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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:28 -06:00
StandardError was removed in Python3 and instead Exception should be used. Signed-off-by: Robert Kuska <rkuska@redhat.com> Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <jcholast@redhat.com>
259 lines
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259 lines
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# Authors:
# Jason Gerard DeRose <jderose@redhat.com>
# Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat
# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Test the `ipaserver.rpc` module.
import json
import six
from ipatests.util import create_test_api, assert_equal, raises, PluginTester
from ipatests.data import unicode_str
from ipalib import errors, Command
from ipaserver import rpcserver
if six.PY3:
unicode = str
class StartResponse(object):
def __init__(self):
def reset(self):
self.status = None
self.headers = None
def __call__(self, status, headers):
assert self.status is None
assert self.headers is None
assert isinstance(status, str)
assert isinstance(headers, list)
self.status = status
self.headers = headers
def test_not_found():
api = 'the api instance'
f = rpcserver.HTTP_Status(api)
t = rpcserver._not_found_template
s = StartResponse()
# Test with an innocent URL:
url = '/ipa/foo/stuff'
f.not_found(None, s, url, None),
[t % dict(url='/ipa/foo/stuff')]
assert s.status == '404 Not Found'
assert s.headers == [('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')]
# Test when URL contains any of '<>&'
url =' ' + '<script>do_bad_stuff();</script>'
f.not_found(None, s, url, None),
[t % dict(url='&nbsp;<script>do_bad_stuff();</script>')]
assert s.status == '404 Not Found'
assert s.headers == [('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')]
def test_bad_request():
api = 'the api instance'
f = rpcserver.HTTP_Status(api)
t = rpcserver._bad_request_template
s = StartResponse()
f.bad_request(None, s, 'illegal request'),
[t % dict(message='illegal request')]
assert s.status == '400 Bad Request'
assert s.headers == [('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')]
def test_internal_error():
api = 'the api instance'
f = rpcserver.HTTP_Status(api)
t = rpcserver._internal_error_template
s = StartResponse()
f.internal_error(None, s, 'request failed'),
[t % dict(message='request failed')]
assert s.status == '500 Internal Server Error'
assert s.headers == [('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')]
def test_unauthorized_error():
api = 'the api instance'
f = rpcserver.HTTP_Status(api)
t = rpcserver._unauthorized_template
s = StartResponse()
f.unauthorized(None, s, 'unauthorized', 'password-expired'),
[t % dict(message='unauthorized')]
assert s.status == '401 Unauthorized'
assert s.headers == [('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8'),
('X-IPA-Rejection-Reason', 'password-expired')]
def test_params_2_args_options():
Test the `ipaserver.rpcserver.params_2_args_options` function.
f = rpcserver.params_2_args_options
args = ('Hello', u'world!')
options = dict(one=1, two=u'Two', three='Three')
assert f(tuple()) == (tuple(), dict())
assert f([args]) == (args, dict())
assert f([args, options]) == (args, options)
class test_session(object):
klass = rpcserver.wsgi_dispatch
def test_route(self):
def app1(environ, start_response):
return (
'from 1',
[environ[k] for k in ('SCRIPT_NAME', 'PATH_INFO')]
def app2(environ, start_response):
return (
'from 2',
[environ[k] for k in ('SCRIPT_NAME', 'PATH_INFO')]
api = 'the api instance'
inst = self.klass(api)
inst.mount(app1, '/foo/stuff')
inst.mount(app2, '/bar')
d = dict(SCRIPT_NAME='/ipa', PATH_INFO='/foo/stuff')
assert inst.route(d, None) == ('from 1', ['/ipa', '/foo/stuff'])
d = dict(SCRIPT_NAME='/ipa', PATH_INFO='/bar')
assert inst.route(d, None) == ('from 2', ['/ipa', '/bar'])
def test_mount(self):
def app1(environ, start_response):
def app2(environ, start_response):
# Test that mount works:
api = 'the api instance'
inst = self.klass(api)
inst.mount(app1, 'foo')
assert inst['foo'] is app1
assert list(inst) == ['foo']
# Test that Exception is raise if trying override a mount:
e = raises(Exception, inst.mount, app2, 'foo')
assert str(e) == '%s.mount(): cannot replace %r with %r at %r' % (
'wsgi_dispatch', app1, app2, 'foo'
# Test mounting a second app:
inst.mount(app2, 'bar')
assert inst['bar'] is app2
assert list(inst) == ['bar', 'foo']
class test_xmlserver(PluginTester):
Test the `ipaserver.rpcserver.xmlserver` plugin.
_plugin = rpcserver.xmlserver
def test_marshaled_dispatch(self): # FIXME
(o, api, home) = self.instance('Backend', in_server=True)
class test_jsonserver(PluginTester):
Test the `ipaserver.rpcserver.jsonserver` plugin.
_plugin = rpcserver.jsonserver
def test_unmarshal(self):
Test the `ipaserver.rpcserver.jsonserver.unmarshal` method.
(o, api, home) = self.instance('Backend', in_server=True)
# Test with invalid JSON-data:
e = raises(errors.JSONError, o.unmarshal, 'this wont work')
assert isinstance(e.error, ValueError)
assert unicode(e.error) == 'No JSON object could be decoded'
# Test with non-dict type:
e = raises(errors.JSONError, o.unmarshal, json.dumps([1, 2, 3]))
assert unicode(e.error) == 'Request must be a dict'
params = [[1, 2], dict(three=3, four=4)]
# Test with missing method:
d = dict(params=params, id=18)
e = raises(errors.JSONError, o.unmarshal, json.dumps(d))
assert unicode(e.error) == 'Request is missing "method"'
# Test with missing params:
d = dict(method='echo', id=18)
e = raises(errors.JSONError, o.unmarshal, json.dumps(d))
assert unicode(e.error) == 'Request is missing "params"'
# Test with non-list params:
for p in ('hello', dict(args=tuple(), options=dict())):
d = dict(method='echo', id=18, params=p)
e = raises(errors.JSONError, o.unmarshal, json.dumps(d))
assert unicode(e.error) == 'params must be a list'
# Test with other than 2 params:
for p in ([], [tuple()], [None, dict(), tuple()]):
d = dict(method='echo', id=18, params=p)
e = raises(errors.JSONError, o.unmarshal, json.dumps(d))
assert unicode(e.error) == 'params must contain [args, options]'
# Test when args is not a list:
d = dict(method='echo', id=18, params=['args', dict()])
e = raises(errors.JSONError, o.unmarshal, json.dumps(d))
assert unicode(e.error) == 'params[0] (aka args) must be a list'
# Test when options is not a dict:
d = dict(method='echo', id=18, params=[('hello', 'world'), 'options'])
e = raises(errors.JSONError, o.unmarshal, json.dumps(d))
assert unicode(e.error) == 'params[1] (aka options) must be a dict'
# Test with valid values:
args = (u'jdoe', )
options = dict(givenname=u'John', sn='Doe')
d = dict(method=u'user_add', params=(args, options), id=18)
assert o.unmarshal(json.dumps(d)) == (u'user_add', args, options, 18)