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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:28 -06:00
Web UI tests were marked as tier1 tests. The tier system is intended to be used together with CI system to make sure the more complicated tests are being run only when all of the basic functionality is working. The system is using pytest's marker system. E.g. an invocation of all tier1 tests with listing will look like: $ py.test -v -m tier1 ipatests or in case of out of tree tests: $ ipa-run-tests -m tier1 Reviewed-By: Ales 'alich' Marecek <amarecek@redhat.com>
376 lines
11 KiB
376 lines
11 KiB
# Authors:
# Jason Gerard DeRose <jderose@redhat.com>
# Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat
# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Test the `ipalib.base` module.
import six
import pytest
from ipatests.util import ClassChecker, raises
from ipalib.constants import NAME_REGEX, NAME_ERROR
from ipalib.constants import TYPE_ERROR, SET_ERROR, DEL_ERROR, OVERRIDE_ERROR
from ipalib import base
if six.PY3:
unicode = str
pytestmark = pytest.mark.tier0
class test_ReadOnly(ClassChecker):
Test the `ipalib.base.ReadOnly` class
_cls = base.ReadOnly
def test_lock(self):
Test the `ipalib.base.ReadOnly.__lock__` method.
o = self.cls()
assert o._ReadOnly__locked is False
assert o._ReadOnly__locked is True
e = raises(AssertionError, o.__lock__) # Can only be locked once
assert str(e) == '__lock__() can only be called once'
assert o._ReadOnly__locked is True # This should still be True
def test_islocked(self):
Test the `ipalib.base.ReadOnly.__islocked__` method.
o = self.cls()
assert o.__islocked__() is False
assert o.__islocked__() is True
def test_setattr(self):
Test the `ipalib.base.ReadOnly.__setattr__` method.
o = self.cls()
o.attr1 = 'Hello, world!'
assert o.attr1 == 'Hello, world!'
for name in ('attr1', 'attr2'):
e = raises(AttributeError, setattr, o, name, 'whatever')
assert str(e) == SET_ERROR % ('ReadOnly', name, 'whatever')
assert o.attr1 == 'Hello, world!'
def test_delattr(self):
Test the `ipalib.base.ReadOnly.__delattr__` method.
o = self.cls()
o.attr1 = 'Hello, world!'
o.attr2 = 'How are you?'
assert o.attr1 == 'Hello, world!'
assert o.attr2 == 'How are you?'
del o.attr1
assert not hasattr(o, 'attr1')
e = raises(AttributeError, delattr, o, 'attr2')
assert str(e) == DEL_ERROR % ('ReadOnly', 'attr2')
assert o.attr2 == 'How are you?'
def test_lock():
Test the `ipalib.base.lock` function
f = base.lock
# Test with ReadOnly instance:
o = base.ReadOnly()
assert o.__islocked__() is False
assert f(o) is o
assert o.__islocked__() is True
e = raises(AssertionError, f, o)
assert str(e) == 'already locked: %r' % o
# Test with another class implemented locking protocol:
class Lockable(object):
__locked = False
def __lock__(self):
self.__locked = True
def __islocked__(self):
return self.__locked
o = Lockable()
assert o.__islocked__() is False
assert f(o) is o
assert o.__islocked__() is True
e = raises(AssertionError, f, o)
assert str(e) == 'already locked: %r' % o
# Test with a class incorrectly implementing the locking protocol:
class Broken(object):
def __lock__(self):
def __islocked__(self):
return False
o = Broken()
e = raises(AssertionError, f, o)
assert str(e) == 'failed to lock: %r' % o
def test_islocked():
Test the `ipalib.base.islocked` function.
f = base.islocked
# Test with ReadOnly instance:
o = base.ReadOnly()
assert f(o) is False
assert f(o) is True
# Test with another class implemented locking protocol:
class Lockable(object):
__locked = False
def __lock__(self):
self.__locked = True
def __islocked__(self):
return self.__locked
o = Lockable()
assert f(o) is False
assert f(o) is True
# Test with a class incorrectly implementing the locking protocol:
class Broken(object):
__lock__ = False
def __islocked__(self):
return False
o = Broken()
e = raises(AssertionError, f, o)
assert str(e) == 'no __lock__() method: %r' % o
def test_check_name():
Test the `ipalib.base.check_name` function.
f = base.check_name
okay = [
nope = [
for name in okay:
assert name is f(name)
if six.PY2:
bad_type = unicode
bad_value = unicode(name)
bad_type = bytes
bad_value = name.encode('ascii')
e = raises(TypeError, f, bad_value)
assert str(e) == TYPE_ERROR % ('name', str, bad_value, bad_type)
for name in nope:
e = raises(ValueError, f, name)
assert str(e) == NAME_ERROR % (NAME_REGEX, name)
for name in okay:
e = raises(ValueError, f, name.upper())
assert str(e) == NAME_ERROR % (NAME_REGEX, name.upper())
def membername(i):
return 'member%03d' % i
class DummyMember(object):
def __init__(self, i):
self.i = i
self.name = self.__name__ = membername(i)
def gen_members(*indexes):
return tuple(DummyMember(i) for i in indexes)
class test_NameSpace(ClassChecker):
Test the `ipalib.base.NameSpace` class.
_cls = base.NameSpace
def new(self, count, sort=True):
members = tuple(DummyMember(i) for i in range(count, 0, -1))
assert len(members) == count
o = self.cls(members, sort=sort)
return (o, members)
def test_init(self):
Test the `ipalib.base.NameSpace.__init__` method.
o = self.cls([])
assert len(o) == 0
assert list(o) == []
assert list(o()) == []
# Test members as attribute and item:
for cnt in (3, 42):
for sort in (True, False):
(o, members) = self.new(cnt, sort=sort)
assert len(members) == cnt
for m in members:
assert getattr(o, m.name) is m
assert o[m.name] is m
# Test that TypeError is raised if sort is not a bool:
e = raises(TypeError, self.cls, [], sort=None)
assert str(e) == TYPE_ERROR % ('sort', bool, None, type(None))
# Test that AttributeError is raised with duplicate member name:
members = gen_members(0, 1, 2, 1, 3)
e = raises(AttributeError, self.cls, members)
assert str(e) == OVERRIDE_ERROR % (
'NameSpace', membername(1), members[1], members[3]
def test_len(self):
Test the `ipalib.base.NameSpace.__len__` method.
for count in (5, 18, 127):
(o, members) = self.new(count)
assert len(o) == count
(o, members) = self.new(count, sort=False)
assert len(o) == count
def test_iter(self):
Test the `ipalib.base.NameSpace.__iter__` method.
(o, members) = self.new(25)
assert list(o) == sorted(m.name for m in members)
(o, members) = self.new(25, sort=False)
assert list(o) == list(m.name for m in members)
def test_call(self):
Test the `ipalib.base.NameSpace.__call__` method.
(o, members) = self.new(25)
assert list(o()) == sorted(members, key=lambda m: m.name)
(o, members) = self.new(25, sort=False)
assert tuple(o()) == members
def test_contains(self):
Test the `ipalib.base.NameSpace.__contains__` method.
yes = (99, 3, 777)
no = (9, 333, 77)
for sort in (True, False):
members = gen_members(*yes)
o = self.cls(members, sort=sort)
for i in yes:
assert membername(i) in o
assert membername(i).upper() not in o
assert DummyMember(i) in o
for i in no:
assert membername(i) not in o
assert DummyMember(i) not in o
def test_getitem(self):
Test the `ipalib.base.NameSpace.__getitem__` method.
cnt = 17
for sort in (True, False):
(o, members) = self.new(cnt, sort=sort)
assert len(members) == cnt
if sort is True:
members = tuple(sorted(members, key=lambda m: m.name))
# Test str keys:
for m in members:
assert o[m.name] is m
e = raises(KeyError, o.__getitem__, 'nope')
# Test int indexes:
for i in range(cnt):
assert o[i] is members[i]
e = raises(IndexError, o.__getitem__, cnt)
# Test negative int indexes:
for i in range(1, cnt + 1):
assert o[-i] is members[-i]
e = raises(IndexError, o.__getitem__, -(cnt + 1))
# Test slicing:
assert o[3:] == members[3:]
assert o[:10] == members[:10]
assert o[3:10] == members[3:10]
assert o[-9:] == members[-9:]
assert o[:-4] == members[:-4]
assert o[-9:-4] == members[-9:-4]
# Test retrieval by value
for member in members:
assert o[DummyMember(member.i)] is member
# Test that TypeError is raised with wrong type
e = raises(TypeError, o.__getitem__, 3.0)
assert str(e) == TYPE_ERROR % (
'key', (str, int, slice, 'object with __name__'),
3.0, float)
def test_repr(self):
Test the `ipalib.base.NameSpace.__repr__` method.
for cnt in (0, 1, 2):
for sort in (True, False):
(o, members) = self.new(cnt, sort=sort)
if cnt == 1:
assert repr(o) == \
'NameSpace(<%d member>, sort=%r)' % (cnt, sort)
assert repr(o) == \
'NameSpace(<%d members>, sort=%r)' % (cnt, sort)
def test_todict(self):
Test the `ipalib.base.NameSpace.__todict__` method.
for cnt in (3, 101):
for sort in (True, False):
(o, members) = self.new(cnt, sort=sort)
d = o.__todict__()
assert d == dict((m.name, m) for m in members)
# Test that a copy is returned:
assert o.__todict__() is not d