# Authors: Rob Crittenden # # Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # import collections import gzip import io import logging from urllib.parse import urlencode import xml.dom.minidom import zlib import six # pylint: disable=ipa-forbidden-import from ipalib import api, errors from ipalib.util import create_https_connection from ipalib.errors import NetworkError from ipalib.text import _ # pylint: enable=ipa-forbidden-import from ipapython import ipautil # Python 3 rename. The package is available in "six.moves.http_client", but # pylint cannot handle classes from that alias try: import httplib except ImportError: # pylint: disable=import-error import http.client as httplib if six.PY3: unicode = str logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) Profile = collections.namedtuple('Profile', ['profile_id', 'description', 'store_issued']) INCLUDED_PROFILES = { Profile(u'caIPAserviceCert', u'Standard profile for network services', True), Profile(u'IECUserRoles', u'User profile that includes IECUserRoles extension from request', True), Profile(u'KDCs_PKINIT_Certs', u'Profile for PKINIT support by KDCs', False), Profile(u'acmeServerCert', u'ACME service certificate profile', False), } DEFAULT_PROFILE = u'caIPAserviceCert' KDC_PROFILE = u'KDCs_PKINIT_Certs' if six.PY3: gzip_decompress = gzip.decompress # pylint: disable=no-member else: # note: gzip.decompress available in Python >= 3.2 def gzip_decompress(data): with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=io.BytesIO(data)) as f: return f.read() def error_from_xml(doc, message_template): try: item_node = doc.getElementsByTagName("Error") reason = item_node[0].childNodes[0].data return errors.RemoteRetrieveError(reason=reason) except Exception as e: return errors.RemoteRetrieveError(reason=message_template % e) def get_ca_certchain(ca_host=None): """ Retrieve the CA Certificate chain from the configured Dogtag server. """ if ca_host is None: ca_host = api.env.ca_host chain = None conn = httplib.HTTPConnection( ca_host, api.env.ca_install_port or 8080) conn.request("GET", "/ca/ee/ca/getCertChain") res = conn.getresponse() doc = None if res.status == 200: data = res.read() conn.close() try: doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(data) try: item_node = doc.getElementsByTagName("ChainBase64") chain = item_node[0].childNodes[0].data except IndexError: raise error_from_xml( doc, _("Retrieving CA cert chain failed: %s")) finally: if doc: doc.unlink() else: raise errors.RemoteRetrieveError( reason=_("request failed with HTTP status %d") % res.status) return chain def _parse_ca_status(body): doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(body) try: item_node = doc.getElementsByTagName("XMLResponse")[0] item_node = item_node.getElementsByTagName("Status")[0] return item_node.childNodes[0].data except IndexError: raise error_from_xml(doc, _("Retrieving CA status failed: %s")) def ca_status(ca_host=None): """Return the status of the CA, and the httpd proxy in front of it The returned status can be: - running - starting - Service Temporarily Unavailable """ if ca_host is None: ca_host = api.env.ca_host status, _headers, body = http_request( ca_host, 8080, '/ca/admin/ca/getStatus', # timeout: CA sometimes forgot to answer, we have to try again timeout=api.env.http_timeout) if status == 503: # Service temporarily unavailable return status elif status != 200: raise errors.RemoteRetrieveError( reason=_("Retrieving CA status failed with status %d") % status) return _parse_ca_status(body) def https_request( host, port, url, cafile, client_certfile, client_keyfile, method='POST', headers=None, body=None, **kw): """ :param method: HTTP request method (defalut: 'POST') :param url: The path (not complete URL!) to post to. :param body: The request body (encodes kw if None) :param kw: Keyword arguments to encode into POST body. :return: (http_status, http_headers, http_body) as (integer, dict, str) Perform a client authenticated HTTPS request """ def connection_factory(host, port): return create_https_connection( host, port, cafile=cafile, client_certfile=client_certfile, client_keyfile=client_keyfile, tls_version_min=api.env.tls_version_min, tls_version_max=api.env.tls_version_max) if body is None: body = urlencode(kw) return _httplib_request( 'https', host, port, url, connection_factory, body, method=method, headers=headers) def http_request(host, port, url, timeout=None, **kw): """ :param url: The path (not complete URL!) to post to. :param timeout: Timeout in seconds for waiting for reply. :param kw: Keyword arguments to encode into POST body. :return: (http_status, http_headers, http_body) as (integer, dict, str) Perform an HTTP request. """ body = urlencode(kw) if timeout is None: conn_opt = {} else: conn_opt = {"timeout": timeout} return _httplib_request( 'http', host, port, url, httplib.HTTPConnection, body, connection_options=conn_opt) def _httplib_request( protocol, host, port, path, connection_factory, request_body, method='POST', headers=None, connection_options=None): """ :param request_body: Request body :param connection_factory: Connection class to use. Will be called with the host and port arguments. :param method: HTTP request method (default: 'POST') :param connection_options: a dictionary that will be passed to connection_factory as keyword arguments. Perform a HTTP(s) request. """ if connection_options is None: connection_options = {} uri = u'%s://%s%s' % (protocol, ipautil.format_netloc(host, port), path) logger.debug('request %s %s', method, uri) logger.debug('request body %r', request_body) headers = headers or {} if ( method == 'POST' and 'content-type' not in (str(k).lower() for k in headers) ): headers['content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' try: conn = connection_factory(host, port, **connection_options) conn.request(method, path, body=request_body, headers=headers) res = conn.getresponse() http_status = res.status http_headers = res.msg http_body = res.read() conn.close() except Exception as e: logger.debug("httplib request failed:", exc_info=True) raise NetworkError(uri=uri, error=str(e)) encoding = res.getheader('Content-Encoding') if encoding == 'gzip': http_body = gzip_decompress(http_body) elif encoding == 'deflate': http_body = zlib.decompress(http_body) logger.debug('response status %d', http_status) logger.debug('response headers %s', http_headers) logger.debug('response body (decoded): %r', http_body) return http_status, http_headers, http_body