# Authors:
#   Rob Crittenden <rcritten@redhat.com>
#   John Dennis <jdennis@redhat.com>
#   Martin Kosek <mkosek@redhat.com>
# Copyright (C) 2011  Red Hat
# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# Test the API against a known-good API to ensure that changes aren't made
# lightly.

import sys
import os
import re
import inspect
import operator
from ipalib import api
from ipalib.parameters import Param
from ipalib.output import Output
from ipalib.text import Gettext, NGettext, ConcatenatedLazyText
from ipalib.capabilities import capabilities



# attributes removed from Param.__kw dictionary

# attributes removed from Output object

def parse_options():
    from optparse import OptionParser

    parser = OptionParser()
    parser.add_option("--validate", dest="validate", action="store_true",
        default=False, help="Validate the API vs the stored API")

    parser.add_option("--no-validate-doc", dest="validate_doc", action="store_false",
        default=True, help="Do not validate documentation")

    options, args = parser.parse_args()
    return options, args

def param_repr(p):
    Return parameter repr() for API.txt purposes.

    Some Param attributes do not cause API incompatibility (e.g. doc,
    label or callables) and should not be added to API.txt. These attributes
    are removed from the parameter before repr() is called.

    NOTE: since the parameter is not not deepcopy()'ed before attributes are
    removed, the original parameter is changed in the process. This is OK
    for ./makeapi since we don't need this attributes anyway (except for
    validate_doc() which is, however, called before any param_repr() call).
    if isinstance(p, Output):
        for attr in OUTPUT_IGNORED_ATTRIBUTES:
                object.__delattr__(p, attr)
            except AttributeError:
        return repr(p)
    elif isinstance(p, Param):
        param_kw = p.__dict__['_Param__kw']
        for attr in PARAM_IGNORED_KW_ATTRIBUTES:
                del param_kw[attr]
            except KeyError:
        object.__setattr__(p, 'rules', {})
        return repr(p)
        raise ValueError('Unsupported parameter type!')

def validate_doc():
    Iterate over all API commands and perform the following validation:

    * Every command must have documentation
      and it must be marked for international translation

    * Every module hosting a command must have documentation
      and it must be marked for international translation

    * Every module topic must be marked for international translation

    For every error found emit a diagnostic.
    Emit a summary of total errors found.

    Return error flag if errors found, zero otherwise.

    def is_i18n(obj):
        'Helper utility to determine if object has been internationalized'
        return isinstance(obj, (Gettext, NGettext, ConcatenatedLazyText))

    # The return value
    rval = 0

    # Used to track if we've processed a module already
    modules = {}

    # Initialize error counters
    n_missing_cmd_doc = 0
    n_missing_cmd_i18n = 0
    n_missing_mod_doc = 0
    n_missing_mod_i18n = 0

    # Iterate over every command
    for cmd in api.Command():
        cmd_class = cmd.__class__

        # Skip commands marked as NO_CLI
        if getattr(cmd, 'NO_CLI', False):

        # Have we processed this module yet?
        if not modules.setdefault(cmd.module, 0):
            # First time seeing this module, validate the module contents
            mod = sys.modules[cmd.module]

            # See if there is a module topic, if so validate it
            topic = getattr(mod, 'topic', None)
            if topic is not None:
                if not is_i18n(topic[1]):
                    src_file = inspect.getsourcefile(cmd_class)
                    n_missing_mod_i18n += 1
                    print "%s: topic in module \"%s\" is not internationalized" % \
                          (src_file, cmd.module)

            # Does the module have documentation?
            if mod.__doc__ is None:
                src_file = inspect.getsourcefile(mod)
                n_missing_mod_doc += 1
                print "%s: module \"%s\" has no doc" % \
                      (src_file, cmd.module)
            # Yes the module has doc, but is it internationalized?
            elif not is_i18n(mod.__doc__):
                src_file = inspect.getsourcefile(cmd_class)
                n_missing_mod_i18n += 1
                print "%s: module \"%s\" doc is not internationalized" % \
                      (src_file, cmd.module)

        # Increment the count of how many commands in this module
        modules[cmd.module] = modules[cmd.module] + 1

        # Does the command have documentation?
        if cmd.__doc__ is None:
            src_file = inspect.getsourcefile(cmd_class)
            line_num = inspect.getsourcelines(cmd_class)[1]
            n_missing_cmd_doc += 1
            print "%s:%d command \"%s\" has no doc" % (src_file, line_num, cmd.name)
        # Yes the command has doc, but is it internationalized?
        elif not is_i18n(cmd.__doc__):
            src_file = inspect.getsourcefile(cmd_class)
            line_num = inspect.getsourcelines(cmd_class)[1]
            n_missing_cmd_i18n += 1
            print "%s:%d command \"%s\" doc is not internationalized" % (src_file, line_num, cmd.name)

    # If any errors, emit summary information and adjust return value
    if n_missing_cmd_doc > 0 or n_missing_cmd_i18n > 0:
        rval = API_DOC_ERROR
        print "%d commands without doc, %d commands whose doc is not i18n" % \
              (n_missing_cmd_doc, n_missing_cmd_i18n)

    if n_missing_mod_doc > 0 or n_missing_mod_i18n > 0:
        rval = API_DOC_ERROR
        print "%d modules without doc, %d modules whose doc is not i18n" % \
              (n_missing_mod_doc, n_missing_mod_i18n)

    return rval

def make_api():
    Write a new API file from the current tree.
    fd = open(API_FILE, 'w')
    for cmd in api.Command():
        fd.write('command: %s\n' % cmd.name)
        fd.write('args: %d,%d,%d\n' % (len(cmd.args), len(cmd.options), len(cmd.output)))
        for a in cmd.args():
            fd.write('arg: %s\n' % param_repr(a))
        for o in sorted(cmd.options(), key=operator.attrgetter('name')):
            fd.write('option: %s\n' % param_repr(o))
        for o in sorted(cmd.output(), key=operator.attrgetter('name')):
            fd.write('output: %s\n' % param_repr(o))
    for name, version in sorted(
            capabilities.items(), key=lambda (k, v): (v, k)):
        fd.write('capability: %s %s\n' % (name, version))

    return 0

def find_name(line):
    Break apart a Param line and pull out the name. It would be nice if we
    could just eval() the line but we wouldn't have defined any validators
    or normalizers it may be using.
    m = re.match('^[a-zA-Z0-9]+\(\'([a-z][_a-z0-9?\*\+]*)\'.*', line)
    if m:
        name = m.group(1)
        print "Couldn't find name in: %s" % line
        name = ''
    return name

def _finalize_command_validation(cmd, found_args, expected_args,
                                      found_options, expected_options,
                                      found_output, expected_output):
    passed = True
    # Check the args of the previous command.
    if len(found_args) != expected_args:
        print 'Argument count in %s of %d doesn\'t match expected: %d' % (
            cmd.name, len(found_args), expected_args)
        passed = False
    if len(found_options) != expected_options:
        print 'Options count in %s of %d doesn\'t match expected: %d' % (
            cmd.name, len(found_options), expected_options)
        passed = False
    if len(found_output) != expected_output:
        print 'Output count in %s of %d doesn\'t match expected: %d' % (
            cmd.name, len(found_output), expected_output)
        passed = False

    # Check if there is not a new arg/opt/output in previous command
    for a in cmd.args():
        if a.param_spec not in found_args:
            print 'Argument %s of command %s in ipalib, not in API file:\n%s' % (
                a.param_spec, cmd.name, param_repr(a))
            passed = False
    for o in cmd.options():
        if o.param_spec not in found_options:
            print 'Option %s of command %s in ipalib, not in API file:\n%s' % (
                o.param_spec, cmd.name, param_repr(o))
            passed = False
    for o in cmd.output():
        if o.name not in found_output:
            print 'Output %s of command %s in ipalib, not in API file:\n%s' % (
                o.name, cmd.name, param_repr(o))
            passed = False

    return passed

def validate_api():
    Compare the API in the file to the one in ipalib.

    Return a bitwise return code to identify the types of errors found, if
    fd = open(API_FILE, 'r')
    lines = fd.readlines()

    rval = 0

    expected_args = 0
    expected_options = 0
    expected_output = 0
    found_args = []
    found_options = []
    found_output = []

    # First run through the file and compare it to the API
    existing_cmds = []
    existing_capabilities = set()
    cmd = None
    for line in lines:
        line = line.strip()
        if line.startswith('command:'):
            if cmd:
                if not _finalize_command_validation(cmd, found_args, expected_args,
                                      found_options, expected_options,
                                      found_output, expected_output):
                    rval |= API_FILE_DIFFERENCE

            (arg, name) = line.split(': ', 1)
            if name not in api.Command:
                print "Command %s in API file, not in ipalib" % name
                rval |= API_FILE_DIFFERENCE
                cmd = None
                cmd = api.Command[name]
            found_args = []
            found_options = []
            found_output = []
        if line.startswith('args:') and cmd:
            line = line.replace('args: ', '')
            (expected_args, expected_options, expected_output) = line.split(',')
            expected_args = int(expected_args)
            expected_options = int(expected_options)
            expected_output = int(expected_output)
        if line.startswith('arg:') and cmd:
            line = line.replace('arg: ', '')
            found = False
            arg = find_name(line)
            for a in cmd.args():
                if param_repr(a) == line:
                    found = True
                    if a.name == arg:
                        found = True
                        print 'Arg in %s doesn\'t match.\nGot      %s\nExpected %s' % (
                            name, param_repr(a), line)
                        rval |= API_FILE_DIFFERENCE
            if found:
                arg = find_name(line)
                print "Argument '%s' in command '%s' in API file not found" % (arg, name)
                rval |= API_FILE_DIFFERENCE
        if line.startswith('option:') and cmd:
            line = line.replace('option: ', '')
            found = False
            option = find_name(line)
            for o in cmd.options():
                if param_repr(o) == line:
                    found = True
                    if o.name == option:
                        found = True
                        print 'Option in %s doesn\'t match. Got %s Expected %s' % (name, o, line)
                        rval |= API_FILE_DIFFERENCE
            if found:
                option = find_name(line)
                print "Option '%s' in command '%s' in API file not found" % (option, name)
                rval |= API_FILE_DIFFERENCE
        if line.startswith('output:') and cmd:
            line = line.replace('output: ', '')
            found = False
            output = find_name(line)
            for o in cmd.output():
                if param_repr(o) == line:
                    found = True
                    if o.name == output:
                        found = True
                        print 'Output in %s doesn\'t match. Got %s Expected %s' % (name, o, line)
                        rval |= API_FILE_DIFFERENCE
            if found:
                output = find_name(line)
                print "Option '%s' in command '%s' in API file not found" % (output, name)
                rval |= API_FILE_DIFFERENCE
        if line.startswith('capability:'):
            cap, version = line.replace('capability: ', '').split(' ', 1)
                expected_version = str(capabilities[cap])
            except KeyError:
                print "Capability '%s' in API file not found" % cap
                rval |= API_FILE_DIFFERENCE
                if version != expected_version:
                    print (
                        "Capability '%s' in API file doesn't match. Got %s, "
                        "expected %s.") % (cap, version, expected_version)
                    rval |= API_FILE_DIFFERENCE

    if cmd:
        if not _finalize_command_validation(cmd, found_args, expected_args,
                              found_options, expected_options,
                              found_output, expected_output):
            rval |= API_FILE_DIFFERENCE

    # Now look for new commands not in the current API
    for cmd in api.Command():
        if cmd.name not in existing_cmds:
            print "Command %s in ipalib, not in API" % cmd.name
            rval |= API_NEW_COMMAND

    for cap in capabilities:
        if cap not in existing_capabilities:
            print "Capability %s in ipalib, not in API" % cap
            rval |= API_FILE_DIFFERENCE

    return rval

def main():
    rval = 0
    options, args = parse_options()

    cfg = dict(


    if options.validate_doc:
        rval |= validate_doc()

    if options.validate:
        if not os.path.exists(API_FILE):
            print 'No %s to validate' % API_FILE
            rval |= API_NO_FILE
            rval |= validate_api()
        print "Writing API to API.txt"
        rval |= make_api()

    if rval & API_FILE_DIFFERENCE:
        print ''
        print 'There are one or more changes to the API.\nEither undo the API changes or update API.txt and increment the major version in VERSION.'

    if rval & API_NEW_COMMAND:
        print ''
        print 'There are one or more new commands defined.\nUpdate API.txt and increment the minor version in VERSION.'

    if rval & API_DOC_ERROR:
        print ''
        print 'There are one or more documentation problems.\nYou must fix these before preceeding'

    return rval
