mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:28 -06:00
change default_logger_level to debug in configure_standard_logging add new ipa_log_manager module, move log_mgr there, also export root_logger from log_mgr. change all log_manager imports to ipa_log_manager and change log_manager.root_logger to root_logger. add missing import for parse_log_level()
450 lines
16 KiB
Executable File
450 lines
16 KiB
Executable File
#! /usr/bin/python -E
# Authors: Rob Crittenden <rcritten@redhat.com>
# Based on ipa-replica-manage by Karl MacMillan <kmacmillan@mentalrootkit.com>
# Copyright (C) 2011 Red Hat
# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import sys
import os
import ldap, krbV
from ipapython.ipa_log_manager import *
from ipapython import ipautil
from ipaserver.install import replication, installutils
from ipaserver import ipaldap
from ipapython import version
from ipalib import api, errors, util
from ipalib.dn import DN
CACERT = "/etc/ipa/ca.crt"
PORT = 7389
# dict of command name and tuples of min/max num of args needed
commands = {
"list":(0, 1, "[master fqdn]", ""),
"connect":(1, 2, "<master fqdn> [other master fqdn]",
"must provide the name of the servers to connect"),
"disconnect":(1, 2, "<master fqdn> [other master fqdn]",
"must provide the name of the server to disconnect"),
"del":(1, 1, "<master fqdn>",
"must provide hostname of master to delete"),
"re-initialize":(0, 0, "", ""),
"force-sync":(0, 0, "", "")
def convert_error(exc):
LDAP exceptions are a dictionary, make them prettier.
if isinstance(exc, ldap.LDAPError):
desc = exc.args[0]['desc'].strip()
info = exc.args[0].get('info', '').strip()
return '%s %s' % (desc, info)
return str(exc)
class CSReplicationManager(replication.ReplicationManager):
def __init__(self, realm, hostname, dirman_passwd, port=PORT, starttls=True):
super(CSReplicationManager, self).__init__(realm, hostname, dirman_passwd, port, starttls)
self.suffix = 'o=ipaca'
self.hostnames = [] # set before calling or agreement_dn() will fail
def agreement_dn(self, hostname, master=None):
Construct a dogtag replication agreement name. This needs to be much
more agressive than the IPA replication agreements because the name
is different on each side.
hostname is the local hostname, not the remote one, for both sides
NOTE: The agreement number is hardcoded in dogtag as well
TODO: configurable instance name
dn = None
cn = None
instance_name = 'pki-ca'
# if master is not None we know what dn to return:
if master is not None:
if master is True:
name = "master"
name = "clone"
cn="%sAgreement1-%s-%s" % (name, hostname, instance_name)
dn = str(DN("cn=%s, %s" % (cn, self.replica_dn())))
return (cn, dn)
for host in self.hostnames:
for master in ["master", "clone"]:
cn="%sAgreement1-%s-%s" % (master, host, instance_name)
dn = "cn=%s, %s" % (cn, self.replica_dn())
self.conn.getEntry(dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE)
return (cn, dn)
except errors.NotFound:
dn = None
cn = None
raise errors.NotFound(reason='No agreement found for %s' % hostname)
def delete_referral(self, hostname):
esc1_suffix = self.suffix.replace('=', '\\3D').replace(',', '\\2C')
esc2_suffix = self.suffix.replace('=', '%3D').replace(',', '%2C')
dn = 'cn=%s,cn=mapping tree,cn=config' % esc1_suffix
# TODO: should we detect proto/port somehow ?
mod = [(ldap.MOD_DELETE, 'nsslapd-referral',
'ldap://%s/%s' % (ipautil.format_netloc(hostname, PORT), esc2_suffix))]
self.conn.modify_s(dn, mod)
except Exception, e:
root_logger.debug("Failed to remove referral value: %s" % convert_error(e))
def parse_options():
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(version=version.VERSION)
parser.add_option("-H", "--host", dest="host", help="starting host")
parser.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="dirman_passwd", help="Directory Manager password")
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", default=False,
help="provide additional information")
parser.add_option("-f", "--force", dest="force", action="store_true", default=False,
help="ignore some types of errors")
parser.add_option("--from", dest="fromhost", help="Host to get data from")
options, args = parser.parse_args()
valid_syntax = False
if len(args):
n = len(args) - 1
k = commands.keys()
for cmd in k:
if cmd == args[0]:
v = commands[cmd]
err = None
if n < v[0]:
err = v[3]
elif n > v[1]:
err = "too many arguments"
valid_syntax = True
if err:
parser.error("Invalid syntax: %s\nUsage: %s [options] %s" % (err, cmd, v[2]))
if not valid_syntax:
cmdstr = " | ".join(commands.keys())
parser.error("must provide a command [%s]" % cmdstr)
return options, args
def list_replicas(realm, host, replica, dirman_passwd, verbose):
peers = {}
# connect to main IPA LDAP server
conn = ipaldap.IPAdmin(host, 636, cacert=CACERT)
dn = str(DN('cn=masters,cn=ipa,cn=etc,%s' % util.realm_to_suffix(realm)))
entries = conn.search_s(dn, ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL)
for ent in entries:
cadn = DN(('cn', 'CA'), DN(ent.dn))
entry = conn.getEntry(str(cadn), ldap.SCOPE_BASE)
peers[ent.cn] = ['master', '']
except errors.NotFound:
peers[ent.cn] = ['CA not configured', '']
except Exception, e:
sys.exit("Failed to get data from '%s': %s" % (host, convert_error(e)))
if not replica:
for k, p in peers.iteritems():
print '%s: %s' % (k, p[0])
repl = CSReplicationManager(realm, replica, dirman_passwd, PORT, True)
entries = repl.find_replication_agreements()
for entry in entries:
print '%s' % entry.nsds5replicahost
if verbose:
print " last init status: %s" % entry.nsds5replicalastinitstatus
print " last init ended: %s" % str(ipautil.parse_generalized_time(entry.nsds5replicalastinitend))
print " last update status: %s" % entry.nsds5replicalastupdatestatus
print " last update ended: %s" % str(ipautil.parse_generalized_time(entry.nsds5replicalastupdateend))
def del_link(realm, replica1, replica2, dirman_passwd, force=False):
repl2 = None
repl1 = CSReplicationManager(realm, replica1, dirman_passwd, PORT, True)
repl1.hostnames = [replica1, replica2]
type1 = repl1.get_agreement_type(replica2)
repl_list = repl1.find_ipa_replication_agreements()
if not force and len(repl_list) <= 1:
print "Cannot remove the last replication link of '%s'" % replica1
print "Please use the 'del' command to remove it from the domain"
except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
sys.exit("'%s' has no replication agreement for '%s'" % (replica1, replica2))
except errors.NotFound:
sys.exit("'%s' has no replication agreement for '%s'" % (replica1, replica2))
except ldap.SERVER_DOWN, e:
sys.exit("Unable to connect to %s: %s" % (ipautil.format_netloc(replica1, PORT), convert_error(e)))
except Exception, e:
sys.exit("Failed to get data from '%s': %s" % (replica1, convert_error(e)))
repl2 = CSReplicationManager(realm, replica2, dirman_passwd, PORT, True)
repl2.hostnames = [replica1, replica2]
repl_list = repl1.find_ipa_replication_agreements()
if not force and len(repl_list) <= 1:
print "Cannot remove the last replication link of '%s'" % replica2
print "Please use the 'del' command to remove it from the domain"
except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
print "'%s' has no replication agreement for '%s'" % (replica2, replica1)
if not force:
except errors.NotFound:
print "'%s' has no replication agreement for '%s'" % (replica2, replica1)
if not force:
except Exception, e:
print "Failed to get data from '%s': %s" % (replica2, convert_error(e))
if not force:
if repl2:
failed = False
except Exception, e:
print "Unable to remove agreement on %s: %s" % (replica2, convert_error(e))
failed = True
if failed:
if force:
print "Forcing removal on '%s'" % replica1
if not repl2 and force:
print "Forcing removal on '%s'" % replica1
def del_master(realm, hostname, options):
force_del = False
delrepl = None
# 1. Connect to the dogtag DS to be removed.
delrepl = CSReplicationManager(realm, hostname, options.dirman_passwd)
except Exception, e:
if not options.force:
print "Unable to delete replica %s: %s" % (hostname, convert_error(e))
print "Unable to connect to replica %s, forcing removal" % hostname
force_del = True
# 2. Connect to the local dogtag DS server
thisrepl = CSReplicationManager(realm, options.host,
except Exception, e:
sys.exit("Failed to connect to server %s: %s" % (options.host, convert_error(e)))
# 2. Get list of agreements.
if delrepl is None:
# server not up, just remove it from this server
replica_names = [options.host]
replica_names = delrepl.find_ipa_replication_agreements()
# 3. Remove each agreement
for r in replica_names:
del_link(realm, r, hostname, options.dirman_passwd, force=True)
except Exception, e:
sys.exit("There were issues removing a connection: %s" % convert_error(e))
def add_link(realm, replica1, replica2, dirman_passwd, options):
conn = ipaldap.IPAdmin(replica2, 636, cacert=CACERT)
dn = str(DN('cn=CA,cn=%s,cn=masters,cn=ipa,cn=etc,%s' % (replica2, util.realm_to_suffix(realm))))
conn.search_s(dn, ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL)
except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
sys.exit('%s does not have a CA configured.' % replica2)
except ldap.SERVER_DOWN, e:
sys.exit("Unable to connect to %s: %s" % (ipautil.format_netloc(replica2, 636), convert_error(e)))
except Exception, e:
sys.exit("Failed to get data from '%s': %s" % (replica1, convert_error(e)))
repl1 = CSReplicationManager(realm, replica1, dirman_passwd, PORT, True)
entries = repl1.find_replication_agreements()
for e in entries:
if replica1 in e.dn or replica2 in e.dn:
sys.exit('This replication agreement already exists.')
repl1.hostnames = [replica1, replica2]
except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
sys.exit("Cannot find replica '%s'" % replica1)
except ldap.SERVER_DOWN, e:
sys.exit("Unable to connect to %s %s" % (ipautil.format_netloc(replica1, PORT), convert_error(e)))
except Exception, e:
sys.exit("Failed to get data from '%s': %s" % (replica1, convert_error(e)))
repl1.setup_replication(replica2, PORT, 0, "cn=Directory Manager", dirman_passwd, True)
print "Connected '%s' to '%s'" % (replica1, replica2)
def re_initialize(realm, options):
if not options.fromhost:
sys.exit("re-initialize requires the option --from <host name>")
repl = CSReplicationManager(realm, options.fromhost, options.dirman_passwd,
PORT, True)
thishost = installutils.get_fqdn()
filter = "(&(nsDS5ReplicaHost=%s)(|(objectclass=nsDSWindowsReplicationAgreement)(objectclass=nsds5ReplicationAgreement)))" % thishost
entry = repl.conn.search_s("cn=config", ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter)
if len(entry) == 0:
root_logger.error("Unable to find %s -> %s replication agreement" % (options.fromhost, thishost))
if len(entry) > 1:
root_logger.error("Found multiple agreements for %s. Only initializing the first one returned: %s" % (thishost, entry[0].dn))
repl.initialize_replication(entry[0].dn, repl.conn)
repl.wait_for_repl_init(repl.conn, entry[0].dn)
def force_sync(realm, thishost, fromhost, dirman_passwd):
repl = CSReplicationManager(realm, fromhost, dirman_passwd, PORT, True)
repl.force_sync(repl.conn, thishost)
except Exception, e:
def main():
options, args = parse_options()
# Just initialize the environment. This is so the installer can have
# access to the plugin environment
api_env = {'in_server' : True,
'verbose' : options.verbose,
if os.getegid() != 0:
api_env['log'] = None # turn off logging for non-root
dirman_passwd = None
realm = krbV.default_context().default_realm
if options.host:
host = options.host
host = installutils.get_fqdn()
options.host = host
if options.dirman_passwd:
dirman_passwd = options.dirman_passwd
dirman_passwd = installutils.read_password("Directory Manager", confirm=False,
validate=False, retry=False)
if dirman_passwd is None:
sys.exit("\nDirectory Manager password required")
options.dirman_passwd = dirman_passwd
if args[0] == "list":
replica = None
if len(args) == 2:
replica = args[1]
list_replicas(realm, host, replica, dirman_passwd, options.verbose)
elif args[0] == "del":
del_master(realm, args[1], options)
elif args[0] == "re-initialize":
re_initialize(realm, options)
elif args[0] == "force-sync":
if not options.fromhost:
sys.exit("force-sync requires the option --from <host name>")
force_sync(realm, host, options.fromhost, options.dirman_passwd)
elif args[0] == "connect":
if len(args) == 3:
replica1 = args[1]
replica2 = args[2]
elif len(args) == 2:
replica1 = host
replica2 = args[1]
add_link(realm, replica1, replica2, dirman_passwd, options)
elif args[0] == "disconnect":
if len(args) == 3:
replica1 = args[1]
replica2 = args[2]
elif len(args) == 2:
replica1 = host
replica2 = args[1]
del_link(realm, replica1, replica2, dirman_passwd)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except SystemExit, e:
sys.exit("Invalid password")
sys.exit("Insufficient access")
except ldap.LOCAL_ERROR, e:
except ldap.SERVER_DOWN, e:
sys.exit("%s" % convert_error(e))
except Exception, e:
sys.exit("unexpected error: %s" % convert_error(e))