[MASTER] # Pickle collected data for later comparisons. persistent=no # List of plugins (as comma separated values of python modules names) to load, # usually to register additional checkers. # FIXME: has to be specified on the command line otherwise pylint fails with # DuplicateSectionError for the IPA section #load-plugins=pylint_plugins # Use multiple processes to speed up Pylint. jobs=0 # A list of packages with safe C extensions to load extension-pkg-whitelist= _ldap, cryptography, gssapi, netifaces [CLASSES] # List of valid names for the first argument in a metaclass class method. # This can be removed after upgrading to pylint 2.0 valid-metaclass-classmethod-first-arg=cls [MESSAGES CONTROL] enable= all, python3, useless-suppression, disable= bad-inline-option, c-extension-no-member, deprecated-pragma, file-ignored, locally-disabled, raw-checker-failed, suppressed-message, use-symbolic-message-instead, duplicate-code, interface-not-implemented, no-self-use, redefined-variable-type, too-few-public-methods, too-many-ancestors, too-many-arguments, too-many-boolean-expressions, too-many-branches, too-many-instance-attributes, too-many-locals, too-many-nested-blocks, too-many-public-methods, too-many-return-statements, too-many-statements, abstract-method, anomalous-backslash-in-string, arguments-differ, attribute-defined-outside-init, bad-builtin, bad-indentation, broad-except, dangerous-default-value, eval-used, exec-used, fixme, global-statement, no-init, pointless-string-statement, protected-access, redefined-builtin, redefined-outer-name, super-init-not-called, undefined-loop-variable, unnecessary-lambda, unnecessary-lambda-assignment, unused-argument, useless-else-on-loop, bad-continuation, bad-whitespace, blacklisted-name, invalid-name, line-too-long, missing-docstring, multiple-statements, superfluous-parens, too-many-lines, unidiomatic-typecheck, no-absolute-import, wrong-import-order, ungrouped-imports, wrong-import-position, unsubscriptable-object, unsupported-membership-test, not-an-iterable, singleton-comparison, misplaced-comparison-constant, not-a-mapping, singleton-comparison, len-as-condition, # new in pylint 1.7 no-else-return, # new in pylint 1.7 single-string-used-for-slots, # new in pylint 1.7 useless-super-delegation, # new in pylint 1.7 redefined-argument-from-local, # new in pylint 1.7 consider-merging-isinstance, # new in pylint 1.7 bad-option-value, # required to support upgrade to pylint 2.0 assignment-from-no-return, # new in pylint 2.0 keyword-arg-before-vararg, # pylint 2.0, remove after dropping Python 2 consider-using-enumerate, # pylint 2.1, clean up tests later no-else-raise, # python 2.4.0 import-outside-toplevel, # pylint 2.4.2 f-string-without-interpolation, # pylint 2.5.0, bare f-strings are ok super-with-arguments, # pylint 2.6.0, zero-length form is syntactic sugar raise-missing-from, # pylint 2.6.0, implicit exception chaining is ok consider-using-with, # pylint 2.8.0, contextmanager is not mandatory consider-using-max-builtin, # pylint 2.8.0, can be more readable consider-using-min-builtin, # pylint 2.8.0, can be more readable redundant-u-string-prefix, # pylint 2.10.0, too many unessential changes consider-using-f-string, # pylint 2.11.0, format can be more readable use-dict-literal, # pylint 2.10.0 dict vs {} use-list-literal, # pylint 2.10.0 list() vs [] unspecified-encoding, # pylint 2.10.0, ASCII or UTF8 and platform-specific use-implicit-booleaness-not-comparison, # pylint 2.12.2, weak comparison useless-object-inheritance, [REPORTS] # Set the output format. Available formats are text, parseable, colorized, msvs # (visual studio) and html. You can also give a reporter class, eg # mypackage.mymodule.MyReporterClass. output-format=colorized # Tells whether to display a full report or only the messages reports=no # Template used to display messages. This is a python new-style format string # used to format the message information. See doc for all details msg-template='{path}:{line}: [{msg_id}({symbol}), {obj}] {msg})' [VARIABLES] dummy-variables-rgx=(_.+|unused) [IPA] forbidden-imports= client/:ipaserver, ipaclient/:ipaclient.install:ipalib.install:ipaserver, ipaclient/install/:ipaserver, ipalib/:ipaclient.install:ipalib.install:ipaserver, ipalib/install/:ipaserver, ipaplatform/:ipaclient:ipalib:ipaserver, ipapython/:ipaclient:ipalib:ipaserver ipatests/pytest_ipa:ipaserver:ipaclient.install:ipalib.install ipatests/test_integration:ipaserver