Petr Viktorin 61c4ecccc1 Run pylint on tests
Drop support for pylint < 1.0

Enable ignoring unknown attributes on modules (both nose and pytest
use advanced techniques, support for which only made it to pylint

Fix some bugs revealed by pylint

Do minor refactoring or add pylint:disable directives where the
linter complains.

Reviewed-By: Tomas Babej <>
2015-01-14 11:40:28 +01:00

379 lines
13 KiB

# Authors:
# Jason Gerard DeRose <>
# Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat
# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
Test the `ipalib.errors` module.
# FIXME: Pylint errors
# pylint: disable=no-member
import re
import inspect
from ipatests.util import assert_equal, raises
from ipalib import errors, text
from ipaplatform.paths import paths
from ipalib.constants import TYPE_ERROR
class PrivateExceptionTester(object):
_klass = None
__klass = None
def __get_klass(self):
if self.__klass is None:
self.__klass = self._klass
assert issubclass(self.__klass, StandardError)
assert issubclass(self.__klass, errors.PrivateError)
assert not issubclass(self.__klass, errors.PublicError)
return self.__klass
klass = property(__get_klass)
def new(self, **kw):
for (key, value) in kw.iteritems():
assert not hasattr(self.klass, key), key
inst = self.klass(**kw)
assert isinstance(inst, StandardError)
assert isinstance(inst, errors.PrivateError)
assert isinstance(inst, self.klass)
assert not isinstance(inst, errors.PublicError)
for (key, value) in kw.iteritems():
assert getattr(inst, key) is value
assert str(inst) == self.klass.format % kw
assert inst.message == str(inst)
return inst
class test_PrivateError(PrivateExceptionTester):
Test the `ipalib.errors.PrivateError` exception.
_klass = errors.PrivateError
def test_init(self):
Test the `ipalib.errors.PrivateError.__init__` method.
inst = self.klass(key1='Value 1', key2='Value 2')
assert inst.key1 == 'Value 1'
assert inst.key2 == 'Value 2'
assert str(inst) == ''
# Test subclass and use of format:
class subclass(self.klass):
format = '%(true)r %(text)r %(number)r'
kw = dict(true=True, text='Hello!', number=18)
inst = subclass(**kw)
assert inst.true is True
assert inst.text is kw['text']
assert inst.number is kw['number']
assert str(inst) == subclass.format % kw
# Test via
inst =**kw)
assert isinstance(inst, self.klass)
assert inst.true is True
assert inst.text is kw['text']
assert inst.number is kw['number']
class test_SubprocessError(PrivateExceptionTester):
Test the `ipalib.errors.SubprocessError` exception.
_klass = errors.SubprocessError
def test_init(self):
Test the `ipalib.errors.SubprocessError.__init__` method.
inst =, argv=(paths.BIN_FALSE,))
assert inst.returncode == 1
assert inst.argv == (paths.BIN_FALSE,)
assert str(inst) == "return code 1 from ('/bin/false',)"
assert inst.message == str(inst)
class test_PluginSubclassError(PrivateExceptionTester):
Test the `ipalib.errors.PluginSubclassError` exception.
_klass = errors.PluginSubclassError
def test_init(self):
Test the `ipalib.errors.PluginSubclassError.__init__` method.
inst ='bad', bases=('base1', 'base2'))
assert inst.plugin == 'bad'
assert inst.bases == ('base1', 'base2')
assert str(inst) == \
"'bad' not subclass of any base in ('base1', 'base2')"
assert inst.message == str(inst)
class test_PluginDuplicateError(PrivateExceptionTester):
Test the `ipalib.errors.PluginDuplicateError` exception.
_klass = errors.PluginDuplicateError
def test_init(self):
Test the `ipalib.errors.PluginDuplicateError.__init__` method.
inst ='my_plugin')
assert inst.plugin == 'my_plugin'
assert str(inst) == "'my_plugin' was already registered"
assert inst.message == str(inst)
class test_PluginOverrideError(PrivateExceptionTester):
Test the `ipalib.errors.PluginOverrideError` exception.
_klass = errors.PluginOverrideError
def test_init(self):
Test the `ipalib.errors.PluginOverrideError.__init__` method.
inst ='Base', name='cmd', plugin='my_cmd')
assert inst.base == 'Base'
assert == 'cmd'
assert inst.plugin == 'my_cmd'
assert str(inst) == "unexpected override of Base.cmd with 'my_cmd'"
assert inst.message == str(inst)
class test_PluginMissingOverrideError(PrivateExceptionTester):
Test the `ipalib.errors.PluginMissingOverrideError` exception.
_klass = errors.PluginMissingOverrideError
def test_init(self):
Test the `ipalib.errors.PluginMissingOverrideError.__init__` method.
inst ='Base', name='cmd', plugin='my_cmd')
assert inst.base == 'Base'
assert == 'cmd'
assert inst.plugin == 'my_cmd'
assert str(inst) == "Base.cmd not registered, cannot override with 'my_cmd'"
assert inst.message == str(inst)
# Unit tests for public errors:
class PublicExceptionTester(object):
_klass = None
__klass = None
def __get_klass(self):
if self.__klass is None:
self.__klass = self._klass
assert issubclass(self.__klass, StandardError)
assert issubclass(self.__klass, errors.PublicError)
assert not issubclass(self.__klass, errors.PrivateError)
assert type(self.__klass.errno) is int
assert 900 <= self.__klass.errno <= 5999
return self.__klass
klass = property(__get_klass)
def new(self, format=None, message=None, **kw):
# Test that TypeError is raised if message isn't unicode:
e = raises(TypeError, self.klass, message='The message')
assert str(e) == TYPE_ERROR % ('message', unicode, 'The message', str)
# Test the instance:
for (key, value) in kw.iteritems():
assert not hasattr(self.klass, key), key
inst = self.klass(format=format, message=message, **kw)
for required_class in self.required_classes:
assert isinstance(inst, required_class)
assert isinstance(inst, self.klass)
assert not isinstance(inst, errors.PrivateError)
for (key, value) in kw.iteritems():
assert getattr(inst, key) is value
return inst
class test_PublicError(PublicExceptionTester):
Test the `ipalib.errors.PublicError` exception.
_klass = errors.PublicError
required_classes = StandardError, errors.PublicError
def test_init(self):
message = u'The translated, interpolated message'
format = 'key=%(key1)r and key2=%(key2)r'
uformat = u'Translated key=%(key1)r and key2=%(key2)r'
val1 = 'Value 1'
val2 = 'Value 2'
kw = dict(key1=val1, key2=val2)
# Test with format=str, message=None
inst = self.klass(format, **kw)
assert inst.format is format
assert_equal(inst.message, format % kw)
assert inst.forwarded is False
assert inst.key1 is val1
assert inst.key2 is val2
# Test with format=None, message=unicode
inst = self.klass(message=message, **kw)
assert inst.format is None
assert inst.message is message
assert inst.strerror is message
assert inst.forwarded is True
assert inst.key1 is val1
assert inst.key2 is val2
# Test with format=None, message=str
e = raises(TypeError, self.klass, message='the message', **kw)
assert str(e) == TYPE_ERROR % ('message', unicode, 'the message', str)
# Test with format=None, message=None
e = raises(ValueError, self.klass, **kw)
assert (str(e) == '%s.format is None yet format=None, message=None' %
# Test via
# Test with format=str, message=None
inst =, **kw)
assert isinstance(inst, self.klass)
assert inst.format is format
assert_equal(inst.message, format % kw)
assert inst.forwarded is False
assert inst.key1 is val1
assert inst.key2 is val2
# Test with format=None, message=unicode
inst =, **kw)
assert isinstance(inst, self.klass)
assert inst.format is None
assert inst.message is message
assert inst.strerror is message
assert inst.forwarded is True
assert inst.key1 is val1
assert inst.key2 is val2
# Test a subclass:
class subclass(self.klass):
format = '%(true)r %(text)r %(number)r'
uformat = u'Translated %(true)r %(text)r %(number)r'
kw = dict(true=True, text='Hello!', number=18)
# Test with format=str, message=None
e = raises(ValueError, subclass, format, **kw)
assert str(e) == 'non-generic %r needs format=None; got format=%r' % (
'subclass', format)
# Test with format=None, message=None:
inst = subclass(**kw)
assert inst.format is subclass.format
assert_equal(inst.message, subclass.format % kw)
assert inst.forwarded is False
assert inst.true is True
assert inst.text is kw['text']
assert inst.number is kw['number']
# Test with format=None, message=unicode:
inst = subclass(message=message, **kw)
assert inst.format is subclass.format
assert inst.message is message
assert inst.strerror is message
assert inst.forwarded is True
assert inst.true is True
assert inst.text is kw['text']
assert inst.number is kw['number']
# Test with instructions:
# first build up "instructions", then get error and search for
# lines of instructions appended to the end of the strerror
# despite the parameter 'instructions' not existing in the format
instructions = u"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog".split()
# this expression checks if each word of instructions
# exists in a string as a separate line, with right order
regexp = re.compile('(?ims).*' +
''.join(map(lambda x: '(%s).*' % (x),
instructions)) +
inst = subclass(instructions=instructions, **kw)
assert inst.format is subclass.format
assert_equal(inst.instructions, instructions)
inst_match = regexp.match(inst.strerror).groups()
class BaseMessagesTest(object):
"""Generic test for all of a module's errors or messages
def test_public_messages(self):
i = 0
for klass in self.message_list:
for required_class in self.required_classes:
assert issubclass(klass, required_class)
assert type(klass.errno) is int
assert klass.errno in self.errno_range
doc = inspect.getdoc(klass)
assert doc is not None, 'need class docstring for %s' % klass.__name__
m = re.match(r'^\*{2}(\d+)\*{2} ', doc)
assert m is not None, "need '**ERRNO**' in %s docstring" % klass.__name__
errno = int(
assert errno == klass.errno, (
'docstring=%r but errno=%r in %s' % (errno, klass.errno, klass.__name__)
# Test format
if klass.format is not None:
assert klass.format is self.texts[i]
i += 1
def extratest(self, cls):
class test_PublicErrors(object):
message_list = errors.public_errors
errno_range = xrange(900, 5999)
required_classes = (StandardError, errors.PublicError)
texts = errors._texts
def extratest(self, cls):
assert not issubclass(cls, errors.PrivateError)