Rob Crittenden d55d8bfa7e Add support for sudoOrder
Update ipaSudoRule objectClass on upgrades to add new attributes.
Ensure uniqueness of sudoOrder in rules.

The attributes sudoNotBefore and sudoNotAfter are being added to
schema but not as Params.
2012-03-01 21:02:33 -05:00

40 lines
4.9 KiB

dn: cn=schema
## IPA SUDO schema (added in IPA v2)
## Attributes: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.8.7.x
## ObjectClasses: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.8.8.x
## Attribute to store DN of an allowed SUDO command or a group of SUDO commands
attributetypes: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'memberAllowCmd' DESC 'Reference to a command or group of commands that are allowed by the rule.' SUP distinguishedName EQUALITY distinguishedNameMatch ORDERING distinguishedNameMatch SUBSTR distinguishedNameMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'IPA v2' )
## Attribute to store DN of a prohibited SUDO command or a group of SUDO commands
attributetypes: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'memberDenyCmd' DESC 'Reference to a command or group of commands that are denied by the rule.' SUP distinguishedName EQUALITY distinguishedNameMatch ORDERING distinguishedNameMatch SUBSTR distinguishedNameMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'IPA v2' )
## Attribute to store command category
attributeTypes: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'cmdCategory' DESC 'Additional classification for commands' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'IPA v2' )
## Attribute to store user not managed by the central server
attributetypes: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'externalUser' DESC 'Multivalue string attribute that allows storing user names.' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'IPA v2' )
## Attribute to store sudo options
attributetypes: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaSudoOpt' DESC 'Options(s) followed by sudo' EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'IPA v2' )
## Attribute to store the reference identity under which the command should be run
attributeTypes: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaSudoRunAs' DESC 'Reference to a user or group that the commands can be run as.' SUP memberUser X-ORIGIN 'IPA v2' )
## Attribute to store a name of the user not managed by IPA. Command witll be executed under his identity.
attributeTypes: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaSudoRunAsExtUser' DESC 'Multivalue string attribute that allows storing user name the command can be run as' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'IPA v2' )
## Attribute to express category of identities that the command can be run under
attributeTypes: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaSudoRunAsUserCategory' DESC 'Additional classification for users' SUP userCategory X-ORIGIN 'IPA v2' )
## Attribute to store a reference to the "run as group" identitity
attributeTypes: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaSudoRunAsGroup' DESC 'Reference to group that the commands can be run as.' SUP memberUser X-ORIGIN 'IPA v2' )
## Attribute to store a name of the "run as group" identitity if this group is not directly managed by IPA
attributeTypes: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaSudoRunAsExtGroup' DESC 'Multivalue string attribute that allows storing group name the command can be run as' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'IPA v2' )
## Attribute to express category of group identities that the command can be run under
attributeTypes: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaSudoRunAsGroupCategory' DESC 'Additional classification for groups' SUP userCategory X-ORIGIN 'IPA v2' )
## Attribute to store host mask
attributeTypes: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'hostMask' DESC 'IP mask to identify a subnet.' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'IPA v2' )
## Attribute to store sudo command
attributeTypes: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'sudoCmd' DESC 'Command(s) to be executed by sudo' EQUALITY caseExactMatch ORDERING caseExactMatch SUBSTR caseExactSubstringsMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'IPA v2' )
## Object class for SUDO rules
objectClasses: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaSudoRule' SUP ipaAssociation STRUCTURAL MAY ( externalUser $ externalHost $ hostMask $ memberAllowCmd $ memberDenyCmd $ cmdCategory $ ipaSudoOpt $ ipaSudoRunAs $ ipaSudoRunAsExtUser $ ipaSudoRunAsUserCategory $ ipaSudoRunAsGroup $ ipaSudoRunAsExtGroup $ ipaSudoRunAsGroupCategory $ sudoNotBefore $ sudoNotAfter $$ sudoOrder ) X-ORIGIN 'IPA v2' )
## Object class for SUDO commands
objectClasses: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaSudoCmd' DESC 'IPA object class for SUDO command' STRUCTURAL MUST ( ipaUniqueID $ sudoCmd ) MAY ( memberOf $ description ) X-ORIGIN 'IPA v2' )
## Object class for groups of the SUDO commands
objectClasses: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaSudoCmdGrp' DESC 'IPA object class to store groups of SUDO commands' SUP groupOfNames MUST ( ipaUniqueID ) STRUCTURAL X-ORIGIN 'IPA v2' )