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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:28 -06:00
Profiles and the default CA ACL were not being added during replica install from pre-4.2 servers. Update ipa-replica-install to add these if they are missing. Also update the caacl plugin to prevent deletion of the default CA ACL and instruct the administrator to disable it instead. To ensure that the cainstance installation can add profiles, supply the RA certificate as part of the instance configuration. Certmonger renewal setup is avoided at this point because the NSSDB gets reinitialised later in installation procedure. Also move the addition of the default CA ACL from dsinstance installation to cainstance installation. Fixes: https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/5459 Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <jcholast@redhat.com>
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# PKI/Dogtag does not automatically upgrade it's database. When Dogtag 10
# based replica is being installed from a Dogtag 9 based replica,
# the database will miss ACLs added in Dogtag 10 resulting in limited
# functionality.
# This update file can be removed when Dogtag database upgrades are done
# in PKI component. Upstream tickets:
# * https://fedorahosted.org/pki/ticket/710 (database upgrade framework)
# * https://fedorahosted.org/pki/ticket/906 (checking database version)
dn: cn=aclResources,o=ipaca
addifexist:resourceACLS:certServer.ca.account:login,logout:allow (login,logout) user="anybody":Anybody can login and logout
addifexist:resourceACLS:certServer.ca.certrequests:execute:allow (execute) group="Certificate Manager Agents":Agents may execute cert request operations
addifexist:resourceACLS:certServer.ca.certs:execute:allow (execute) group="Certificate Manager Agents":Agents may execute cert operations
addifexist:resourceACLS:certServer.ca.groups:execute:allow (execute) group="Administrators":Admins may execute group operations
addifexist:resourceACLS:certServer.ca.users:execute:allow (execute) group="Administrators":Admins may execute user operations
replace:resourceACLS:certServer.securitydomain.domainxml:read,modify:allow (read) user="anybody";allow (modify) group="Subsystem Group":Anybody is allowed to read domain.xml but only Subsystem group is allowed to modify the domain.xml::certServer.securitydomain.domainxml:read,modify:allow (read) user="anybody";allow (modify) group="Subsystem Group" || group="Enterprise CA Administrators" || group="Enterprise KRA Administrators" || group="Enterprise RA Administrators" || group="Enterprise OCSP Administrators" || group="Enterprise TKS Administrators" || group="Enterprise TPS Administrators":Anybody is allowed to read domain.xml but only Subsystem group and Enterprise Administrators are allowed to modify the domain.xml
replace:resourceACLS:certServer.ca.connectorInfo:read,modify:allow (modify,read) group="Enterprise KRA Administrators":Only Enterprise Administrators are allowed to update the connector information::certServer.ca.connectorInfo:read,modify:allow (read) group="Enterprise KRA Administrators";allow (modify) group="Enterprise KRA Administrators" || group="Subsystem Group":Only Enterprise Administrators and Subsystem Group are allowed to update the connector information
addifexist:resourceACLS:certServer.profile.configuration:read,modify:allow (read,modify) group="Certificate Manager Agents":Certificate Manager agents may modify (create/update/delete) and read profiles