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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:28 -06:00
During interactive session of `ipa-adtrust-install` the user needs to answer several questions. This was done by sending all answers to the processes stdin without analyzing the questions. If the installation scenario changes at some point we can get on of the following results: * the test fails in the end and the root cause is not obvious * if a new question was added * test does not fail but answers are provided for wrong questions - in this case scope of test case changes without being noticed If we use `pexpect` for controlling the session, the test will fail immediately when it encounters unexpected question. Reviewed-By: Alexander Bokovoy <abokovoy@redhat.com>
300 lines
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300 lines
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# Copyright (C) 2020 FreeIPA Contributors see COPYING for license
"""This module provides tests for ipa-adtrust-install utility"""
import re
import os
import textwrap
from ipaplatform.paths import paths
from ipapython.dn import DN
from ipatests.pytest_ipa.integration import tasks
from ipatests.test_integration.base import IntegrationTest
class TestIpaAdTrustInstall(IntegrationTest):
topology = 'line'
num_replicas = 1
def unconfigure_replica_as_agent(self, host):
""" Remove a replica from the list of agents.
cn=adtrust agents,cn=sysaccounts,cn=etc,$BASEDN contains a list
of members representing the agents. Remove the replica principal
from this list.
This is a hack allowing to run multiple times
ipa-adtrust-install --add-agents
(otherwise if the replica is in the list of agents, it won't be seen
as a possible agent to be added).
remove_agent_ldif = textwrap.dedent("""
dn: cn=adtrust agents,cn=sysaccounts,cn=etc,{base_dn}
changetype: modify
delete: member
member: fqdn={hostname},cn=computers,cn=accounts,{base_dn}
""".format(base_dn=host.domain.basedn, hostname=host.hostname))
# ok_returncode =16 if the attribute is not present
tasks.ldapmodify_dm(self.master, remove_agent_ldif,
ok_returncode=[0, 16])
def test_samba_config_file(self):
"""Check that ipa-adtrust-install generates sane smb.conf
This is regression test for issue
['ipa-adtrust-install', '-a', self.master.config.admin_password,
'--add-sids', '-U'])
res = self.master.run_command(['testparm', '-s'])
assert 'ERROR' not in (res.stdout_text + res.stderr_text)
def test_add_agent_not_allowed(self):
"""Check that add-agents can be run only by Admins."""
user = "nonadmin"
passwd = "Secret123"
host = self.replicas[0].hostname
data_fmt = '{{"method":"trust_enable_agent","params":[["{}"],{{}}]}}'
# Create a nonadmin user that will be used by curl.
# First, display SSSD kdcinfo:
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1850445#c1
"/var/lib/sss/pubconf/kdcinfo.%s" % self.master.domain.realm
], raiseonerr=False)
# Set krb5_trace to True: https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/8353
self.master, user, passwd, first=user, last=user,
tasks.kinit_as_user(self.master, user, passwd, krb5_trace=True)
# curl --negotiate -u : is using GSS-API i.e. nonadmin user
cmd_args = [
'-H', 'referer:https://{}/ipa'.format(host),
'-H', 'Content-Type:application/json',
'-H', 'Accept:applicaton/json',
'--negotiate', '-u', ':',
'--cacert', paths.IPA_CA_CRT,
'-d', data_fmt.format(host),
'-X', 'POST', 'https://{}/ipa/json'.format(host)]
res = self.master.run_command(cmd_args)
expected = 'Insufficient access: not allowed to remotely add agent'
assert expected in res.stdout_text
self.master.run_command(['ipa', 'user-del', user])
def test_add_agent_on_stopped_replica(self):
""" Check ipa-adtrust-install --add-agents when the replica is stopped.
Scenario: stop a replica
Call ipa-adtrust-install --add-agents and configure the stopped replica
as a new agent.
The tool must detect that the replica is stopped and warn that
a part of the configuration failed.
Test for https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/8148
self.replicas[0].run_command(['ipactl', 'stop'])
cmd = ['ipa-adtrust-install', '--add-agents']
with self.master.spawn_expect(cmd) as e:
e.expect('admin password:')
# WARNING: The smb.conf already exists.
# Running ipa-adtrust-install
# will break your existing samba configuration.
# Do you wish to continue? [no]:
'smb\\.conf detected.+Overwrite smb\\.conf\\?',
'smb\\.conf already exists.+Do you wish to continue\\?'])
e.expect_exact('Enable trusted domains support in slapi-nis?')
# WARNING: 1 IPA masters are not yet able to serve information
# about users from trusted forests.
# Installer can add them to the list of IPA masters allowed to
# access information about trusts.
# If you choose to do so, you also need to restart LDAP
# service on
# those masters.
# Refer to ipa-adtrust-install(1) man page for details.
# IPA master[replica1.testrelm.test]?[no]:
e.expect('Installer can add them to the list of IPA masters '
'allowed to access information about trusts.+'
'IPA master \\[{}\\]'
e.expect('"ipactl restart".+"systemctl restart sssd".+'
+ re.escape(self.replicas[0].hostname),
self.replicas[0].run_command(['ipactl', 'start'])
def test_add_agent_on_running_replica_without_compat(self):
""" Check ipa-adtrust-install --add-agents when the replica is running
Scenario: replica up and running
Call ipa-adtrust-install --add-agents and configure the replica as
a new agent.
The Schema Compat plugin must be automatically configured on the
cmd = ['ipa-adtrust-install', '--add-agents']
with self.master.spawn_expect(cmd) as e:
e.expect_exact('admin password:')
# WARNING: The smb.conf already exists.
# Running ipa-adtrust-install
# will break your existing samba configuration.
# Do you wish to continue? [no]:
'smb\\.conf detected.+Overwrite smb\\.conf\\?',
'smb\\.conf already exists.+Do you wish to continue\\?'])
e.expect_exact('Enable trusted domains support in slapi-nis?')
# WARNING: 1 IPA masters are not yet able to serve information
# about users from trusted forests.
# Installer can add them to the list of IPA masters allowed to
# access information about trusts.
# If you choose to do so, you also need to restart LDAP service on
# those masters.
# Refer to ipa-adtrust-install(1) man page for details.
# IPA master[replica1.testrelm.test]?[no]:
e.expect('Installer can add them to the list of IPA masters '
'allowed to access information about trusts.+'
'IPA master \\[{}\\]'
e.expect_exit(ignore_remaining_output=True, timeout=60)
output = e.get_last_output()
assert 'Setup complete' in output
# The replica must have been restarted automatically, no msg required
assert 'ipactl restart' not in output
def test_add_agent_on_running_replica_with_compat(self):
""" Check ipa-addtrust-install --add-agents when the replica is running
Scenario: replica up and running
Call ipa-adtrust-install --add-agents --enable-compat and configure
the replica as a new agent.
The Schema Compat plugin must be automatically configured on the
cmd = ['ipa-adtrust-install', '--add-agents', '--enable-compat']
with self.master.spawn_expect(cmd) as e:
e.expect_exact('admin password:')
# WARNING: The smb.conf already exists.
# Running ipa-adtrust-install
# will break your existing samba configuration.
# Do you wish to continue? [no]:
'smb\\.conf detected.+Overwrite smb\\.conf\\?',
'smb\\.conf already exists.+Do you wish to continue\\?'])
# WARNING: 1 IPA masters are not yet able to serve information
# about users from trusted forests.
# Installer can add them to the list of IPA masters allowed to
# access information about trusts.
# If you choose to do so, you also need to restart LDAP service on
# those masters.
# Refer to ipa-adtrust-install(1) man page for details.
# IPA master[replica1.testrelm.test]?[no]:
e.expect('Installer can add them to the list of IPA masters '
'allowed to access information about trusts.+'
'IPA master \\[{}\\]'
e.expect_exit(ignore_remaining_output=True, timeout=60)
output = e.get_last_output()
assert 'Setup complete' in output
# The replica must have been restarted automatically, no msg required
assert 'ipactl restart' not in output
# Ensure that the schema compat plugin is configured:
conn = self.replicas[0].ldap_connect()
entry = conn.get_entry(DN(
"cn=users,cn=Schema Compatibility,cn=plugins,cn=config"))
assert entry.single_value['schema-compat-lookup-nsswitch'] == "user"
entry = conn.get_entry(DN(
"cn=groups,cn=Schema Compatibility,cn=plugins,cn=config"))
assert entry.single_value['schema-compat-lookup-nsswitch'] == "group"
def test_schema_compat_attribute(self):
"""Test if schema-compat-entry-attribute is set
This is to ensure if said entry is set after installation with AD.
related: https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/8193
conn = self.replicas[0].ldap_connect()
entry = conn.get_entry(DN(
"cn=groups,cn=Schema Compatibility,cn=plugins,cn=config"))
entry_list = list(entry['schema-compat-entry-attribute'])
value = (r'ipaexternalmember=%deref_r('
assert value in entry_list
def test_ipa_user_pac(self):
"""Test that a user can request a service ticket with PAC"""
user = 'testpacuser'
user_princ = '@'.join([user, self.master.domain.realm])
passwd = 'Secret123'
# Create a user with a password
tasks.create_active_user(self.master, user, passwd, extra_args=[
'--homedir', '/home/{}'.format(user)])
# Defaults: host/... principal for service
# keytab in /etc/krb5.keytab
self.master.run_command(["kinit", '-k'])
# Don't use enterprise principal here because it doesn't work
# bug in krb5: src/lib/gssapi/krb5/acquire_cred.c:scan_cache()
# where enterprise principals aren't taken into account
result = self.master.run_command(
[os.path.join(paths.LIBEXEC_IPA_DIR, "ipa-print-pac"),
"ticket", user_princ],
stdin_text=(passwd + '\n'), raiseonerr=False
assert "PAC_DATA" in result.stdout_text
self.master.run_command(['ipa', 'user-del', user])
def test_ipa_user_s4u2self_pac(self):
"""Test that a service can request S4U2Self ticket with PAC"""
user = 'tests4u2selfuser'
user_princ = '@'.join([user, self.master.domain.realm])
passwd = 'Secret123'
# Create a user with a password
tasks.create_active_user(self.master, user, passwd, extra_args=[
'--homedir', '/home/{}'.format(user)])
# Defaults: host/... principal for service
# keytab in /etc/krb5.keytab
self.master.run_command(["kinit", '-k'])
result = self.master.run_command(
[os.path.join(paths.LIBEXEC_IPA_DIR, "ipa-print-pac"),
"-E", "impersonate", user_princ],
assert "PAC_DATA" in result.stdout_text
self.master.run_command(['ipa', 'user-del', user])