# # Copyright (C) 2015 FreeIPA Contributors see COPYING for license # import re from ipalib import api, Bool, Str from ipalib.plugable import Registry from .baseldap import ( LDAPObject, LDAPSearch, LDAPCreate, LDAPDelete, LDAPUpdate, LDAPRetrieve) from ipalib.request import context from ipalib import ngettext from ipalib.text import _ from ipapython.dogtag import INCLUDED_PROFILES from ipapython.version import API_VERSION from ipalib import errors __doc__ = _(""" Manage Certificate Profiles Certificate Profiles are used by Certificate Authority (CA) in the signing of certificates to determine if a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) is acceptable, and if so what features and extensions will be present on the certificate. The Certificate Profile format is the property-list format understood by the Dogtag or Red Hat Certificate System CA. PROFILE ID SYNTAX: A Profile ID is a string without spaces or punctuation starting with a letter and followed by a sequence of letters, digits or underscore ("_"). EXAMPLES: Import a profile that will not store issued certificates: ipa certprofile-import ShortLivedUserCert \\ --file UserCert.profile --desc "User Certificates" \\ --store=false Delete a certificate profile: ipa certprofile-del ShortLivedUserCert Show information about a profile: ipa certprofile-show ShortLivedUserCert Save profile configuration to a file: ipa certprofile-show caIPAserviceCert --out caIPAserviceCert.cfg Search for profiles that do not store certificates: ipa certprofile-find --store=false PROFILE CONFIGURATION FORMAT: The profile configuration format is the raw property-list format used by Dogtag Certificate System. The XML format is not supported. The following restrictions apply to profiles managed by FreeIPA: - When importing a profile the "profileId" field, if present, must match the ID given on the command line. - The "classId" field must be set to "caEnrollImpl" - The "auth.instance_id" field must be set to "raCertAuth" - The "certReqInputImpl" input class and "certOutputImpl" output class must be used. """) register = Registry() def ca_enabled_check(): """Raise NotFound if CA is not enabled. This function is defined in multiple plugins to avoid circular imports (cert depends on certprofile, so we cannot import cert here). """ if not api.Command.ca_is_enabled()['result']: raise errors.NotFound(reason=_('CA is not configured')) profile_id_pattern = re.compile('^[a-zA-Z]\w*$') def validate_profile_id(ugettext, value): """Ensure profile ID matches form required by CA.""" if profile_id_pattern.match(value) is None: return _('invalid Profile ID') else: return None @register() class certprofile(LDAPObject): """ Certificate Profile object. """ container_dn = api.env.container_certprofile object_name = _('Certificate Profile') object_name_plural = _('Certificate Profiles') object_class = ['ipacertprofile'] default_attributes = [ 'cn', 'description', 'ipacertprofilestoreissued' ] search_attributes = [ 'cn', 'description', 'ipacertprofilestoreissued' ] label = _('Certificate Profiles') label_singular = _('Certificate Profile') takes_params = ( Str('cn', validate_profile_id, primary_key=True, cli_name='id', label=_('Profile ID'), doc=_('Profile ID for referring to this profile'), ), Str('description', required=True, cli_name='desc', label=_('Profile description'), doc=_('Brief description of this profile'), ), Bool('ipacertprofilestoreissued', default=True, cli_name='store', label=_('Store issued certificates'), doc=_('Whether to store certs issued using this profile'), ), ) permission_filter_objectclasses = ['ipacertprofile'] managed_permissions = { 'System: Read Certificate Profiles': { 'replaces_global_anonymous_aci': True, 'ipapermbindruletype': 'all', 'ipapermright': {'read', 'search', 'compare'}, 'ipapermdefaultattr': { 'cn', 'description', 'ipacertprofilestoreissued', 'objectclass', }, }, 'System: Import Certificate Profile': { 'ipapermright': {'add'}, 'replaces': [ '(target = "ldap:///cn=*,cn=certprofiles,cn=ca,$SUFFIX")(version 3.0;acl "permission:Import Certificate Profile";allow (add) groupdn = "ldap:///cn=Import Certificate Profile,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,$SUFFIX";)', ], 'default_privileges': {'CA Administrator'}, }, 'System: Delete Certificate Profile': { 'ipapermright': {'delete'}, 'replaces': [ '(target = "ldap:///cn=*,cn=certprofiles,cn=ca,$SUFFIX")(version 3.0;acl "permission:Delete Certificate Profile";allow (delete) groupdn = "ldap:///cn=Delete Certificate Profile,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,$SUFFIX";)', ], 'default_privileges': {'CA Administrator'}, }, 'System: Modify Certificate Profile': { 'ipapermright': {'write'}, 'ipapermdefaultattr': { 'cn', 'description', 'ipacertprofilestoreissued', }, 'replaces': [ '(targetattr = "cn || description || ipacertprofilestoreissued")(target = "ldap:///cn=*,cn=certprofiles,cn=ca,$SUFFIX")(version 3.0;acl "permission:Modify Certificate Profile";allow (write) groupdn = "ldap:///cn=Modify Certificate Profile,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,$SUFFIX";)', ], 'default_privileges': {'CA Administrator'}, }, } @register() class certprofile_find(LDAPSearch): __doc__ = _("Search for Certificate Profiles.") msg_summary = ngettext( '%(count)d profile matched', '%(count)d profiles matched', 0 ) def execute(self, *args, **kwargs): ca_enabled_check() return super(certprofile_find, self).execute(*args, **kwargs) @register() class certprofile_show(LDAPRetrieve): __doc__ = _("Display the properties of a Certificate Profile.") has_output_params = LDAPRetrieve.has_output_params + ( Str('config', label=_('Profile configuration'), ), ) takes_options = LDAPRetrieve.takes_options + ( Str('out?', doc=_('Write profile configuration to file'), ), ) def execute(self, *keys, **options): ca_enabled_check() result = super(certprofile_show, self).execute(*keys, **options) if 'out' in options: with self.api.Backend.ra_certprofile as profile_api: result['result']['config'] = profile_api.read_profile(keys[0]) return result @register() class certprofile_import(LDAPCreate): __doc__ = _("Import a Certificate Profile.") msg_summary = _('Imported profile "%(value)s"') takes_options = ( Str( 'file', label=_('Filename of a raw profile. The XML format is not supported.'), cli_name='file', flags=('virtual_attribute',), noextrawhitespace=False, ), ) PROFILE_ID_PATTERN = re.compile('^profileId=([a-zA-Z]\w*)', re.MULTILINE) def pre_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry, entry_attrs, *keys, **options): ca_enabled_check() context.profile = options['file'] match = self.PROFILE_ID_PATTERN.search(options['file']) if match is None: # no profileId found, use CLI value as profileId. context.profile = u'profileId=%s\n%s' % (keys[0], context.profile) elif keys[0] != match.group(1): raise errors.ValidationError(name='file', error=_("Profile ID '%(cli_value)s' does not match profile data '%(file_value)s'") % {'cli_value': keys[0], 'file_value': match.group(1)} ) return dn def post_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options): """Import the profile into Dogtag and enable it. If the operation fails, remove the LDAP entry. """ try: with self.api.Backend.ra_certprofile as profile_api: profile_api.create_profile(context.profile) profile_api.enable_profile(keys[0]) except: # something went wrong ; delete entry ldap.delete_entry(dn) raise return dn @register() class certprofile_del(LDAPDelete): __doc__ = _("Delete a Certificate Profile.") msg_summary = _('Deleted profile "%(value)s"') def pre_callback(self, ldap, dn, *keys, **options): ca_enabled_check() if keys[0] in [p.profile_id for p in INCLUDED_PROFILES]: raise errors.ValidationError(name='profile_id', error=_("Predefined profile '%(profile_id)s' cannot be deleted") % {'profile_id': keys[0]} ) return dn def post_callback(self, ldap, dn, *keys, **options): with self.api.Backend.ra_certprofile as profile_api: profile_api.disable_profile(keys[0]) profile_api.delete_profile(keys[0]) return dn @register() class certprofile_mod(LDAPUpdate): __doc__ = _("Modify Certificate Profile configuration.") msg_summary = _('Modified Certificate Profile "%(value)s"') takes_options = LDAPUpdate.takes_options + ( Str( 'file?', label=_('File containing profile configuration'), cli_name='file', flags=('virtual_attribute',), noextrawhitespace=False, ), ) def pre_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, attrs_list, *keys, **options): ca_enabled_check() # Once a profile id is set it cannot be changed if 'cn' in entry_attrs: raise errors.ProtectedEntryError(label='certprofile', key=keys[0], reason=_('Certificate profiles cannot be renamed')) if 'file' in options: with self.api.Backend.ra_certprofile as profile_api: profile_api.disable_profile(keys[0]) try: profile_api.update_profile(keys[0], options['file']) finally: profile_api.enable_profile(keys[0]) return dn def execute(self, *keys, **options): try: return super(certprofile_mod, self).execute(*keys, **options) except errors.EmptyModlist: if 'file' in options: # The profile data in Dogtag was updated. # Do not fail; return result of certprofile-show instead return self.api.Command.certprofile_show(keys[0], version=API_VERSION) else: # This case is actually an error; re-raise raise