# Authors: Sumit Bose # # Copyright (C) 2011 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # from __future__ import print_function import os import errno import ldap import tempfile import uuid import string import struct import re import six from ipaserver.dns_data_management import IPASystemRecords from ipaserver.install import service from ipaserver.install import installutils from ipaserver.install.bindinstance import dns_zone_exists from ipaserver.install.replication import wait_for_task from ipalib import errors, api from ipalib.util import normalize_zone from ipapython.dn import DN from ipapython import sysrestore from ipapython import ipautil from ipapython.ipa_log_manager import root_logger import ipapython.errors import ipaclient.ipachangeconf from ipaplatform import services from ipaplatform.paths import paths from ipaplatform.tasks import tasks if six.PY3: unicode = str ALLOWED_NETBIOS_CHARS = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits + '-' UPGRADE_ERROR = """ Entry %(dn)s does not exist. This means upgrade from IPA 2.x to 3.x did not went well and required S4U2Proxy configuration was not set up properly. Please run ipa-ldap-updater manually and re-run ipa-adtrust-instal again afterwards. """ SELINUX_BOOLEAN_SETTINGS = {'samba_portmapper': 'on'} def check_inst(): for smbfile in [paths.SMBD, paths.NET]: if not os.path.exists(smbfile): print("%s was not found on this system" % smbfile) print("Please install the 'samba' packages and " \ "start the installation again") return False #TODO: Add check for needed samba4 libraries return True def ipa_smb_conf_exists(): try: conf_fd = open(paths.SMB_CONF, 'r') except IOError as err: if err.errno == errno.ENOENT: return False lines = conf_fd.readlines() conf_fd.close() for line in lines: if line.startswith('### Added by IPA Installer ###'): return True return False def check_netbios_name(name): # Empty NetBIOS name is not allowed if name is None: return False # NetBIOS names may not be longer than 15 allowed characters invalid_netbios_name = any([ len(name) > 15, ''.join([c for c in name if c not in ALLOWED_NETBIOS_CHARS]) ]) return not invalid_netbios_name def make_netbios_name(s): return ''.join([c for c in s.split('.')[0].upper() \ if c in ALLOWED_NETBIOS_CHARS])[:15] class ADTRUSTInstance(service.Service): ATTR_SID = "ipaNTSecurityIdentifier" ATTR_FLAT_NAME = "ipaNTFlatName" ATTR_GUID = "ipaNTDomainGUID" ATTR_FALLBACK_GROUP = "ipaNTFallbackPrimaryGroup" OBJC_USER = "ipaNTUserAttrs" OBJC_GROUP = "ipaNTGroupAttrs" OBJC_DOMAIN = "ipaNTDomainAttrs" FALLBACK_GROUP_NAME = u'Default SMB Group' def __init__(self, fstore=None): self.netbios_name = None self.reset_netbios_name = None self.no_msdcs = None self.add_sids = None self.smbd_user = None self.smb_dn_pwd = None self.trust_dn = None self.smb_dom_dn = None self.sub_dict = None self.rid_base = None self.secondary_rid_base = None self.fqdn = None self.host_netbios_name = None self.realm = None service.Service.__init__(self, "smb", service_desc="CIFS", dm_password=None, ldapi=True) if fstore: self.fstore = fstore else: self.fstore = sysrestore.FileStore(paths.SYSRESTORE) self.__setup_default_attributes() def __setup_default_attributes(self): """ This method setups default attributes that are either constants, or based on api.env attributes, such as realm, hostname or domain name. """ # Constants self.smb_conf = paths.SMB_CONF self.samba_keytab = paths.SAMBA_KEYTAB self.cifs_hosts = [] # Values obtained from API.env self.fqdn = self.fqdn or api.env.host self.host_netbios_name = make_netbios_name(self.fqdn) self.realm = self.realm or api.env.realm self.cifs_principal = "cifs/" + self.fqdn + "@" + self.realm self.suffix = ipautil.realm_to_suffix(self.realm) self.ldapi_socket = "%%2fvar%%2frun%%2fslapd-%s.socket" % \ installutils.realm_to_serverid(self.realm) # DN definitions self.trust_dn = DN(api.env.container_trusts, self.suffix) self.smb_dn = DN(('cn', 'adtrust agents'), ('cn', 'sysaccounts'), ('cn', 'etc'), self.suffix) self.smb_dom_dn = DN(('cn', api.env.domain), api.env.container_cifsdomains, self.suffix) self.cifs_agent = DN(('krbprincipalname', self.cifs_principal.lower()), api.env.container_service, self.suffix) self.host_princ = DN(('fqdn', self.fqdn), api.env.container_host, self.suffix) def __gen_sid_string(self): sub_ids = struct.unpack(" size: self.print_msg("Primary and secondary RID base are too close. " "They have to differ at least by %d." % size) raise RuntimeError("RID bases too close.\n") # Modify the range # If the RID bases would cause overlap with some other range, # this will be detected by ipa-range-check DS plugin try: self.admin_conn.modify_s(local_range.dn, [(ldap.MOD_ADD, "ipaBaseRID", str(self.rid_base)), (ldap.MOD_ADD, "ipaSecondaryBaseRID", str(self.secondary_rid_base))]) except ldap.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION as e: self.print_msg("Failed to add RID bases to the local range " "object:\n %s" % e[0]['info']) raise RuntimeError("Constraint violation.\n") except errors.NotFound as e: root_logger.critical("ID range of the local domain not found, " "define it and run again.") raise e def __reset_netbios_name(self): """ Set the NetBIOS domain name to a new value. """ self.print_msg("Reset NetBIOS domain name") try: self.admin_conn.modify_s(self.smb_dom_dn, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, self.ATTR_FLAT_NAME, self.netbios_name)]) except ldap.LDAPError: self.print_msg("Failed to reset the NetBIOS domain name") def __create_samba_domain_object(self): try: self.admin_conn.get_entry(self.smb_dom_dn) if self.reset_netbios_name: self.__reset_netbios_name() else : self.print_msg("Samba domain object already exists") return except errors.NotFound: pass for new_dn in (self.trust_dn, \ DN(('cn', 'ad'), self.trust_dn), \ DN(api.env.container_cifsdomains, self.suffix)): try: self.admin_conn.get_entry(new_dn) except errors.NotFound: try: name = new_dn[1].attr except Exception as e: self.print_msg('Cannot extract RDN attribute value from "%s": %s' % \ (new_dn, e)) return entry = self.admin_conn.make_entry( new_dn, objectclass=['nsContainer'], cn=[name]) self.admin_conn.add_entry(entry) entry = self.admin_conn.make_entry( self.smb_dom_dn, { 'objectclass': [self.OBJC_DOMAIN, "nsContainer"], 'cn': [api.env.domain], self.ATTR_FLAT_NAME: [self.netbios_name], self.ATTR_SID: [self.__gen_sid_string()], self.ATTR_GUID: [str(uuid.uuid4())], } ) #TODO: which MAY attributes do we want to set ? self.admin_conn.add_entry(entry) def __write_smb_conf(self): conf_fd = open(self.smb_conf, "w") conf_fd.write('### Added by IPA Installer ###\n') conf_fd.write('[global]\n') conf_fd.write('debug pid = yes\n') conf_fd.write('config backend = registry\n') conf_fd.close() def __add_plugin_conf(self, name, plugin_cn, ldif_file): """ Add directory server plugin configuration if it not already exists. """ try: plugin_dn = DN(('cn', plugin_cn), ('cn', 'plugins'), ('cn', 'config')) self.admin_conn.get_entry(plugin_dn) self.print_msg('%s plugin already configured, nothing to do' % name) except errors.NotFound: try: self._ldap_mod(ldif_file, self.sub_dict) except Exception: pass def __add_cldap_module(self): """ Add cldap directory server plugin configuration if it not already exists. """ self.__add_plugin_conf('CLDAP', 'ipa_cldap', 'ipa-cldap-conf.ldif') def __add_sidgen_task(self): """ Add sidgen directory server plugin configuration and the related task if they not already exist. """ self.__add_plugin_conf('Sidgen task', 'ipa-sidgen-task', 'ipa-sidgen-task-conf.ldif') def __add_sids(self): """ Add SIDs for existing users and groups. Make sure the task is finished before continuing. """ try: # Start the sidgen task self._ldap_mod("ipa-sidgen-task-run.ldif", self.sub_dict) # Notify the user about the possible delay self.print_msg("This step may take considerable amount of time, please wait..") # Wait for the task to complete task_dn = DN('cn=sidgen,cn=ipa-sidgen-task,cn=tasks,cn=config') wait_for_task(self.admin_conn, task_dn) except Exception as e: root_logger.warning("Exception occured during SID generation: {0}" .format(str(e))) def __add_s4u2proxy_target(self): """ Add CIFS principal to S4U2Proxy target """ targets_dn = DN(('cn', 'ipa-cifs-delegation-targets'), ('cn', 's4u2proxy'), ('cn', 'etc'), self.suffix) try: current = self.admin_conn.get_entry(targets_dn) members = current.get('memberPrincipal', []) if not(self.cifs_principal in members): current["memberPrincipal"] = members + [self.cifs_principal] self.admin_conn.update_entry(current) else: self.print_msg('cifs principal already targeted, nothing to do.') except errors.NotFound: self.print_msg(UPGRADE_ERROR % dict(dn=targets_dn)) def __write_smb_registry(self): template = os.path.join(ipautil.SHARE_DIR, "smb.conf.template") conf = ipautil.template_file(template, self.sub_dict) [tmp_fd, tmp_name] = tempfile.mkstemp() os.write(tmp_fd, conf) os.close(tmp_fd) # Workaround for: https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/5687 # We make sure that paths.SMB_CONF file exists, hence touch it with open(paths.SMB_CONF, 'a'): os.utime(paths.SMB_CONF, None) args = [paths.NET, "conf", "import", tmp_name] try: ipautil.run(args) finally: os.remove(tmp_name) def __setup_group_membership(self): # Add the CIFS and host principals to the 'adtrust agents' group # as 389-ds only operates with GroupOfNames, we have to use # the principal's proper dn as defined in self.cifs_agent service.add_principals_to_group(self.admin_conn, self.smb_dn, "member", [self.cifs_agent, self.host_princ]) def __setup_principal(self): try: api.Command.service_add(unicode(self.cifs_principal)) except errors.DuplicateEntry: # CIFS principal already exists, it is not the first time # adtrustinstance is managed # That's fine, we we'll re-extract the key again. pass except Exception as e: self.print_msg("Cannot add CIFS service: %s" % e) self.clean_samba_keytab() installutils.remove_ccache(paths.KRB5CC_SAMBA) try: ipautil.run(["ipa-getkeytab", "--server", self.fqdn, "--principal", self.cifs_principal, "-k", self.samba_keytab]) except ipautil.CalledProcessError: root_logger.critical("Failed to add key for %s" % self.cifs_principal) def clean_samba_keytab(self): if os.path.exists(self.samba_keytab): try: ipautil.run(["ipa-rmkeytab", "--principal", self.cifs_principal, "-k", self.samba_keytab]) except ipautil.CalledProcessError as e: if e.returncode != 5: root_logger.critical("Failed to remove old key for %s" % self.cifs_principal) def srv_rec(self, host, port, prio): return "%(prio)d 100 %(port)d %(host)s" % dict(host=host,prio=prio,port=port) def __add_dns_service_records(self): """ Add DNS service records for Windows if DNS is enabled and the DNS zone is managed. If there are already service records for LDAP and Kerberos their values are used. Otherwise default values are used. """ zone = api.env.domain err_msg = None if self.no_msdcs: err_msg = '--no-msdcs was given, special DNS service records ' \ 'are not added to local DNS server' else: ret = api.Command['dns_is_enabled']() if not ret['result']: err_msg = "DNS management was not enabled at install time." else: if not dns_zone_exists(zone): err_msg = "DNS zone %s cannot be managed " \ "as it is not defined in IPA" % zone if err_msg: self.print_msg(err_msg) self.print_msg("Add the following service records to your DNS " \ "server for DNS zone %s: " % zone) system_records = IPASystemRecords(api) adtrust_recors = system_records.get_base_records( [self.fqdn], ["AD trust controller"], include_master_role=False, include_kerberos_realm=False) for r_name, node in adtrust_recors.items(): for rec in IPASystemRecords.records_list_from_node(r_name, node): self.print_msg(rec) else: api.Command.dns_update_system_records() def __configure_selinux_for_smbd(self): try: tasks.set_selinux_booleans(SELINUX_BOOLEAN_SETTINGS, self.backup_state) except ipapython.errors.SetseboolError as e: self.print_msg(e.format_service_warning('adtrust service')) def __mod_krb5_conf(self): """ Set dns_lookup_kdc to true and master_kdc in /etc/krb5.conf """ if not self.fqdn or not self.realm: self.print_msg("Cannot modify /etc/krb5.conf") krbconf = ipaclient.ipachangeconf.IPAChangeConf("IPA Installer") krbconf.setOptionAssignment((" = ", " ")) krbconf.setSectionNameDelimiters(("[", "]")) krbconf.setSubSectionDelimiters(("{", "}")) krbconf.setIndent(("", " ", " ")) libopts = [{'name':'dns_lookup_kdc', 'type':'option', 'action':'set', 'value':'true'}] master_kdc = self.fqdn + ":88" kropts = [{'name':'master_kdc', 'type':'option', 'action':'set', 'value':master_kdc}] ropts = [{'name':self.realm, 'type':'subsection', 'action':'set', 'value':kropts}] opts = [{'name':'libdefaults', 'type':'section', 'action':'set', 'value':libopts}, {'name':'realms', 'type':'section', 'action':'set', 'value':ropts}] krbconf.changeConf(paths.KRB5_CONF, opts) def __update_krb5_conf(self): """ Update /etc/krb5.conf if needed """ try: krb5conf = open(paths.KRB5_CONF, 'r') except IOError as e: self.print_msg("Cannot open /etc/krb5.conf (%s)\n" % str(e)) return has_dns_lookup_kdc_true = False for line in krb5conf: if re.match("^\s*dns_lookup_kdc\s*=\s*[Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee]\s*$", line): has_dns_lookup_kdc_true = True break krb5conf.close() if not has_dns_lookup_kdc_true: self.__mod_krb5_conf() else: self.print_msg("'dns_lookup_kdc' already set to 'true', " "nothing to do.") def __check_replica(self): try: cifs_services = DN(api.env.container_service, self.suffix) # Search for cifs services which also belong to adtrust agents, these are our DCs res = self.admin_conn.get_entries(cifs_services, ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL, "(&(krbprincipalname=cifs/*@%s)(memberof=%s))" % (self.realm, str(self.smb_dn))) if len(res) > 1: # there are other CIFS services defined, we are not alone for entry in res: managedBy = entry.single_value.get('managedBy') if managedBy: fqdn = DN(managedBy)['fqdn'] if fqdn != unicode(self.fqdn): # this is CIFS service of a different host in our # REALM, we need to remember it to announce via # SRV records for _msdcs self.cifs_hosts.append(normalize_zone(fqdn)) except Exception as e: root_logger.critical("Checking replicas for cifs principals failed with error '%s'" % e) def __enable_compat_tree(self): try: compat_plugin_dn = DN("cn=Schema Compatibility,cn=plugins,cn=config") lookup_nsswitch_name = "schema-compat-lookup-nsswitch" for config in (("cn=users", "user"), ("cn=groups", "group")): entry_dn = DN(config[0], compat_plugin_dn) current = self.admin_conn.get_entry(entry_dn) lookup_nsswitch = current.get(lookup_nsswitch_name, []) if not(config[1] in lookup_nsswitch): current[lookup_nsswitch_name] = [config[1]] self.admin_conn.update_entry(current) except Exception as e: root_logger.critical("Enabling nsswitch support in slapi-nis failed with error '%s'" % e) def __start(self): try: self.start() services.service('winbind').start() except Exception: root_logger.critical("CIFS services failed to start") def __stop(self): self.backup_state("running", self.is_running()) try: services.service('winbind').stop() self.stop() except Exception: pass def __restart_dirsrv(self): try: services.knownservices.dirsrv.restart() except Exception: pass def __restart_smb(self): try: services.knownservices.smb.restart() except Exception: pass def __enable(self): self.backup_state("enabled", self.is_enabled()) # We do not let the system start IPA components on its own, # Instead we reply on the IPA init script to start only enabled # components as found in our LDAP configuration tree # Note that self.dm_password is None for ADTrustInstance because # we ensure to be called as root and using ldapi to use autobind try: self.ldap_enable('ADTRUST', self.fqdn, self.dm_password, \ self.suffix) except (ldap.ALREADY_EXISTS, errors.DuplicateEntry) as e: root_logger.info("ADTRUST Service startup entry already exists.") try: self.ldap_enable('EXTID', self.fqdn, self.dm_password, \ self.suffix) except (ldap.ALREADY_EXISTS, errors.DuplicateEntry) as e: root_logger.info("EXTID Service startup entry already exists.") def __setup_sub_dict(self): self.sub_dict = dict(REALM = self.realm, SUFFIX = self.suffix, NETBIOS_NAME = self.netbios_name, HOST_NETBIOS_NAME = self.host_netbios_name, SMB_DN = self.smb_dn, LDAPI_SOCKET = self.ldapi_socket, FQDN = self.fqdn) def setup(self, fqdn, realm_name, netbios_name, reset_netbios_name, rid_base, secondary_rid_base, no_msdcs=False, add_sids=False, smbd_user="samba", enable_compat=False): self.fqdn = fqdn self.realm = realm_name self.netbios_name = netbios_name self.reset_netbios_name = reset_netbios_name self.rid_base = rid_base self.secondary_rid_base = secondary_rid_base self.no_msdcs = no_msdcs self.add_sids = add_sids self.enable_compat = enable_compat self.smbd_user = smbd_user # Setup constants and attributes derived from the values above self.__setup_default_attributes() self.__setup_sub_dict() def find_local_id_range(self): self.ldap_connect() if self.admin_conn.get_entries( DN(api.env.container_ranges, self.suffix), ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL, "(objectclass=ipaDomainIDRange)"): return try: entry = self.admin_conn.get_entry( DN(('cn', 'admins'), api.env.container_group, self.suffix)) except errors.NotFound: raise ValueError("No local ID range and no admins group found.\n" \ "Add local ID range manually and try again!") base_id = int(entry.single_value['gidNumber']) id_range_size = 200000 id_filter = "(&" \ "(|(objectclass=posixAccount)" \ "(objectclass=posixGroup)" \ "(objectclass=ipaIDObject))" \ "(|(uidNumber<=%d)(uidNumber>=%d)" \ "(gidNumber<=%d)(gidNumner>=%d)))" % \ ((base_id - 1), (base_id + id_range_size), (base_id - 1), (base_id + id_range_size)) if self.admin_conn.get_entries(DN(('cn', 'accounts'), self.suffix), ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, id_filter): raise ValueError("There are objects with IDs out of the expected" \ "range.\nAdd local ID range manually and try " \ "again!") entry = self.admin_conn.make_entry( DN( ('cn', ('%s_id_range' % self.realm)), api.env.container_ranges, self.suffix), objectclass=['ipaDomainIDRange'], cn=['%s_id_range' % self.realm], ipaBaseID=[str(base_id)], ipaIDRangeSize=[str(id_range_size)], ) self.admin_conn.add_entry(entry) def create_instance(self): self.ldap_connect() self.step("stopping smbd", self.__stop) self.step("creating samba domain object", \ self.__create_samba_domain_object) self.step("creating samba config registry", self.__write_smb_registry) self.step("writing samba config file", self.__write_smb_conf) self.step("adding cifs Kerberos principal", self.__setup_principal) self.step("adding cifs and host Kerberos principals to the adtrust agents group", \ self.__setup_group_membership) self.step("check for cifs services defined on other replicas", self.__check_replica) self.step("adding cifs principal to S4U2Proxy targets", self.__add_s4u2proxy_target) self.step("adding admin(group) SIDs", self.__add_admin_sids) self.step("adding RID bases", self.__add_rid_bases) self.step("updating Kerberos config", self.__update_krb5_conf) self.step("activating CLDAP plugin", self.__add_cldap_module) self.step("activating sidgen task", self.__add_sidgen_task) self.step("configuring smbd to start on boot", self.__enable) self.step("adding special DNS service records", \ self.__add_dns_service_records) if self.enable_compat: self.step("enabling trusted domains support for older clients via Schema Compatibility plugin", self.__enable_compat_tree) self.step("restarting Directory Server to take MS PAC and LDAP plugins changes into account", \ self.__restart_dirsrv) self.step("adding fallback group", self.__add_fallback_group) self.step("adding Default Trust View", self.__add_default_trust_view) self.step("setting SELinux booleans", \ self.__configure_selinux_for_smbd) self.step("starting CIFS services", self.__start) if self.add_sids: self.step("adding SIDs to existing users and groups", self.__add_sids) self.step("restarting smbd", self.__restart_smb) self.start_creation(show_service_name=False) def uninstall(self): if self.is_configured(): self.print_msg("Unconfiguring %s" % self.service_name) # Call restore_state so that we do not leave mess in the statestore # Otherwise this does nothing self.restore_state("running") self.restore_state("enabled") winbind = services.service("winbind") # Always try to stop and disable smb service, since we do not leave # working configuration after uninstall try: self.stop() self.disable() winbind.stop() winbind.disable() except Exception: pass # Since we do not guarantee restoring back to working samba state, # we should not restore smb.conf # Restore the state of affected selinux booleans boolean_states = {name: self.restore_state(name) for name in SELINUX_BOOLEAN_SETTINGS} try: tasks.set_selinux_booleans(boolean_states) except ipapython.errors.SetseboolError as e: self.print_msg('WARNING: ' + str(e)) # Remove samba's credentials cache installutils.remove_ccache(ccache_path=paths.KRB5CC_SAMBA) # Remove samba's configuration file installutils.remove_file(self.smb_conf) # Remove samba's persistent and temporary tdb files tdb_files = [tdb_file for tdb_file in os.listdir(paths.SAMBA_DIR) if tdb_file.endswith(".tdb")] for tdb_file in tdb_files: installutils.remove_file(tdb_file) # Remove our keys from samba's keytab self.clean_samba_keytab()