mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:28 -06:00
when system hardning done i.e in case of STIG, sometimes http challanges can't be validated by CA if port 80 is not open. This fix enable it to facilitate the communication. Signed-off-by: Mohammad Rizwan <myusuf@redhat.com> Reviewed-By: Rob Crittenden <rcritten@redhat.com> Reviewed-By: Florence Blanc-Renaud <frenaud@redhat.com>
1016 lines
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1016 lines
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# Copyright (C) 2020 FreeIPA Contributors see COPYING for license
import time
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography import x509
import pytest
from ipalib.constants import IPA_CA_RECORD
from ipatests.test_integration.base import IntegrationTest
from ipatests.pytest_ipa.integration.firewall import Firewall
from ipatests.pytest_ipa.integration import tasks
from ipatests.test_integration.test_caless import CALessBase, ipa_certs_cleanup
from ipatests.test_integration.test_random_serial_numbers import (
from ipaplatform.osinfo import osinfo
from ipaplatform.paths import paths
from ipatests.test_integration.test_external_ca import (
IPA_CA = "ipa_ca.crt"
ROOT_CA = "root_ca.crt"
# RHEL does not have certbot. EPEL's version is broken with
# python-cryptography-2.3; likewise recent PyPI releases.
# So for now, on RHEL we suppress tests that use certbot.
skip_certbot_tests = osinfo.id not in ['fedora', 'rhel']
# Fedora mod_md package needs some patches before it will work.
# RHEL version has the patches.
skip_mod_md_tests = osinfo.id not in ['rhel', 'fedora', ]
CERTBOT_DNS_IPA_SCRIPT = '/usr/libexec/ipa/acme/certbot-dns-ipa'
def check_acme_status(host, exp_status, timeout=60):
"""Helper method to check the status of acme server"""
for _i in range(0, timeout, 5):
result = host.run_command(['ipa-acme-manage', 'status'])
status = result.stdout_text.split(" ")[2].strip()
print("ACME status: %s" % status)
if status == exp_status:
raise RuntimeError("request timed out")
return status
def get_selinux_status(host):
Return the SELinux enforcing status.
Return True if enabled and enforcing, otherwise False
result = host.run_command(['/usr/sbin/selinuxenabled'], raiseonerr=False)
if result.returncode != 0:
return False
result = host.run_command(['/usr/sbin/getenforce'], raiseonerr=False)
if 'Enforcing' in result.stdout_text:
return True
return False
def server_install_teardown(func):
def wrapped(*args):
master = args[0].master
return wrapped
def prepare_acme_client(master, client):
# cache the acme service uri
acme_host = f'{IPA_CA_RECORD}.{master.domain.name}'
acme_server = f'https://{acme_host}/acme/directory'
# enable firewall rule on client
Firewall(client).enable_services(["http", "https"])
# install acme client packages
if not skip_certbot_tests:
tasks.install_packages(client, ['certbot'])
if not skip_mod_md_tests:
tasks.install_packages(client, ['mod_md'])
return acme_server
def certbot_register(host, acme_server):
"""method to register the host to acme server"""
# clean up any existing registration and certificates
'rm', '-rf',
# service is enabled; registration should succeed
'--server', acme_server,
'-m', 'nobody@example.test',
def certbot_standalone_cert(host, acme_server, no_of_cert=1):
"""method to issue a certbot's certonly standalone cert"""
# Get a cert from ACME service using HTTP challenge and Certbot's
# standalone HTTP server mode
host.run_command(['systemctl', 'stop', 'httpd'])
for _i in range(0, no_of_cert):
'--server', acme_server,
'--domain', host.hostname,
'--key-type', 'rsa',
class TestACME(CALessBase):
Test the FreeIPA ACME service by using ACME clients on a FreeIPA client.
We currently test:
* service enable/disable (using Curl)
* http-01 challenge with Certbot's standalone HTTP server
* dns-01 challenge with Certbot and FreeIPA DNS via hook scripts
* revocation with Certbot
* http-01 challenge with mod_md
Tests we should add:
* dns-01 challenge with mod_md (see
Things that are not implmented/supported yet, but may be in future:
* IP address SAN
* tls-alpn-01 challenge
* Other clients or service scenarios
num_replicas = 1
num_clients = 1
def install(cls, mh):
super(TestACME, cls).install(mh)
# install packages before client install in case of IPA DNS problems
cls.acme_server = prepare_acme_client(cls.master, cls.clients[0])
# Each subclass handles its own server installation procedure
if cls.__name__ != 'TestACME':
tasks.install_master(cls.master, setup_dns=True)
tasks.install_client(cls.master, cls.clients[0])
tasks.install_replica(cls.master, cls.replicas[0])
def certinstall(self, certfile=None, keyfile=None,
"""Small wrapper around ipa-server-certinstall
We are always replacing only the web server with a fixed
pre-generated value and returning the result for the caller
to figure out.
self.create_pkcs12('ca1/server', password=None, filename='server.p12')
self.copy_cert(self.master, 'server.p12')
if pin is None:
pin = self.cert_password
args = ['ipa-server-certinstall',
'-p', self.master.config.dirman_password,
'--pin', pin,
if certfile: # implies keyfile
return self.master.run_command(args,
# kinit
def test_kinit_master(self):
# Some tests require executing ipa commands, e.g. to
# check revocation status or add/remove DNS entries.
# Preemptively kinit as admin on the master.
# Enable ACME service
def test_acme_service_not_yet_enabled(self):
# --fail makes curl exit code 22 when response status >= 400.
# ACME service should return 503 because it was not enabled yet.
['curl', '--fail', self.acme_server],
result = self.master.run_command(['ipa-acme-manage', 'status'])
assert 'disabled' in result.stdout_text
def test_enable_acme_service(self):
self.master.run_command(['ipa-acme-manage', 'enable'])
# wait a short time for Dogtag ACME service to observe config
# change and reconfigure itself to service requests
exc = None
for _i in range(5):
['curl', '--fail', self.acme_server])
except Exception as e:
exc = e
raise exc
def test_centralize_acme_enable(self):
"""Test if ACME enable on replica if enabled on master"""
status = check_acme_status(self.replicas[0], 'enabled')
assert status == 'enabled'
# Certbot tests
@pytest.mark.skipif(skip_certbot_tests, reason='certbot not available')
def test_certbot_register(self):
certbot_register(self.clients[0], self.acme_server)
@pytest.mark.skipif(skip_certbot_tests, reason='certbot not available')
def test_certbot_certonly_standalone(self):
certbot_standalone_cert(self.clients[0], self.acme_server)
@pytest.mark.skipif(skip_certbot_tests, reason='certbot not available')
def test_certbot_revoke(self):
# Assume previous certonly operation succeeded.
# Read certificate to learn serial number.
cert_path = \
data = self.clients[0].get_file_contents(cert_path)
cert = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(data, backend=default_backend())
# revoke cert via ACME
'--server', self.acme_server,
'--cert-name', self.clients[0].hostname,
# check cert is revoked (kinit already performed)
result = self.master.run_command(
['ipa', 'cert-show', str(cert.serial_number), '--raw']
assert 'revocation_reason:' in result.stdout_text
@pytest.mark.skipif(skip_certbot_tests, reason='certbot not available')
def test_certbot_dns(self):
# Assume previous revoke operation succeeded and cert was deleted.
# We can now request a new certificate.
# Get a cert from ACME service using dns-01 challenge and Certbot's
# standalone HTTP server mode
'--server', self.acme_server,
'--domain', self.clients[0].hostname,
'--preferred-challenges', 'dns',
'--manual-auth-hook', CERTBOT_DNS_IPA_SCRIPT,
'--manual-cleanup-hook', CERTBOT_DNS_IPA_SCRIPT,
'--key-type', 'rsa',
# mod_md tests
@pytest.mark.skipif(skip_mod_md_tests, reason='mod_md not available')
def test_mod_md(self):
if get_selinux_status(self.clients[0]):
# mod_md requires its own SELinux policy to grant perms to
# maintaining ACME registration and cert state.
raise pytest.skip("SELinux is enabled, this will fail")
# write config
self.clients[0].run_command(['mkdir', '-p', '/etc/httpd/conf.d'])
self.clients[0].run_command(['mkdir', '-p', '/etc/httpd/md'])
f'MDCertificateAuthority {self.acme_server}',
'MDCertificateAgreement accepted',
'MDStoreDir /etc/httpd/md',
f'MDomain {self.clients[0].hostname}',
'<VirtualHost *:443>',
f' ServerName {self.clients[0].hostname}',
' SSLEngine on',
# To check for successful cert issuance means knowing how mod_md
# stores certificates, or looking for specific log messages.
# If the thing we are inspecting changes, the test will break.
# So I prefer a conservative sleep.
self.clients[0].run_command(['systemctl', 'restart', 'httpd'])
# We expect mod_md has acquired the certificate by now.
# Perform a graceful restart to begin using the cert.
# (If mod_md ever learns to start using newly acquired
# certificates /without/ the second restart, then both
# of these sleeps can be replaced by "loop until good".)
self.clients[0].run_command(['systemctl', 'reload', 'httpd'])
# HTTPS request from server to client (should succeed)
['curl', f'https://{self.clients[0].hostname}'])
# clean-up
self.clients[0].run_command(['rm', '-rf', '/etc/httpd/md'])
self.clients[0].run_command(['rm', '-f', '/etc/httpd/conf.d/md.conf'])
# Disable ACME service
def test_disable_acme_service(self):
Disable ACME service again, and observe that it no longer services
self.master.run_command(['ipa-acme-manage', 'disable'])
# wait a short time for Dogtag ACME service to observe config
# change and reconfigure itself to no longer service requests
# should fail now
['curl', '--fail', self.acme_server],
def test_centralize_acme_disable(self):
"""Test if ACME disable on replica if disabled on master"""
status = check_acme_status(self.replicas[0], 'disabled')
assert status == 'disabled'
def test_acme_pruning_no_random_serial(self):
"""This ACME install is configured without random serial
numbers. Verify that we can't enable pruning on it.
This test is located here because by default installs
don't enable RSNv3.
if (tasks.get_pki_version(self.master)
< tasks.parse_version('11.3.0')):
raise pytest.skip("Certificate pruning is not available")
self.master.run_command(['ipa-acme-manage', 'enable'])
result = self.master.run_command(
['ipa-acme-manage', 'pruning', '--enable'],
assert result.returncode == 1
assert "requires random serial numbers" in result.stderr_text
def test_third_party_certs(self):
"""Require ipa-ca SAN on replacement web certificates"""
self.master.run_command(['ipa-acme-manage', 'enable'])
# Re-install the existing Apache certificate that has a SAN to
# verify that it will be accepted.
pin = self.master.get_file_contents(
result = self.certinstall(
assert result.returncode == 0
# Install using a 3rd party cert with a missing SAN for ipa-ca
# which should be rejected.
result = self.certinstall()
assert result.returncode == 1
self.master.run_command(['ipa-acme-manage', 'disable'])
# Install using a 3rd party cert with a missing SAN for ipa-ca
# which should be ok since ACME is disabled.
result = self.certinstall()
assert result.returncode == 0
# Enable ACME which should fail since the Apache cert lacks the SAN
result = self.master.run_command(['ipa-acme-manage', 'enable'],
assert result.returncode == 1
assert "invalid 'certificate'" in result.stderr_text
class TestACMECALess(IntegrationTest):
"""Test to check the CA less replica setup"""
num_replicas = 1
num_clients = 0
def test_setup_teardown(self):
tasks.install_master(self.master, setup_dns=True)
tasks.install_replica(self.master, self.replicas[0], setup_ca=False)
tasks.uninstall_replica(self.master, self.replicas[0])
def test_caless_to_cafull_replica(self, test_setup_teardown):
"""Test ACME is enabled on CA-less replica when converted to CA-full
Deployment where one server is deployed as CA-less, when converted
to CA full, should have ACME enabled by default.
related: https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/8524
# enable acme on master
self.master.run_command(['ipa-acme-manage', 'enable'])
# check status of acme server on master
status = check_acme_status(self.master, 'enabled')
assert status == 'enabled'
# check status of acme on replica, result: CA is not installed
result = self.replicas[0].run_command(['ipa-acme-manage', 'status'],
assert result.returncode == 3
# Install CA on replica
# check acme status, should be enabled now
status = check_acme_status(self.replicas[0], 'enabled')
assert status == 'enabled'
# disable acme on replica
self.replicas[0].run_command(['ipa-acme-manage', 'disable'])
# check acme status on master, should be disabled
status = check_acme_status(self.master, 'disabled')
assert status == 'disabled'
def test_enable_caless_to_cafull_replica(self, test_setup_teardown):
"""Test ACME with CA-less replica when converted to CA-full
Deployment have one ca-less replica and ACME is not enabled.
After converting ca-less replica to ca-full, ACME can be
enabled or disabled.
related: https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/8524
# check status of acme server on master
status = check_acme_status(self.master, 'disabled')
assert status == 'disabled'
# check status of acme on replica, result: CA is not installed
result = self.replicas[0].run_command(['ipa-acme-manage', 'status'],
assert result.returncode == 3
# Install CA on replica
# check acme status on replica, should not throw error
status = check_acme_status(self.replicas[0], 'disabled')
assert status == 'disabled'
# enable acme on replica
self.replicas[0].run_command(['ipa-acme-manage', 'enable'])
# check acme status on master
status = check_acme_status(self.master, 'enabled')
assert status == 'enabled'
# check acme status on replica
status = check_acme_status(self.replicas[0], 'enabled')
assert status == 'enabled'
# disable acme on master
self.master.run_command(['ipa-acme-manage', 'disable'])
# check acme status on replica, should be disabled
status = check_acme_status(self.replicas[0], 'disabled')
assert status == 'disabled'
class TestACMEwithExternalCA(TestACME):
"""Test the FreeIPA ACME service with external CA"""
num_replicas = 1
num_clients = 1
def install(cls, mh):
super(TestACMEwithExternalCA, cls).install(mh)
# install master with external-ca
result = install_server_external_ca_step1(cls.master)
assert result.returncode == 0
root_ca_fname, ipa_ca_fname = tasks.sign_ca_and_transport(
cls.master, paths.ROOT_IPA_CSR, ROOT_CA, IPA_CA
cls.master, ipa_ca_fname, root_ca_fname
tasks.install_client(cls.master, cls.clients[0])
tasks.install_replica(cls.master, cls.replicas[0])
def issue_and_expire_acme_cert():
"""Fixture to expire cert by moving date past expiry of acme cert"""
hosts = []
def _issue_and_expire_acme_cert(
master, client,
acme_server_url, no_of_cert=1
# enable the ACME service on master
master.run_command(['ipa-acme-manage', 'enable'])
# register the account with certbot
certbot_register(client, acme_server_url)
# request a standalone acme cert
certbot_standalone_cert(client, acme_server_url, no_of_cert)
# move system date to expire acme cert
for host in hosts:
tasks.move_date(host, 'stop', '+90days+60minutes')
# Note raiseonerr=False:
# the assert is located after kdcinfo retrieval.
# run kinit command repeatedly until sssd gets settle
# after date change
master, "KRB5_TRACE=/dev/stdout kinit admin",
# Retrieve kdc.$REALM after the password change, just in case SSSD
# domain status flipped to online during the password change.
yield _issue_and_expire_acme_cert
# move back date
for host in hosts:
tasks.move_date(host, 'start', '-90days-60minutes')
class TestACMERenew(IntegrationTest):
num_clients = 1
def install(cls, mh):
# install packages before client install in case of IPA DNS problems
cls.acme_server = prepare_acme_client(cls.master, cls.clients[0])
tasks.install_master(cls.master, setup_dns=True)
tasks.install_client(cls.master, cls.clients[0])
@pytest.mark.skipif(skip_certbot_tests, reason='certbot not available')
def test_renew(self, issue_and_expire_acme_cert):
"""Test if ACME renews the issued cert with cerbot
This test is to check if ACME certificate renews upon
reaching expiry
related: https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/4751
self.master, self.clients[0], self.acme_server)
data = self.clients[0].get_file_contents(
cert = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(data, backend=default_backend())
initial_expiry = cert.not_valid_after
self.clients[0].run_command(['certbot', 'renew'])
data = self.clients[0].get_file_contents(
cert = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(data, backend=default_backend())
renewed_expiry = cert.not_valid_after
assert initial_expiry != renewed_expiry
class TestACMEPrune(IntegrationTest):
"""Validate that ipa-acme-manage configures dogtag for pruning"""
random_serial = True
num_clients = 1
def install(cls, mh):
if not pki_supports_RSNv3(mh.master):
raise pytest.skip("RNSv3 not supported")
tasks.install_master(cls.master, setup_dns=True,
cls.acme_server = prepare_acme_client(cls.master, cls.clients[0])
tasks.install_client(cls.master, cls.clients[0])
def uninstall(cls, mh):
if not pki_supports_RSNv3(mh.master):
raise pytest.skip("RSNv3 not supported")
super(TestACMEPrune, cls).uninstall(mh)
def test_enable_pruning(self):
if (tasks.get_pki_version(self.master)
< tasks.parse_version('11.3.0')):
raise pytest.skip("Certificate pruning is not available")
cs_cfg = self.master.get_file_contents(paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH)
assert "jobsScheduler.job.pruning.enabled=false".encode() in cs_cfg
self.master.run_command(['ipa-acme-manage', 'pruning', '--enable'])
cs_cfg = self.master.get_file_contents(paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH)
assert "jobsScheduler.enabled=true".encode() in cs_cfg
assert "jobsScheduler.job.pruning.enabled=true".encode() in cs_cfg
assert "jobsScheduler.job.pruning.owner=ipara".encode() in cs_cfg
def test_pruning_options(self):
if (tasks.get_pki_version(self.master)
< tasks.parse_version('11.3.0')):
raise pytest.skip("Certificate pruning is not available")
['ipa-acme-manage', 'pruning',
cs_cfg = self.master.get_file_contents(paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH)
assert (
in cs_cfg
assert (
in cs_cfg
assert (
in cs_cfg
assert (
in cs_cfg
['ipa-acme-manage', 'pruning',
cs_cfg = self.master.get_file_contents(paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH)
assert (
in cs_cfg
assert (
in cs_cfg
assert (
in cs_cfg
assert (
in cs_cfg
['ipa-acme-manage', 'pruning',
'--cron=0 23 1 * *',]
cs_cfg = self.master.get_file_contents(paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH)
assert (
"jobsScheduler.job.pruning.cron=0 23 1 * *".encode()
in cs_cfg
def test_pruning_negative_options(self):
"""Negative option testing for things we directly cover"""
if (tasks.get_pki_version(self.master)
< tasks.parse_version('11.3.0')):
raise pytest.skip("Certificate pruning is not available")
result = self.master.run_command(
['ipa-acme-manage', 'pruning',
'--enable', '--disable'],
assert result.returncode == 2
assert "Cannot both enable and disable" in result.stderr_text
for cmd in ('--config-show', '--run'):
result = self.master.run_command(
['ipa-acme-manage', 'pruning',
cmd, '--enable'],
assert result.returncode == 2
assert "Cannot change and show config" in result.stderr_text
result = self.master.run_command(
['ipa-acme-manage', 'pruning',
'--cron=* *'],
assert result.returncode == 2
assert "Invalid format for --cron" in result.stderr_text
result = self.master.run_command(
['ipa-acme-manage', 'pruning',
'--cron=100 * * * *'],
assert result.returncode == 1
assert "100 not within the range 0-59" in result.stderr_text
result = self.master.run_command(
['ipa-acme-manage', 'pruning',
'--cron=10 1-5 * * *'],
assert result.returncode == 1
assert "1-5 ranges are not supported" in result.stderr_text
def test_prune_cert_manual(self, issue_and_expire_acme_cert):
"""Test to prune expired certificate by manual run"""
if (tasks.get_pki_version(self.master)
< tasks.parse_version('11.3.0')):
raise pytest.skip("Certificate pruning is not available")
self.master, self.clients[0], self.acme_server)
# check that the certificate issued for the client
result = self.master.run_command(
['ipa', 'cert-find', '--subject', self.clients[0].hostname]
assert f'CN={self.clients[0].hostname}' in result.stdout_text
# run prune command manually
self.master.run_command(['ipa-acme-manage', 'pruning', '--enable'])
self.master.run_command(['ipactl', 'restart'])
self.master.run_command(['ipa-acme-manage', 'pruning', '--run'])
# wait for cert to get prune
# check if client cert is removed
result = self.master.run_command(
['ipa', 'cert-find', '--subject', self.clients[0].hostname],
assert f'CN={self.clients[0].hostname}' not in result.stdout_text
def test_prune_cert_cron(self, issue_and_expire_acme_cert):
"""Test to prune expired certificate by cron job"""
if (tasks.get_pki_version(self.master)
< tasks.parse_version('11.3.0')):
raise pytest.skip("Certificate pruning is not available")
self.master, self.clients[0], self.acme_server)
# check that the certificate issued for the client
result = self.master.run_command(
['ipa', 'cert-find', '--subject', self.clients[0].hostname]
assert f'CN={self.clients[0].hostname}' in result.stdout_text
# enable pruning
self.master.run_command(['ipa-acme-manage', 'pruning', '--enable'])
# cron would be set to run the next minute
cron_minute = self.master.run_command(
"from datetime import datetime, timedelta; "
"print(int((datetime.now() + "
['ipa-acme-manage', 'pruning',
f'--cron={cron_minute} * * * *']
self.master.run_command(['ipactl', 'restart'])
# wait for 5 minutes to cron to execute and 20 sec for just in case
# check if client cert is removed
result = self.master.run_command(
['ipa', 'cert-find', '--subject', self.clients[0].hostname],
assert f'CN={self.clients[0].hostname}' not in result.stdout_text
def test_prune_cert_retention_unit(self, issue_and_expire_acme_cert):
"""Test to prune expired certificate with retention unit option"""
if (tasks.get_pki_version(self.master)
< tasks.parse_version('11.3.0')):
raise pytest.skip("Certificate pruning is not available")
self.master, self.clients[0], self.acme_server)
# check that the certificate issued for the client
result = self.master.run_command(
['ipa', 'cert-find', '--subject', self.clients[0].hostname]
assert f'CN={self.clients[0].hostname}' in result.stdout_text
# enable pruning
self.master.run_command(['ipa-acme-manage', 'pruning', '--enable'])
# certretention set to 5 min
['ipa-acme-manage', 'pruning',
'--certretention=5', '--certretentionunit=minute']
self.master.run_command(['ipactl', 'restart'])
# wait for 5 min and check if expired cert is removed
self.master.run_command(['ipa-acme-manage', 'pruning', '--run'])
result = self.master.run_command(
['ipa', 'cert-find', '--subject', self.clients[0].hostname],
assert f'CN={self.clients[0].hostname}' not in result.stdout_text
def test_prune_cert_search_size_limit(self, issue_and_expire_acme_cert):
"""Test to prune expired certificate with search size limit option"""
if (tasks.get_pki_version(self.master)
< tasks.parse_version('11.3.0')):
raise pytest.skip("Certificate pruning is not available")
no_of_cert = 10
search_size_limit = 5
self.master, self.clients[0], self.acme_server, no_of_cert)
# check that the certificate issued for the client
result = self.master.run_command(
['ipa', 'cert-find', '--subject', self.clients[0].hostname]
assert f'CN={self.clients[0].hostname}' in result.stdout_text
assert f'Number of entries returned {no_of_cert}'
# enable pruning
self.master.run_command(['ipa-acme-manage', 'pruning', '--enable'])
# certretention set to 5 min
['ipa-acme-manage', 'pruning',
self.master.run_command(['ipactl', 'restart'])
# prune the certificates
self.master.run_command(['ipa-acme-manage', 'pruning', '--run'])
# check if 5 expired cert is removed
result = self.master.run_command(
['ipa', 'cert-find', '--subject', self.clients[0].hostname]
assert f'Number of entries returned {no_of_cert - search_size_limit}'
def test_prune_config_show(self, issue_and_expire_acme_cert):
"""Test to check config-show command shows set param"""
if (tasks.get_pki_version(self.master)
< tasks.parse_version('11.3.0')):
raise pytest.skip("Certificate pruning is not available")
self.master.run_command(['ipa-acme-manage', 'pruning', '--enable'])
['ipa-acme-manage', 'pruning',
'--cron=0 0 1 * *']
['ipa-acme-manage', 'pruning',
'--certretention=30', '--certretentionunit=day']
['ipa-acme-manage', 'pruning',
'--certsearchsizelimit=1000', '--certsearchtimelimit=0']
['ipa-acme-manage', 'pruning',
'--requestretention=30', '--requestretentionunit=day']
['ipa-acme-manage', 'pruning',
'--requestsearchsizelimit=1000', '--requestsearchtimelimit=0']
result = self.master.run_command(
['ipa-acme-manage', 'pruning', '--config-show']
assert 'Status: enabled' in result.stdout_text
assert 'Certificate Retention Time: 30' in result.stdout_text
assert 'Certificate Retention Unit: day' in result.stdout_text
assert 'Certificate Search Size Limit: 1000' in result.stdout_text
assert 'Certificate Search Time Limit: 0' in result.stdout_text
assert 'Request Retention Time: 30' in result.stdout_text
assert 'Request Retention Unit: day' in result.stdout_text
assert 'Request Search Size Limit: 1000' in result.stdout_text
assert 'Request Search Time Limit: 0' in result.stdout_text
assert 'cron Schedule: 0 0 1 * *' in result.stdout_text
def test_prune_disable(self, issue_and_expire_acme_cert):
"""Test prune command throw error after disabling the pruning"""
if (tasks.get_pki_version(self.master)
< tasks.parse_version('11.3.0')):
raise pytest.skip("Certificate pruning is not available")
self.master.run_command(['ipa-acme-manage', 'pruning', '--disable'])
result = self.master.run_command(
['ipa-acme-manage', 'pruning',
'--cron=0 0 1 * *']
assert 'Status: disabled' in result.stdout_text