mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:28 -06:00
The bug to fix updates, BZ 741744, isn't working. For the short term add the attributes we want to update to the REPLACE whitelist so rather than using an ADD and DEL operation it will use a REPLACE. https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/1888
759 lines
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759 lines
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# Authors: Rich Megginson <richm@redhat.com>
# Rob Crittenden <rcritten@redhat.com
# Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat
# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import sys
import os
import os.path
import socket
import ldif
import re
import string
import ldap
import cStringIO
import time
import struct
import ldap.sasl
from ldap.controls import LDAPControl,DecodeControlTuples,EncodeControlTuples
from ldap.ldapobject import SimpleLDAPObject
from ipaserver import ipautil
from ipalib import errors
from ipapython.ipautil import format_netloc
# Global variable to define SASL auth
SASL_AUTH = ldap.sasl.sasl({},'GSSAPI')
class Entry:
This class represents an LDAP Entry object. An LDAP entry consists of
a DN and a list of attributes. Each attribute consists of a name and
a list of values. In python-ldap, entries are returned as a list of
2-tuples. Instance variables:
* dn - string - the string DN of the entry
* data - CIDict - case insensitive dict of the attributes and values
def __init__(self,entrydata):
"""data is the raw data returned from the python-ldap result method, which is
a search result entry or a reference or None.
If creating a new empty entry, data is the string DN."""
if entrydata:
if isinstance(entrydata,tuple):
self.dn = entrydata[0]
self.data = ipautil.CIDict(entrydata[1])
elif isinstance(entrydata,str) or isinstance(entrydata,unicode):
self.dn = entrydata
self.data = ipautil.CIDict()
self.dn = ''
self.data = ipautil.CIDict()
def __nonzero__(self):
"""This allows us to do tests like if entry: returns false if there is no data,
true otherwise"""
return self.data != None and len(self.data) > 0
def hasAttr(self,name):
"""Return True if this entry has an attribute named name, False otherwise"""
return self.data and self.data.has_key(name)
def __getattr__(self,name):
"""If name is the name of an LDAP attribute, return the first value for that
attribute - equivalent to getValue - this allows the use of
instead of
This also allows us to return None if an attribute is not found rather than
throwing an exception"""
return self.getValue(name)
def getValues(self,name):
"""Get the list (array) of values for the attribute named name"""
return self.data.get(name)
def getValue(self,name):
"""Get the first value for the attribute named name"""
return self.data.get(name,[None])[0]
def setValue(self, name, *value):
Set a value on this entry.
The value passed in may be a single value, several values, or a
single sequence. For example:
* ent.setValue('name', 'value')
* ent.setValue('name', 'value1', 'value2', ..., 'valueN')
* ent.setValue('name', ['value1', 'value2', ..., 'valueN'])
* ent.setValue('name', ('value1', 'value2', ..., 'valueN'))
Since value is a tuple, we may have to extract a list or tuple from
that tuple as in the last two examples above.
if isinstance(value[0],list) or isinstance(value[0],tuple):
self.data[name] = value[0]
self.data[name] = value
setValues = setValue
def delAttr(self, name):
Entirely remove an attribute of this entry.
if self.hasAttr(name):
del self.data[name]
def toTupleList(self):
"""Convert the attrs and values to a list of 2-tuples. The first element
of the tuple is the attribute name. The second element is either a
single value or a list of values."""
r = []
for i in self.data.iteritems():
n = ipautil.utf8_encode_values(i[1])
r.append((i[0], n))
return r
def toDict(self):
"""Convert the attrs and values to a dict. The dict is keyed on the
attribute name. The value is either single value or a list of values."""
result = ipautil.CIDict(self.data)
for i in result.keys():
result[i] = ipautil.utf8_encode_values(result[i])
result['dn'] = self.dn
return result
def __str__(self):
"""Convert the Entry to its LDIF representation"""
return self.__repr__()
# the ldif class base64 encodes some attrs which I would rather see in
# raw form - to encode specific attrs as base64, add them to the list below
ldif.safe_string_re = re.compile('^$')
base64_attrs = ['nsstate', 'krbprincipalkey', 'krbExtraData']
def __repr__(self):
"""Convert the Entry to its LDIF representation"""
sio = cStringIO.StringIO()
# what's all this then? the unparse method will currently only accept
# a list or a dict, not a class derived from them. self.data is a
# cidict, so unparse barfs on it. I've filed a bug against python-ldap,
# but in the meantime, we have to convert to a plain old dict for
# printing
# I also don't want to see wrapping, so set the line width really high
# (1000)
newdata = {}
return sio.getvalue()
def wrapper(f,name):
"""This is the method that wraps all of the methods of the superclass.
This seems to need to be an unbound method, that's why it's outside
of IPAdmin. Perhaps there is some way to do this with the new
classmethod or staticmethod of 2.4. Basically, we replace every call
to a method in SimpleLDAPObject (the superclass of IPAdmin) with a
call to inner. The f argument to wrapper is the bound method of
IPAdmin (which is inherited from the superclass). Bound means that it
will implicitly be called with the self argument, it is not in the
args list. name is the name of the method to call. If name is a
method that returns entry objects (e.g. result), we wrap the data
returned by an Entry class. If name is a method that takes an entry
argument, we extract the raw data from the entry object to pass in.
def inner(*args, **kargs):
if name == 'result':
objtype, data = f(*args, **kargs)
# data is either a 2-tuple or a list of 2-tuples
# print data
if data:
if isinstance(data,tuple):
return objtype, Entry(data)
elif isinstance(data,list):
return objtype, [Entry(x) for x in data]
raise TypeError, "unknown data type %s returned by result" % type(data)
return objtype, data
elif name.startswith('add'):
# the first arg is self
# the second and third arg are the dn and the data to send
# We need to convert the Entry into the format used by
# python-ldap
ent = args[0]
if isinstance(ent,Entry):
return f(ent.dn, ent.toTupleList(), *args[2:])
return f(*args, **kargs)
return f(*args, **kargs)
return inner
class IPAdmin(SimpleLDAPObject):
def __localinit(self):
"""If a CA certificate is provided then it is assumed that we are
doing SSL client authentication with proxy auth.
If a CA certificate is not present then it is assumed that we are
using a forwarded kerberos ticket for SASL auth. SASL provides
its own encryption.
if self.cacert is not None:
SimpleLDAPObject.__init__(self,'ldaps://%s' % format_netloc(self.host, self.port))
if self.ldapi:
SimpleLDAPObject.__init__(self,'ldapi://%%2fvar%%2frun%%2fslapd-%s.socket' % "-".join(self.realm.split(".")))
SimpleLDAPObject.__init__(self,'ldap://%s' % format_netloc(self.host, self.port))
def __init__(self,host='',port=389,cacert=None,bindcert=None,bindkey=None,proxydn=None,debug=None,ldapi=False,realm=None):
"""We just set our instance variables and wrap the methods - the real
work is done in __localinit. This is separated out this way so
that we can call it from places other than instance creation
e.g. when we just need to reconnect
if debug and debug.lower() == "on":
if cacert is not None:
if bindcert is not None:
if bindkey is not None:
self.port = port
self.host = host
self.cacert = cacert
self.bindcert = bindcert
self.bindkey = bindkey
self.proxydn = proxydn
self.ldapi = ldapi
self.realm = realm
self.suffixes = {}
self.schema = None
def __lateinit(self):
This is executed after the connection is bound to fill in some useful
ent = self.getEntry('cn=config,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config',
ldap.SCOPE_BASE, '(objectclass=*)',
[ 'nsslapd-directory' ])
self.dbdir = os.path.dirname(ent.getValue('nsslapd-directory'))
except ldap.LDAPError, e:
self.__handle_errors(e, **{})
def __str__(self):
return self.host + ":" + str(self.port)
def __get_server_controls(self):
"""Create the proxy user server control. The control has the form
0x04 = Octet String
4|0x80 sets the length of the string length field at 4 bytes
the struct() gets us the length in bytes of string self.proxydn
self.proxydn is the proxy dn to send"""
if self.proxydn is not None:
proxydn = chr(0x04) + chr(4|0x80) + struct.pack('l', socket.htonl(len(self.proxydn))) + self.proxydn;
# Create the proxy control
return sctrl
def __handle_errors(self, e, **kw):
Centralize error handling in one place.
e is the error to be raised
**kw is an exception-specific list of options
if not isinstance(e,ldap.TIMEOUT):
desc = e.args[0]['desc'].strip()
info = e.args[0].get('info','').strip()
desc = ''
info = ''
# re-raise the error so we can handle it
raise e
except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT, e:
args = kw.get('args', ["entry not found"])
raise errors.NotFound(reason=notfound(args))
except ldap.ALREADY_EXISTS, e:
raise errors.DuplicateEntry()
# This error gets thrown by the uniqueness plugin
if info == 'Another entry with the same attribute value already exists':
raise errors.DuplicateEntry()
raise errors.DatabaseError(desc=desc,info=info)
raise errors.ACIError(info=info)
except ldap.NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE:
# this is raised when a 'delete' attribute isn't found.
# it indicates the previous attribute was removed by another
# update, making the oldentry stale.
raise errors.MidairCollision()
raise errors.LimitsExceeded()
except ldap.SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED, e:
raise errors.LimitsExceeded()
except ldap.TIMELIMIT_EXCEEDED, e:
raise errors.LimitsExceeded()
except ldap.LDAPError, e:
raise errors.DatabaseError(desc=desc,info=info)
def toLDAPURL(self):
return "ldap://%s/" % format_netloc(self.host, self.port)
def set_proxydn(self, proxydn):
self.proxydn = proxydn
def set_krbccache(self, krbccache, principal):
if krbccache is not None:
os.environ["KRB5CCNAME"] = krbccache
self.sasl_interactive_bind_s("", SASL_AUTH)
self.principal = principal
self.proxydn = None
except ldap.LDAPError, e:
self.__handle_errors(e, **{})
def do_simple_bind(self, binddn="cn=directory manager", bindpw=""):
self.binddn = binddn
self.bindpwd = bindpw
self.simple_bind_s(binddn, bindpw)
def do_sasl_gssapi_bind(self):
self.sasl_interactive_bind_s('', SASL_AUTH)
def do_external_bind(self, user_name=None):
auth_tokens = ldap.sasl.external(user_name)
self.sasl_interactive_bind_s("", auth_tokens)
def getEntry(self,*args):
"""This wraps the search function. It is common to just get one entry"""
sctrl = self.__get_server_controls()
if sctrl is not None:
self.set_option(ldap.OPT_SERVER_CONTROLS, sctrl)
res = self.search(*args)
objtype, obj = self.result(res)
except ldap.LDAPError, e:
kw = {'args': args}
self.__handle_errors(e, **kw)
if not obj:
raise errors.NotFound(reason=notfound(args))
elif isinstance(obj,Entry):
return obj
else: # assume list/tuple
return obj[0]
def getList(self,*args):
"""This wraps the search function to find multiple entries."""
sctrl = self.__get_server_controls()
if sctrl is not None:
self.set_option(ldap.OPT_SERVER_CONTROLS, sctrl)
res = self.search(*args)
objtype, obj = self.result(res)
except ldap.LDAPError, e:
kw = {'args': args}
self.__handle_errors(e, **kw)
if not obj:
raise errors.NotFound(reason=notfound(args))
entries = []
for s in obj:
return entries
def getListAsync(self,*args):
"""This version performs an asynchronous search, to allow
results even if we hit a limit.
It returns a list: counter followed by the results.
If the results are truncated, counter will be set to -1.
sctrl = self.__get_server_controls()
if sctrl is not None:
self.set_option(ldap.OPT_SERVER_CONTROLS, sctrl)
entries = []
partial = 0
msgid = self.search_ext(*args)
objtype, result_list = self.result(msgid, 0)
while result_list:
for result in result_list:
objtype, result_list = self.result(msgid, 0)
partial = 1
except ldap.LDAPError, e:
kw = {'args': args}
self.__handle_errors(e, **kw)
if not entries:
raise errors.NotFound(reason=notfound(args))
if partial == 1:
counter = -1
counter = len(entries)
return [counter] + entries
def addEntry(self,*args):
"""This wraps the add function. It assumes that the entry is already
populated with all of the desired objectclasses and attributes"""
sctrl = self.__get_server_controls()
if sctrl is not None:
self.set_option(ldap.OPT_SERVER_CONTROLS, sctrl)
except ldap.LDAPError, e:
kw = {'args': args}
self.__handle_errors(e, **kw)
return True
def updateRDN(self, dn, newrdn):
"""Wrap the modrdn function."""
sctrl = self.__get_server_controls()
if dn == newrdn:
# no need to report an error
return True
if sctrl is not None:
self.set_option(ldap.OPT_SERVER_CONTROLS, sctrl)
self.modrdn_s(dn, newrdn, delold=1)
except ldap.LDAPError, e:
self.__handle_errors(e, **{})
return True
def updateEntry(self,dn,oldentry,newentry):
"""This wraps the mod function. It assumes that the entry is already
populated with all of the desired objectclasses and attributes"""
sctrl = self.__get_server_controls()
modlist = self.generateModList(oldentry, newentry)
if len(modlist) == 0:
raise errors.EmptyModlist
if sctrl is not None:
self.set_option(ldap.OPT_SERVER_CONTROLS, sctrl)
self.modify_s(dn, modlist)
except ldap.LDAPError, e:
self.__handle_errors(e, **{})
return True
def generateModList(self, old_entry, new_entry):
"""A mod list generator that computes more precise modification lists
than the python-ldap version. For single-value attributes always
use a REPLACE operation, otherwise use ADD/DEL.
# Some attributes, like those in cn=config, need to be replaced
# not deleted/added.
FORCE_REPLACE_ON_UPDATE_ATTRS = ('nsslapd-ssl-check-hostname', 'nsslapd-lookthroughlimit', 'nsslapd-idlistscanlimit')
modlist = []
old_entry = ipautil.CIDict(old_entry)
new_entry = ipautil.CIDict(new_entry)
keys = set(map(string.lower, old_entry.keys()))
keys.update(map(string.lower, new_entry.keys()))
for key in keys:
new_values = new_entry.get(key, [])
if not(isinstance(new_values,list) or isinstance(new_values,tuple)):
new_values = [new_values]
new_values = filter(lambda value:value!=None, new_values)
new_values = set(new_values)
old_values = old_entry.get(key, [])
if not(isinstance(old_values,list) or isinstance(old_values,tuple)):
old_values = [old_values]
old_values = filter(lambda value:value!=None, old_values)
old_values = set(old_values)
adds = list(new_values.difference(old_values))
removes = list(old_values.difference(new_values))
if len(adds) == 0 and len(removes) == 0:
is_single_value = self.get_single_value(key)
force_replace = False
if key in FORCE_REPLACE_ON_UPDATE_ATTRS or is_single_value:
force_replace = True
# You can't remove schema online. An add will automatically
# replace any existing schema.
if old_entry.get('dn') == 'cn=schema':
if len(adds) > 0:
modlist.append((ldap.MOD_ADD, key, adds))
if adds:
if force_replace:
modlist.append((ldap.MOD_REPLACE, key, adds))
modlist.append((ldap.MOD_ADD, key, adds))
if removes:
if not force_replace:
modlist.append((ldap.MOD_DELETE, key, removes))
return modlist
def inactivateEntry(self,dn,has_key):
"""Rather than deleting entries we mark them as inactive.
has_key defines whether the entry already has nsAccountlock
set so we can determine which type of mod operation to run."""
sctrl = self.__get_server_controls()
if has_key:
operation = ldap.MOD_REPLACE
operation = ldap.MOD_ADD
modlist.append((operation, "nsAccountlock", "TRUE"))
if sctrl is not None:
self.set_option(ldap.OPT_SERVER_CONTROLS, sctrl)
self.modify_s(dn, modlist)
except ldap.LDAPError, e:
self.__handle_errors(e, **{})
return True
def deleteEntry(self,*args):
"""This wraps the delete function. Use with caution."""
sctrl = self.__get_server_controls()
if sctrl is not None:
self.set_option(ldap.OPT_SERVER_CONTROLS, sctrl)
except ldap.LDAPError, e:
kw = {'args': args}
self.__handle_errors(e, **kw)
return True
def modifyPassword(self,dn,oldpass,newpass):
"""Set the user password using RFC 3062, LDAP Password Modify Extended
Operation. This ends up calling the IPA password slapi plugin
handler so the Kerberos password gets set properly.
oldpass is not mandatory
sctrl = self.__get_server_controls()
if sctrl is not None:
self.set_option(ldap.OPT_SERVER_CONTROLS, sctrl)
self.passwd_s(dn, oldpass, newpass)
except ldap.LDAPError, e:
self.__handle_errors(e, **{})
return True
def __wrapmethods(self):
"""This wraps all methods of SimpleLDAPObject, so that we can intercept
the methods that deal with entries. Instead of using a raw list of tuples
of lists of hashes of arrays as the entry object, we want to wrap entries
in an Entry class that provides some useful methods"""
for name in dir(self.__class__.__bases__[0]):
attr = getattr(self, name)
if callable(attr):
setattr(self, name, wrapper(attr, name))
def waitForEntry(self, dn, timeout=7200, attr='', quiet=True):
scope = ldap.SCOPE_BASE
filter = "(objectclass=*)"
attrlist = []
if attr:
filter = "(%s=*)" % attr
timeout += int(time.time())
if isinstance(dn,Entry):
dn = dn.dn
# wait for entry and/or attr to show up
if not quiet:
sys.stdout.write("Waiting for %s %s:%s " % (self,dn,attr))
entry = None
while not entry and int(time.time()) < timeout:
entry = self.getEntry(dn, scope, filter, attrlist)
except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
pass # no entry yet
except ldap.LDAPError, e: # badness
print "\nError reading entry", dn, e
if not entry:
if not quiet:
if not entry and int(time.time()) > timeout:
print "\nwaitForEntry timeout for %s for %s" % (self,dn)
elif entry and not quiet:
print "\nThe waited for entry is:", entry
elif not entry:
print "\nError: could not read entry %s from %s" % (dn,self)
return entry
def checkTask(self, dn, dowait=False, verbose=False):
"""check task status - task is complete when the nsTaskExitCode attr
is set return a 2 tuple (true/false,code) first is false if task is
running, true if done - if true, second is the exit code - if dowait
is True, this function will block until the task is complete
attrlist = ['nsTaskLog', 'nsTaskStatus', 'nsTaskExitCode', 'nsTaskCurrentItem', 'nsTaskTotalItems']
done = False
exitCode = 0
while not done:
entry = self.getEntry(dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", attrlist)
except errors.NotFound:
if verbose:
print entry
if entry.nsTaskExitCode:
exitCode = int(entry.nsTaskExitCode)
done = True
if dowait: time.sleep(1)
else: break
return (done, exitCode)
def get_schema(self):
Retrieve cn=schema and convert it into a python-ldap schema
if self.schema:
return self.schema
schema = self.getEntry('cn=schema', ldap.SCOPE_BASE,
'(objectclass=*)', ['attributetypes', 'objectclasses'])
schema = schema.toDict()
self.schema = ldap.schema.SubSchema(schema)
return self.schema
def get_single_value(self, attr):
Check the schema to see if the attribute is single-valued.
If the attribute is in the schema then returns True/False
If there is a problem loading the schema or the attribute is
not in the schema return None
if not self.schema:
obj = self.schema.get_obj(ldap.schema.AttributeType, attr)
return obj and obj.single_value
def get_dns_sorted_by_length(self, entries, reverse=False):
Sorts a list of entries [(dn, entry_attrs)] based on their DN.
Entries within the same node are not sorted in any meaningful way.
If Reverse is set to True, leaf entries are returned first. This is
useful to perform recursive deletes where you need to delete entries
starting from the leafs and go up to delete nodes only when all its
leafs are removed.
Returns a "sorted" dict keyed by dn lengths and corresponding list
of DNs.
{'1': [dn1, dn2, dn3], '2': [dn4, dn5], ..}
res = dict()
for e in entries:
sdn = ldap.dn.str2dn(e.dn)
l = len(sdn)
if not l in res:
res[l] = []
keys = res.keys()
return map(res.get, keys)
def notfound(args):
"""Return a string suitable for displaying as an error when a
search returns no results.
This just returns whatever is after the equals sign"""
if len(args) > 2:
searchfilter = args[2]
# Python re doesn't do paren counting so the string could
# have a trailing paren "foo)"
target = re.match(r'\(.*=(.*)\)', searchfilter).group(1)
target = target.replace(")","")
target = searchfilter
return "%s not found" % str(target)
return args[0]