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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:28 -06:00
Even though Pytest supports xunit style setups, unittest and nose tests, this support is limited and may be dropped in the future releases. Worst of all is that the mixing of various test frameworks results in weird conflicts and of course, is not widely tested. This is a part of work to remove the mixing of test idioms in the IPA's test suite: 1) replace unittest.TestCase subclasses 2) replace unittest test controls (SkipTest, fail, etc.) 3) replace unittest assertions Related: https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/7989 Signed-off-by: Stanislav Levin <slev@altlinux.org> Reviewed-By: Christian Heimes <cheimes@redhat.com>
442 lines
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442 lines
14 KiB
# Authors:
# Jason Gerard DeRose <jderose@redhat.com>
# Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat
# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty contextrmation
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Test the `ipalib.text` module.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import six
import pytest
from ipatests.i18n import create_po, po_file_iterate
from ipalib.request import context
from ipalib import text
if six.PY3:
unicode = str
pytestmark = pytest.mark.tier0
singular = '%(count)d goose makes a %(dish)s'
plural = '%(count)d geese make a %(dish)s'
def test_create_translation():
f = text.create_translation
key = ('foo', None)
t = f(key)
assert context.__dict__[key] is t
class test_TestLang:
lang_env_vars = {'LC_ALL', 'LC_MESSAGES', 'LANGUAGE', 'LANG'}
def setup_lang(self):
Set all env variables used by gettext to localize translation files
to xh_ZA
self.lang = 'xh_ZA'
self.saved_locale = {
k: v for k, v in os.environ.items() if k in self.lang_env_vars}
{env_var: self.lang for env_var in self.lang_env_vars}
def teardown_lang(self):
Revert the locale settings to original values. If the original env
variable was not set before, it will be popped off os.environ
for env_var in self.lang_env_vars:
if env_var not in self.saved_locale:
os.environ.pop(env_var, None)
def testlang_setup(self, request):
self.tmp_dir = None
self.domain = 'ipa'
self.pot_basename = '%s.pot' % self.domain
self.po_basename = '%s.po' % self.lang
self.mo_basename = '%s.mo' % self.domain
self.tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
self.locale_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, 'test_locale')
self.msg_dir = os.path.join(self.locale_dir, self.lang, 'LC_MESSAGES')
if not os.path.exists(self.msg_dir):
self.pot_file = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', self.pot_basename)
self.mo_file = os.path.join(self.msg_dir, self.mo_basename)
self.po_file = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, self.po_basename)
result = create_po(self.pot_file, self.po_file, self.mo_file)
if result:
'Unable to create po file "%s" & mo file "%s" from pot '
'file "%s"' % (self.po_file, self.mo_file, self.pot_file)
if not os.path.isfile(self.po_file):
'Test po file unavailable: {}'.format(self.po_file))
if not os.path.isfile(self.mo_file):
'Test mo file unavailable: {}'.format(self.mo_file))
self.po_file_iterate = po_file_iterate
def fin():
if self.tmp_dir is not None:
def test_test_lang(self):
# The test installs the test message catalog under the xh_ZA
# (e.g. Zambia Xhosa) language by default. It would be nice to
# use a dummy language not associated with any real language,
# but the setlocale function demands the locale be a valid
# known locale, Zambia Xhosa is a reasonable choice :)
# Create a gettext translation object specifying our domain as
# 'ipa' and the locale_dir as 'test_locale' (i.e. where to
# look for the message catalog). Then use that translation
# object to obtain the translation functions.
def get_msgstr(msg):
gt = text.GettextFactory(localedir=self.locale_dir)(msg)
return unicode(gt)
def get_msgstr_plural(singular, plural, count):
ng = text.NGettextFactory(localedir=self.locale_dir)(singular, plural, count)
return ng(count)
result = self.po_file_iterate(self.po_file, get_msgstr, get_msgstr_plural)
assert result == 0
class test_LazyText:
klass = text.LazyText
def test_init(self):
inst = self.klass('foo', 'bar')
assert inst.domain == 'foo'
assert inst.localedir == 'bar'
assert inst.key == ('foo', 'bar')
class test_FixMe:
klass = text.FixMe
def test_init(self):
inst = self.klass('user.label')
assert inst.msg == 'user.label'
assert inst.domain is None
assert inst.localedir is None
def test_repr(self):
inst = self.klass('user.label')
assert repr(inst) == "FixMe('user.label')"
def test_unicode(self):
inst = self.klass('user.label')
assert unicode(inst) == u'<user.label>'
assert type(unicode(inst)) is unicode
class test_Gettext:
klass = text.Gettext
def test_init(self):
inst = self.klass('what up?', 'foo', 'bar')
assert inst.domain == 'foo'
assert inst.localedir == 'bar'
assert inst.msg == 'what up?'
assert inst.args == ('what up?', 'foo', 'bar')
def test_repr(self):
inst = self.klass('foo', 'bar', 'baz')
assert repr(inst) == "Gettext('foo', domain='bar', localedir='baz')"
def test_unicode(self):
inst = self.klass('what up?', 'foo', 'bar')
assert unicode(inst) == u'what up?'
def test_mod(self):
inst = self.klass('hello %(adj)s nurse', 'foo', 'bar')
assert inst % dict(adj='tall', stuff='junk') == 'hello tall nurse'
def test_format(self):
inst = self.klass('{0} {adj} nurse', 'foo', 'bar')
posargs = ('hello', 'bye')
knownargs = {'adj': 'caring', 'stuff': 'junk'}
assert inst.format(*posargs, **knownargs) == 'hello caring nurse'
def test_eq(self):
inst1 = self.klass('what up?', 'foo', 'bar')
inst2 = self.klass('what up?', 'foo', 'bar')
inst3 = self.klass('Hello world', 'foo', 'bar')
inst4 = self.klass('what up?', 'foo', 'baz')
# pylint: disable=comparison-with-itself
assert (inst1 == inst1) is True
assert (inst1 == inst2) is True
assert (inst1 == inst3) is False
assert (inst1 == inst4) is False
# Test with args flipped
assert (inst2 == inst1) is True
assert (inst3 == inst1) is False
assert (inst4 == inst1) is False
def test_ne(self):
inst1 = self.klass('what up?', 'foo', 'bar')
inst2 = self.klass('what up?', 'foo', 'bar')
inst3 = self.klass('Hello world', 'foo', 'bar')
inst4 = self.klass('what up?', 'foo', 'baz')
assert (inst1 != inst2) is False
assert (inst1 != inst2) is False
assert (inst1 != inst3) is True
assert (inst1 != inst4) is True
# Test with args flipped
assert (inst2 != inst1) is False
assert (inst3 != inst1) is True
assert (inst4 != inst1) is True
class test_NGettext:
klass = text.NGettext
def test_init(self):
inst = self.klass(singular, plural, 'foo', 'bar')
assert inst.singular is singular
assert inst.plural is plural
assert inst.domain == 'foo'
assert inst.localedir == 'bar'
assert inst.args == (singular, plural, 'foo', 'bar')
def test_repr(self):
inst = self.klass('sig', 'plu', 'foo', 'bar')
assert repr(inst) == \
"NGettext('sig', 'plu', domain='foo', localedir='bar')"
def test_call(self):
inst = self.klass(singular, plural, 'foo', 'bar')
assert inst(0) == plural
assert inst(1) == singular
assert inst(2) == plural
assert inst(3) == plural
def test_mod(self):
inst = self.klass(singular, plural, 'foo', 'bar')
assert inst % dict(count=0, dish='frown') == '0 geese make a frown'
assert inst % dict(count=1, dish='stew') == '1 goose makes a stew'
assert inst % dict(count=2, dish='pie') == '2 geese make a pie'
def test_format(self):
singular = '{count} goose makes a {0} {dish}'
plural = '{count} geese make a {0} {dish}'
inst = self.klass(singular, plural, 'foo', 'bar')
posargs = ('tasty', 'disgusting')
knownargs0 = {'count': 0, 'dish': 'frown', 'stuff': 'junk'}
knownargs1 = {'count': 1, 'dish': 'stew', 'stuff': 'junk'}
knownargs2 = {'count': 2, 'dish': 'pie', 'stuff': 'junk'}
expected_str0 = '0 geese make a tasty frown'
expected_str1 = '1 goose makes a tasty stew'
expected_str2 = '2 geese make a tasty pie'
assert inst.format(*posargs, **knownargs0) == expected_str0
assert inst.format(*posargs, **knownargs1) == expected_str1
assert inst.format(*posargs, **knownargs2) == expected_str2
def test_eq(self):
inst1 = self.klass(singular, plural, 'foo', 'bar')
inst2 = self.klass(singular, plural, 'foo', 'bar')
inst3 = self.klass(singular, '%(count)d thingies', 'foo', 'bar')
inst4 = self.klass(singular, plural, 'foo', 'baz')
# pylint: disable=comparison-with-itself
assert (inst1 == inst1) is True
assert (inst1 == inst2) is True
assert (inst1 == inst3) is False
assert (inst1 == inst4) is False
# Test with args flipped
assert (inst2 == inst1) is True
assert (inst3 == inst1) is False
assert (inst4 == inst1) is False
def test_ne(self):
inst1 = self.klass(singular, plural, 'foo', 'bar')
inst2 = self.klass(singular, plural, 'foo', 'bar')
inst3 = self.klass(singular, '%(count)d thingies', 'foo', 'bar')
inst4 = self.klass(singular, plural, 'foo', 'baz')
assert (inst1 != inst2) is False
assert (inst1 != inst2) is False
assert (inst1 != inst3) is True
assert (inst1 != inst4) is True
# Test with args flipped
assert (inst2 != inst1) is False
assert (inst3 != inst1) is True
assert (inst4 != inst1) is True
class test_GettextFactory:
klass = text.GettextFactory
def test_init(self):
# Test with defaults:
inst = self.klass()
assert inst.domain == 'ipa'
assert inst.localedir is None
# Test with overrides:
inst = self.klass('foo', 'bar')
assert inst.domain == 'foo'
assert inst.localedir == 'bar'
def test_repr(self):
# Test with defaults:
inst = self.klass()
assert repr(inst) == "GettextFactory(domain='ipa', localedir=None)"
# Test with overrides:
inst = self.klass('foo', 'bar')
assert repr(inst) == "GettextFactory(domain='foo', localedir='bar')"
def test_call(self):
inst = self.klass('foo', 'bar')
g = inst('what up?')
assert type(g) is text.Gettext
assert g.msg == 'what up?'
assert g.domain == 'foo'
assert g.localedir == 'bar'
class test_NGettextFactory:
klass = text.NGettextFactory
def test_init(self):
# Test with defaults:
inst = self.klass()
assert inst.domain == 'ipa'
assert inst.localedir is None
# Test with overrides:
inst = self.klass('foo', 'bar')
assert inst.domain == 'foo'
assert inst.localedir == 'bar'
def test_repr(self):
# Test with defaults:
inst = self.klass()
assert repr(inst) == "NGettextFactory(domain='ipa', localedir=None)"
# Test with overrides:
inst = self.klass('foo', 'bar')
assert repr(inst) == "NGettextFactory(domain='foo', localedir='bar')"
def test_call(self):
inst = self.klass('foo', 'bar')
ng = inst(singular, plural, 7)
assert type(ng) is text.NGettext
assert ng.singular is singular
assert ng.plural is plural
assert ng.domain == 'foo'
assert ng.localedir == 'bar'
class test_ConcatenatedText:
klass = text.ConcatenatedLazyText
def test_init(self):
lst = ['a', 'b', 'c', 3]
inst = self.klass(*lst)
assert inst.components == lst
assert unicode(inst) == 'abc3'
def test_repr(self):
lazytext = text.Gettext('foo', 'bar', 'baz')
inst = self.klass(lazytext)
assert repr(inst) == "ConcatenatedLazyText([%r])" % lazytext
def test_unicode(self):
inst = self.klass('[', text.Gettext('green', 'foo', 'bar'), 1, ']')
assert unicode(inst) == u'[green1]'
def test_mod(self):
inst = self.klass('[', text.Gettext('%(color)s', 'foo', 'bar'), ']')
assert inst % dict(color='red', stuff='junk') == '[red]'
def test_format(self):
inst = self.klass('{0}', text.Gettext('{color}', 'foo', 'bar'), ']')
posargs = ('[', '(')
knownargs = {'color': 'red', 'stuff': 'junk'}
assert inst.format(*posargs, **knownargs) == '[red]'
def test_add(self):
inst = (text.Gettext('pale ', 'foo', 'bar') +
text.Gettext('blue', 'foo', 'bar'))
assert unicode(inst) == 'pale blue'
inst = (text.Gettext('bright ', 'foo', 'bar') +
text.Gettext('pale ', 'foo', 'bar') +
text.Gettext('blue', 'foo', 'bar'))
assert unicode(inst) == 'bright pale blue'
inst = text.Gettext('yellow', 'foo', 'bar') + '!'
assert unicode(inst) == 'yellow!'
inst = '!' + text.Gettext('yellow', 'foo', 'bar')
assert unicode(inst) == '!yellow'
inst = '!' + ('!' + text.Gettext('yellow', 'foo', 'bar'))
assert unicode(inst) == '!!yellow'
inst = (text.Gettext('yellow', 'foo', 'bar') + '!') + '!'
assert unicode(inst) == 'yellow!!'