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#! /usr/bin/python -E
# Authors: Simo Sorce <ssorce@redhat.com>
# Karl MacMillan <kmacmillan@mentalrootkit.com>
# Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat
# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
VERSION = "%prog .1"
import sys
import krbV
import socket
import logging
from optparse import OptionParser
import ipaclient.ipadiscovery
import ipaclient.ipachangeconf
import ipaclient.ntpconf
from ipa.ipautil import run
def parse_options():
parser = OptionParser(version=VERSION)
parser.add_option("--domain", dest="domain", help="domain name")
parser.add_option("--server", dest="server", help="IPA server")
parser.add_option("--realm", dest="realm_name", help="realm name")
parser.add_option("-f", "--force", dest="force", action="store_true",
default=False, help="force setting of ldap/kerberos conf")
parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true",
default=False, help="print debugging information")
parser.add_option("-U", "--unattended", dest="unattended",
help="unattended installation never prompts the user")
parser.add_option("-N", "--no-ntp", action="store_false",
help="do not configure ntp", default=True, dest="conf_ntp")
options, args = parser.parse_args()
return options
def ask_for_confirmation(message):
yesno = raw_input(message + " [y/N]: ")
if not yesno or yesno.lower()[0] != "y":
return False
print "\n"
return True
def logging_setup(options):
# Always log everything (i.e., DEBUG) to the log
# file.
format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',
console = logging.StreamHandler()
# If the debug option is set, also log debug messages to the console
if options.debug:
# Otherwise, log critical and error messages
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(name)-12s: %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
def main():
options = parse_options()
dnsok = True
# Create the discovery instance
ds = ipaclient.ipadiscovery.IPADiscovery()
ret = ds.search()
if ret == -10:
print "Can't get the fully qualified name of this host"
print "Please check that the client is properly configured"
return ret
if ret == -1:
logging.debug("Domain not found")
if options.domain:
dom = options.domain
elif options.unattended:
return ret
print "Failed to determine your DNS domain (DNS misconfigured?)"
dom = raw_input("Please provide your domain name (ex: example.com): ")
ret = ds.search(domain=dom)
if ret == -2:
dnsok = False
logging.debug("IPA Server not found")
if options.server:
srv = options.server
elif options.unattended:
return ret
print "Failed to find the IPA Server (DNS misconfigured?)"
srv = raw_input("Please provide your server name (ex: ipa.example.com): ")
ret = ds.search(domain=dom, server=srv)
if ret != 0:
print "Failed to verify that "+srv+" is an IPA Server, aborting!"
return ret
if dnsok:
print "Discovery was successful!"
elif not options.unattended:
print "\nThe failure to use DNS to find your IPA server indicates that your resolv.conf file is not properly configured\n."
print "Autodiscovery of servers for failover cannot work with this configuration.\n"
print "If you proceed with the installation, services will be configured to always access the discovered server for all operation and will not fail over to other servers in case of failure\n"
if not ask_for_confirmation("Do you want to proceed and configure the system with fixed values with no DNS discovery?"):
return ret
print "Realm: "+ds.getRealmName()
print "DNS Domain: "+ds.getDomainName()
print "IPA Server: "+ds.getServerName()
print "BaseDN: "+ds.getBaseDN()
print "\n"
if not ask_for_confirmation("Continue to configure the system with these values?"):
return 1
# Configure ipa.conf
ipaconf = ipaclient.ipachangeconf.IPAChangeConf("IPA Installer")
ipaconf.setOptionAssignment(" = ")
opts = [{'name':'comment', 'type':'comment', 'value':'File modified by ipa-client-install'},
{'name':'empty', 'type':'empty'}]
defopts = [{'name':'server', 'type':'option', 'value':ds.getServerName()},
{'name':'realm', 'type':'option', 'value':ds.getRealmName()}]
opts.append({'name':'defaults', 'type':'section', 'value':defopts})
opts.append({'name':'empty', 'type':'empty'})
ipaconf.newConf("/etc/ipa/ipa.conf", opts)
# Configure ldap.conf
ldapconf = ipaclient.ipachangeconf.IPAChangeConf("IPA Installer")
ldapconf.setOptionAssignment(" ")
opts = [{'name':'comment', 'type':'comment', 'value':'File modified by ipa-client-install'},
{'name':'empty', 'type':'empty'},
{'name':'nss_base_passwd', 'type':'option', 'value':ds.getBaseDN()+'?sub'},
{'name':'nss_base_group', 'type':'option', 'value':ds.getBaseDN()+'?sub'},
{'name':'base', 'type':'option', 'value':ds.getBaseDN()},
{'name':'ldap_version', 'type':'option', 'value':'3'}]
if not dnsok or options.force:
opts.append({'name':'uri', 'type':'option', 'value':'ldap://'+ds.getServerName()})
opts.append({'name':'empty', 'type':'empty'})
ldapconf.newConf("/etc/ldap.conf", opts)
#Check if kerberos is already configured properly
krbctx = krbV.default_context()
# If we find our domain assume we are properly configured
#(ex. we are configuring the client side of a Master)
if not krbctx.default_realm == ds.getRealmName() or options.force:
#Configure krb5.conf
krbconf = ipaclient.ipachangeconf.IPAChangeConf("IPA Installer")
krbconf.setOptionAssignment(" = ")
krbconf.setIndent((""," "," "))
opts = [{'name':'comment', 'type':'comment', 'value':'File modified by ipa-client-install'},
{'name':'empty', 'type':'empty'}]
libopts = [{'name':'default_realm', 'type':'option', 'value':ds.getRealmName()}]
if dnsok and not options.force:
libopts.append({'name':'dns_lookup_realm', 'type':'option', 'value':'true'})
libopts.append({'name':'dns_lookup_kdc', 'type':'option', 'value':'true'})
libopts.append({'name':'dns_lookup_realm', 'type':'option', 'value':'false'})
libopts.append({'name':'dns_lookup_kdc', 'type':'option', 'value':'false'})
libopts.append({'name':'ticket_lifetime', 'type':'option', 'value':'24h'})
libopts.append({'name':'forwardable', 'type':'option', 'value':'yes'})
opts.append({'name':'libdefaults', 'type':'section', 'value':libopts})
opts.append({'name':'empty', 'type':'empty'})
#the following are necessary only if DNS discovery does not work
if not dnsok or options.force:
kropts =[{'name':'kdc', 'type':'option', 'value':ds.getServerName()+':88'},
{'name':'admin_server', 'type':'option', 'value':ds.getServerName()+':749'},
{'name':'default_domain', 'type':'option', 'value':ds.getDomainName()}]
ropts = [{'name':ds.getRealmName(), 'type':'subsection', 'value':kropts}]
opts.append({'name':'realms', 'type':'section', 'value':ropts})
opts.append({'name':'empty', 'type':'empty'})
dropts = [{'name':'.'+ds.getDomainName(), 'type':'option', 'value':ds.getRealmName()},
{'name':ds.getDomainName(), 'type':'option', 'value':ds.getRealmName()}]
opts.append({'name':'domain_realm', 'type':'section', 'value':dropts})
opts.append({'name':'empty', 'type':'empty'})
pamopts = [{'name':'debug', 'type':'option', 'value':'false'},
{'name':'ticket_lifetime', 'type':'option', 'value':'36000'},
{'name':'renew_lifetime', 'type':'option', 'value':'36000'},
{'name':'forwardable', 'type':'option', 'value':'true'},
{'name':'krb4_convert', 'type':'option', 'value':'false'}]
appopts = [{'name':'pam', 'type':'subsection', 'value':pamopts}]
opts.append({'name':'appdefaults', 'type':'section', 'value':appopts})
krbconf.newConf("/etc/krb5.conf", opts);
#Modify nsswitch to add nss_ldap
run(["/usr/sbin/authconfig", "--enableldap", "--update"])
#Modify pam to add pam_krb5
run(["/usr/sbin/authconfig", "--enablekrb5", "--update"])
if options.conf_ntp:
return 0