mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:28 -06:00
Replace all `ipa_log_manager.log_mgr.get_logger` calls to create module-level loggers with `logging.getLogger` calls and deprecate `ipa_log_manager.log_mgr.get_logger`. Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <mbasti@redhat.com>
474 lines
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474 lines
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# Copyright (C) 2016 FreeIPA Contributors see COPYING for license
import base64
import collections
import errno
import json
import logging
import os
import os.path
import pipes
import subprocess
import traceback
import pkg_resources
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import padding
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import (
load_pem_private_key, Encoding, PublicFormat)
from cryptography.x509 import load_pem_x509_certificate
import jinja2
import jinja2.ext
import jinja2.sandbox
from pyasn1.codec.der import decoder, encoder
from pyasn1.type import univ
from pyasn1_modules import rfc2314
import six
from ipalib import api
from ipalib import errors
from ipalib.text import _
if six.PY3:
unicode = str
__doc__ = _("""
Routines for constructing certificate signing requests using IPA data and
stored templates.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class IndexableUndefined(jinja2.Undefined):
def __getitem__(self, key):
return jinja2.Undefined(
hint=self._undefined_hint, obj=self._undefined_obj,
name=self._undefined_name, exc=self._undefined_exception)
class IPAExtension(jinja2.ext.Extension):
"""Jinja2 extension providing useful features for CSR generation rules."""
def __init__(self, environment):
super(IPAExtension, self).__init__(environment)
def quote(self, data):
return pipes.quote(data)
def required(self, data, name):
if not data:
raise errors.CSRTemplateError(
'Required CSR generation rule %(name)s is missing data') %
{'name': name})
return data
class Formatter(object):
Class for processing a set of CSR generation rules into a template.
The template can be rendered with user and database data to produce a
config, which specifies how to build a CSR.
Subclasses of Formatter should set the value of base_template_name to the
filename of a base template with spaces for the processed rules.
Additionally, they should override the _get_template_params method to
produce the correct output for the base template.
base_template_name = None
def __init__(self, csr_data_dir=None):
# chain loaders:
# 1) csr_data_dir/templates
# 2) /etc/ipa/csrgen/templates
# 3) ipaclient/csrgen/templates
loaders = []
if csr_data_dir is not None:
os.path.join(csr_data_dir, 'templates'))
os.path.join(api.env.confdir, 'csrgen/templates'))
loaders.append(jinja2.PackageLoader('ipaclient', 'csrgen/templates'))
self.jinja2 = jinja2.sandbox.SandboxedEnvironment(
extensions=[jinja2.ext.ExprStmtExtension, IPAExtension],
keep_trailing_newline=True, undefined=IndexableUndefined)
self.passthrough_globals = {}
def _define_passthrough(self, call):
"""Some macros are meant to be interpreted during the final render, not
when data rules are interpolated into syntax rules. This method allows
those macros to be registered so that calls to them are passed through
to the prepared rule rather than interpreted.
def passthrough(caller):
return u'{%% call %s() %%}%s{%% endcall %%}' % (call, caller())
parts = call.split('.')
current_level = self.passthrough_globals
for part in parts[:-1]:
if part not in current_level:
current_level[part] = {}
current_level = current_level[part]
current_level[parts[-1]] = passthrough
def build_template(self, rules):
Construct a template that can produce CSR generator strings.
:param rules: list of FieldMapping to use to populate the template.
:returns: jinja2.Template that can be rendered to produce the CSR data.
syntax_rules = []
for field_mapping in rules:
data_rules_prepared = [
for rule in field_mapping.data_rules]
data_sources = []
for rule in field_mapping.data_rules:
data_source = rule.options.get('data_source')
if data_source:
field_mapping.syntax_rule, data_rules_prepared,
field_mapping.description, data_sources))
template_params = self._get_template_params(syntax_rules)
base_template = self.jinja2.get_template(
self.base_template_name, globals=self.passthrough_globals)
combined_template_source = base_template.render(**template_params)
except jinja2.UndefinedError:
raise errors.CSRTemplateError(reason=_(
'Template error when formatting certificate data'))
'Formatting with template: %s', combined_template_source)
combined_template = self.jinja2.from_string(combined_template_source)
return combined_template
def _wrap_conditional(self, rule, condition):
rule = '{%% if %s %%}%s{%% endif %%}' % (condition, rule)
return rule
def _wrap_required(self, rule, description):
template = '{%% filter required("%s") %%}%s{%% endfilter %%}' % (
description, rule)
return template
def _prepare_data_rule(self, data_rule):
template = data_rule.template
data_source = data_rule.options.get('data_source')
if data_source:
template = self._wrap_conditional(template, data_source)
return template
def _prepare_syntax_rule(
self, syntax_rule, data_rules, description, data_sources):
logger.debug('Syntax rule template: %s', syntax_rule.template)
template = self.jinja2.from_string(
syntax_rule.template, globals=self.passthrough_globals)
is_required = syntax_rule.options.get('required', False)
prepared_template = template.render(datarules=data_rules)
except jinja2.UndefinedError:
raise errors.CSRTemplateError(reason=_(
'Template error when formatting certificate data'))
if data_sources:
combinator = ' %s ' % syntax_rule.options.get(
'data_source_combinator', 'or')
condition = combinator.join(data_sources)
prepared_template = self._wrap_conditional(
prepared_template, condition)
if is_required:
prepared_template = self._wrap_required(
prepared_template, description)
return prepared_template
def _get_template_params(self, syntax_rules):
Package the syntax rules into fields expected by the base template.
:param syntax_rules: list of prepared syntax rules to be included in
the template.
:returns: dict of values needed to render the base template.
raise NotImplementedError('Formatter class must be subclassed')
class OpenSSLFormatter(Formatter):
"""Formatter class generating the openssl config-file format."""
base_template_name = 'openssl_base.tmpl'
# Syntax rules are wrapped in this data structure, to keep track of whether
# each goes in the extension or the root section
SyntaxRule = collections.namedtuple(
'SyntaxRule', ['template', 'is_extension'])
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(OpenSSLFormatter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _get_template_params(self, syntax_rules):
parameters = [rule.template for rule in syntax_rules
if not rule.is_extension]
extensions = [rule.template for rule in syntax_rules
if rule.is_extension]
return {'parameters': parameters, 'extensions': extensions}
def _prepare_syntax_rule(
self, syntax_rule, data_rules, description, data_sources):
"""Overrides method to pull out whether rule is an extension or not."""
prepared_template = super(OpenSSLFormatter, self)._prepare_syntax_rule(
syntax_rule, data_rules, description, data_sources)
is_extension = syntax_rule.options.get('extension', False)
return self.SyntaxRule(prepared_template, is_extension)
class FieldMapping(object):
"""Representation of the rules needed to construct a complete cert field.
description: str, a name or description of this field, to be used in
syntax_rule: Rule, the rule defining the syntax of this field
data_rules: list of Rule, the rules that produce data to be stored in
this field
__slots__ = ['description', 'syntax_rule', 'data_rules']
def __init__(self, description, syntax_rule, data_rules):
self.description = description
self.syntax_rule = syntax_rule
self.data_rules = data_rules
class Rule(object):
__slots__ = ['name', 'template', 'options']
def __init__(self, name, template, options):
self.name = name
self.template = template
self.options = options
class RuleProvider(object):
def rules_for_profile(self, profile_id):
Return the rules needed to build a CSR using the given profile.
:param profile_id: str, name of the CSR generation profile to use
:returns: list of FieldMapping, filled out with the appropriate rules
raise NotImplementedError('RuleProvider class must be subclassed')
class FileRuleProvider(RuleProvider):
def __init__(self, csr_data_dir=None):
self.rules = {}
self._csrgen_data_dirs = []
if csr_data_dir is not None:
os.path.join(api.env.confdir, 'csrgen')
pkg_resources.resource_filename('ipaclient', 'csrgen')
def _open(self, subdir, filename):
for data_dir in self._csrgen_data_dirs:
path = os.path.join(data_dir, subdir, filename)
return open(path)
except IOError as e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
raise IOError(
"'{}' not found in {}".format(
os.path.join(subdir, filename),
", ".join(self._csrgen_data_dirs)
def _rule(self, rule_name):
if rule_name not in self.rules:
with self._open('rules', '%s.json' % rule_name) as f:
ruleconf = json.load(f)
except IOError:
raise errors.NotFound(
reason=_('No generation rule %(rulename)s found.') %
{'rulename': rule_name})
rule = ruleconf['rule']
except KeyError:
raise errors.EmptyResult(
reason=_('Generation rule "%(rulename)s" is missing the'
' "rule" key') % {'rulename': rule_name})
options = ruleconf.get('options', {})
self.rules[rule_name] = Rule(
rule_name, rule['template'], options)
return self.rules[rule_name]
def rules_for_profile(self, profile_id):
with self._open('profiles', '%s.json' % profile_id) as f:
profile = json.load(f)
except IOError:
raise errors.NotFound(
reason=_('No CSR generation rules are defined for profile'
' %(profile_id)s') % {'profile_id': profile_id})
field_mappings = []
for field in profile:
syntax_rule = self._rule(field['syntax'])
data_rules = [self._rule(name) for name in field['data']]
syntax_rule.name, syntax_rule, data_rules))
return field_mappings
class CSRGenerator(object):
def __init__(self, rule_provider, formatter_class=OpenSSLFormatter):
self.rule_provider = rule_provider
self.formatter = formatter_class()
def csr_config(self, principal, config, profile_id):
render_data = {'subject': principal, 'config': config}
rules = self.rule_provider.rules_for_profile(profile_id)
template = self.formatter.build_template(rules)
config = template.render(render_data)
except jinja2.UndefinedError:
raise errors.CSRTemplateError(reason=_(
'Template error when formatting certificate data'))
return config
class CSRLibraryAdaptor(object):
def get_subject_public_key_info(self):
raise NotImplementedError('Use a subclass of CSRLibraryAdaptor')
def sign_csr(self, certification_request_info):
"""Sign a CertificationRequestInfo.
Returns: str, a DER-encoded signed CSR.
raise NotImplementedError('Use a subclass of CSRLibraryAdaptor')
class OpenSSLAdaptor(object):
def __init__(self, key_filename, password_filename):
self.key_filename = key_filename
self.password_filename = password_filename
def key(self):
with open(self.key_filename, 'r') as key_file:
key_bytes = key_file.read()
password = None
if self.password_filename is not None:
with open(self.password_filename, 'r') as password_file:
password = password_file.read().strip()
key = load_pem_private_key(key_bytes, password, default_backend())
return key
def get_subject_public_key_info(self):
pubkey_info = self.key().public_key().public_bytes(
Encoding.DER, PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo)
return pubkey_info
def sign_csr(self, certification_request_info):
reqinfo = decoder.decode(
certification_request_info, rfc2314.CertificationRequestInfo())[0]
csr = rfc2314.CertificationRequest()
csr.setComponentByName('certificationRequestInfo', reqinfo)
algorithm = rfc2314.SignatureAlgorithmIdentifier()
'algorithm', univ.ObjectIdentifier(
'1.2.840.113549.1.1.11')) # sha256WithRSAEncryption
csr.setComponentByName('signatureAlgorithm', algorithm)
signature = self.key().sign(
asn1sig = univ.BitString("'%s'H" % signature.encode('hex'))
csr.setComponentByName('signature', asn1sig)
return encoder.encode(csr)
class NSSAdaptor(object):
def __init__(self, database, password_filename):
self.database = database
self.password_filename = password_filename
self.nickname = base64.b32encode(os.urandom(40))
def get_subject_public_key_info(self):
temp_cn = base64.b32encode(os.urandom(40))
password_args = []
if self.password_filename is not None:
password_args = ['-f', self.password_filename]
['certutil', '-S', '-n', self.nickname, '-s', 'CN=%s' % temp_cn,
'-x', '-t', ',,', '-d', self.database] + password_args)
cert_pem = subprocess.check_output(
['certutil', '-L', '-n', self.nickname, '-a',
'-d', self.database] + password_args)
cert = load_pem_x509_certificate(cert_pem, default_backend())
pubkey_info = cert.public_key().public_bytes(
Encoding.DER, PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo)
return pubkey_info
def sign_csr(self, certification_request_info):
raise NotImplementedError('NSS is not yet supported')