mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:28 -06:00
We used to return a list of dns that failed to be added. We now return a list of tuples instead. The tuple looks like (dn, reason) where reason is the exception that was returned. Also made the label we use for failures to be singular instead of plural since we now print them out individually instead of as comma-separated. ticket 270
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406 lines
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# Authors:
# Rob Crittenden <rcritten@redhat.com>
# Pavel Zuna <pzuna@redhat.com>
# Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat
# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Test the `ipalib/plugins/netgroup.py` module.
import sys
import nose
import krbV
from xmlrpc_test import XMLRPC_test, assert_attr_equal, assert_is_member
from ipalib import api
from ipalib import errors
from ipaserver.plugins.ldap2 import ldap2
# Global so we can save the value between tests
netgroup_dn = None
# See if our LDAP server is up and we can talk to it over GSSAPI
ccache = krbV.default_context().default_ccache().name
def entry_in_failed(entry, failed):
entry is what we're looking for
failed is a tuple of tuples of the form (failure, exception)
for f in failed:
if entry == f[0]:
return True
return False
class test_netgroup(XMLRPC_test):
Test the `netgroup` plugin.
ng_cn = u'ng1'
ng_description = u'Netgroup'
ng_kw = {'cn': ng_cn, 'description': ng_description, 'nisdomainname': u'example.com', 'raw': True}
host_fqdn = u'ipatesthost.%s' % api.env.domain
host_description = u'Test host'
host_localityname = u'Undisclosed location'
host_kw = {'fqdn': host_fqdn, 'description': host_description, 'localityname': host_localityname, 'raw': True, 'force': True}
hg_cn = u'hg1'
hg_description = u'Netgroup'
hg_kw = {'cn': hg_cn, 'description': hg_description, 'raw': True}
user_uid = u'jexample'
user_givenname = u'Jim'
user_sn = u'Example'
user_home = u'/home/%s' % user_uid
user_kw = {'givenname': user_givenname,'sn': user_sn,'uid': user_uid,'homedirectory': user_home, 'raw': True}
# user2 is a member of testgroup
user2_uid = u'pexample'
user2_givenname = u'Pete'
user2_sn = u'Example'
user2_home = u'/home/%s' % user2_uid
user2_kw = {'givenname': user2_givenname,'sn': user2_sn,'uid': user2_uid,'homedirectory': user2_home, 'raw': True}
group_cn = u'testgroup'
group_description = u'This is a test'
group_kw = {'description': group_description,'cn': group_cn}
def test_1_netgroup_add(self):
Test the `xmlrpc.netgroup_add` method.
entry = api.Command['netgroup_add'](**self.ng_kw)['result']
assert_attr_equal(entry, 'description', self.ng_description)
assert_attr_equal(entry, 'cn', self.ng_cn)
def test_2_add_data(self):
Add the data needed to do additional testing.
# Add a host
entry = api.Command['host_add'](**self.host_kw)['result']
assert_attr_equal(entry, 'description', self.host_description)
assert_attr_equal(entry, 'fqdn', self.host_fqdn)
# Add a hostgroup
entry= api.Command['hostgroup_add'](**self.hg_kw)['result']
assert_attr_equal(entry, 'description', self.hg_description)
assert_attr_equal(entry, 'cn', self.hg_cn)
# Add a user
entry = api.Command['user_add'](**self.user_kw)['result']
assert_attr_equal(entry, 'givenname', self.user_givenname)
assert_attr_equal(entry, 'uid', self.user_uid)
# Add our second user
entry = api.Command['user_add'](**self.user2_kw)['result']
assert_attr_equal(entry, 'givenname', self.user2_givenname)
assert_attr_equal(entry, 'uid', self.user2_uid)
# Add a group
entry = api.Command['group_add'](**self.group_kw)['result']
assert_attr_equal(entry, 'description', self.group_description)
assert_attr_equal(entry, 'cn', self.group_cn)
# Add a user to the group
kw = {'raw': True}
kw['user'] = self.user2_uid
res = api.Command['group_add_member'](self.group_cn, **kw)
assert res['completed'] == 1
def test_3_netgroup_add_member(self):
Test the `xmlrpc.netgroup_add_member` method.
kw = {'raw': True}
kw['host'] = self.host_fqdn
entry = api.Command['netgroup_add_member'](self.ng_cn, **kw)['result']
assert_is_member(entry, 'fqdn=%s' % self.host_fqdn, 'memberhost')
kw = {'raw': True}
kw['hostgroup'] = self.hg_cn
ret = api.Command['netgroup_add_member'](self.ng_cn, **kw)
assert ret['completed'] == 1
assert_is_member(ret['result'], 'cn=%s' % self.hg_cn, 'memberhost')
kw = {'raw': True}
kw['user'] = self.user_uid
ret = api.Command['netgroup_add_member'](self.ng_cn, **kw)
assert ret['completed'] == 1
assert_is_member(ret['result'], 'uid=%s' % self.user_uid, 'memberuser')
kw = {'raw': True}
kw['group'] = self.group_cn
ret = api.Command['netgroup_add_member'](self.ng_cn, **kw)
assert ret['completed'] == 1
assert_is_member(ret['result'], 'cn=%s' % self.group_cn, 'memberuser')
def test_4_netgroup_add_member(self):
Test the `xmlrpc.netgroup_add_member` method again to test dupes.
kw = {'raw': True}
kw['host'] = self.host_fqdn
ret = api.Command['netgroup_add_member'](self.ng_cn, **kw)
assert ret['completed'] == 0
failed = ret['failed']
assert 'memberhost' in failed
assert 'host' in failed['memberhost']
assert entry_in_failed(self.host_fqdn, failed['memberhost']['host'])
kw = {'raw': True}
kw['hostgroup'] = self.hg_cn
ret = api.Command['netgroup_add_member'](self.ng_cn, **kw)
assert ret['completed'] == 0
failed = ret['failed']
assert 'memberhost' in failed
assert 'hostgroup' in failed['memberhost']
assert entry_in_failed(self.hg_cn, failed['memberhost']['hostgroup'])
kw = {'raw': True}
kw['user'] = self.user_uid
ret = api.Command['netgroup_add_member'](self.ng_cn, **kw)
assert ret['completed'] == 0
failed = ret['failed']
assert 'memberuser' in failed
assert 'user' in failed['memberuser']
assert entry_in_failed(self.user_uid, failed['memberuser']['user'])
kw = {'raw': True}
kw['group'] = self.group_cn
ret = api.Command['netgroup_add_member'](self.ng_cn, **kw)
assert ret['completed'] == 0
failed = ret['failed']
assert 'memberuser' in failed
assert 'group' in failed['memberuser']
assert entry_in_failed(self.group_cn, failed['memberuser']['group'])
def test_5_netgroup_add_member(self):
Test adding external hosts.
kw = {'raw': True}
kw['host'] = u'nosuchhost'
ret = api.Command['netgroup_add_member'](self.ng_cn, **kw)
assert ret['completed'] == 1, ret
entry = api.Command['netgroup_show'](self.ng_cn, all=True, raw=True)['result']
assert_is_member(entry, 'nosuchhost', 'externalhost')
def test_6_netgroup_show(self):
Test the `xmlrpc.netgroup_show` method with --all.
entry = api.Command['netgroup_show'](self.ng_cn, all=True, raw=True)['result']
assert_attr_equal(entry, 'description', self.ng_description)
assert_attr_equal(entry, 'cn', self.ng_cn)
assert_is_member(entry, 'fqdn=%s' % self.host_fqdn, 'memberhost')
assert_is_member(entry, 'cn=%s' % self.hg_cn, 'memberhost')
assert_is_member(entry, 'uid=%s' % self.user_uid, 'memberuser')
assert_is_member(entry, 'cn=%s' % self.group_cn, 'memberuser')
assert_attr_equal(entry, 'objectclass', 'ipaobject')
assert_attr_equal(entry, 'objectclass', 'ipanisnetgroup')
assert_attr_equal(entry, 'objectclass', 'ipaassociation')
def test_6a_netgroup_show(self):
Test the `xmlrpc.netgroup_show` method.
global netgroup_dn
entry = api.Command['netgroup_show'](self.ng_cn, all=False, raw=True)['result']
assert_attr_equal(entry, 'description', self.ng_description)
assert_attr_equal(entry, 'cn', self.ng_cn)
assert_is_member(entry, 'fqdn=%s' % self.host_fqdn, 'memberhost')
assert_is_member(entry, 'cn=%s' % self.hg_cn, 'memberhost')
assert_is_member(entry, 'uid=%s' % self.user_uid, 'memberuser')
assert_is_member(entry, 'cn=%s' % self.group_cn, 'memberuser')
netgroup_dn = entry['dn']
def test_6b_netgroup_show(self):
Confirm the underlying triples
# Do an LDAP query to the compat area and verify that the entry
# is correct
conn = ldap2(shared_instance=False, ldap_uri=api.env.ldap_uri, base_dn=api.env.basedn)
entries = conn.find_entries('cn=%s' % self.ng_cn,
base_dn='cn=ng,cn=compat,%s' % api.env.basedn)
except errors.NotFound:
raise nose.SkipTest('compat and nis are not enabled, skipping test')
triples = entries[0][0][1]['nisnetgrouptriple']
# This may not prove to be reliable since order is not guaranteed
# and even which user gets into which triple can be random.
assert '(nosuchhost,jexample,example.com)' in triples
assert '(ipatesthost.%s,pexample,example.com)' % api.env.domain in triples
def test_7_netgroup_find(self):
Test the `xmlrpc.netgroup_find` method.
result = api.Command.netgroup_find(self.ng_cn, raw=True)
entries = result['result']
assert(result['count'] == 1)
assert_attr_equal(entries[0], 'description', self.ng_description)
assert_attr_equal(entries[0], 'cn', self.ng_cn)
def test_8_netgroup_mod(self):
Test the `xmlrpc.netgroup_mod` method.
newdesc = u'Updated host group'
modkw = {'cn': self.ng_cn, 'description': newdesc, 'raw': True}
entry = api.Command['netgroup_mod'](**modkw)['result']
assert_attr_equal(entry, 'description', newdesc)
# Ok, double-check that it was changed
entry = api.Command['netgroup_show'](self.ng_cn, raw=True)['result']
assert_attr_equal(entry, 'description', newdesc)
assert_attr_equal(entry, 'cn', self.ng_cn)
def test_9_netgroup_remove_member(self):
Test the `xmlrpc.netgroup_remove_member` method.
kw = {'raw': True}
kw['host'] = self.host_fqdn
ret = api.Command['netgroup_remove_member'](self.ng_cn, **kw)
assert ret['completed'] == 1
kw = {'raw': True}
kw['hostgroup'] = self.hg_cn
ret = api.Command['netgroup_remove_member'](self.ng_cn, **kw)
assert ret['completed'] == 1
kw = {'raw': True}
kw['user'] = self.user_uid
ret = api.Command['netgroup_remove_member'](self.ng_cn, **kw)
assert ret['completed'] == 1
kw = {'raw': True}
kw['group'] = self.group_cn
ret = api.Command['netgroup_remove_member'](self.ng_cn, **kw)
assert ret['completed'] == 1
def test_a_netgroup_remove_member(self):
Test the `xmlrpc.netgroup_remove_member` method again to test not found.
kw = {'raw': True}
kw['host'] = self.host_fqdn
ret = api.Command['netgroup_remove_member'](self.ng_cn, **kw)
assert ret['completed'] == 0
failed = ret['failed']
assert 'memberhost' in failed
assert 'host' in failed['memberhost']
assert entry_in_failed(self.host_fqdn, failed['memberhost']['host'])
kw = {'raw': True}
kw['hostgroup'] = self.hg_cn
ret = api.Command['netgroup_remove_member'](self.ng_cn, **kw)
assert ret['completed'] == 0
failed = ret['failed']
assert 'memberhost' in failed
assert 'hostgroup' in failed['memberhost']
assert entry_in_failed(self.hg_cn, failed['memberhost']['hostgroup'])
kw = {'raw': True}
kw['user'] = self.user_uid
api.Command['netgroup_show'](self.ng_cn, all=True)
ret = api.Command['netgroup_remove_member'](self.ng_cn, **kw)
assert ret['completed'] == 0
failed = ret['failed']
assert 'memberuser' in failed
assert 'user' in failed['memberuser']
assert entry_in_failed(self.user_uid, failed['memberuser']['user'])
kw = {'raw': True}
kw['group'] = self.group_cn
ret = api.Command['netgroup_remove_member'](self.ng_cn, **kw)
assert ret['completed'] == 0
failed = ret['failed']
assert 'memberuser' in failed
assert 'group' in failed['memberuser']
assert entry_in_failed(self.group_cn, failed['memberuser']['group'])
def test_b_netgroup_del(self):
Test the `xmlrpc.netgroup_del` method.
assert api.Command['netgroup_del'](self.ng_cn)['result'] is True
# Verify that it is gone
except errors.NotFound:
assert False
def test_c_del_data(self):
Remove the test data we added.
# Remove the host
assert api.Command['host_del'](self.host_fqdn)['result'] is True
# Verify that it is gone
except errors.NotFound:
assert False
# Remove the hostgroup
assert api.Command['hostgroup_del'](self.hg_cn)['result'] is True
# Verify that it is gone
except errors.NotFound:
assert False
# Remove the users
assert api.Command['user_del'](self.user_uid)['result'] is True
assert api.Command['user_del'](self.user2_uid)['result'] is True
# Verify that it is gone
except errors.NotFound:
assert False
# Remove the group
assert api.Command['group_del'](self.group_cn)['result'] is True
# Verify that it is gone
except errors.NotFound:
assert False