result = self.master.run_command([ paths.IPA_CACERT_MANAGE, 'install', filename]) for contents in (badcert,): self.master.put_file_contents(filename, contents) result = self.master.run_command([ paths.IPA_CACERT_MANAGE, 'install', filename], raiseonerr=False) assert result.returncode == 1 self.master.run_command(['rm', '-f', filename]) def test_hbac_systemd_user(self): # https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/7831 tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) # check for presence self.master.run_command( ['ipa', 'hbacsvc-show', 'systemd-user'] ) result = self.master.run_command( ['ipa', 'hbacrule-show', 'allow_systemd-user', '--all'] ) lines = set(l.strip() for l in result.stdout_text.split('\n')) assert 'User category: all' in lines assert 'Host category: all' in lines assert 'Enabled: TRUE' in lines assert 'HBAC Services: systemd-user' in lines assert 'accessruletype: allow' in lines # delete both self.master.run_command( ['ipa', 'hbacrule-del', 'allow_systemd-user'] ) self.master.run_command( ['ipa', 'hbacsvc-del', 'systemd-user'] ) # run upgrade result = self.master.run_command(['ipa-server-upgrade']) assert 'Created hbacsvc systemd-user' in result.stderr_text assert 'Created hbac rule allow_systemd-user' in result.stderr_text # check for presence result = self.master.run_command( ['ipa', 'hbacrule-show', 'allow_systemd-user', '--all'] ) lines = set(l.strip() for l in result.stdout_text.split('\n')) assert 'User category: all' in lines assert 'Host category: all' in lines assert 'Enabled: TRUE' in lines assert 'HBAC Services: systemd-user' in lines assert 'accessruletype: allow' in lines self.master.run_command( ['ipa', 'hbacsvc-show', 'systemd-user'] ) # only delete rule self.master.run_command( ['ipa', 'hbacrule-del', 'allow_systemd-user'] ) # run upgrade result = self.master.run_command(['ipa-server-upgrade']) assert ( 'hbac service systemd-user already exists' in result.stderr_text ) assert ( 'Created hbac rule allow_systemd-user' not in result.stderr_text ) result = self.master.run_command( ['ipa', 'hbacrule-show', 'allow_systemd-user'], raiseonerr=False ) assert result.returncode != 0 assert 'HBAC rule not found' in result.stderr_text def test_config_show_configured_services(self): # https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/7929 states = {CONFIGURED_SERVICE, ENABLED_SERVICE, HIDDEN_SERVICE} dn = DN( ('cn', 'HTTP'), ('cn', self.master.hostname), ('cn', 'masters'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'), self.master.domain.basedn ) conn = self.master.ldap_connect() entry = conn.get_entry(dn) # pylint: disable=no-member # original setting and all settings without state orig_cfg = list(entry['ipaConfigString']) other_cfg = [item for item in orig_cfg if item not in states] try: # test with hidden cfg = [HIDDEN_SERVICE] cfg.extend(other_cfg) entry['ipaConfigString'] = cfg conn.update_entry(entry) # pylint: disable=no-member self.master.run_command(['ipa', 'config-show']) # test with configured cfg = [CONFIGURED_SERVICE] cfg.extend(other_cfg) entry['ipaConfigString'] = cfg conn.update_entry(entry) # pylint: disable=no-member self.master.run_command(['ipa', 'config-show']) finally: # reset entry['ipaConfigString'] = orig_cfg conn.update_entry(entry) # pylint: disable=no-member def test_ssh_from_controller(self): """https://pagure.io/SSSD/sssd/issue/3979 Test ssh from test controller after adding ldap_deref_threshold=0 to sssd.conf on master Steps: 1. setup a master 2. add ldap_deref_threshold=0 to sssd.conf on master 3. add an ipa user 4. ssh from controller to master using the user created in step 3 """ cmd = self.master.run_command(['sssd', '--version']) sssd_version = platform_tasks.parse_ipa_version( cmd.stdout_text.strip()) if sssd_version < platform_tasks.parse_ipa_version('2.2.0'): pytest.xfail(reason="sssd 2.2.0 unavailable in F29 nightly") # add ldap_deref_threshold=0 to /etc/sssd/sssd.conf sssd_conf_backup = tasks.FileBackup(self.master, paths.SSSD_CONF) with tasks.remote_sssd_config(self.master) as sssd_config: sssd_config.edit_domain( self.master.domain, 'ldap_deref_threshold', 0) test_user = "testuser" + str(random.randint(200000, 9999999)) password = "Secret123" try: self.master.run_command(['systemctl', 'restart', 'sssd.service']) # kinit admin tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) # add ipa user tasks.create_active_user( self.master, test_user, password=password ) tasks.kdestroy_all(self.master) tasks.kinit_as_user( self.master, test_user, password ) tasks.kdestroy_all(self.master) tasks.run_ssh_cmd( to_host=self.master.external_hostname, username=test_user, auth_method="password", password=password ) finally: sssd_conf_backup.restore() self.master.run_command(['systemctl', 'restart', 'sssd.service']) def test_user_mod_change_capitalization_issue5879(self): """ Test that an existing user which has been modified using ipa user-mod and has the first and last name beginning with caps does not throw the error 'ipa: ERROR: Type or value exists:' and instead gets modified This is a test case for Pagure issue https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/5879 Steps: 1. setup a master 2. add ipa user on master 3. now run ipa user-mod and specifying capital letters in names 4. user details should be modified 5. ipa: ERROR: Type or value exists is not displayed on console. """ # Create an ipa-user tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) ipauser = 'ipauser1' first = 'ipauser' modfirst = 'IpaUser' last = 'test' modlast = 'Test' password = 'Secret123' self.master.run_command( ['ipa', 'user-add', ipauser, '--first', first, '--last', last, '--password'], stdin_text="%s\n%s\n" % (password, password)) cmd = self.master.run_command( ['ipa', 'user-mod', ipauser, '--first', modfirst, '--last', modlast]) assert 'Modified user "%s"' % (ipauser) in cmd.stdout_text assert 'First name: %s' % (modfirst) in cmd.stdout_text assert 'Last name: %s' % (modlast) in cmd.stdout_text @pytest.mark.skip_if_platform( "debian", reason="Crypto policy is not supported on Debian" ) def test_enabled_tls_protocols(self): """Check Apache has same TLS versions enabled as crypto policy This is the regression test for issue https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/7995. """ def is_tls_version_enabled(tls_version): res = self.master.run_command( ['openssl', 's_client', '-connect', '{}:443'.format(self.master.hostname), '-{}'.format(tls_version)], stdin_text='\n', ok_returncode=[0, 1] ) return res.returncode == 0 # get minimum version from current crypto-policy openssl_cnf = self.master.get_file_contents( paths.CRYPTO_POLICY_OPENSSLCNF_FILE, encoding="utf-8" ) mo = re.search(r"MinProtocol\s*=\s*(TLSv[0-9.]+)", openssl_cnf) assert mo min_tls = mo.group(1) # Fedora DEFAULT has TLS 1.0 enabled, NEXT has TLS 1.2 # even FUTURE crypto policy has TLS 1.2 as minimum version assert min_tls in {"TLSv1", "TLSv1.2"} # On Fedora FreeIPA still disables TLS 1.0 and 1.1 in ssl.conf. assert not is_tls_version_enabled('tls1') assert not is_tls_version_enabled('tls1_1') assert is_tls_version_enabled('tls1_2') assert is_tls_version_enabled('tls1_3') def test_sss_ssh_authorizedkeys(self): """Login via Ssh using private-key for ipa-user should work. Test for : https://pagure.io/SSSD/sssd/issue/3937 Steps: 1) setup user with ssh-key and certificate stored in ipaserver 2) simulate p11_child timeout 3) try to login via ssh using private key. """ user = 'testsshuser' passwd = 'Secret123' user_key = tasks.create_temp_file(self.master, create_file=False) pem_file = tasks.create_temp_file(self.master) # Create a user with a password tasks.create_active_user(self.master, user, passwd, extra_args=[ '--homedir', '/home/{}'.format(user)]) tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) tasks.run_command_as_user( self.master, user, ['ssh-keygen', '-N', '', '-f', user_key]) ssh_pub_key = self.master.get_file_contents('{}.pub'.format( user_key), encoding='utf-8') openssl_cmd = [ 'openssl', 'req', '-x509', '-newkey', 'rsa:2048', '-days', '365', '-nodes', '-out', pem_file, '-subj', '/CN=' + user] self.master.run_command(openssl_cmd) cert_b64 = self.get_cert_base64(self.master, pem_file) sssd_p11_child = '/usr/libexec/sssd/p11_child' backup = tasks.FileBackup(self.master, sssd_p11_child) try: content = '#!/bin/bash\nsleep 999999' # added sleep to simulate the timeout for p11_child self.master.put_file_contents(sssd_p11_child, content) self.master.run_command( ['ipa', 'user-mod', user, '--ssh', ssh_pub_key]) self.master.run_command([ 'ipa', 'user-add-cert', user, '--certificate', cert_b64]) # clear cache to avoid SSSD to check the user in old lookup tasks.clear_sssd_cache(self.master) result = self.master.run_command( [paths.SSS_SSH_AUTHORIZEDKEYS, user]) assert ssh_pub_key in result.stdout_text # login to the system self.master.run_command( ['ssh', '-v', '-o', 'PasswordAuthentication=no', '-o', 'IdentitiesOnly=yes', '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no', '-o', 'ConnectTimeout=10', '-l', user, '-i', user_key, self.master.hostname, 'true']) finally: # cleanup self.master.run_command(['ipa', 'user-del', user]) backup.restore() self.master.run_command(['rm', '-f', pem_file, user_key, '{}.pub'.format(user_key)]) def test_cacert_manage(self): """Exercise ipa-cacert-manage delete""" # deletion without nickname result = self.master.run_command( ['ipa-cacert-manage', 'delete'], raiseonerr=False ) assert result.returncode != 0 # deletion with an unknown nickname result = self.master.run_command( ['ipa-cacert-manage', 'delete', 'unknown'], raiseonerr=False ) assert result.returncode != 0 assert "Unknown CA 'unknown'" in result.stderr_text # deletion of IPA CA ipa_ca_nickname = get_ca_nickname(self.master.domain.realm) result = self.master.run_command( ['ipa-cacert-manage', 'delete', ipa_ca_nickname], raiseonerr=False ) assert result.returncode != 0 assert 'The IPA CA cannot be removed with this tool' in \ result.stderr_text # Install 3rd party CA's, Let's Encrypt in this case for cert in (isrgrootx1, letsencryptauthorityx3): certfile = os.path.join(self.master.config.test_dir, 'cert.pem') self.master.put_file_contents(certfile, cert) result = self.master.run_command( ['ipa-cacert-manage', 'install', certfile], ) # deletion of a root CA needed by a subCA, without -f option result = self.master.run_command( ['ipa-cacert-manage', 'delete', isrgrootx1_nick], raiseonerr=False ) assert result.returncode != 0 assert "Verifying \'%s\' failed. Removing part of the " \ "chain? certutil: certificate is invalid: Peer's " \ "Certificate issuer is not recognized." \ % isrgrootx1_nick in result.stderr_text # deletion of a root CA needed by a subCA, with -f option result = self.master.run_command( ['ipa-cacert-manage', 'delete', isrgrootx1_nick, '-f'], raiseonerr=False ) assert result.returncode == 0 # deletion of a subca result = self.master.run_command( ['ipa-cacert-manage', 'delete', le_x3_nick], raiseonerr=False ) assert result.returncode == 0 def test_ipa_adtrust_install_with_locale_issue8066(self): """ This test checks that ipa-adtrust-install command runs successfully on a system with locale en_IN.UTF-8 without displaying error below 'IndexError: list index out of range' This is a testcase for Pagure issue https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/8066 """ # Set locale to en_IN.UTF-8 in .bashrc file to avoid reboot tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) BASHRC_CFG = "/root/.bashrc" bashrc_backup = tasks.FileBackup(self.master, BASHRC_CFG) exp_msg = "en_IN.UTF-8" try: self.master.run_command( 'echo "export LC_TIME=en_IN.UTF-8" >> ' + BASHRC_CFG ) result = self.master.run_command('echo "$LC_TIME"') assert result.stdout_text.rstrip() == exp_msg # Install ipa-server-adtrust and check status msg1 = ( "Unexpected error - see /var/log/ipaserver-install.log" "for details" ) msg2 = "IndexError: list index out of range" tasks.install_packages(self.master, ["*ipa-server-trust-ad"]) result = self.master.run_command( ["ipa-adtrust-install", "-U"], raiseonerr=False ) assert msg1 not in result.stderr_text assert msg2 not in result.stderr_text finally: bashrc_backup.restore() @pytest.fixture def user_creation_deletion(self): # create user self.testuser = 'testuser' tasks.create_active_user(self.master, self.testuser, 'Secret123') yield # cleanup tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) self.master.run_command(['ipa', 'user-del', self.testuser]) def test_login_wrong_password(self, user_creation_deletion): """Test ipa user login with wrong password When ipa user login to machine using wrong password, it should log proper message related: https://github.com/SSSD/sssd/issues/5139 """ # try to login with wrong password sssd_version = tasks.get_sssd_version(self.master) if (sssd_version < tasks.parse_version('2.3.0')): pytest.xfail('Fix is part of sssd 2.3.0 and is' ' available from fedora32 onwards') # start to look at logs a bit before "now" # https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/8432 since = time.strftime( '%H:%M:%S', (datetime.now() - timedelta(seconds=10)).timetuple() ) password = 'WrongPassword' tasks.run_ssh_cmd( to_host=self.master.external_hostname, username=self.testuser, auth_method="password", password=password, expect_auth_failure=True ) expected_msg = ( f"pam_sss(sshd:auth): received for user {self.testuser}: 7" " (Authentication failure)" ) def test_cb(stdout): # check if proper message logged return expected_msg in stdout # sshd don't flush its logs to syslog immediately cmd = ["journalctl", "-u", "sshd", f"--since={since}"] tasks.run_repeatedly(self.master, command=cmd, test=test_cb) def get_dirsrv_id(self): serverid = realm_to_serverid(self.master.domain.realm) return("dirsrv@%s.service" % serverid) def test_ipa_nis_manage_enable(self): """ This testcase checks if ipa-nis-manage enable command enables plugin on an IPA master """ dirsrv_service = self.get_dirsrv_id() console_msg = ( "Enabling plugin\n" "This setting will not take effect until " "you restart Directory Server.\n" "The rpcbind service may need to be started" ) status_msg = "Plugin is enabled" tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) result = self.master.run_command( ["ipa-nis-manage", "enable"], stdin_text=self.master.config.admin_password, ) assert console_msg in result.stdout_text # verify using backend conn = self.master.ldap_connect() # pylint: disable=no-member dn = DN(('cn', 'NIS Server'), ('cn', 'plugins'), ('cn', 'config')) entry = conn.get_entry(dn) # pylint: disable=no-member nispluginstring = entry.get('nsslapd-pluginEnabled') assert 'on' in nispluginstring # restart for changes to take effect self.master.run_command(["systemctl", "restart", dirsrv_service]) self.master.run_command(["systemctl", "restart", "rpcbind"]) time.sleep(DIRSRV_SLEEP) # check status msg on the console result = self.master.run_command( ["ipa-nis-manage", "status"], stdin_text=self.master.config.admin_password, ) assert status_msg in result.stdout_text def test_ipa_nis_manage_disable(self): """ This testcase checks if ipa-nis-manage disable command disable plugin on an IPA Master """ dirsrv_service = self.get_dirsrv_id() msg = ( "This setting will not take effect " "until you restart Directory Server." ) status_msg = "Plugin is not enabled" tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) result = self.master.run_command( ["ipa-nis-manage", "disable"], stdin_text=self.master.config.admin_password, ) assert msg in result.stdout_text # verify using backend conn = self.master.ldap_connect() # pylint: disable=no-member dn = DN(('cn', 'NIS Server'), ('cn', 'plugins'), ('cn', 'config')) entry = conn.get_entry(dn) # pylint: disable=no-member nispluginstring = entry.get('nsslapd-pluginEnabled') assert 'off' in nispluginstring # restart dirsrv for changes to take effect self.master.run_command(["systemctl", "restart", dirsrv_service]) time.sleep(DIRSRV_SLEEP) # check status msg on the console result = self.master.run_command( ["ipa-nis-manage", "status"], stdin_text=self.master.config.admin_password, raiseonerr=False, ) assert result.returncode == 4 assert status_msg in result.stdout_text def test_ipa_nis_manage_enable_incorrect_password(self): """ This testcase checks if ipa-nis-manage enable command throws error on console for invalid DS admin password """ msg1 = "Insufficient access: " msg2 = "Invalid credentials" result = self.master.run_command( ["ipa-nis-manage", "enable"], stdin_text='Invalid_pwd', raiseonerr=False, ) assert result.returncode == 1 assert msg1 in result.stderr_text assert msg2 in result.stderr_text def test_pkispawn_log_is_present(self): """ This testcase checks if pkispawn logged properly. It is a candidate from being moved out of test_commands. """ result = self.master.run_command( ["ls", "/var/log/pki/"] ) pkispawnlogfile = None for file in result.stdout_text.splitlines(): if file.startswith("pki-ca-spawn"): pkispawnlogfile = file break assert pkispawnlogfile is not None pkispawnlogfile = os.path.sep.join(("/var/log/pki", pkispawnlogfile)) pkispawnlog = self.master.get_file_contents( pkispawnlogfile, encoding='utf-8' ) # Totally arbitrary. pkispawn debug logs tend to be > 10KiB. assert len(pkispawnlog) > 1024 assert "DEBUG" in pkispawnlog assert "INFO" in pkispawnlog def test_reset_password_unlock(self): """ Test that when a user is also unlocked when their password is administratively reset. """ user = 'tuser' original_passwd = 'Secret123' new_passwd = 'newPasswd123' bad_passwd = 'foo' tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) tasks.user_add(self.master, user, password=original_passwd) tasks.kinit_user( self.master, user, '{0}\n{1}\n{1}\n'.format(original_passwd, new_passwd) ) # Lock out the user on master for _i in range(0, 7): tasks.kinit_user(self.master, user, bad_passwd, raiseonerr=False) tasks.kinit_admin(self.replicas[0]) # Administrative reset on a different server self.replicas[0].run_command( ['ipa', 'passwd', user], stdin_text='{0}\n{0}\n'.format(original_passwd) ) ldap = self.master.ldap_connect() tasks.wait_for_replication(ldap) # The user can log in again tasks.kinit_user( self.master, user, '{0}\n{1}\n{1}\n'.format(original_passwd, new_passwd) ) def test_certupdate_no_schema(self): """Test that certupdate without existing API schema. With no existing credentials the API schema download would cause the whole command to fail. """ tasks.kdestroy_all(self.master) self.master.run_command( ["rm", "-rf", "/root/.cache/ipa/servers", "/root/.cache/ipa/schema"] ) # It first has to retrieve schema then can run self.master.run_command(["ipa-certupdate"]) # Run it again for good measure self.master.run_command(["ipa-certupdate"]) def test_proxycommand_invalid_shell(self): """Test that ssh works with a user with an invalid shell. Specifically for this use-case: # getent passwd test test:x:1001:1001::/home/test:/sbin/nologin # sudo -u user ssh -v root@ipa.example.test ruser is our restricted user tuser1 is a regular user we ssh to remotely as """ password = 'Secret123' restricted_user = 'ruser' regular_user = 'tuser1' tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) tasks.user_add(self.master, restricted_user, extra_args=["--shell", "/sbin/nologin"], password=password) tasks.user_add(self.master, regular_user, password=password) user_kinit = "{password}\n{password}\n{password}\n".format( password=password) self.clients[0].run_command([ 'kinit', regular_user], stdin_text=user_kinit) self.clients[0].run_command([ 'kinit', restricted_user], stdin_text=user_kinit) tasks.kdestroy_all(self.clients[0]) # ssh as a restricted user to a user with a valid shell should # work self.clients[0].run_command( ['sudo', '-u', restricted_user, 'sshpass', '-p', password, 'ssh', '-v', '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no', 'tuser1@%s' % self.master.hostname, 'cat /etc/hosts'], ) # Some versions of nologin do not support the -c option. # ssh will still fail in a Match properly since it will return # non-zero but we don't get the account failure message. nologin = self.clients[0].run_command( ['nologin', '-c', '/bin/true',], raiseonerr=False ) # ssh as a restricted user to a restricted user should fail result = self.clients[0].run_command( ['sudo', '-u', restricted_user, 'sshpass', '-p', password, 'ssh', '-v', '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no', 'ruser@%s' % self.master.hostname, 'cat /etc/hosts'], raiseonerr=False ) assert result.returncode == 1 if 'invalid option' not in nologin.stderr_text: assert 'This account is currently not available' in \ result.stdout_text def test_ipa_cacert_manage_prune(self): """Test for ipa-cacert-manage prune""" certfile = os.path.join(self.master.config.test_dir, 'cert.pem') self.master.put_file_contents(certfile, isrgrootx1) result = self.master.run_command( [paths.IPA_CACERT_MANAGE, 'install', certfile]) certs_before_prune = self.master.run_command( [paths.IPA_CACERT_MANAGE, 'list'], raiseonerr=False ).stdout_text assert isrgrootx1_nick in certs_before_prune # Jump in time to make sure the cert is expired self.master.run_command(['date', '-s', '+15Years']) result = self.master.run_command( [paths.IPA_CACERT_MANAGE, 'prune'], raiseonerr=False ).stdout_text self.master.run_command(['date', '-s', '-15Years']) assert isrgrootx1_nick in result