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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:28 -06:00
In order to simplify the build process between upstream FreeIPA and downstream builds (such as CentOS Stream) we are changing some file references from FreeIPA to IPA (and Identity Management). https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/8669 Signed-off-by: Rob Crittenden <rcritten@redhat.com> Reviewed-By: Alexander Bokovoy <abokovoy@redhat.com>
361 lines
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361 lines
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# Copyright (C) 2019 FreeIPA Contributors see COPYING for license
# ipa-cert-fix performs the following steps:
# 1. Confirm running as root (AdminTool.validate_options does this)
# 2. Confirm that DS is up.
# 3. Determine which of following certs (if any) need renewing
# - IPA RA
# - Apache HTTPS
# - 389 LDAPS
# - Kerberos KDC (PKINIT)
# 4. Execute `pki-server cert-fix` with relevant options,
# including `--extra-cert SERIAL` for each cert from #3.
# 5. Print details of renewed certificates.
# 6. Install renewed certs from #3 in relevant places
# 7. ipactl restart
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
import base64
from cryptography import x509 as crypto_x509
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
import datetime
from enum import Enum
import logging
import shutil
from ipalib import api
from ipalib import x509
from ipalib.facts import is_ipa_configured
from ipalib.install import certmonger
from ipaplatform.paths import paths
from ipapython.admintool import AdminTool
from ipapython.certdb import NSSDatabase, EMPTY_TRUST_FLAGS
from ipapython.dn import DN
from ipapython.ipaldap import realm_to_serverid
from ipaserver.install import ca, cainstance, dsinstance
from ipapython import directivesetter
from ipapython import ipautil
msg = """
ipa-cert-fix is intended for recovery when expired certificates
prevent the normal operation of IPA. It should ONLY be used
in such scenarios, and backup of the system, especially certificates
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
cert_nicknames = {
'sslserver': 'Server-Cert cert-pki-ca',
'subsystem': 'subsystemCert cert-pki-ca',
'ca_ocsp_signing': 'ocspSigningCert cert-pki-ca',
'ca_audit_signing': 'auditSigningCert cert-pki-ca',
'kra_transport': 'transportCert cert-pki-kra',
'kra_storage': 'storageCert cert-pki-kra',
'kra_audit_signing': 'auditSigningCert cert-pki-kra',
class IPACertType(Enum):
HTTPS = "Apache HTTPS"
class IPACertFix(AdminTool):
command_name = "ipa-cert-fix"
usage = "%prog"
description = "Renew expired certificates."
def validate_options(self):
super(IPACertFix, self).validate_options(needs_root=True)
def run(self):
if not is_ipa_configured():
print("IPA is not configured.")
return 2
if not cainstance.is_ca_installed_locally():
print("CA is not installed on this server.")
return 1
ipautil.run(['pki-server', 'cert-fix', '--help'], raiseonerr=True)
except ipautil.CalledProcessError:
"The 'pki-server cert-fix' command is not available; "
"cannot proceed."
return 1
api.bootstrap(in_server=True, confdir=paths.ETC_IPA)
api.Backend.ldap2.connect() # ensure DS is up
subject_base = dsinstance.DsInstance().find_subject_base()
if not subject_base:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot determine certificate subject base.")
ca_subject_dn = ca.lookup_ca_subject(api, subject_base)
now = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(weeks=2)
certs, extra_certs = expired_certs(now)
if not certs and not extra_certs:
print("Nothing to do.")
return 0
print_intentions(certs, extra_certs)
response = ipautil.user_input('Enter "yes" to proceed')
if response.lower() != 'yes':
print("Not proceeding.")
return 0
run_cert_fix(certs, extra_certs)
except ipautil.CalledProcessError:
if any(x[0] is IPACertType.LDAPS for x in extra_certs):
# The DS cert was expired. This will cause
# 'pki-server cert-fix' to fail at the final
# restart. Therefore ignore the CalledProcessError
# and proceed to installing the IPA-specific certs.
raise # otherwise re-raise
replicate_dogtag_certs(subject_base, ca_subject_dn, certs)
install_ipa_certs(subject_base, ca_subject_dn, extra_certs)
if any(x[0] != 'sslserver' for x in certs) \
or any(x[0] is IPACertType.IPARA for x in extra_certs):
# we renewed a "shared" certificate, therefore we must
# become the renewal master
print("Becoming renewal master.")
ipautil.run(['ipactl', 'restart'], raiseonerr=True)
return 0
def expired_certs(now):
return expired_dogtag_certs(now), expired_ipa_certs(now)
def expired_dogtag_certs(now):
Determine which Dogtag certs are expired, or close to expiry.
Return a list of (cert_id, cert) pairs.
certs = []
db = NSSDatabase(nssdir=paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_DIR)
for certid, nickname in cert_nicknames.items():
cert = db.get_cert(nickname)
except RuntimeError:
pass # unfortunately certdb doesn't give us a better exception
if cert.not_valid_after <= now:
certs.append((certid, cert))
return certs
def expired_ipa_certs(now):
Determine which IPA certs are expired, or close to expiry.
Return a list of (IPACertType, cert) pairs.
certs = []
cert = x509.load_certificate_from_file(paths.RA_AGENT_PEM)
if cert.not_valid_after <= now:
certs.append((IPACertType.IPARA, cert))
# Apache HTTPD
cert = x509.load_certificate_from_file(paths.HTTPD_CERT_FILE)
if cert.not_valid_after <= now:
certs.append((IPACertType.HTTPS, cert))
ds_dbdir = dsinstance.config_dirname(realm_to_serverid(api.env.realm))
db = NSSDatabase(nssdir=ds_dbdir)
cert = db.get_cert('Server-Cert')
if cert.not_valid_after <= now:
certs.append((IPACertType.LDAPS, cert))
cert = x509.load_certificate_from_file(paths.KDC_CERT)
if cert.not_valid_after <= now:
certs.append((IPACertType.KDC, cert))
return certs
def print_intentions(dogtag_certs, ipa_certs):
print("The following certificates will be renewed: ")
for certid, cert in dogtag_certs:
print_cert_info("Dogtag", certid, cert)
for certtype, cert in ipa_certs:
print_cert_info("IPA", certtype.value, cert)
def print_cert_info(context, desc, cert):
print("{} {} certificate:".format(context, desc))
print(" Subject: {}".format(DN(cert.subject)))
print(" Serial: {}".format(cert.serial_number))
print(" Expires: {}".format(cert.not_valid_after))
def get_csr_from_certmonger(nickname):
Get the csr for the provided nickname by asking certmonger.
Returns the csr in ASCII format without the header/footer in a single line
or None if not found.
criteria = {
'cert-database': paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_DIR,
'cert-nickname': nickname,
id = certmonger.get_request_id(criteria)
if id:
csr = certmonger.get_request_value(id, "csr")
if csr:
# Make sure the value can be parsed as valid CSR
csr_obj = crypto_x509.load_pem_x509_csr(
csr.encode('ascii'), default_backend())
val = base64.b64encode(csr_obj.public_bytes(x509.Encoding.DER))
return val.decode('ascii')
except Exception as e:
# Fallthrough and return None
logger.debug("Unable to get CSR from certmonger: %s", e)
return None
def fix_certreq_directives(certs):
For all the certs to be fixed, ensure that the corresponding CSR is found
in PKI config file, or try to get the CSR from certmonger.
directives = {
'auditSigningCert cert-pki-ca': ('ca.audit_signing.certreq',
'ocspSigningCert cert-pki-ca': ('ca.ocsp_signing.certreq',
'subsystemCert cert-pki-ca': ('ca.subsystem.certreq',
'Server-Cert cert-pki-ca': ('ca.sslserver.certreq',
'auditSigningCert cert-pki-kra': ('kra.audit_signing.certreq',
'storageCert cert-pki-kra': ('kra.storage.certreq',
'transportCert cert-pki-kra': ('kra.transport.certreq',
# pki-server cert-fix needs to find the CSR in the subsystem config file
# otherwise it will fail
# For each cert to be fixed, check that the CSR is present or
# get it from certmonger
for (certid, _cert) in certs:
# Check if the directive is set in the config file
nickname = cert_nicknames[certid]
(directive, cfg_path) = directives[nickname]
if directivesetter.get_directive(cfg_path, directive, '=') is None:
# The CSR is missing, try to get it from certmonger
csr = get_csr_from_certmonger(nickname)
if csr:
# Update the directive
directivesetter.set_directive(cfg_path, directive, csr,
quotes=False, separator='=')
def run_cert_fix(certs, extra_certs):
ldapi_path = (
% '-'.join(api.env.realm.split('.'))
cmd = [
'--ldapi-socket', ldapi_path,
'--agent-uid', 'ipara',
for certid, _cert in certs:
cmd.extend(['--cert', certid])
for _certtype, cert in extra_certs:
cmd.extend(['--extra-cert', str(cert.serial_number)])
ipautil.run(cmd, raiseonerr=True)
def replicate_dogtag_certs(subject_base, ca_subject_dn, certs):
for certid, _oldcert in certs:
cert_path = "/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/certs/{}.crt".format(certid)
cert = x509.load_certificate_from_file(cert_path)
print_cert_info("Renewed Dogtag", certid, cert)
replicate_cert(subject_base, ca_subject_dn, cert)
def install_ipa_certs(subject_base, ca_subject_dn, certs):
"""Print details and install renewed IPA certificates."""
for certtype, oldcert in certs:
cert_path = "/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/certs/{}-renewed.crt" \
cert = x509.load_certificate_from_file(cert_path)
print_cert_info("Renewed IPA", certtype.value, cert)
if certtype is IPACertType.IPARA:
shutil.copyfile(cert_path, paths.RA_AGENT_PEM)
replicate_cert(subject_base, ca_subject_dn, cert)
elif certtype is IPACertType.HTTPS:
shutil.copyfile(cert_path, paths.HTTPD_CERT_FILE)
elif certtype is IPACertType.LDAPS:
ds_dbdir = dsinstance.config_dirname(
db = NSSDatabase(nssdir=ds_dbdir)
db.import_pem_cert('Server-Cert', EMPTY_TRUST_FLAGS, cert_path)
elif certtype is IPACertType.KDC:
shutil.copyfile(cert_path, paths.KDC_CERT)
def replicate_cert(subject_base, ca_subject_dn, cert):
nickname = cainstance.get_ca_renewal_nickname(
subject_base, ca_subject_dn, DN(cert.subject))
if nickname:
cainstance.update_ca_renewal_entry(api.Backend.ldap2, nickname, cert)